Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 6: Conversation on the moonlit tower

“Is it still milk tea? Or do we drink something else?”

The moon-tower main tower stood up from the desk and walked towards the little dwarf on the side - there was a small stove with a small bowl with a lid next to it, occasionally a cup of tea and milk From the small bowls that opened the lid, it came out; on the lower layer of the little ones, there were a few bottles of beeswax sealed; the familiar bottle made Ye Qi look at it. It is the special product brought back by the main tower of the sacred object from the market of the Chima area.

"Milk tea! For alcoholic drinks, there are many opportunities today!"

Ye Qiyi said something.

"Yes! The banquet started at noon. Before that, my old friend and Ted came over and gave me 30 barrels of rye!" The towerer of the moon night, after hearing the words of Ye Qi, immediately smiled. When he got the water into the pot and lit the small stove, he turned and invited Ye Qi to sit down: "It seems that my old friend is going to let everyone go all the way!" ”

"Except for everyone to make fun of it, I am afraid that Mr. Blanc is also ready to let go of it. After all, in the Chima area, I can see that Blanc has been for a long time!" Laughed.

Ye Qi has a deep understanding of the amount of wine of the sacred Tata Lord, and he cannot guess at all from the human sphere - of course, with his current physique of 33, he has long since departed from the human sphere. The effect of alcohol on him has become minimal, but under a certain amount of alcohol, it will still cause effects such as '恍惚' and 'slow response', whether it is '恍惚' or 'unresponsiveness', or other, for The habitual and cautious Ye Qi is undoubtedly unacceptable; even at the headquarters of the demon hunter, he will not change such an idea.

However, in the presence of Ted, Jacob, etc., the degree of one or two cups is also necessary; Ye Qi has already had psychological preparations.

"Blank is of course. If it is not the case that this time in the Thousand Marsh area has exceeded the scope of Stofei's ability, I am afraid he will still be in his own shop and dream of death!" Knowing what his old friend is. The main tower of the moonlight night, could not help but smile again and again, shook his head slightly: "One of the two is like this. After throwing such a big stall to my old man. I will ignore it; and it will be effective. Their Guardian, except for the necessary, is also a nest in the bar or room..."

"Herther, I am here to give you a special appointment to enter the Tower of Wisdom; after all, I still lack the necessary skills in some aspects!" Although it is not polite to interrupt the other party halfway, But knowing what the old man is going to say in front of him, Ye Qi is still exquisitely transferring the topic and telling the main purpose of coming here this time - Ye Qi is very clear about what he is good at. And what must be done; if there is no such thing as a sharp-eyed Holy See, Ye Qi may try to help the respectable old man in front of him, but after having the threat of the Holy See, he can only respond to the Holy See. the Lord.

At the moment, the estimated time of the wolf is only nine years and more than five months. As the contractor of the other party, if you don’t want to be sent to the firearm when the time comes, you will only have to work hard to get one. - In such a limited time, he certainly couldn't help the towerer of the moonlight night to manage the Hunter's Headquarters, which was originally time-consuming but had little effect; after all. The demon hunter's own unruly, coupled with the attitude of the highest government, the hatred of the Holy See, including the detachment of all forces, including the family, and the sudden assaults of dark creatures from time to time. All kinds of situations have come together. Ye Qi has not been arrogant enough to solve problems that others have spent more than a dozen and have not solved for decades.

Since it can't be solved in a short time, it is better for Ye Qi not to participate.

"Look. Another stinky boy like those guys!" The towering tower of the moonlight pretending to be angry with Ye Qi, and Ye Qi was helpless shrugging his shoulders: "After all. There are adults in Heather. We are very reassured; let us do it, it is just a mess! Not to mention that in Shaq, it is enough to have Ted, they are still back to my Landingburg, it is more appropriate!"

"Is Lancaster in charge of you? The first time I went to the Bay Area, it was a dedication, but now all of your friends are helping?" The towerer of the moon night knows not May be persuaded to move Ye Qi to help manage the affairs, but still can not help but refute the other side; just as the teacher of the other side straight away the position of the six towers of the master, and the profiteers disappeared together - - All know that it is impossible, or have a faint hunch, but still want to work hard.

"It's not everything, it's a due diligence!"

Ye Qi smiled and stood up. He walked to the side of the little dwarf. The water that had been boiled was rushed straight into the cup that had already been prepared. Immediately, a thick milky fragrance and tea fragrance floated out of the cup. The entire study filled with the tower of the moonlight night - for Ye Qi, who used to drink milk tea, as long as the materials are complete, brewing a cup of milk tea is not a difficult thing; let alone brewing in front of good materials. The milk tea is enough to surprise ordinary restaurants and outdoor cafes.

"Old man, not suitable, too much sugar!" The towerer of the moon night refused, and Ye Qi gave him the practice of adding sugar. He reached out and took the cup, and in his hand, smelled the aroma of the cup. The old man smiled and said: "I can make the Shakes of Dragons brew tea. I am afraid that our Swordsman has not enjoyed it?"

"Teacher's words, prefer alcoholic drinks, like rum, mead, etc." Ye Qi took up his own cup and re-sit, then continued: "However, for sweetness Like, my teacher and I are still the same!"

"The pain in life can be dispelled on the tongue full of sweetness. This is your teacher's famous quote!" The towerer of the moon night recalled: "I remember that your teacher was at the same time." After the beast was fighting, he was seriously injured and did not forget to ask me for a bottle of mead!"

“Yes, the teacher often said this to me; therefore, between black tea and milk tea, I chose the latter with more sweetness!” Ye Qi nodded and then smiled again: “The reason why the teacher did this Do, that is, he is convinced that he can't die by your side of Heather! If you are not around, he is definitely not that easy!"

Every time John is drinking, whether he is pulling a profiteer or going to Kuchi, Ye Qi is on the sidelines; the old John who is drunk or who thinks he should be drunk will always say Some of my own ideas and feelings about the person - although I do not want to admit the correctness of those ideas and perceptions. But Ye Qi had to admit it. He has always been influenced by such ideas and perceptions.

Of course, under such influence, there are different views on the admirable achievements of the teachers at this moment.

"Old John knows his disciple to evaluate his words like this. He will be sad!" The towerer of the moon night first smiled, then took a sip of milk tea that was no longer hot, and continued to use the words of memories: "My The ability is [healing], similar to the teachings of the Holy See, but with differences; the magic is to consume the vitality of the injured to achieve the purpose of healing; and my [cure] is to absorb some special features of the outside world. The existence, then based on my control, to cure!"

"But the effect is that under the Japanese glory, my [cure] is not comparable to the teachings of the Holy See; therefore, at that time I also studied medicine and medicine for quite a long time; and at the end of the day After my [healing] has no need to cure the Holy Spirit, it is less effective than their gods; therefore, when that is about to enter the age of freedom, I am the object of the 'focus on the Holy See'!"

"A variety of endless assassinations have almost become my pre-dinner dessert for three meals a day at that time!" There was a bitter bitterness on the face of the towering tower of the moonlight night: "My clinic has completely become a battlefield." My friends are far away from me, and my strongman of the day is only able to take refuge at the headquarters of the Demon Hunter!"

"Ye, you know that when I got the news that the old John rushed to the mountain, what was the first reaction?" The towerer of the moon night sighed: "Surprise! And after that, it is worry!" ”

"Hatherel. You should have entered the legendary world already? You enter the legendary world..."

"You want to ask me who has entered the legendary world. Why do you still have such a 'weak' idea?" The eyes of the towerer of the moon night looked at Ye Qi and whispered: "Do you know what my derivative ability is?" ?"

"It is [toxin removal]!"

Without waiting for Ye Qi to answer, the towerer of the moon night will tell the answer to his own secrets; and such an answer will make Ye Qi a slight glimpse - his ability is [heal]. The ability to derive is [toxin elimination], and such existence removes physical fitness beyond ordinary people. Its ability is hard to apply in combat; of course, if there are more people with good abilities at his side, then this ability will undoubtedly play a huge role.

Just think about it, the opponent and himself hurt with injury, but the other's injury can be continuously restored. Such a scene, even Ye Qi, must frown; no doubt, the moon tower itself is not for the sake of itself. It exists in a separate battle, but on the battlefield that matches the group battle, it is the place where the other party exerts its true ability.

"The real battlefield can reflect the value of your existence!"

Ye Qi said from the heart.

"But, whether on the battlefield or on the battlefield, I am the one who needs special care from others!" The towerer of the moon night directed at Ye Qi’s teacup in his hand, saying: "So, for safety, I even have Shaq. Try to leave as little as possible; even if you have Blanc's company, you won't go too far; after all, the Eyeta guy is waiting for the opportunity to remove me and waited for a long time!"

“Just like now, I am alone?”

Some of them reacted, and Ye Qi, who wanted to talk to himself about the moon-tower tower, couldn’t help but smile and ask – obviously, the tower-tower of the moonlight night, whether it’s the identity of the Lord of the six towers of Hether, or The identity of his elders could not tell him an unrelated memory for no reason; and the Holy See, which was repeatedly mentioned, and the director of the last inquisition, were undoubtedly meant to be.

In this regard, Ye Qi is naturally grateful; after all, Hessell, who is the master of the six towers, will never remind a person for no reason; except for his teacher’s relationship, more is to him. The emphasis and concern - such emphasis and concern, in the sacred tower tower and the tower of the athletic tower, Ye Qi can also see.

"Yes, the previous Iyeta may not officially regard you as an opponent. But when you become a strong man in the legendary world, you have already become a formal opponent!" The look of dignity said: "If it was before, because of the existence of old John, he would avoid direct conflict with you by various means, but now. When you are also above the sun, this conflict is undoubtedly Unavoidable; after all, the presence of a hunter on the side of the hunter is already dangerous to the Holy See, and this is absolutely not allowed!"

"I, Blanc, Modred, and Gesger, who are not at the Devil's Headquarters. Plus your teachers and profiteers, and Couch, who has a total of seven glory days, step into the legendary realm. Existence!" The tower of the moonlit night slowly said - apparently after Ye Qi stepped into the legendary realm, some of the facts of existence did not need to be concealed from Ye Qi; therefore, the towerer of the moon night said bluntly "The strongest of them should be your teacher and Gusger. Then there are profiteers and Mordes, Kuchi, then Blanc, and finally me!"

"And the strongest of the Holy See should be the contemporary Pope Peter Paul, the next is Ieta, and finally the Warden Moran who was killed by you!" The towerer who said this moon and the night could not help but **** deeply. In his tone, his face became dignified: "The strength of such a bright face is undoubtedly our absolute advantage; but the monks, fanatics, and martyrs within the Holy See have a existence that makes us jealous; conservative estimates are the least There are about ten or so of the sun!"

"So, although we only talk about the strength of a single person, we have the teacher and the tower of the decision-making. We have the certainty to win; but if we fight together, it is our downfall! After all, even if it is yours Teachers face opponents at the same level, and at most they only do one-on-three; and Gesg has long been missing for nearly a decade..."

After a moment of pause, the main tower of the moon night will expand again. Put it on the entire Lott.

"Your teacher, Gesger, Pope Peter Paul of the Holy See, and the highest government of the highest government, Deides, the invincible king of the dark forces, and the same disappearing Xiaoyue. Wolf King Aguzaza; and the chief wizard of the wizard's hand, Lendl; these people form the whole strongest of Lorante!"

"Although the Holy See only Pope Peter Paul is considered to belong to this class. But in the second echelon, the Holy See is led by Iyeta but has an absolute quantitative advantage; even if it is the union of us, the highest government and other forces. It is a tie with the Holy See; not to mention the reserves of the Holy See, although most of them have just crossed the new level of the Japanese-level powerhouse, but the amount of the collection is enough to exceed the sum of one-half of the lot. !"

"Therefore, although the whole of Lorante is superficially controlled by the highest government, the strongest is the Holy See. If there is not us and other forces on the side, the Holy See has already restored the sacred age of that year!" Tata, with the teacup at the main end, went to the desk and said, "But, even if it can’t be restored for a while, the entire sect of the Holy See, represented by Ieta, is working hard for it; therefore, any influence. When they reach their existence, they must be obliterated!"

"And my kid who has just stepped into the legendary world has just become a hindrance to them!" Ye Qi said with a smile: "So, it makes me very important to kill me?"

"As long as the opportunity is right, Ieta will never let go!"

The Lord of the Tower of the Moon Night reiterated.

"So I don't think I have to give this opportunity to the other side!"

Ye Qi smiled and shrugged. Ye Qi did not doubt everything that the towerer of the moon night said, but this is not an excuse for him to stop and stay in Shaq; Ye Qi can certainly hear it, moonlight night The reason why Tata’s Lord said so much is that he still wants him to stay in Shaq. Similarly, if there is no estimated time for the wolf, Ye Qi does not mind bringing his friends to stay in the summer. This is the place where the seasons are like spring; after all,, with his current strength, although it is still unable to reach the top group of people mentioned by the towerer of the moon night, it has already entered the most The qualification of the top batch.

Under such strength, and with a lot of cards, he has the absolute protection of himself and his friends.

However, it is a pity that the reality does not allow him to do this - from the signing of the contract with the wolf, everything can no longer be determined by common sense, although Ye Qi controls everything as much as possible. Mastery, but the existing strength does not allow him to achieve the kind of perfection he wants.

Therefore, those who stay in Shak and other guards generally enjoy a 'retired' life. For Ye Qi, it is a dream for the time being; at the very least, with the existence of the Holy See, such a thing, he wants Can't think of it.

"It’s just as stubborn as your teacher!"

The moon tower night tower smiled and gave Ye Qi a handful of sheepskin rolls that had just been written.

PS first ~~~Timed~~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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