Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 55: Relics. Episodes in the night

Qiangyu District, market open space.

Dozens of hunters, including the sacred tower tower, walk straight in front of the tent and sit on the ground. The narrow tents, except the sacred tower tower and a limited number of people, can’t put so many people. The shackles in the anti-flat, all waiting for the specific news.

Before, the secret letter that Ted brought, they have all circulated; for this anticipated battle, these hunters have been prepared, and there are no accidents, even some hunters still grind Punching; however, even the impulsive demon hunter understands that the battle is not a temporary impulse and blood, but requires various preparations as a premise if you want to win this battle.

The people who want to win the demon hunters naturally do not have to be questioned; therefore, even the impatient hunters have learned to wait patiently at this moment; after all, they can only win, not lose the end. They are not afraid of it, but they are not allowed to be seen by all the locals in the Qianmuma District, and they are not allowed to see it.


A voice bursting into the air, and did not cover up in the ears of the demon hunters, suddenly attracted the attention of all the devils present.

From the translucent virtual shadow gradually turned to reveal the bottom of the black sè, with red and yellow two sè pinstriped worn sportswear, Giffen Deyu wearing the pair of sneakers that have undergone numerous repairs In front of everyone, after seeing the eyes of everyone, I shrugged and said: "Although I am a big man. But you look at me like this. I will still be shy."

"You guy who is shameless. Tell us quickly, what have you explored?"

Heli Byron pulled a weed in front of him and threw it to Geffende. He said nothing.

"About five kilometers from the north of the market to the outside of the road, a wave of people from the Holy See has begun to gather; there are almost 50 people before I came there; but I have not seen it. Fish!" After shrugging his shoulders, Giffen deer looked at the sacred tower tower owner and truthfully slammed it.

"Is there a big fish?"

The tower of the sacred tower swayed his own jug and asked.

"Well. And even the presence of the moon has not been seen!" Giffen De added; and explained his point: "I suspect that the people of the Holy See should target the Ye Qi and Jacob. Cloth there!"

"There is itself the goal of the Holy See. Naturally, there will be a large group of high-end combat powers coming over! However, there should be a few support places here!" Stoic is the demon hunter. With his chin resting on his scorpion, he said with a puzzled voice: "Don't you bring those miscellaneous fish and give us a gift?"

"The Holy See is not so generous!" The tower of the sacred tower shook his head with a smile, then turned his head and looked at Ted, who had kept his head down: "Ted, go and test it there!"


Slightly nodded, Ted stood up straight. Going out to the market outside the market; did not say hello to any friends in the rì, even the smile that has been hanging in the corner of the mouth disappeared without a trace. Only the indifference is left; and the violent breath that overflows from the body makes all the demon hunters face each other before they are called up. They discover that Ted’s is not right; after all, according to the habit of going to rì, Ted early It is time to organize affairs and arrange affairs; instead of sitting there silently like today.

"What happened to Lord Ted?"

Some young hunters who didn’t know why, asked the elders around them.

"This, this, you will know later!"

The older hunters who were asked, after hesitating for a moment, replied with a similar answer to their younger generations; however, it is clear that such perfunctory answers simply cannot satisfy the curiosity of young hunters. Heart; they begin to change the goal of the inquiry, expecting the answer they want to know; but, like an early drill, all older demon hunters always answer with the same similar answer.

"Ted's guys won't have anything to do?" Geffende sat down to his good friend and frowned. "I haven't seen him for nearly ten years!"

"Yeah! But this is the true face of the 'behemoth'!" Hurley Byron sighed softly: "But if he didn't become this look again today, I almost forgot Ted. The original look!"

"What is the original look? It's just that the guy is at the tip of the horn!"

Kaqiu coldly glanced at the two demon hunters, the tone was like the cold wind blowing from the northern part of the land, it was chilling and chilling, Giffen. De and Heli. Byron immediately raised his hands and expressed himself. For no reason, it was only from the concern of friendship; then, at the moment when Kaqiu turned around, the two looked at each other and revealed a well-informed smile.

"Brand, how can you let Ted go so far, is it too reckless?"

In the face of the tower of the sacred object, the coldness of the female hunter is still the same, and the words are full of dissatisfaction.

"It’s not as good as blocking. Ted’s situation makes him completely vent, and it’s only good for him!”

“So dangerous? There may be a rì yao presence at any time!”

The answer of the lord of the tower of the sacred object is undoubtedly impossible to satisfy the female hunter, and she retorted that the tone was more severe.

"Opportunity is always with danger!" Without any anger, the tower of the sacred object looked at the female hunting demon in front of the female, who was stolen after the cub was stolen, and said with a smile; then, straight from Standing up on the grass, I looked at Stoic: "Stofei is your place here, leading everyone to prepare. After Tade’s big fight, the real battle begins!”

"Yes, Master Blanc!"

The head of the Hunting Devil, the Thousand Marsh Division, replied, and around him, the Demon Hunters stood up.


"Hey! Hey!"

Ai Lili. The shout of Tom. "" After the collection of the demon hunter, suddenly rang, suddenly. Attracted the eyes of the demon hunters. As a temporary leader, Stofei. Immediately came over and asked: "Ai Li, what happened?"

"I haven't seen it!"

"Is it missing?"

The head of the Hunting Devil, the Thousand Marsh Division, immediately slammed, and immediately turned to look at the gathering place of the young people, shouting loudly: "Landy, have you seen it?"

"Before, I said that I would go to see one of his friends, and then I have never returned!"

In the blue sè's eyes, with a trace of anxious and self-blaming young blond female hunter, watching the two elders in front of them. Slightly uneasily said that as the leader of the younger generation, the responsibility gave the young blond hunter the extraordinary organizational power; and the care of the surrounding partners from the bottom of her heart made her possess The unimaginable love of ordinary people; however, the young blond female hunter was not lost because of this, but became more and more awake; and it was this lucidity that made her understand that she was slightly confused before she was alone. It’s so wrong for my sister to go to find her new friend.

I should go with you!

This kind of thinking makes Randy's young, blond and female hunting demon more and more self-blame.

"It doesn't matter, Randy! This is a market, there will be no problem!"

Ai Lili. Mum looked at the young blond female hunter who seemed to be crying. She couldn’t help but sigh and caressing the other’s head for her daughter’s love, which made her heart anxious. But this anxiety does not turn into anger; on the contrary, I know that she is still the girl's demon hunter for her daughter's care. Looking at the appearance of the other party, I was crying out of my elders' pity for the younger generation; it was like facing my own daughter.

"Hey, probably more will leave?"

The Demon Hunter, the leader of the Thousand Marsh Division, glanced at the assembled team and whispered to the young blond female hunter to ask for the younger generation, every demon person will take care of it, especially like 哆哆. Mum is such a lovely and lovely younger generation; the kind of xìng that is not polluted by any black sè is enough to make any demon hunter who has experienced countless **** killings and black sèyīn feelings precious, even if it is often confused. The xìng grid also makes these demon hunters indifferent; even some older hunters have even more joy because they have such a younger generation.

After all, only for such a simple and kind-hearted younger generation, they have more motivation to fight against those dark creatures, the black dogs of the Holy See, and the Stoic, who is the president of the Hunting Devils, is one of them, even For half a thousand marsh people, the idea of ​​fighting for the younger generation is to make him love this confused younger generation. From the first meeting to the meeting again, the hunting demon smashed the president. It’s like a daughter who is sincerely loved; even if he is not married, and I am afraid that he will not be married in this life.

"One hour before our gathering, she suddenly came to me and said that it was an agreement with a friend; because, in recent days, I always go out to find her new friend at this time; therefore, I didn't care! But This time is extraordinarily long; in normal times, it takes only about half an hour. "The reincarnation of the demon hunter fifty-fifth chapter relics. The episode in the night sè" will come back!" Young blond female hunter People, telling everything they know is true.

"new friend?"

As a mother, Ellie Mum finally noticed the vocabulary spoken by the young blond hunter, and immediately frowned.

"what happened?"

Looking at the expression of the wrong face, Ai Lili.

"I didn't want to tell me, she made a new friend!" Ai Lili. Mum's face worried: "This has never happened before! Anything in the past, I will tell you!" ”

"Ai Erli, such a thing will change with age!" The demon hunter, the leader of the shogun, took a smile and comforted his good friend: "This is the market in the Chima area, not only With us, and Toka, they are, there will be nothing!" Said, the demon hunter, the president of the squad, looked at the young blond hunter, said: "Randy, you Now organize two teams and split up to find cockroaches; after you find them, go back to your assembly place and know?

"Know, Sir Stoic!"

The young blond female hunter officially replied to the head and immediately turned to the gathering place of the young hunter and the next to the hunter who went directly to the attack and went to the battlefield. These young hunters have an auxiliary role; they are basically active in the market or near the bunker.

"If you still don't feel at ease. You can go find it with Randy!"

The Hunting Devils, the Thousand Marsh Division, will refer to the young hunters who have already separated the two teams. To Ai Lili. Mum gestured as a demon hunter, Stoic was very able to understand the mood of Ai Lili. He did not blame or force the other party to do anything; because he understood that if he changed now It is his words, I am afraid it will be unbearable.

"It’s enough to have Randy’s words, I believe her!” Ai Erli. After several deep breaths, Ai Lili said that it was difficult to say: “And my pharmacy is able to play the most at this time. When it comes to function. If you leave..."

Speaking of the last Ai Lili. Mum once again turned to look at the starting team, and then walked straight toward the assembled team; behind him, the demon hunter, the leader of the mill, the sigh of relief, striding to choose Although the question may seem simple, it is extremely difficult at the moment of making a choice, whether it is right or wrong.


Market, new temporary camp, next to a campfire.

The red curly hair is brighter and brighter under the flames of the flames, and even gives a warmth. Just like the beating flame, it usually has such a red hair. But at this moment, it is his hands holding his chin and rolling his knees. I had a pair of good-looking eyes, and I listened to the story of the boy who was about the age of her and who was about the same.

"Carter, Carter, what happened? What happened to Vivian and Al?"

The confused female hunter was slightly thin in front of her body, but after the slender silver-haired boy stopped, she immediately began to urge her to reach out. The gentle "reborn hunter" pulled the corner of the teenager's shirt. Slightly swaying, his face full of prayers, just like the kitten who saw the food is spoiling toward the master.

"Then, Vivian and Al escaped the old castle and lived a happy life!"

As a coquettish object, the boy named Carter is smiling and continues to say that although his heart has always told the girl in front of him that it is just a little like a look, it is simply a completely different person. But whenever faced with the other party's petition, the coincidence of that figure always makes him involuntarily choose to obey the other side.

"How could it be, Carter is deceiving! Right? The big duke? And the few marquis? As a bad person, they certainly wouldn't let Vivian and Al!" confused female hunting demon, I was dissatisfied with my mouth and looked at the boy in front of me; but it was like a buns, but it was the result of no anger, and it would only be unbearable. Live the fleshy cheeks.

The teenager in front of him did the same. It was completely instinctive and subconscious. The teenager raised his arm and pinched the cheek of the savage hunter in front of him, feeling the warmth that had been long gone, and the teenager could not help it. Produced some flaws

"You are a deceitful bad guy, how can a cat fly?"

"And, how can bats become chéngrén!"

"I know the guy who deceives, I don't care about you anymore!"

"Why, make people stupid! You are stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

"Don't pinch my face, jǐng tells you!"

"If you pinch it again, then I will be angry!"


The dust has been sealed for a long time, and even his own thoughts of his own forgotten memories have instantly poured into his mind.

"It hurts, hurts, hurts..."

In the middle of the squad, he was called back by a series of painful voices, and he quickly let go of his palm to the confused hunter demon in front of him. "Oh, sorry, are you okay?"

"Don't pinch my face! If I pinch it, I will be angry!" He glared at his cheek, the confused Huntress, and stepped back a few steps. This said loudly: "I will tell you several times." Ah, why can't you remember? You stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Instantly similar words, once again stunned the young man in front of me, staring at the red-haired girl in front of the confused female hunting demon, watching the young boy, could not help but walked back, whispered: Card, Carter, are you okay? Shouldn't you say that people are stupid! Don't you be angry? Or, or else... I will let you pinch it?"

Said, the confused female hunting demon person holds the hand of the teenager in front of him. Put on the warmth of the palm of your hand on your cheek. The young man’s mouth was involuntarily slightly upturned; his eyes were left with the red fire in front of him. There are no campfires, camps, and no mills or fields in memory.

Only the piece of fire is left!

"Entertainment show" "Hey, Carter, you laughed, it means you are not angry!"

As if the New World was discovered, the confused female hunting demon shouted happily.

"Of course, Carter will never be angry!"

The young man said seriously, and looking at this serious matter, the confused female hunting demon became more and more confused because she found this seriousness and the seriousness she had seen. It seems a bit different, but I don't know where the difference is.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

"It's Randy's sister! Worse, I have been out for so long!"

The shouts in the distance caused the confused female hunting demon who was thinking about things to shake up. He immediately jumped up and looked at the gold sè that appeared in the distance. The confused female hunting demon man immediately turned around: "Carter, I have to go back! Otherwise Randy's sister and mother will worry, will you wait for me here tomorrow?"

"Of course, I will wait for you forever. As long as you call my name, I will appear in front of you!"

Bathed in the moonlight. The bright moonlight surrounds the boy, making his smile a bit more sacred.

"Can you call the name? Then we agreed!"

The confused female hunting demon looks at the smiling teenager in front of him. She only feels this smile, very comfortable, so that she can't help but step forward and want to touch this smile, but the shouting is getting closer and closer. She had to give up the idea; she stepped back two steps, and after the young man waved his arm, the confused Hunting Devil ran to the shout.


The young man looked at the confused female hunting demon who was running farther and farther, whispering in a low voice; then, silently nodded, and said with a voice that only he could quite clearly: "I will not be late for this appointment. Vivian!"


"Sister Randy, sorry!"

Standing with his hands on his shirt, the confused female hunter in front of his shirt, standing very honestly in front of the young blond hunter, like a domestic dog, especially the water spirit The big eyes are even more pitiful.

"Why is it so long today?"

The young blond female hunter looked at the sister in front of me, and looked pitiful, and couldn’t help but feel a pity in her heart; but she resisted and asked a face.

"I wrapped up Carter to tell me the story, and then I forgot the time if I accidentally!"

Knowing that you have done something wrong, you don’t dare to hide it and say it truthfully.

tell a story? !

The young blonde female hunter is a glimpse, but she will never doubt that the girl in front of her sister is lying again; after all, it is too difficult to lie about what lies, and it is too difficult to lie. And with her understanding, it is not impossible for the other party to forget the time because of listening to the story; on the contrary, this may be very high; in fact, this confused guy, because of listening to stories and the like Forgetting to eat and sleep is really a common thing; as a woman who has told countless stories to her, this is really normal.

"The next time you must remember the time!" Can not help but like his sister's confused female hunting demon in the arms ~ ~ touched the top of the head, looking at the other side confused, unclear so look The young blonde hunt demon whispered softly: "Because, if the time is too long, it will make me and Auntie Aunt worry!"

"Oh, I know!"

I nodded immediately; however, I encountered the same thing, I am afraid that I will still forget the vagueness of the sorcerer.

"And remember that the next time your new friend will tell you the story, remember to say thank you to others!"

After Randy smacked the top of the confused female hunter, she pulled up the other's hand and walked to the gathering with the same young hunters, standing next to her.

"Well, hey, remember!"

Behind my sister, the confused female hunting demon replied with a bounce.

PS first ~~~ Because of the weekend, it was a little late~~~ (to be continued...)

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