Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 74: Relics. Under the door on the right

Without a single voice, the door was slowly pushed away in the hands of the spirits. Before, it was originally a wall carved out of rock. The appearance of this door can be said to be summoned by Ter. Out; although I don't know the flaws, Ye Qi is full of curiosity about this wooden door that looks at all the ordinary wooden doors before, and everything behind it.

Therefore, after the door opened and Yingling made a gesture of asking, Ye Qi stepped up and stepped in. It was about ten times the size of the previous hall, and the piece was carefully cut and had a scarlet of hundreds of feet wide. The color carpet passed straight from the front door to the deepest inside, leaving almost three feet of space on either side of the carpet, next to the brackets made of steel one after another, burning on top of each other. The brazier brings light to the entire room.

It should be the hall here, the previous hall should be the partial hall!

Looking at the sharply woven pattern of gold and silver on the scarlet carpet under the feet, and the statue at the end of the carpet, Ye Qi’s heart can not help but think of this; even, Ye Qi can imagine At that time, he was surrounded by knights and discussed with his own lords the size and military affairs in the territory.

"This is the hall that my master used! And this is the only statue that my Lord has!"

The spirit passed over Ye Qi, and walked straight with Ye Qi to the end, until he came to the statue, and stopped. As a knight, the spirit was kneeling on one knee and the head buried deeply. Rear. This time, I stood up again and made an introduction to Ye Qi.

With the interpretation of Yingling. Ye Qi’s gaze looked at the statue sitting on it - a throne made entirely of steel, without the slightest carvings and decorations, not to mention the richness and luxury, plus the simple structure, which is in full compliance with The fierce and aggressive style of action on the battlefield.

There is a bottom line than those that existed before!

There is a ‘Knight’ like the English spirit. The other person’s existence similar to the strange wolf is obviously different from those he has seen before; Ye Qiluo has a slight affection; at the very least, the brave can be used as a style of acting, even if it has its own, it will not be bad. Otherwise, it will not be able to obtain a 'believers' like Yingling. The volatility of the strong power of faith made Ye Qi somewhat surprised, which is almost no less than the fluctuation of faith in the temple of the sea. Even seriously, we must have a strong point.

However, Ye Qi did not covet the power of these beliefs; naturally, it is because of the spirit of the spirit, but also because the other party still has the bottom line; if it is changed, Ye Qi has already begun to try to find the faith. The power of it - for the existence of the wolf, although acknowledging its strength. But Ye Qike will not be admired and feared.

The eyes of the eyes were slightly offset, and the whole statue was introduced into Ye Qi’s eyes—the knight’s armor in full body, with a mighty appearance, a single-handed hilt, and the tip of the sword rushing down into the ground. A half-length shield stands upright and is placed next to the foot; the most attractive thing is that the statue is spread out. And a cup on the left hand that is filled with the breath of the ancient times.

The whole cup is made of brass, the color is darker than gold, but it still has the thick and simple nature of gold. Even after many years, there is still no rust and smudge on it. Yingling respectfully walked in front of the statue. Outstretched hands took the brass cup placed on the statue and turned and walked to Ye Qi.

"This is the supreme glory that my Lord has given to the brave!" After the recital of the spirit, the brass cup was handed to the front of Ye Qi, and the tone officially said: "Drink it in one breath!"

Drink it?

When I heard this vocabulary, Ye Qi discovered that there was a layer of liquid in the brass cup. Because the brass cup was larger than the current glass, it was even bigger than the lunch box used by the hunter. Therefore, Ye Qi did not see that it was only a layer of shallow, thin liquid attached to the bottom of the brass cup.

Good weight!

More than 100kg.

After picking up the copper cup's Ye Qi with both hands, he immediately felt his hands sink. Although the size of the brass cup was large enough, the weight still exceeded the expectations of Ye Qi; it was like the one in his hand. The brass cup, but the barbell that was used when training began.

With his head down, Ye Qi looked into the brass cup. The shallow, thin liquid, with the shaking of Ye Qi's hand, was like oil, hanging on the wall of the brass cup. Then slowly slipped down - Ye Qi looked up and looked at the spirit in front of him. In the other nod, Ye Qi straightly put the brass cup to his mouth, and poured it into the neck; in fact, used Light drinks are more suitable, and those liquids are less than those seen by Ye Qi. They are only enough for children to be full. For Ye Qi of adults, they are taking a sip.


The loosening of the larynx, this mouth is light and tasteless, like a water-like liquid swallowed by the leaves - for the integrity of the spirit, Ye Qi is confident, if other people or exist, according to Ye Qi's character, understand Before you know it, you will never touch it.

"The real brave, will not fear the strong enemy, fearless life and death, bravely go forward!" After a recital, Ying Ling looked at Ye Qi with a smile: "For every soldier, this is the last gift! ”

[full attribute +1]

There were still some unknown Ye Qi, who heard the prompts from the system, and then, after looking at the information record, they immediately stopped.

This is the so-called 'glory'! ?

His eyes were straight and he looked at the brass cup in his hand. At the moment, Ye Qi’s brain turned a little bit, but he understood that his contract companion was so eager; and no doubt, the Holy See’s help. This is also the thing that people are looking for - special items that can enhance their own attributes!

The value of the attribute points is self-evident for Ye Qi, and almost every one represents the progress of strength; especially as the level increases, the acquisition of attribute points will become more and more difficult; . A special item that can enhance its own attributes, for Ye Qi, is something that is worth fighting for.

unnoticed. Ye Qi holding the hands of the brass cup, all trembled - but, like the steel's self-control, but Ye Qi recovered in the next moment, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath.

Win the victory and enter this room to receive ‘Glory’!

This ‘glory’ is obviously the liquid in the brass cup, not the brass cup itself!

If you are greedy, you want to get a brass cup. The consequences are naturally self-evident - all the spirits in the ruins including the front of Terni Fini will be the enemy of life and death in the next moment!

Once again, his eyes opened, and the shock and fanaticism disappeared before, leaving only the Qingming. For the cautious Ye Qi, controlling his own emotions became almost an instinctive habit; he looked at it carefully. A brass cup that enhances its attributes, almost no place, and then returned to the spirit in front of the next moment.

Just by the naked eye. Obviously it is impossible to discover the mystery, or even the in-depth understanding, and he is not qualified. Whether it is the mysterious knowledge of the proficiency level or the alchemy, it is obviously impossible to analyze such a special item.

Stay! Grab it! That is mine!

The sound of the wolf from the land of the seal rang again, but Ye Qi simply ignored it. Looking straight at the spirit, the brass cup was put back to the left hand of the statue. Apparently, his contract companion used the entire brass cup as a reward after winning the victory; Accident; because, in the spirits did not explain, just took the brass cup. He also thinks this way.

Is this a clever misunderstanding? !

With such an idea, Ye Qi smiled and looked at the turning spirit of the spirit - this situation is not a violation of his trading principle with the wolf; after all. Neither he nor the wolf has clearly stated what the thing is, just raised ‘helping him to clear the customs and get the thing! The transaction; therefore, seriously speaking, the thing can be said to be a brass cup, or a liquid he drank, or even something else.

Of course, Ye Qi will not be so rogue, he will only respond to the facts, the endless, "fatigue bombing" that may occur in the wolf; Ye Qi does not mind - except that he is used to it. More is because this is a subjective mistake of the contract companion, and the responsibility is not on him.

That is mine! its mine!

The voice of the wolf is now full of resentment and unwillingness, but it gradually disappears; obviously, it is also very understandable.

"It's amazing power, right?"

Yingling looked at Ye Qi and asked.

"Well, I almost indulged in!" Ye Qi nodded without hesitation, and continued: "This feeling of getting something for nothing is really intoxicating! It seems that my heart is still not strong enough, in the face of such a non-work , still shaking!"

"This kind of vacillation is inevitable for those of us who live on the battlefield; when I was the first time, it was similar to you. When the commander of the time took the Holy Grail from his hand, he almost got it. Cried out!" Yingling also did not taboo his anecdote. Hearing Ye Qi was a joy, laughing: "Any normal person, who has taken such a powerful prop, will cry out!"

"However, when I learned that only the first time is the most effective, my heart is balanced! I have to know that at that time, my heart is always there, 'no wonder the commander is so powerful, I used to drink every day. The water in the Holy Grail strengthens his own thoughts!" said, the eyes of the spirits could not help but for a while: "For this reason, I still want to complain for a while until I took over the commander's own The moment the sword became the commander, I realized how innocent I was!"

"This is just a growth!" Faced with the spirit of the memory, Ye Qi sighed and then transferred the topic straight and asked: "However, is this prop called the Holy Grail?"

"Yes, this is the glory that my Lord personally gave to the brave!" Ying Ling glanced at the holy grail next to him and nodded. "In our time, only the most heroic warriors could get such a gift. Although it is not a fine wine, it is so sweet! Even if it has only one effect, it is even more cherished!"

"However. Ye Qi, your blood, is really amazing! You know, in our time, even the best fighters will take a few hours to react! Where is it, almost like you The reaction, but also absorbed so thoroughly! Even if I stand here, I can clearly feel that you are not the same change before!" British inspiration sighed.

"So, I said. This kind of power makes me addicted!"

Ye Qi shrugged and smiled and replied - the system, the one that he is the biggest, and vowed to keep a lifelong secret, Ye Qi certainly will not say it; not only because of the system's specificity, but also his own for ordinary people. Said, unimaginable situation; although Lorante has other world claims. But in these worlds, his hometown is definitely not included.

"However, you are quickly waking up, enough to show that you are a good, upright brave!"

Yingling stepped forward and raised his hand with Ye Qi shoulders. Immediately there was a white light-elliptical door that appeared there -

"My comrades! We need to be separated, but I will remember it in a short time!"

"It's just a short-lived difference. Don't forget that we can meet again at any time!"

Ye Qi took a picture of the [War Horn] placed in the [Advanced Dimensional Bag], and there was no slight difference in his face - for the demon hunter, it only meant the next goodbye.

"This door will take you to the room on the left. There is a gift that I will give you what you deserve!" Ying Ling pointed to the knives of Ye Qi's waist: "It was originally a weapon, but there is After this. I don't think you need it; therefore, you can change your clothes for a good one!"

Speaking of the spirit of this, paused and waved.

"Goodbye, Ye Qi!"

"Goodbye, Tel!"

Step by step into the elliptical aperture of Ye Qi, did not look back, straightly raised his arms and waved.


After passing through the portal, which is unique to the Holy See, Ye Qi went straight to a place like a cloakroom -

Is the teaching of the Holy See the same?

Without any discomfort, Ye Qi’s straight eyes raised his eyes and looked around. In a small place, only a few squares, empty, except for the two clothes hanging on the opposite wall, nothing was left. Qi can clearly see that the two pieces of clothing are changed according to the coat of the apostle he is wearing now, and the shirt inside. The faint magical fluctuations are clearly visible on these two clothes.

After putting off the apostle trench coat and shirt into the [Advanced Dimensional Bag], Ye Qi straightly put on two clothes hanging on the wall, and loaded the items from the apostle's windbreaker one by one. In the current windbreaker - I have to say that the spirit of the spirit, the style of the clothes removed and the apostle windbreaker and the shirt are not much different, even the pockets of the various functions in the apostle windbreaker are not lacking.

Finished Ye Qi, straight to the only flashing wooden door in the room, the palms pushed outwards -


"Ye Qi! Ye Qi, here!"

Pushing open the door and going out to Ye Qi, he immediately heard the shout of the tower of the athletic tower; looked up and looked around, Ye Qi found that he actually returned to the big square in front of the relic, but not next to him In the distance, standing is the tower of the athletic tower; at this moment, he is looking forward to him with a happy face.

"Ye Qi finally came out, how about finally, passed the test?"

The tower of the athletic tower walked to Ye Qi’s side and asked, opening his mouth. It was obvious that after the Ferry Fini took the peace of Ye Qi to the tower of the athletic tower, the strong old man asked some heroes. The specific question; in this regard, even if the time is tense, Yingling will give a simple answer.

"Of course, look!"

Ye Qi smiled and stretched out his arms and showed his brand new apostle trench coat to the tower of the athletic tower.

"Haha... hahahaha... I know you can do it!"

The tower of the athletic tower laughed heartily and slammed Ye Qi’s shoulders hard; a leather wristband on the wrist immediately attracted Ye Qi’s gaze.

"This is the compensation given by the Emperor Yingling! Because, when I was in the first pass, I ignited the flame of the Hall of the Spirit, and then it was cleared, so even if it is at the end, it is not qualified!" The smile of the tower owner did not weaken at all because of such loss. Instead, he became more and more elated. He could not shake his wrist and felt the fluctuation of the atmosphere. Ye Qi asked: "The sacred instrument of the star-level?"


The tower of the athletic tower nodded Ye Qi was relieved - the special existence of the saint is enough to make anyone crazy, but the special use conditions are even more Helpless; even if you are a strongman of the Japanese glory, but you can't resonate with the sacred, it still has no use; and if you resonate, even if you are an ordinary person, it will make you have a leap in the night. improvement.

Especially the strongman of the Japanese glory, after an extra sacred device, it is definitely not a 1+1 problem, the one in the highest government is the best example -

"I can't wait to talk to Moran guys!"

The tower of the athletic tower is full of warfare, and Ye Qi shrugged with a smile, but his eyes were full of war.

Ps second more ~~~

Thank you for the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal son, the reward of the starting price of the June 4200, the reward of the starting currency of the sn100, the reward of the 100-starting currency of the quiet forest.~~~Deprecated here, thank you for all the support for decadence. Brothers and sisters ~~~ are not finished. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.

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