Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 9: In the farce on the Tower of Athletics

The two fireballs are in tandem, and they are still divided into u. Obviously, Roach, the free awakening apostle, has been working hard in Shake’s treacherous and méu; he can’t help but control the movement of the flame. And the power has also been significantly improved, from the exclamation of uwéi and his apprentices in the same period, the exclamation of the néugǎào, the progress of the awakening of the awakening of the ability of the flame, according to the strength of personal talent, from the awakening, néu issued A small flame began to fall to the size of a small fireball; just like today's sacred tower tower master after the awakening ability, néu issued an egg-sized flame group." The novel chapter updated the fastest.

As a free awakening apostle, Roach used néu to use the size of the flame to reach the size of the pigeon egg. Although it is not comparable to the tower of the sacred object, it is compared to the only néu. The other flame-powered apostles of the small flames were stronger; together with the background of the free awakening, it naturally became the focus of the Hunter's headquarters; however, néu reached in the short period of more than five months. In this way, in addition to the focus of the Hunter Devils headquarters, their efforts and talents can not be ignored.

After seeing such a scene, Ye Qi, who stood in the corner, couldn’t help but nod his head and saw such a flame in his realm. It was almost like a joke; but when he heard the uwéi apprentice’s argument for Roach, It is commendable to know that the other party has spent the same amount of money.

Good talent!

Ye Qi liked the praise of Ye Qi, who had been a trainee apostle and also an instructor. The ability to train apostles is very powerful like Roach. Even when he was placed at him. It is also enough to be considered a middle-class result, even strict ǎn, if you count this control of the flame, nàme is not a good one!

At this moment, the people who have the idea of ​​yàng with Ye Qi are definitely not in the minority degree of the apprentices. It is obvious that many of the demon hunters present have a considerable understanding; ng, many of them have also been apprentices. Or there is a teammate who used to be a trainee apostle; therefore, after seeing Roach out of two fireballs, both offensive and defensive modes of combat, they nodded.


Let you see, me is called powerful!

Looking at mǎshàng, I fired at the fireball in front of me. As an opponent of Roach, Varan’s disdainful expression became more and more intense, although it was in battle, but uwéi’s argument was still the young master of the Devalo family. Hear in the ear; even, for the young master of the Devalo family, uwéi's argument. It is far more important than the battle with Roach.

Ng, he defeated the essence of the opponent. Still in order to be famous, in order to get more ‘capital’ to become the true heir of the family!


Just as the two fireballs slammed into the front, the speed of the tempering of the tempering méu was weakened. Instead, it accelerated the cup again on the basis of the original, not only escaped the two fireballs, but also smashed it. In front of the opponent, looking at the opponent's surprised eyes, the young master of the Devalo family, immediately raised his fist proudly; waiting for this moment, he ng waited for a long time.

Secret surgery!

Almost in Varan, who disappeared in front of Roach, uwéi’s demon hunter sent such a whisper, and the next look at Varan’s eyes was a bit more different; even a lot of hunters People began to inquire about the apprentices of uwéi. The mystery was removed. Because some special merits can be learned at the Hunter's Headquarters, only the 'Hunter Family' has such a heritage; and the young people in front are only It is the identity of the trainee apostle, which is enough to prove that it is not the former; and reminiscent of the previous move of the other party, the answer is almost ready.

The young master of the ‘hunter family!

Immediately, many experienced hunting devils frowned. According to their previous ngyàn, but those who are born with these 'families' are not happy, but the facts are positive. So, when the demon hunters who inquired about the apprentices of uwéi, dào came to the fore, it was just a frowning brow, and now ng became a lock.

Perhaps the other party said it was very correct, even unspeakable, but the implied sarcasm was an awkward and uncomfortable feeling for these hunters.

Sure enough, it’s the ‘the best man’ of the hunter’s family!

The hunters who returned from the Thousand Marsh area sneered at each other, although they were not very long with Ye Qi, but Ye Qi has always shown humility, calmness and calmness, but they are very admired; especially On the way back, so many people have worked tirelessly to explain the difficulties in many cultivations and the doubts in the technique. This makes the demon hunters have a sincere respect for Ye Qi.

For such a point of view, it is often only between the teacher and the disciple of the demon hunter, and there is rarely a large-scale pointing skill such as Ye Qi; however, even if the name of the méu teacher and apprentice, but for the kindness of the pointing, every A demon hunter will remember that although the demon hunter is unruly, most of them are dismissive, but when there is a friend who can be recognized, nàme is a friend who can make them live and die. And when there is kindness, it can be repaid with life.

If this kid can't, I think I can try it out!

Of course, bullying the younger generation will make people feel shameful!

However, the Devaro family can be more than just a younger generation...

Almost at the same time, the hunters who returned from the Thousand Marsh area picked up their eyes, and there was a sigh of sorrow and sternness, which made uwéi’s trainee apostles look side by side and subconsciously opened the distance for uwéi. Unusual fluctuations, Ye Qi is naturally a clear hu, but at this moment his attention is placed on the ring, watching Hua Lanqi’s punch on Roach’s face, while the latter At the moment when he was beaten back and forth, the raised leg swept the inside of Valan’s calf. The softest part.

Injury with injuries? !

Ye Qi looked at such a scene. I couldn't help but chuckle up. The young man named Roach first gave him the impression that he was a simple, savage teenager. Even a little bit of swearing; but he méu thought that the other side actually has such a side.

Injury and injury, seemingly simple, but in essence it requires considerable psychological quality to be simple, not only to be jealous of others, but also to be more embarrassed; even at the expense of jade and burning, only néu implement such tactics Of course, you need a strong body.


Gǎào went to the pain inside the calf. Varan’s face changed, and his staring at the mouth of the mouth, Varan, can be sure that the other side was just running his knees, only because méu control, will kick the inside of the calf; According to the strength of the opponent's foot, once kicked by the other side, Varan is very sure that the speed of the rap will drop to half of the usual time. Don't say that the opponent's attack is dodged, and it is simply the sandbag that directly becomes the other party.

Hey guy!

However, you are only lucky this time!

Varan who has experienced family training. A continuous, fast, small-scale jump in place. It relieves the pain in the calf and then approaches the opponent again.

Hey, hurt with injuries?

You are not qualified enough!

With this in mind, Varan’s front body crossed a semi-circular arc for a short time, not only avoiding the attack of Roach’s fireball, but also appearing behind the other’s body, lifting his foot toward Roach’s knee. The kick was different from the previous Roach's injury to the injured body. At this moment, Varan's foot is completely out of force; not as soon as possible, and hehe, obviously, a kick of Roach ligament.

"Roach, be careful!"

Wutai uwéi, a friend of Roach, immediately shouted.

Although the physical quality of the apostle is different from ordinary people, u, which reaches a certain height in méu, also belongs to the category of mortal. As long as it is in the category of mortal, the fragile āng of the ligament is broken, it will still cause inevitable lifelong. Sexual damage and at such an angle, Roach even if he wants to hurt with injuries is not kěnéng!

Not only those apprentices think this way, even uwéi experienced hunting devils think so, and even some trainee apostles ng can't bear to turn around.


The people in uwéi thought that this next Roach would be kicked off the ligament u, Roach slammed an irregular flame in the back of the palm, and the whole person not only rushed forward by the force of flame propulsion, but also The heat of the flame was left to the Varan behind him.


The flame that had been blown from the face squirted a new Varan, and immediately made a scream, and began to roll the flames of the body.

this is……

Ye Qi looked at this slightly familiar scene, could not help but be a little surprised at the original u, he also used the power of the spell [burning hand] to escape the attack, or speed up the attack; although familiar with this The power of 'assisting', but when this trick was used by others, Ye Qi still felt amazed.

Not only was Ye Qi surprised, but the uwéi's demon hunters and trainee apostles were equally astonished, and méu was surprised by the effect of Roach, who stood on the ring.

The free-awaken young man, looking at the opponent who was rolling around, rubbed the corner of the mouth that had been broken before punching, ignoring the blood on the back of his hand, shouting loudly: "This is the most commonly used by the Lord of the Shack. The move, the flame not only brings the scorching but also the advance!"

"Perhaps you have such a family support and carefully cultivated demon hunters who are dismissive of this, but for the hunter who is born in an ordinary family like this, the rumor that néu gets the fighting style is what we are going to pursue. The road to the strong!"

"So, in my heart, Lord Shack's Dragon is the strongest, the road to the strong that I want to pursue! This is not right, I..."


After a fierce fist and abdomen hit, after the dull sound came, Roach’s words stopped abruptly; Varan ng, who was still on the ground and extinguished the flame, stood on the original Roach’s wè, while the former was huge in the fist. Under the power, ng retreated backwards; and without waiting for Roach to stand still, Varan was a punch. The hitting part is still the previous wè: lower abdomen.

"From the beginning, I have been talking non-stop. The dragon of Shaker is the dragon of Shaker. You are you!"

Looking at the other person who is almost stumbling over his stomach, Varan is the smug feeling of méu. The scent of the nose is constantly coming, making him ngbái. He is a me-like appearance at the moment, and What was the difference in his original imagination; the former was unscathed, and the latter was a terrible victory. This gap was completely ups and downs, even though it was spread to the entire Lorraine with many demon hunters. special. It will not bring any benefits to him.

To be dào, he was born in the Devaro family, and the other party was only an apostle who was free to awaken by the civilians. The battle with the other side was still almost imaginable, when the news was dào by other people in the Dwaro family. After that, what will happen? Those who are staring at the throne of the heirs will not be embarrassed at the same time as they are happy.

At the thought of this situation, the young master of the Devalo family was annoyed and he waved his fist. Unstoppable hitting on Roach, while still yelling in his mouth: "A guy with a despicable civilian origin. Is dàme a family? That kind of existence is enough to make everything you have now, in me. The eyes are worthless! It’s worth it, understand?”

"Your me flame is totally useless in my opinion! At the age of ten, I started to accept various kinds of anti-attack training. Do you think that this level of flame, will I put my eye on it? "It’s a heavy punch, hitting Roach’s abdomen; watching the other party finally faltering, falling behind the ground, the young master of the Devaro family, the black face burned. On, with a touch of laughter: "Do not worry! I haven't played enough of you, of course, won't let the battle end so soon, I will give you a chance! You are not saying that the so-called Shack's dragon is the strongest? nàme you Just stand up and prove it to me! Come, cry like a pustule on the floor, it is a woman's patent!"

"Hurry up, the ten second countdown is just beginning!"

Varan’s voice contains ridicule, constantly stimulating Roach’s competition in the Tower of Athletics. Naturally, there are restrictions on winning or losing. Except for the two sides who fought and confessed to each other, they stood up ten seconds after being knocked down. It can be considered as losing the fight.

"Stand up! Don't you say that you are the idol of the strongest Shak? The Shak's Dragon will not beg for mercy like this! Or do you think that the Shak Dragon is like this?"

"The dragon of Shake, who is begging for mercy, is really laughing!"

In order to stimulate the opponents, in order to retaliate against each other, the young master of the Devaro family began to have a bit of a sneak hunter from the Qiangqu area and Ye Qi, who was originally frowning and sneer. Looking at the performance of the 'second class' of the other 'Hunter Family', but when the other party's words repeatedly hit Ye Qi who made them feel respected, there were several bad-tempered hunting devils ng Knocked open.

"Which dog of the Devaro family, who is biting his mouth?"

"Shack's Dragon? Just a little guy like you can feel free to comment?"

"It seems that the Dwarro family is really amazing, and I really want to see it!"


These words, méu deliberately cover up; very clearly passed to the ring, the original incompetent to hear these words, I want to refute, but see these people wearing a silver-covered apostle trench coat, but a glimpse The eyes swept, and in the direction of the sound, he saw such existence in every āng.

Moonlight Apostle!

The heart of Varan is one of the heirs of the Devalo family. Of course, it is not méu who has seen the moon-level apostle, even a higher level. He has also seen it; only, so many moonlights. The apostles gathered together, but it was the first time he saw them.

The dragon of Shaker has such a great prestige!

Looking into the line of sight, those moon-level apostles sneer at the appearance, Valan’s secret drumming, some unbelievable, although the Shak’s dragon is the strongest of the Japanese but it becomes the day The age and traitors of Yao’s existence are destined to have high prestige, and they will certainly be defamed; this is the feedback he received from his uwéi, naturally it is not wrong; but for me What happened?

It’s not just that Varan is scared and scared. Even Ye Qi, who is a party, is secretly surprised. Is this a reward on the road?

Such an idea made Ye Qi shake his head and laughed at anyone who valued his rights. If he saw such a situation, he would probably be overjoyed, but Ye Qi would not care at all; for Ye Qi, it was only It coincides with its meeting, méu any private interest.

Convergence made a smile, Ye Qi once again looked at the stage, at the moment, under the watchful eye of many moon-level apostles, the big master of the Devaro family, after a sudden change of face, fiercely bite, in both eyes Flashed a bit of killing.

Ps second more ~~~ hot... 颓 满 满 满 而 而 而 而 求解 求解 求解 求解 求解 求解 求解 求解 求解 求解 求解 求解 求解 求解 求解 求解 求解

I would like to thank the prodigal son of the four seas for the reward of the 200 starting point, the reward of the Xiao Mofeng 200 starting point, and the reward of the 100 starting currency. ~~~ Decadence is here. Thank you for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters~~~To be continued.

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