Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 80: Under the battle

[Secondary phantom control]

Although the illusion does not have any attack and defense, and there are harsh conditions that must be seen, touched, etc., but at some point it is a very good means of confusing the enemy; at the very least, unexpectedly. In the case, even the warden of the holy prison was deceived.

This has given Ye Qi an excellent opportunity. After the maximum [gravity sanction] is blessed to the warden, it is the success rate of his excellent opportunity. The knives in the hands of the knives with flashing knives, the special undead servants who used the ability of ice in front of them, cut a knife and two; at the same time, the wind blowing from the blade immediately smashed the corpse into two.

The ability to manipulate the body, not to completely turn the body into minced meat, Ye Qi is not assured.

"Ye Qi, be careful!"

The shouts of the tower of the athletic tower came from the side - after a pause, after adapting to the sudden gravity, the power of death in the hands of the warden was directed at Ye Qi.


The black-violet light came to Ye Qi in an instant - from top to bottom, just cut a special sorcerer from a high-level singer into a smashing knives, and once again brought a faint blue Knife!


Although it was only the power of death issued by the warden's rush, but after the collision with the knives, it sent out a movement like a few hundred kilograms of explosives; Ye Qi was even hit in the air, rolling in and out several times. Almost exited a distance of about ten yards.

"Hey?! Hahaha..."

The warden, who was still angry with the second special servant ‘death’, saw the appearance of Ye Qi. He couldn't help but make a big laugh; he stared at the re-established Ye Qi, and his eyes glowed under the launch of the black-purple shield. The heart of the heart is cold, and the voice of the warden is even colder: "Can the ability of the shadow shuttle be used? Then I should shoot it!"

Obviously, in the absence of the shadow shuttle, which made him quite jealous, the confidence of the warden as a daylight once again emerged again. In this regard, Ye Qi is undecided, not more than the other side. Feelings--after all, the other party is telling the truth, after completing the long-awaited attack. [Shadow Shuttle] Five minutes of time, just used up; otherwise, he will not use the knives to resist the death force of the other party.

Feeling the numbness of the arm, and the rotten atmosphere still there, Ye Qi involuntarily secretly surprised at the bottom of his heart - the force of death in the other hastily has such a performance, then you can imagine the other side before How powerful the power of death will be after a long time.

Now, the [shadow shuttle] that can be used by a combination of hundreds of shadow servants is counted once in the ruins. Two hundred shadow servants have all been used; if you want to use the [shadow shuttle] again, you will have to wait twenty-four hours, and obviously the battle with the warden will never be dragged to that. time!

Subconsciously touched the [Advanced Dimensional Bag] placed on the waistline, and there is a [War of the War] which can make the Ferry Fini lead the Enemy Corps to help him fight; in fact, the entire British Army is not required to shoot. It is Tel. Fini is enough to make the warden in front of him a fate, but this is undoubtedly overkill!

Make the best use of it. It is one of Ye Qi’s own habits, and this habit makes him understand that the [War Horn] should be placed in a larger scene and in a more critical situation – compared to non-renewable [attribute points] [skill points] [Speciality selection and spell selection], [War Horn] is undoubtedly the same, even at some point will exceed the existence of these cards as a card; after all, the strength of a person unless it reaches the degree of qualitative change. Otherwise, it is still impossible to compare with a legion; not to mention the existence of a powerful presence like Terni Fini in this legion.

It seems that you need to consume it!

Ye Qi loosened his hand on his waist and held the knives in his right hand. Looking at his opponents - perceiving the "bear's tenacity" blessing time, Ye Qi did not hesitate to bless himself [cursive surgery]; although he drank the special liquid in the Holy Grail, he obtained [Full attribute +1]; can not be used [bearing tough], can also cost a quarter of physical cost to bless [cursive surgery], but this luxury practice, has [bear bear tough: + Under the premise of 4 physique, Ye Qi is definitely not going to do it.

With +8 temporary agility and perception, Ye Qi seems to have turned into a blast, and a flash appears in front of the warden, and the knives are swung down; while the distant tower of the tower is also at the same time. Blocked in the face of the remaining special servant who uses the flame, blocking the line of sight with the other host - as an experienced combatant, the tower of the athletic tower can not understand the survival of the special undead servant in front of him. The way', but there is considerable understanding of the 'behavior' of this undead servant.

Mind control!

This hidden but effective way is the 'behavior mode' of these special undead servants - as an old rival, the tower of the athletic tower is very clear about the words and deeds of the warden, especially after the emergence of these special undead servants. Every other gaze of the other party and the changes of these special servants of the undead are seen by the tower of the athletic tower; therefore, it is only a simple speculation that it becomes the driving force of the behavior of the tower of the tower.

When his body blocked the dictator's gaze, the action of this special undead servant, there was a pause that could not be suppressed, although it was only a momentary thing, but for the tower of the competitive tower of the Japanese glory But it is enough!

Not only did he affirm his previous speculations, but he also seized an opportunity to attack -

The giant knives derived from the sacred instrument, the huge knives, are a cross-cutting servant against the flames in front of the flames; although under the control of the warden, the servant who controlled the flames is already flying fast. After doing a dodge, at the same time let out a huge flame. For the sake of his own reactionary thrust, but this is for the tower of the athletic tower who has a flame master like this one of the expert sacred objects of the expert. This kind of behavior is too easy to crack.


When the wrist is turned over, the blade of the giant sword has already reached the neck side of the other side; it can be seen that even if the other party is still performing a fast dodge, but according to the speed of the opponent's dodge, it will eventually be a giant sword, the head will be Cut down - bang, in the sound of an explosion, will soon be the servant of the flame ability of the giant sword. The whole person turned into a flame, and then burst out from the middle, the flame of the fire, and instantly, the chairman of the athletic tower was rolled in.

As the existence of the Japanese glory, especially the existence of the peak of the Japanese glory, whenever possible. Everyone will keep a card for himself, just like the undead servant who uses the ability of fire in front of him, and prepares himself for such a 'self-destructive' defeated victory card in front of him - although it is called 'self-explosive', But this is not a 'self-explosion' in the traditional sense, but a moment to compress the ability of the flame to the extreme, and then explode; as a user of the flame ability. His own 'fire resistance' is far superior to ordinary people. Even such an explosion is only a minor injury to him, but it can be a disaster for others; therefore, the body of this undead servant With such a move, I escaped the danger of not knowing how many times I must die.

Until the end of the encounter with the dragon blood. Basically, there is no fear of the common flame of the Juggernaut, only to drink and hate under the other's sword.

boom! boom! boom!

The flame that erupted. After the president of the Athletic Tower was involved, three more intense explosions slammed, especially the last time, a fireball with a diameter of more than 20 yards appeared in the sky, and then burst open. It is like a falling meteor.

Master Jerome...

Ye Qi, who was separated from the governor’s hasty hand, looked worriedly at the sky full of flames, and then pulled back to the front by the attack of the ridiculous warden.

"Under this explosion, Jerome is dead!" The governor's tone was full of arbitrariness, only the voice was slightly elevated: "And then it's your turn, Ye Qi!"


Speaking of the black and purple light in the hand, it flashed out, aiming at Ye Qi, this attack has no difference compared with the previous attack; even if there is no blessing of the "cursive surgery" Ye Qi as long as With the preparation of the charge, you can also dodge the past; not to mention the "cursive surgery" +8 temporary agile blessing, Ye Qi face such an attack, it is simply very easy.

And watching the relaxed warrior who is dodging in the power of death, his face is without any change. It is not surprising that he has seen the speed of Ye Qi’s rapid increase in speed. At the same time, he also learned This ability has a certain time limit; therefore, the warden is not worried, but he smiles and said: "This is the ability to increase speed! However, such ability seems to have time constraints? Is it ten minutes or twenty minutes?"

While saying that the power of death in the hands of the warden did not stop, it was like a laser, and the sly shot to Ye Qi - and he stood there and continued: "But you know me. How long does this shield have? As long as my ability is not exhausted, it will exist forever!"

After a pause, looking at Ye Qi who wanted to be close, the warden smiled again: "Yes, your idea is right. As long as you continue to attack, you can increase the consumption of my protective cover; However, do you have a way to get close? With your current speed? It’s a joke!”

In the hands of the warden, the black and purple death force emerged again, but this time the power of death did not integrate into a spurt as before, but it was once again scattered into hundreds of hundreds. The size of the steel needle is the size of the film, which is shot toward Ye Qi.

Suddenly, relying on the speed has just approached Ye Qi, who is three to five yards away from the warden. In order to dodge the attack of this area, he immediately exited ten yards away, and the distance that was just opened was exhausted, even Still beyond the original distance; and seeing this situation, the prison governor of the holy prison immediately heard a laugh in his chest: "Is it? This is the gap between you and me! So, Your ability is good, and the speed of each increase is enough to reach a surprising level. But for me, is this increase not enough?"

"In such a situation. You are constantly approaching, but I am easily hit back to the original position, even further distances; this way, when your ability to increase speed disappears, you will... ......"

The warden who had not finished the story felt the bottom of his heart because of the shock of the power of contractual anti-phasing, and immediately turned back to the unbelievable one - only the flame that disappeared in it, only the remaining smoke, the strong figure of the tower of the athletic tower Vaguely. Slowly appeared; the tower of the athletic tower with his giant sword, although the hair, eyebrows, and beard were burned more than half, but still with the familiar and hearty laughter, said: "Molan, you are not Would you really think that I was killed? This guy’s flame is nothing compared to Blanc, it’s not worth mentioning!”


Just at the moment when the warden of the holy prison turned his head, Ye Qi, who had just been forced out of ten yards, appeared again in front of the warden in the blink of an eye - fast. It was faster than the speed of the previous blast; in the incredible face of the warden, Ye Qi condensed the sword of the whole body, with the determination of his pursuit of killing, straightforward That black and purple shield.


In the vibrato of the knives, the sharp blade appeared straight on the protective cover, and it sounded crisp. The entire black-purple shield appeared a crack from the position where the blade touched, and then it appeared as if the crack of the spider web appeared quickly, followed by the sound of a glass crack.

After the warlord's meticulously modified, the force of death is enough to withstand the protective cover of [Bigby's Palm], and it has been broken under the long-standing knife of Ye Qi!


Just at the moment when the shield is broken. The black and purple death force quickly appeared in the hands of the warden to block the blade of the knives, the former governor who had evaluated the speed of Ye Qi with a smile. The incredible face at the moment is even more unbelievable than the stalwart stalwart of the towering singer.

"You, you hide the fastest speed!"

The prisoner of the holy prison, with a shock that could not be concealed, stared at Ye Qi in front of him - if the first Ye Qi only showed the speed of approaching him, then the speed of Ye Qi’s explosion at that moment, Already enough to compare his speed, even beyond one or two points!

But how is this possible?

He is already above the Sunshine!

And the other party?

It’s just a day of glory! It’s just a day!

How can the Japanese Yao class resist the glory of the sun!

Facing the incredible eyes of the warden's shock, Ye Qiwei glared at his eyes: "What do you say?"

"Ah, ah! Go to hell!"

This obviously with a rhetorical question-and-answer, immediately made the warden an instant anger, the force of death in the hands of the knives on the blade of the knives broke out, suddenly, Ye Qi shocked; this code The prisoner immediately condensed the force of death in his hands and then shot again.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Except for the power of death that is like a laser-like integration, the rest is the kind of death force that is the size of a steel needle; but under such an attack, Ye Qi is like a phantom. In the shuttle, there is no force of death to touch him - under the premise of a special liquid in the Holy Grail [full attribute +1], [cursive surgery] +8 temporary agility, enough to let Ye Qi On the basis of the original one-third of the increase; such a speed even in the face of the warlord above the daylight is not in the slightest wind, after all, the other side is on the path of the wizard, not on their own body The basic warrior road!

However, as a method of using the "cursor" in front of the other party, and Ye Qi is very sure that the other party can not know the special liquid function in the Holy Grail, he does not mind only showing the first use of "cursive surgery" The speed makes the other person numb and then looks for an opportunity to give the other party a fatal blow.

The sudden victory of the tower of the athletic tower, the moment when the warden screamed at the gods, undoubtedly gave Ye Qi a perfect opportunity.

As for the warden’s saying, ‘as long as my abilities don’t wear out, it will exist forever! Such a discourse?

If Ye Qi believes that this obviously words with the confidence to fight it is the real fool - the scene of the waning undulations is obvious in the blind sense; if you lie to others, maybe Will succeed, but face Ye Qi?

Still forget it, this is just a self-deprecating, just like the warden in front.

At this moment, the prison governor of the sacred prison, looking at the shape of the illusion of Ye Qi, his face has been ugly to the extreme, he can not imagine that will be the disciples of the old opponent, three times and four teasing, and each time It is a fatal blow that gives him hard to watch! ─ —— From the very beginning to use his contempt, and later because he wants to capture, followed by the shadow shuttle ability, and then the speed of hiding...

Although every time he was under his control, it was not the reason for his relief of anger -

Facing the obvious speed to reach even surpassed his Ye Qi, once again glanced at the tower of the tower that has begun to approach, the warden of the sacred prison, a bite of resentment - The power of toxins, flames, and ice are all destroyed, leaving only...

Although not my most desired...

But with my talent, I can definitely fill in the shortcomings...

Business with the first two!

The warden who thought of this did not hesitate, and a series of incitements occurred in the depths of the soul.

Ps second more ~~~ decadent to wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival~~~

Thank you for the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal son, the reward of the starting price of the June 4200, the reward of the starting currency of the sn100, the reward of the 100-starting currency of the quiet forest, and the reward of the starting point of the Monaco flame knife 100~~ ~ Deceased here, thank you for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.

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