Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 64: Relics. Entering

[a level task: Moran's game (complete); gain experience: 500000.]

[a+ level mission: Moran's end 1 (completion); gain experience: 1000000.]

The task of the two-sound system completed the prompt tone. After the knives were pulled out, they immediately rang. However, Ye Qi did not care about the joy; he quickly took the surrounding twenty because of the loss of control. The undead servants were smashed into pieces by the skill [sword wind], and then a flash appeared on the side of the tower of the athletic tower, facing the twelve undead who also tied the chain of the tower of the tower with chains. The servant, the straight hand, fell from the knife. ",

嚓, 嚓...

After several sounds of crisp sound, the twelve undead servants trapped in the tower of the athletic tower once again stepped on the footsteps of their companions.

"Being a hunter, it is also my pride!"

Ye Qi looked at Jimond, who was a little worried after getting out of trouble, and could not help but whisper.

"The presence of you in the Demon Hunter is enough to make all the demon hunters proud!"

The tower of the athletic tower slammed the shoulders of Ye Qi, and then sent out a unique and hearty laugh. ""Look

"Jermond, when I haven’t been able to rest assured, I feel a little problem with the last blow..."

Looking at the old man who was laughing and laughing in front of him, Ye Qi didn't want to interrupt each other, but glanced at the words [S-level mission: Moran's End 2 (unfinished)], and he couldn't help but sigh in the bottom of his heart. He has already regarded the 'half-disability' of the other party at the current stage and almost the strongest posture. But this is still maintaining an unbeaten situation; if. It’s not the last time when the other person is angry and angry. Once again, when the layout is raid, the situation will last for quite a while until the other party does not fall to the ground.

But the other party who has experienced a failure obviously does not make the same mistake again. If the other party makes the same mistake, then Ye Qi, while welcoming, has to doubt how the top of the Holy See has emerged; Some senior government officials still have to be speechless; however, Ye Qi knows himself. This is just a good wish!

Vigilant, not the only one who has been damaged, fully exerts the strength above the sun!

Even if there are still a few cards of Ye Qi, at this moment, there is no one who has no intention of handing over with the Japanese glory in the bottom of his heart. He completely does not know the horror above the Sun Yat-sen; it is even more than the moonlight level when facing the Japanese glory. To be powerless; especially if the other party is obviously the kind of incompetent melee, it gives him the feeling; if it is the choice of the road of the warrior, if it is above the sun, even before the face In the case, Ye Qi can be sure that he is still losing, not the other side!

"This **** guy loves to use such a speculative approach!"

The tower of the athletic tower is the old rival of the opponent. Obviously, the means of the other side are very clear, and Ye Qi’s words have not been finished. The strong old man went to the 'corpse' of the prison governor of the sacred prison, then waved the iron fist, and smashed the other's body in a way that brought a phantom to the real smash, if not the blood red If you don't, anyone will connect that beach like a muddy thing to people!

"Do not worry, if you do this, even if you want to 're-emerge', it will take at least an hour!" Pointing at the meat under the finger, the tower leader of the athletic tower turned to Ye Qi and explained: "This guy After becoming a Japanese glory, he entered the Holy See of the Holy See and learned the way of the undead; and based on this, he developed many very strange abilities! Like the servants of the undead he summoned, one!"

"The chain of these traits should also be one of the masterpieces of the Undead! As for the strangeness of the last blow you said, that is the biggest feature of this guy!" There is a hint of hatred: "He used his blood relatives as an experimental object to develop a lich-like ability!"

"The soul?!"

Ye Qi blurted out of consciousness.

The soul, the lich stores the containers and implements of his soul; as long as the soul is not destroyed, the lich can be reborn for a certain period of time. Although this was only some casters, the original wizards Immortal, there is more time to experiment, explore the mysteries of the magic world and other purposes to develop, but after the end of the dark age, its original purpose and no longer exist, completely become a deadly means, or Full of greed.

At the end of the darkness, a squad squad against the insurgents was the best example of it.

It is precisely because of the emergence of this special color squad squad that all the people in the dark world of the later generations talked about the sorcerer's discoloration, and even reached the point of disgust.

"Not a complete soul, just similar! But it is even more disgusting!"

When the owner of the Tower of Athletics said this sentence, he had already had some gnashing of his teeth. Ye Qi also had the same feeling. After all, the words of the former blood tower tower mentioned the word 'blood pro'; Lorante can be called a blood relative, and only his parents and his own children; experimenting with his parents and his children, this is beyond the imagination of all the demon hunters, completely Unbelievable things!


It was completely subconscious. A fireball appeared in the hands of Ye Qi, and he was thrown directly on the mud of the beach. The flames after the explosion slammed from the most central position, and then took a barbecue. The taste of the baking paste rushed around and stared at the beach. It completely lost its color and the original meat. Ye Qi said coldly: "Although it can't stop him from being born again, it is enough to make him reborn for a few minutes. Let's go!"

The cold words are like the cold wind blowing in the abyss of the northernmost land. If Ye Qi was only because of the despicable character and bad behavior of the other side, and the different camps of both sides, they want to kill each other; then the leaves of this time odd. I can't take care of this completely. In his eyes. The other party who used his blood relatives as the experimental object has already lost the qualifications that exist in this world.

Moreover, after death, it is also necessary to eliminate the existence of clean!

And in his body, there is such a very interesting existence for the high-level soul of the Holy See.

Therefore, Moran will die without a place of burial, and the soul has no place to return, truly disappearing from the world of Lorante in any traditional and non-traditional sense!

Ye Qi held the knives in his hand and said silently in his heart; there was no cry and roar, only calm affirmation.

"Hey. Kid, don't forget the real strength of the other side! That's the day!"

The voice of the wolf came from the depths of Ye Qi, with a constant laziness; facing the strange wolf in peacetime, Ye Qi at the moment was very calm, but said in a very serious tone: Above the sun, dare to do such a thing, even if it is God, I dare to kill you!"

"Oh, it’s a mad boy!" The wolf’s voice was full of laziness, but with a hint of appreciation, it licked the wolf. Just like a smile, this is the way: "Then I will wait for you to kill him to see me; by the way, his soul I booked in advance!"


Ye Qi nodded silently at the bottom of the wolf, expressing his commitment.

"The guy who is completely confused by his strength on his own path is simply not aware of it!"

Once again, I patted Ye Qi’s shoulder. The tower of the athletic tower knew what the younger generation was thinking about; just as he learned about such a thing, he thought the same thing; if he could, in that year, He is very keen to solve the other party completely; however, the other person who is obsessed with strength, although confused, but has the strength that is unimaginable to ordinary people, and the speed of strength improvement, Jammond is very clear to remember. At that time, the other party was only tied with him at most. Even if it was stagnant, the other party was slightly inferior. However, today, twenty years later, he is not an opponent at all; even if there is a sudden attack by the other party, But the results have not changed much.

In particular, the undead servants and the chains in the hands of the servants developed by the other side are really the ones who have felt that the tower of the athletic tower has always thought that they have not given up their practice. Among all the peers, they are absolutely diligent representatives; Compared with the other side, he is always immutable, and obviously he is also 'staying in his own way'; even if his fist is getting bigger and faster, the speed is faster and faster, but this simple change without any skill is obviously not as good as the other side. .

Despite this result, the tower of the athletic tower does not want to admit it, but in the face of the facts, the towering character of the towering tower is not going to break the heart and denying the facts; just as he will never improve for strength. Start with your friends and relatives!

However, this definitely does not hinder the tower of the athletic tower, and see the current situation.

"Although this guy is simply not worthy of living in this material world, his strength is unquestionable!" The tower of the athletic tower shook his head and sighed. "I am so embarrassed! I am so old." Guys can't protect their younger generations, you still need to rescue..."

"The mutual help of the Demon Hunter is what it should be!"

Without waiting for the tower of the competition, Ye Qi said quickly.

"Haha... Hahaha... Although it is very embarrassing, but this old guy has not yet reached the point of needing comfort! Since he lost, then learn from the failure, and then catch up and catch up!" Laughing The main tower of the athletic tower swayed at Ye Qiyi and said the rules of his life. Then, after Ye Qi talked again, he pointed to the underground: "But now we still need to care about it, the most important thing. Things! Full of Moran, this guy can still reappear in an hour, and Blanc's support can't be guaranteed! So, it's very likely that we are two, facing this guy who reappeared!"

"The influence of those chains on me still exists. After an hour, I can recover up to 80% of the strength; 80% of the strength of me, plus your words, are you sure?" Speaking of this tower of athletics In the tone of the tower, there was a glimmer of hope that Ye Qi’s performance before it could be said to have given him a big surprise; that speed, in his opinion, was definitely not a few old guys in their generation.

"No! Before, it was because of the contempt of the other party. Only entered my design! Once again. The other party will never be so stupid!" Faced with the expectations of the tower master of the competition. Ye Qi shook his head. To tell the truth, even with a few cards, Ye Qi still could not guarantee his absolute victory; at most, it was only five or five; and the number of five or five was for such a cautious person as Ye Qi. It is negative.

Therefore, even with the expectations of others, out of responsibility for themselves and responsible for others, Ye Qi will not make an impulsive irresponsible thing to 'package tickets' if someone is killed because of his trust in him. if. Ye Qi will definitely be guilty and will not change because of the passage of time.

", now we have two ways to go!" The tower of the athletic tower looked at Ye Qi, who was shaking his head, and could not help but sigh; but the next moment he reacted, he immediately raised his right hand. Two fingers were erected: "a. Now go back and go back in the direction of the market. If you can meet the guy of Blanc, our chances of winning can be doubled; after all, Blanc's guy Ability is one of the biggest nemesis of the other party!"

Just take the time difference and retreat. Undoubtedly the safest way, but Ye Qi feels that some of the goals that the Holy See is trying to find are close at hand, but he has to retire; although he does not know what is what, what will be useful, but as the future of the other party The enemy of life and death, absolutely do not want to let the other party's wish is really incomparable; therefore, after he frowned, he asked: "So, b?"

"B, then we will enter the ruins now, find what the Holy See needs; and, as much as possible, delay the time, wait until Blanc's support!" The Tower of the Athletics Tower said the second choice.

"I choose b!"

Almost did not think about it, Ye Qi blurted out.

"Haha... Hahaha... I also agree to choose b! Although retreating, it will be the most secure, but if I withdraw, I will lose my face!" After listening to Ye Qi’s answer, the competition Tata master laughed loudly; then, one of the rows of reels tied straight from the inside of the leg was pulled out and flung straight on the ground: "Fortunately, the reel bag is characteristic, not just Squeeze is broken, otherwise, our winning percentage will be lower!"

Looking at the reel burning on the ground, Ye Qi could not help but ask: "Jermond, this is?"

"This is the communication reel used by several of our old guys for emergency contact! With this, the old guy of Blanc can be reached in three hours at the slowest! So, next, we need to play hide and seek with this guy. I hope that this ruin is big enough!" The tower of the athletic tower said with a smile, then took two of them from the row of reels and handed one of them to Ye Qi: "This is to be able to hide itself." The scroll of breath, after use, even this guy does not want to lock our breath in a wide range, one of the best equipment for hide and seek!"

“How long can this range be reduced and how long can it last?”

When Ye Qi took the reel, he immediately asked.

"Unless you are close to two hundred yards, you will never find it. This is what Pedernange personally tested! Time is an hour!"

In the face of such a critical issue, the tower of the athletic tower is naturally known.

"Two hundred yards, one hour! Our chances of winning, one more time!" Ye Qi, who whispered to himself, looked at his eyes and said: "So let's go now! I can assure you, This ruin is big enough!"

"Yes? That would be great!"

The tower of the athletic tower laughed and followed Ye Qi’s back and walked back into the tunnel.


At the end of the tunnel, before the special big and small ‘key assembly’, Ye Qi went straight to the front of the platform and placed the ‘key’ of the square in his hand into the center of the groove.


At the moment when the 'key' of the cube enters the groove, the platform of the whole 'key assembly' vibrates slightly; then, in a slight sound like a worm, it is originally like a stone. The cube 'key' exudes a faint blue-and-white magical sensation in the blind bucket perception, clearly aware that the magical fluctuations that originally led to the front door were instantly intercepted by the square 'key' in front of the eye.



After a burst of noise, the ground quickly vibrated, and then the tall stone door in front of it began to slowly sink, just a minute, it completely revealed a very high, wide passage to follow The faint blue-and-white magical light from the cube's 'key', Ye Qi and the tower of the athletic tower are able to clearly see the wide range of the inside with their extraordinary vision.

The vast scope, almost in the same way as the square in the center of the town, was straight out and appeared in front of the two.

"This area is really big enough!"

The tower of the athletic tower regained its gaze and said so.

PS second more ~ ​​~ hot! ! 34°! ! This is to be drowned by the heat wave! ! Filling the ground to solve the various protections of summer cool~~~

Thanks for the reward of the starting point of the big alcohol 疵 588, the reward of the starting point of the hatlar1988588, the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal son, the reward of the June snow IV200 starting point, the reward of the x200 starting point, the starting price of the sn100 The rewards, the silence of the 100 start of the money, the Xuanyuan Yuhe 100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent thanks to all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ (to be continued...)

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