Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 1: On the road

() On the second night after the departure of the sè dragon, the entire excavation squad of Jacob returned to the market, along with the local guide Foucault and his party in the Thousand Marsh area; Jacob, etc. The peaceful return of the people made the fearful demon people put down the last worry; after all, after the existence of the 'victims', it is difficult to not guarantee that the director of the Inquisition has arranged more such presence.

After a simple welcoming ceremony, Jacob and others who had just arrived learned about everything that happened in the market. After everyone’s anger, they were all awkward because of the entire team of Jacob or Foucault. Local people in the Thousand Marsh area understand that if they want revenge, it will be impossible in a short period of time; the former is the old opponent of the Holy See, and the situation of the Holy See has long been known, if not sure once. Xìng solve all the troubles, then don't do it; otherwise, you will only get more trouble. ..

After all, even if you can be afraid, but what about your family and friends?

Don't expect the Holy See to have reservations about ‘pagans’ in the eyes of these religious fanatics, and to deal with the infidels, no means can be overstated.

As the latter, after entering the zìyóu era, he was once crushed and enslaved by the Holy See for more than a century. The means of the Holy See are more thoroughly understood than the demon hunters; therefore, the hearts of several people Resentment has been suppressed. Of course, any opportunity to erupt these anger, whether it is the demon hunter or the people of the Thousand Marsh area will not hesitate.


As for the disappearance of the remains?

In Jacob's hands full of smiles, this is the end of the original Ye Qi thought that even Jacob will be a bit open-minded; after all. This is more than two years of hard work. At the time of success. It became a bubble in a flash, and it was his words, and he could not completely ignore it.

"After all, you are his prospective son-in-law. If you change someone else, you have already been screened by his double guns!"

In the words of Feribe, when everyone laughed, the relics were left behind; however, in Ye Qi’s heart. However, I thought about compensating Jacobs and other people in other ways. Although the ruins of the female cavalry chiefs have already come to an end, this does not mean that Ye Qi can accept such results.

Ye Qi doesn't mind if he gets nothing, but it needs to look at the original target. If it is an enemy like the Holy See, Ye Qi will never have any psychological burden. I am afraid that after taking advantage of it, I have to step on the Holy See. Only one foot can be done; and when this object becomes a person who is closely related to himself, Jacob is absolutely unable to be calm.

In the way of thinking about Ye Qi’s thinking, the time passed quickly. When the sun rises again, Ye Qi has begun to sort out his tents and camp beds with a smile, although the value is not high. But for the demon hunter, it is a must-have item for carrying, and these wild items are themselves lent to him by Ted. Therefore, the necessary arrangement and thanks to Ted are necessary.

"Thank you, Ted!"

After putting the finished tents and camp beds on Ted’s modified SUV, Ye Qi smiled and licked the other’s strong shoulders; the latter snorted and then smiled. Invited: "How? With me?"

From the market in the Thousand Marsh area, returning to Shaq, the fastest way for ordinary people is undoubtedly to take the car to the railway station on the border, and then return to the train directly to the Shak; and the devils naturally do not like this, basically The modified vehicles form a fleet. Even if half of the day is half-time, half a day, it is enough to set foot on Shaker's land. When there is no urgent matter, the demon hunter does not mind going in this way.

As a mount Groning, the modified Impala67 is also in the case of Randenburg, Ye Qi naturally needs to ride a car with others; but, fortunately, Ye Qi wants to find one who wants to be with him. It is not difficult to ride the people; whether it is Ted in front or others, Ye Qi is a powerful but expressive and ruthless demon hunter; however, Ye Qi, who has long intentions in his heart, has to Refused to Ted goodwill.

"I am afraid this time will not work, I have to be with Uncle Jacob!"

Ye Qi, a large pickup truck that was not far away, was obviously modified, and smiled at Ted.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, everyone is going all the way; whether it's lunch or camping at night, you can have a drink and chat together!" Ted reveals a smile that resembles the heart of the athletic tower, a shot of Ye Qi's shoulder. Drilled into the car, the car before the start of the car has already set off, and the subsequent car naturally needs to keep up; although there is no strong demand that all the demon hunters are lined up in a fleet, but all the demon hunters still follow This way to do it.

"Stofei, I hope to see you next time!"

"Ye Qi, Jacob, you are safe!"

After mutual goodbye, the president of the Qianguma branch standing next to the car raised his arms and shook his arms against the already started car; until all the cars of the team disappeared, this turned around and turned to the market. Going there; and when there are still a dozen yards away from the gate of the market, two teenagers have appeared in front of him.

"Ksor, Xiao Doug, have you decided?" Looking at the two juveniles in front of him, although they wanted to strengthen the team of the demon hunters, Jacob still reiterated again: "Hunting People are not a game of family. Once you join, you will bring the brand of the demon hunter; it will not be lost for a lifetime, the attack will appear anywhere, time, you are likely to die in one Unknown corner, no one knows!"

"Even if you are, are you willing?"

The tone of the head of the Hunter Demon in the Thousand Marsh Area was aggravated.

"Uncle Undo, a total of 371 people are waiting for me to avenge them. Compared with these 371 lives, what is my own?" Although the injury has not healed, he still swears. Crutches. But the firmness in Ksor's eyes is comparable to steel: "And even if it will die at any time. I have to complete my wish and die again. Otherwise, I will become a devil, and Shura will climb out of **** again. To complete your wish!"

"There was a friend who died that night. Although it was only a new friend, but my friend died, if I don't do it, then I will be boring!" Compared with Kossol's firmness. The little Doug is carrying a smile of the nobles, but this smile does not give any warmth, but it will gradually become cold: "My talent is not good, but our wish is the same; if I can't do my own wish, I don't mind trying to expand my family's industry, and then spend more Kimpton to hire a killer to fulfill my wish!"

Two worrying little devils!

Looking at a young man who is determined to be as iron-clad, a hidden young man, Stofei shook his head in the bottom of his heart. The two young people are his optimistic seedlings, but now they are becoming extreme; thinking about all this The person in charge of the demon hunter in the Thousand Marsh area shook his head.

"Come on. Say goodbye to Toka, I will take you to a place!"

Stoic sighed at the bottom of my heart. Facing the two people, they waved their hands and walked quickly toward the market as a seedling that had been optimistic. Stofei certainly did not allow the other party to wither and wither.

There you will get everything you want!

And, it will make you more aware of your existence!

With such affirmative thoughts, the steps of Stofei could not help but speed up the score, while the behind-the-spots of Kesol and Xiao Doug were inseparable and followed closely.


"There will be heroes in the ruins?!"

Enid, who was sitting on the knees next to Ye Qi, listened to Ye Qi’s story about the ruins. He couldn’t help but exclaimed that the modified pickup truck that Ye Qi was riding had a similar appearance and pickup. The entire body and tires have a much larger volume than ordinary pickups. If you are connected to the carriage after being attached to the compartment, there are basically two pickups; therefore, even after Ye Qi sits in, Enid is followed. The four people who came in and dig the squad with Jacob and his ruins were also crowded.

Especially when the car part originally located in the rear seat is opened backwards, the manger with the bag together forms a wider space than the original car, even if three or five people are added. No problem. On the way, the car was exchanged between Tate and Brace sitting in the co-pilot; Ferribe and Jacob sat in the same way, but at the moment they were divided into two for convenience. A seat, and left a back row that is enough for a chéngrén to bend over; in the end is the newly joined Ye Qi and Enid.

The topic of the journey, also in the mouth of Ferribe, can not stop, the person who is very curious, and the straightforward to the disappeared 'relics' may be the gains and losses of the remains, here No one will be appreciative, but for every experience of the ruins, every one of you is absolutely incomparable, including Jacob, and even Jacob, among all, is the best. The odd one; after all, it is his wish to explore each ruin for Jacob. He may not care about the outcome of the gains and losses, but for the process, he is very valued and regarded as a treasure.

For everything in the ruins, Ye Qi, who has already got the most benefit, has no concealment. The ones that will be explained in the 1510th are all told to the people in the car. Although not a person who is very good at telling stories, but for Ye Qi said that the complete narrative is not difficult; therefore, after Ye Qi started, everyone listened very seriously, even if the active Einde was at the end, Ye Qi stopped. After the next time, I interjected.

"There is really a spirit!"

After Enid’s voice just fell, Ferribe couldn’t help but exclaimed as a half-way monk, adding to the tower guard of the Moon Tower in Jacob’s ruins, even if it’s For the demon hunter, he also saw some things as legends in the original Ye Qi; and, more stubborn than the average person, because he knows that vampires, werewolves, etc., which ordinary people don’t know, really exist, but for the spirits This kind of thing that exists only in books, but does not have any actual evidence, Ferribe has always been treated as a story.

but. What is said from Ye Qi mouth. Feribe is not doubtful. Even if he used to be very cold for Ye Qi, but this does not affect his outstanding cognitive talent for Ye Qi, strong, and humble, except for the coldness of strangers, and occasional arrogance, can be counted The above is very good, and obey the traditional demon hunter; and such a person, if said, Ferribe naturally will not doubt.

"Is that spirit so powerful?"

Compared to Enid and Ferribe's surprise. Jacob is concerned about other aspects. He asked in his unique hoarse voice: "I can beat you up and down, and even almost forced you into a desperate situation!"

When such a question was asked, the attention of everyone in the car was once again transferred from the spirit to the battle. Although Ye Qi did not describe it in detail, only a few words made everyone discover it. The hardships of this, everyone in the room, with a trace of incredible. After all, everyone in the room has already thought that Ye Qi belongs to the top of the strong. Even if compared with the older generation's strong, it is almost the same; and a spirit can actually push Ye Qi to such a situation. So how strong is that spirit?

Regarding the matter of the prison governor, except for the two tower masters and Kuchi, and Ye Qi himself, no other person knows that ‘some things are still key moments, and they are more powerful! The lord of the sacred tower said, and the few people who knew it were kept secret.

In this regard, Ye Qi naturally nodded and agreed; and for the attention of the sacred tower tower, he also had some speculation before he heard Ted said that the Holy See’s negotiator for this incident has already been from the mountain let's go.

After the two are in contact with each other, some things are naturally beyond Ye Qi.

Therefore, when I talked about the millennial spirit named 'Ter. Fini', Ye Qi had to lower the strength of the other side; watching a few people surprised and curious, Ye Qi smiled in the bottom of his heart. If you know the true strength of the thousand years of spirit, I am afraid you will be really surprised!

"The other side is very strong, especially in terms of the skill of using the sword again. It is almost the strongest I have ever seen..."

Ye Qi, who did not reveal the bitter smile of his heart, said slowly, and began to intentionally or unintentionally follow Ye Qi, who had thought about 'compensating' Jacob in the middle of the night, and only thought of 'increasing strength. 'The method to 'compensate' Jacob and others; Jacob and his party, each one is not weak, basically the Qinghui apostle of Qingyi sè; if, before Ye Qi is still in the rì Yao At the time of the level, if you want to 'compensate' a few people in this way, it is naturally unsuccessful; but after entering the legendary world, not only the improvement of strength, but also the horizon has increased by more than 10%.

Under such circumstances, it is not difficult to help Jacob and his party improve their existing strength by means of verbal and instructive guidance. Ye Qi is also preparing to find an excuse to introduce the topic without any trace. On, but did not expect to follow Jacob's question, very naturally said this aspect.

"That kind of skill is already taking the timing, the terrain and the other side's counterattack, and I will consider it. If it is not me, I am afraid the final result will be me!" Regarding the skill, the most obvious place to get started is to say it slowly with easy-to-understand words. Immediately, everyone who is present in the audience has a good skill, and everyone Of course, the skills will be considered as an opponent's reaction. Therefore, many of the techniques are coherent. Once they are displayed, they are basically like a storm, pushing the other side into a desperate situation and winning the final victory.

For such skills, each individual's cultivation is industrious. After all, that represents victory. However, while practicing, most people do not think about the longer-term existence. Maybe they know when and what. In the case of using such a technique, you will win, but the connection is not thought-provoking.

"And if you can look at the timing, use the terrain, you can guess the opponent's offense at some point, and then you can beat each other in the most effortless way..."

“It’s like if there was a pillar or a wall behind me when I was besieged, then those who besieged can only face me directly, only half the number of opponents; I lean on a corner, at a right angle, the opponent who can attack me will be reduced again, and even the other side will affect their own offense because of the position problem; and I don’t have to worry so much, just let go. Just do your hands and feet!"

From the most obvious place, Ye Qi then said the threshold of advancement, and this time the hard-working Shak's fist, immediately screamed.

"That's right, but you should also consider your physical strength and the sum of the other people's numbers! If the number of opponents is far beyond the number of people you can cope with, then you enter the corner and actually enter." A dead corner surrounded by! When you want to run, you can't run!"

Ye Qi smiled and nodded and continued.

PS second more ~~~

I would like to thank the prodigal son of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the reward of the x200 starting currency, the reward of the Xiao Mofeng 200 starting currency, the reward of the inkmaker's 200 starting currency, the reward of the June Snow IV200 starting currency, sn100 The reward of the starting point ~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~(To be continued.)

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