Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 87: weakness


The sharp blade of the knives intersected the palm of the warden, and immediately sounded a metal strike. Looking at the opponent’s palm and the knives, only a white mark appeared. Ye Qi could not help but raise his eyes. For such a result, after going through the slashing of the other side with the tower of the athletic tower, Ye Qi had already been psychologically prepared; therefore, without any hesitation, in the next moment, Ye Qi turned the handle, in the palm of the other hand. Before closing, I pulled out my own knives, and once again waved the knives in my hand.レm♠思♥路♣客レ..

The goal of this time is that the opponent's waist is like a steel body at the moment. Ye Qi does not believe that there is no solution; otherwise, the judge of the year, the "Sacred Shield", may not be smashed by his teacher. Under the sword.

Just the weakness I didn't find it!

Such an idea appeared in the heart of Ye Qi, and made Ye Qi’s attack more and more swift and sharp; originally blessed, with a temporary agile of +8, the speed has reached a limit that ordinary people can't imagine; At this moment, the knives in the hands of Ye Qi are more like a turn into a dozen general, shrouded in the warden, dazzling.


The sound of the same metal strikes again, and the sound of this time is like pushing the door of a blacksmith shop; in the next moment, the sound of '叮, 叮, 叮' is practiced. One hand, two legs, the front heart, the back waist... All the leaves know, the weaknesses that can be found, can't escape the sniper and straight stab of the magic knife; but the result is the first time The result is the same when fighting: no effect. ..

At most. Just bring out a white mark!

"It's useless. The power of steel is not as simple as you think! Although it doesn't have much potential. But that's also relatively speaking. For you, this is still a small existence, its power is you. Unimaginable!" Shaking his body, because of the sniper and thorns of the knives, the rotten robes, the sorcerer of the holy prison, Shi Shiran said; the sarcasm contained in the tone is almost beyond words.

For such a tone of attack, it is another round of offensive.

叮, 叮, 叮...

The impact of the knives and the other body's body was denser and faster than before. It took almost a minute to stop and then stopped in this minute. Ye Qi cut out hundreds and nearly a thousand knives; and the robes that the warden had originally worn on his body completely became a pile of textile raw materials, and the white marks on the body after the impact with the blade were even one piece. The body that made the warden's original whiteness, whiter and whiter, seemed to be coated with a layer of white lime.

"Don't you find out that what you have been doing is useless?" I didn't care if the prisoner of the image smiled straight at this time: "I didn't tell you long ago, the power of steel is coming for you now. Say, is there no solution?"

“No solution? Maybe so, but it doesn’t mean there are no weaknesses!”

Ye Qi stood in front of the warden. The voice answered steadily and forcefully, followed. It is the sharp knife that points again to the other's eyes.


The sound of metal strikes came again, but it was not the eyes of the warden and the knives, but the palms and knives of the other party. At the last moment before, the paw of the warden was in front of him. Blocking the knives; obviously, in the long mouth of the war, the power of steel for Ye Qi at this moment is not as weak as he said.

In fact, the judge of the year, the 'Sacred Shield', could not protect his eyes either; every time he faced an enemy, he would wear a specially made mask to protect his eyes and face; even, There is also a pair of armor that matches the mask, as the first layer of defense; instead of the **** of the moment, just a robes of a black deacon.

"Even if you can find this weak point that is not a weakness, what can you do?" The tone of the warden is still full of disdain. He looks at Ye Qi, a slight head, saying: "Every time you attack. When, my palm is enough to stop your attack!"

"Your weakness is more than just your eyes! There is speed!" Ye Qi held up the knives, and the tip of the knife rushed straight, his slightly squinting eyes, up and down, looking at the warden in front of him, slowly Said: "The power of steel gives you the greatest degree of defense, which also limits your speed! Unlike your undead servants, they are limited to a low rate, which is negligible; but you, but not same!"

Ye Qi, who had paused, looked at the warden in front of him and continued to say: "I just had two rounds of attacks. Most of the attacks are blocked by the body; however, this is not you. Showing your strong defense, but your heart is not enough. Your body is facing my current attack, and you can't dodge!"

"And just a thorn on your eyes, it shows that you are in the state at the moment, only in front of my blade at the last moment, and you can only use my sleeves of the deacon to be able to stop my attack. Much! Even if I am faster now than that time, it is enough to show that your speed is at least 30% lower than the first time I played against you! Even more!"

"And it's clear that the power of steel is not well matched with your own death in your mouth; even the power of steel is still affecting your death! I think, what you call steel Force has no potential, I am afraid this is it?"

In the end, Ye Qi asked.

"Your intelligence is just as annoying as your teacher!"

The chin of the prison of the sacred prison is still lifted up high. After the slight change of the gods on the face, he once again restored the kind of arrogance, but full of disdain. Appearance; Obviously, facing Ye Qi, who said that everything is right, the warden still believes that he has the absolute advantage of the difference between rì Yao and Rì Yao, compared to the moon and the level of rì The difference is even bigger, just like a gap, the Scorpio is generally blocked between two levels of people; and at this distance, even the warden who was found to be weak. Still indifferent.

after all. Under the absolute strength gap. It is the heart that knows the so-called weaknesses, and the absolute strength that has no effect is enough to smooth out any so-called weaknesses.

The warden of the sacred prison has always thought so.

"Even if you know what? How can you do?" The warden with two reconsiderations, with a hint of irony in his eyes: "It’s like the speed of your moment, taking advantage, but fast The speed, the attack can not break my defense. What is the use? What's more, you have been violently attacking, the physical strength consumed is not a few? When this ability disappears, you still have physical strength, continue to display this next time Is the ability to proliferate?"

"Don't tell me that your ability to proliferate is not to consume physical strength! It's not funny to know that such a joke!" Unconsciously, the words of the warden, one more point yīnsen "There is no such ability to surge, even without physical strength. What do you face with me? Just rely on the small knife in your hand, know that it can't break even my defense!"

Finished. The warden sent a long laugh to Yang Tian, ​​and there was no sarcasm in the laughter.

"You are no more than a face to face the existence of a rì Yao, how much is difficult!" Ye Qi ignored the other party's sarcasm, as if telling a fact, he whispered: "What you are good at is a variety of undead The servant acts as a means of containment and main attack, and then cooperates with your death force to kill the opponent; but now?"

After that, Ye Qi went to the battlefield behind him and pointed out that the large cockroaches had fallen nearly ten, about one-eighth of the number; while the rest were attacking insanely, while the other’s undead servants fell. More, the number has almost reached fifty; after all, they face the removal of large 骷髅, there are shadow warriors and higher-order yīn servants!

The mighty servants of the undead are indistinguish from the powerful power and the chain of death, and the super defense that the warden has gained from the power of steel; but these players’ shadow warriors and yīn servants are simply useless. The shadow warrior and the yīn servant who ignore physical attacks and physical defenses are nightmares for any existence that relies on strength and heavy armor, especially since they are born in both yīn shadow and negative energy. The similar existence of the chain of death is also the state of immunity, which causes the uselessness of the most powerful and most taboo means of the undead.

In this state, the shadow warrior and the yīn shadow servant are the natural enemies of the undead servants!

Therefore, Ye Qi is very confident that after the large 骷髅 all 'death', the other's undead servants will also be all 'death'; even if the other party has a backup servant, and then there is a shadow warrior and yīn servant. It is just a little more time.

"Without the cooperation of the undead servants, how much can your strength be exerted? Without the containment and main attack of the undead servants, and without the raid of the power of death, can you call it the existence of rì耀? That seemingly powerful, indestructible steel power is placed on you, just a shackle!"

Ye Qi lifted the knives in his hand to the chest, and the blade rushed out; under the blue sè, it was only a moment that the warden was shrouded in it. In a series of sounds of '叮叮叮', Ye Qi The words are clear and audible: "And in the face of you, even if it is just a rì, I am sure that I can take you under the knife!"

"It’s a big deal!"

The governor whispered, but his face was changed after he had changed the power of steel. As a warden of the prison, he was of course very clear; he obtained an unimaginable defense. Force, but it will drag down its own speed, and it is for this reason that the power of steel is said to have no potential in the crowd above Rì Yao; after all, even if it is on the road to warriors The existence of them, although they attach importance to defense, but also attach importance to speed.

It can be said that unless there is the existence of a special talent, otherwise, it will not be unilaterally powerful, but make the other side become extremely weak; after all, whether it is above the rì Yao, or the rì耀, To evaluate a person's strength is not simply to look at his most powerful point, but to consider the weakest and most capable people who are valued because their abilities can complement each other to reach 1+1 greater than 2. Results.

In fact. The complementarity of this ability. When the strength is higher. The more obvious it is in the past, the multi-capacity moon-level apostle faced the rì yao-level powerhouse, and the battle against the wind was the most obvious example.

Therefore, even if the warden of the holy prison is the strongest who chooses the path of the wizard, he is good at using the undead servant as the main offensive and containment means. He will not give up the speed completely; after all, there are more servants at certain moments. As a shield, it is not as convenient as moving your own steps. In the case of being forced to helpless, the warden will choose the power of steel as the object to be absorbed before his next promotion; and this premise, he still saw the use of Ye Qi, after the speed surged; Ye Qi, and from Ye Qi's 'Dragon Blood', also gained considerable ability.

However, it is clear that there is a slight change in the current situation, whether it is the ability of Ye Qi at the moment, or the fact that Ye Qi sees through the power of steel in such a fast time, he did not think of it. And under such premise. He obviously could not reach the original idea; even, he could not guarantee it.

after all. As Ye Qi said, after losing the servant of the dead, his speed has been reduced by 30%, and the strength and defense have remained above the level of rì Yao. In other respects, he can no longer be called Rì耀之. This is the bitter fruit brought by the rapid improvement of strength in the holy prison!

However, the warden will not regret it!

If, not so, he has already lost his bones and become a dry food for others; and even now, he does not think that he will lose, although he is the core of his ability, after losing enough bodies, it is really even The level is not as good as it is, but the power of steel that has just been absorbed has already reached the top of the rì 耀, even if it is just stepping in, and the 'new promotion' of the rì 耀级, but it is not a rì 耀 level can compete, especially It is the defensive power brought by the power of steel, and it is not a so-called rì yao level that can be broken!

As long as he can't break his defense, it will end up in the end. The victory is still the prisoner of his holy prison. I don't believe that the strength of the attack can be as long as five or six hours; even insist on one or two. Hours, enough for him to be surprised; staying at a peak, for a long time attack, even if there is a blood of the dragon family.

As for those yīn servants and shadow warriors, as well as large 骷髅?

The rest of his undead servants are entangled until the last time is exhausted. The support of the other party is undoubtedly the end of time. With the current state, he does not think that he can face the siege of several six-towers at the same time.

In other words, before the support of the other party comes, he must solve the battle!

So now, it’s the face-to-face battle between him and Ye Qi!

Single-on-one battle...

As soon as I think about the situation I am facing now, the face of the prison governor of the holy prison, once again turned better, although she lost the best servant of the dead, but the confidence of the warden was not lost, but it was even more disdainful. Ye Qi’s brainless behavior.

"I don't know where your self-confidence comes from, but I will let you know the difference between rì耀级和罗ì耀!" The governor said, while he had been fighting for a long time, almost forgotten. Posture: "Let me use facts to prove that you are childish!"


The knives of the knives flashed, and the paws of the warden's fists shrank in the chest. They simply ignored Ye Qi's attack. After the knives were cut down on the body, they slammed out ‘呜! The sound of it was like the northwest wind that had been blown by the northernmost land. It immediately blew the windbreaker hunting on Ye Qi.

A very relaxed side, Ye Qi flashed this punch full of pressure, with a knife on the other side of the body for the position of the hit, this time Ye Qi did not choose the weakness of the whole body, but I found a place to focus on the superior strength of the attack; the previous attempt has made him understand that the other side has no "weakness" except for the eyes!

It is basically impossible to rely on the usual attacks such as 'critical, weak points'!

Therefore, the point is that at this moment, Ye Qi’s strategy is even a piece of rock will be broken down by water droplets; the most important thing is that every drop of water is concentrated on one point; and this is, Ye Qi has to do now.



After the metal strikes, it is another punch; for the behavior of Ye Qi, the governor knows clearly, but there is no change in the truth of the dripping stone. The warden certainly understands, but that needs The accumulation of time is likely to become a reality; and to the extent of the intensity of the current Ye Qi attack, want to reach this level? Even if he stood still and let Ye Qi cut into the support of the Devil's Headquarters, the attack of such a strong attack could not pose a threat to him.

"Good strength, such strength wants to break my defense, you are really naive!"

The warden smiled coldly.

PS first more ~~~ timing ~~~

It’s so hot! ! So hot! !

When the code word is, the sweat is going down! ! ! (To be continued.)

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