Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 98: Return to Shak

The wizarding emperor's wizarding tower has basically reached the peak of the magic tower in the dark ages. Apart from the floating flight, various hidden types of means are also emerging; for example: diving in the underground with fossils as mud, before After such a means, it is naturally impossible for Ye Qi to leave the Witch Tower only in the Thousand Marsh area, and naturally bring it back to Langing Fort; after all, the Witch Tower in the Thousand Marsh area is only a large one. The lab is just the same, and the Wizard Tower in Randburg is a fortified and defensive fortress; it doesn't know how much stronger than the bar he spends heavily on.

Therefore, when he knew that the wizarding emperor's wizarding tower could advance in the underground, Ye Qi was preparing to expand the basement of the bar at the first moment and connect it to the wizarding tower; as an extension of the entire building complex.

Of course, such an idea is undoubtedly beautiful, but the reality is not so optimistic. Needless to say, the expansion of the basement of the bar requires redesign, secret construction, etc., just bringing the wizard tower back to Langingborg. A huge cost - the operation of the wizard tower is entirely fueled by the rare existence of magic crystal; by controlling the central hub, starting from the Thousand Marsh area and arriving in Langerburg, at least 20 standards are required. Energy, that is, twenty high magic crystals.

According to the price of a high-tech magic crystal of 40,000, this is 800,000 Kimpton - such a price is enough to renovate his bar and rebuild it four times, and still have the highest standard; The price of the whole body that can be used up and down is less than a thousand Kimpton's Ye Qi, this price is obviously unbearable.

And those materials and props from three or more layers in the Magic Tower. Basically, they also have their own irreplaceable value. If you sell it, it is obviously killing chickens and taking eggs. This kind of behavior is not what Ye Qi will do. The materials and props under the three layers can be shot, but the price is naturally Can be imagined.

Although there is no problem with the reserves there, in exchange for a hundred thousand quintessions, it is obviously not enough compared to the number of 800,000.

Do you need to make magic items for sale?

Ye Qi thinks at the bottom of his heart, then. Looking at his own "Alchemy Master 3", I couldn't help but shake my head - this level of alchemy, the magic equipment for making some tricks and low-level mass goods is naturally no problem, but the fine level of magic equipment is obviously Not enough; and the price of a fine level of magic equipment is basically a dozen times the difference compared to ordinary magic equipment, even if the materials made by the two are the same.

In this regard, Ye Qi, who had been involved in the black market for a while, still understands; and because of this understanding, he can't stand his 'bad skills' to harm those precious materials; even the third floor of the wizard tower. The same is true for the following materials.

perhaps. You can ask Merlin to help...

After Ye Qi’s heart thought of the young witch, she couldn’t help but move – although she had not seen her accomplishments in alchemy. However, judging from the other's generation of wizards and the level of spells that are usually displayed, the level of alchemy in the other side should not be low; at the very least, it will not be second to his level of [Alchemy Mastery 3].

What's more, even if you can't make it for yourself, you can introduce some trustworthy wizards to him for cooperative refining. But people without materials also exist in the same way; in this case, as long as the two sides are equal, under a magic contract, it is enough to promote a win-win cooperation.

Then, after returning from Shak, return to Langhamburg...

You can also find out the current situation of Datong and Ava...

Thinking of a few friends who are already on the verge of breaking through, Ye Qi made a smile from the bottom of his heart - whether the three can break through to the Japanese level. Ye Qi did not doubt; after all, when he was a trainee apostle, Ted, who was an instructor, said that the talents of the three were extraordinary. It belongs to the demon hunter who is rare in a decade; as long as it is not half-way, it becomes a moonlight-level hunter, and naturally there is no problem.

With a series of things happening, Ava got the welcome of the Druid camp. The little man and the nine nights of innocent research fanfare together, the big man and the bartender learned the whole set of [chariot] Skills, the original talents of the three have already become excellent; if Ted’s evaluation is enough, it will be enough to reach a rare degree in a hundred years – and this kind of evaluation naturally shows their potential to enter the Japanese glory. .

It can be said that Ye Qi thinks that his three friends have become the level of the day, it is only a matter of time.

As for the legendary world?

For this, Ye Qi’s heart is full of expectation and hope, but what the final result will be, but what he can’t expect – but as long as he reaches the sun and moves forward in it, in nine years Five months later, during the inevitable war, he had arrangements in advance, and the safety of his friends was absolutely no problem.

嗒, 嗒, 嗒...

Thinking of the inevitable battle, Ye Qi’s fingers on the scabbard of the knives were not gently tapped – he could do his best for the war that he couldn’t predict the outcome. Increase your own strength, and release the seal for the wolf, and get the qualification of 'fair battle' with the other party.

However, at the thought of the three remaining statues, in addition to knowing that one of them is inside the Holy See, the remaining two are not known until now, and Ye Qi can not help but feel a burst of headaches – whether it is the former The difficulty, or the difficulty of finding the latter, is comparable to Ye Qi.

The reason why the strange wolf statue was collected, this task was systematically evaluated as [s+], apparently because of its unpredictability; from the first statue, almost every statue has its own place and function. Apart from the furnishings, it is basically being bought and sold as an antique, especially the second strange wolf statue that was seen by the black market merchants at that time. Ye Qi is completely imaginable. These statues have been scattered in the hands of countless cultural relics, business houses, auction houses, rich people, etc., scattered throughout the whole of Lorante.

Coupled with the seal, the deliberate arrangement, the whole statue is unusually inconspicuous, although it is an antiquities, but the value is a normal character, which makes the difficulty of finding Ye Qi even more than a little bit; after all, usually It is ordinary, and the ordinary characteristics are many - especially in the hands of some cultural relics. Even if he has handled such an item, I am afraid it will be quickly forgotten.

Rather than being a rare treasure, as long as there is such a thing to deal with, I am afraid that these cultural goods dealers will remember their lives - perhaps, I should make a grand auction?

No, if the statue of the wolf is still in the hands of the Holy See, such an auction can only be a warning to the other party!

It must be that after the statue of the strange wolf inside the Holy See...

The involuntary Ye Qi thought of using the auction to narrow the goal for himself, but after a little indulging. Ye Qi shook his head—unlike the person he had encountered before dealing with the statue of the wolf, in a place like the Inquisition. Obviously, the Holy See treats the statue of the wolf in a different way; it is impossible to get it in the same way as before.

You must first get the statue of the strange wolf inside the Holy See!

Such an idea is very sure to appear in the heart of Ye Qi; however, his look is a little dignified - the Shenglin District, which is said to be incapable of being infiltrated, is definitely not to talk about it!

In addition to relying on internal staff, Ye Qi has no other way!

As for makeup sneak?

Looking at the chameleon known for its change, it is only in the place outside the Holy Forest that the identity of the Holy See has been obtained. It is enough to understand how inconvenient such a method is; even, Ye Qi can speculate. Like him, there is no such thing as a person who believes in the whole body. As soon as he shows up, he will be treated as a different kind in the entire Shenglin District; it is like walking on the street and meeting a person who does not wear clothes; !

Therefore, the next cooperation with Lehmann has become quite necessary; however, as a regional main sacrifice of Lehmann, I want to return to the Holy Forest. Moreover, the qualification to enter the Inquisition is undoubtedly not completed in a short time.

According to the memory of the deputy director of the Inquisition, the place where the statue was stored was very secret. Unless there is a presiding judge or the corresponding qualifications, there is no need to think about entering at all - and Lehman, just over half a year ago, has just been promoted to become the existence of the regional main sacrifice, and wants to cross the Great Sacrifice and the Bishop in a short time. The presiding judge of the general status of the Archbishop of Red is obviously impossible.

If there is no accident, according to the normal process, even with Lehmann's outstanding performance, it takes at least two decades to cross three stages – and twenty years? For that big battle, the dust has already settled!

Perhaps, it should be reconsidered with Lehmann!

Let him perform a little better...

Ye Qi silently thought about this possibility, and then, very solemnly put it on his next agenda - after all, even if there is a system, Ye Qi does not think that he can be in nine years and five months Reach the height of the opponent with the former wolf and the wolf; therefore, the inevitable battle, the protagonist should definitely not be him, but the opponent of the wolf and the wolf.

The premise is that he must find the remaining three statues to unblock the strange wolf; otherwise, as a contractor of the wolf, he is definitely the target of the other party's key care; and with the 'doctrine' shown by the other party, he And the end of all the people associated with him is absolutely extremely miserable; and this is what Ye Qi absolutely does not want to see.

"Ye, Ye Qi, Lord!"

A slightly hesitant voice made Ye Qi, who was sitting on the camp bed with his knees, retracted his thoughts and looked at the young blonde huntress who stood at the door. After Ye Qi slightly slammed, he stood up and said: "Randy, you are looking for me?"

For this blond female hunter who has considerable prestige among the young hunters, Ye Qi still has a good influence. Apart from the commanding ability that the other party should have, it is the other kind of care for the young people around him as brothers and sisters. The demeanor, which always makes Ye Qi see the advantages of being a traditional hunter; therefore, it is only the number of faces, and Ye Qi still remembers the other's name.

"Yes, yes, Lord Ye Qi!"

Obviously for Ye Qi can call her name directly. This young blond female hunter is very happy; unlike the previous stuttering, this time is entirely due to excitement - for an admirer, what can be more than the idol who is worshipped knows more Exciting?

"If you have lunch, there is still some time; if you don't mind, sit down and talk!"

Ye Qi smiled and pointed to the side, covered with animal skin, acting as a stone for the chair - when eating, the skin was removed, that is, the table; although this method is very simple, but for the grave. For the hunters who have slept in the park benches, this is already very good; at the very least, when they sleep, they don’t have to lie on the stone, but have a camp bed that is enough to stretch the body.

"Thank you, Lord Ye Qi!"

The young blond-hunted demon man, who has done it straight on the stone paved by the animal skin - is different from the etiquette that ordinary women have to obey, and for the demon hunter, the politeness of the kind invitation. That is rejection; of course, if this invitation is in the middle. In case of maliciousness, any female hunter will have a dagger, a firearm, etc., so that the other party understands how to do so.

"I want to ask the Lord Ye Qi about something about you!"

After sitting down, the young blond female hunter asked immediately, and the tension and excitement that appeared on her face disappeared completely, leaving only solemnity - obviously, for her somewhat confused sister. Randy has an extraordinary love; and Ye Qi is not surprised.

In fact, after his elders left in the morning, Ye Qi informed the two six towers of everything he saw; and the two six-tower owners only discussed for a moment, would they be jealous? Mum’s tent came out independently and asked her mother to take her to reset the tent to the side of the two tower owners and Ye Qi’s tent.

And such a change will naturally have doubts. Especially the hunting demon who usually has a good relationship with him. He will even ask about such a change; therefore, the two tower owners and Ye Qi are already discussing it at the moment, and they are strongly seen in Ye Qi. Anything is pushed to them, and everything is explained by them; and at this time, in the face of the inquiry of the young blond hunter, Ye Qi will naturally be very willing to abide by the agreement with the two tower owners -

“Do you mean the change in the location of the tent?”

Ye Qiming knows the truth.

"Yes, just now, Ai Lili’s mother moved directly to the side with her beggar! The original position should be right next to me and Newou! Lord Ye Qi, is there something happening?” After nodding, the young blond hunter asked her question.

"This change, I don't know!" Ye Qi deliberately frowned, and then slowly shook his head, said: "This change, or you first told me!"

"Is that right……"

After the young blond female hunter heard such an answer, she was disappointed - for a girl like Randy, apparently she would not doubt the words of her admirers; I can only say sorry in my heart; after all, the inanimate king is 'intentional'. The less the people know, the less they know. The better the temperament of the demon hunters, the inadvertent, the order will appear. An accident that people can't imagine.

With the style of the inanimate king, the chances of such an accident will undoubtedly be very large - can you expect that people who are slaughtered in one city and one country will let people who block him because of their soft heart?

As for the demon hunters dare to block each other?

Ye Qi, who is a hunter, is too aware of the temperament of the demon hunters; not to mention the inanimate king, even if the patriarchs of the blood tribe clan are all coming, in order to protect their companions, these guys also You can take up the weapon without frowning and fight the other side; after all, if he is replaced by him, he will do the same.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so easy, even sloppy, he would choose to be a hunter--after all, according to Ye Qi's own dream, doctors and lawyers are the best for him.

"However, it doesn't matter, there is the lord of the sacred tower and the tower of the athletic tower, and the words of you, Ye Qi, you are..." The blond female hunter who was still slightly disappointed was not helpless. The face was red and red, and then, very surely said: "Even if something is happening, it will definitely become safe and sound!"

Finished The young blond female hunter quickly stood up and said goodbye to Ye Qi: "Ye Qi, I still need to prepare lunch with everyone, so..."

"Leaf, leaf!"

The words of the blond female hunter have not been finished yet, and they have been interrupted by a crisp shouting - although the sound is not difficult to hear, the loudness of the shouting is hard to believe is from a woman. In the mouth; moreover, the owner of the voice did not have any greetings, and went straight into the tent that was not his own.

"Ye, let's go hunting together, today I am still..." Shack's fist hurried into the tent, and after pulling up Ye Qi's hand, it was like suddenly seeing the blond female hunter next to her, she could not help but be curious. Asked: "Hey, Randy, what are you doing here?"

Ps second more ~~~ decadent thing tonight, so this chapter is also timed to say ~~~

Thanks to the wave of the starting point of the 200-year-old wave of the sea, the reward of the starting price of the June 4200, the reward of the starting point of the sn100, the wife came to the heyer of the 100-starting coin~~~ decadent thanks to all the support for decadence The brothers and sisters ~~~ are not finished. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (.) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.

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