Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 11: At the banquet

As the sacred tower tower owner said, although the banquet started in méu, the tables in the central castle hall were filled with all kinds of food and drinks. Most of the food at the moment was still made with local fruits, and it was made overnight. Sausages, as well as chopped long bread sticks; while compared to the food still in production, the wine is placed neatly, the vast majority of wheat wine and rye, stacked in the barrel At the corner of the corner, there is a piston cover. As long as it is twisted, néu directly pushes the wine into the barrel and shakes the wine for a large cup.

Of course, in addition to these wines that are suitable for big mouthfuls, the meads, rums and brandy that are placed in a wooden frame in the form of páān are also not disappointing, both in quantity and quality. The main drinks of the second banquet; on the round coffee table next to these wooden stands, there are special drinks for people who are not good at drinking or not drinking, whether it is low-grade champagne or all kinds of fresh Juice, no doubt will make people take what they need" "The novel chapter is the fastest update.

"Brand Master, Lord Ye Qi, Enid!"

Hearing the footsteps, Monroe, who looked up from the grill and the soup pot, immediately waved his hand. At the same time, he did not forget to change the face of a ng-colored fat goose on the grill; and with this movement, two drops of mǎshàng The oil dripped into the fire and brought the sound of 'stinging', while a mouth-watering aroma came.

"Monroe, your craft is getting better and better!"

The towering tower, who swayed his nose and involuntarily poured a sip of wine, immediately praised it, and this immediately attracted the laughter of Monroe, the chef of the banquet. A sly scar. tall and big. A slightly fat man. Temporarily handed over the work in hand to the same demon hunter in páān, and walked out from the grill and the soup pot.

As a party that is about to meet hundreds or even thousands of people and continue to **** for more than twelve hours, of course, not only a chef like Monroe; in fact, except for Monroe, who is the head chef of the chef, Since last night, the team of chefs with nearly 50 people has been divided into two. Beginning to be busy, ng, in the demon hunter, the existence of good appetite is not a minority; and the existence of one person's appetite is the same as the existence of two ordinary people; if you don't prepare in advance, don't say it continues By midnight, I am afraid that the sun is just west at noon, and the food has to be warned.

"This is a great food! Whether it is goose, duck, chicken, or beef, lamb. It is the most superior existence! Moreover, néu organizes a banquet for more than a thousand people. This is really great" as The chefs’ rounds naturally have a very good position to explain the quality of the ingredients. The tall, slightly fat man, with an unusual excitement of tone and action, directed the three people in front of Ye Qi, expressing the state at the moment. A casks filled with wheat wine, straight to open the piston, the mouth of the mouth of the mouth, until the whole barrel was completely drunk, this stopped.

"Of course, there is my favorite wheat wine!"

After playing a long wine cellar, putting down the empty wine barrel and picking up another wine barrel and handing it to the tower of the sacred object, Monroe smiled loudly and walked back to the grill and the soup pot again. Although he likes to drink, the chef obviously méu forgot his duties, and néu told Ye Qi, who had only a few faces, clearly remember that Ye Qi did not drink, obviously the bucket just went down, for the chef Say, and méu anything.

"I think I should apply to Hesel again for more drinks! The 30 barrels of ale just approved are obviously not enough!" The tower of the sacred object holds the barrel and leaves Ye Qi to the hall. The corners of all kinds of drinks went; after the arrival of the sacred tower, the owner of the sacred tower directly pulled a chair, sat down, and pulled open the piston on the barrel of the arms, and poured it into the mouth.

"The original drink, plus the special approval of Heather."

Ye Qi looked at the tower of the sacred object of drinking, such as drinking water, and then glanced at the drink that páān placed, especially when he saw Enid straight to pick up a bottle of mead, bite the cork, and swear. After the irrigation, I immediately said very loyally: "According to the current situation, it is only a fraction!"

"Zero?! Haha... Hahaha... Yes, it’s only a fraction!"

Hearing Ye Qi’s statement, the owner of the tower of the sacred object of the wine-free sacred thing immediately laughed; after a few more mouthfuls, it wiped his mouth and said: “However, our goal is To eliminate the fraction, let Hether take out the real big head! This morning I checked the warehouse of the tower of the moon and night in Hether, where the wine is at least ten times that of the place!"

"So, today we just have to let go of the drink!"

Saying, the sacred tower tower master learned the appearance of the former chef, and sipped all the wine in the bucket in one go, then threw the empty barrel to the side, and picked up another full again. The casks, which opened the wine stopper and sat opposite the Ye Qi, looked at the action of the sacred tower tower master, but shrugged and walked to the round coffee table and picked up a glass of low-grade champagne.

"That is a low-alcohol for the ladies!"

The punch of Shak bites only half a bottle of honey wine.

"This kind of low-alcohol, ng exceeds my position of not drinking!" After Ye Qi raised his toast to the tower of the sacred object, he turned and said to Shaq’s fist: "And, you don't think this Do you drink alcohol, do you know the position of the ladies on the ngméu approach?"

After a long time, with one hand holding the chin of the chin, this reaction, this is me meaning, immediately shouted: "You said that I am not a woman?!"

"This is what you said!" Ye Qi shrugged.

"I want to fight with you!" èu shaking the ponytail, representing the excitement of Shaq's fist at this moment.

"You can't beat me!" Ye Qi, who is realistic, has narrowed his eyes and looked at his eyes, like a cat, facing the claws of his teeth, the punch of Shak. Remind the other party: "And. Don't forget to leave before. Aunt Kutcher is jealous of you!"

Even the punch of Shaq, the existence of such a rib is also the teacher who has her fear, the one who makes her most afraid; therefore, when I heard Ye Qi mentioned the teacher’s name, the one who was just screaming The hunter-gather, immediately quieted down; half-headed, thinking about the time when she was leaving. The teacher is embarrassed.

"Don't drink this ǎn, and your teacher is exactly the same!" The sacred tower tower owner, put down only half a barrel of wheat wine, curiously watching Ye Qi, half of the memories are half-baked: "I remember that both John and Old Ward are people who have no wine and no joy. The first time they met u was because of drinking. As a disciple of Old John, how can you not drink? If you don't drink, you will miss a lot of wonderful things!"

"Missing. Wonderful things, don't delay important things!" Ye Qi reiterated the point. And stressed: "And, I am not drinking, just drinking, and drinking very little!"

"It really is an old stubborn tone!"

Obviously, for Méu's main style of six towers, the shelf, néu and the tower of the sacred object of any young people, Ye Qi’s tone of 'premature aging' is the most unacceptable to him. The sacred tower tower owner not only turned a blind eye, but also put down the barrel in his hand, half-jokingly staring at Ye Qidao: "The little guy like you is only twenty-five years old. For me, but gǎào you ng is one hundred and twenty-five years old?"

"I really have been a hundred and twenty-five years old, nàme I must have a drink with Mr. Blanc!"

Ye Qi also replied in a half-joking tone that although it was a half-joking tone, but in the bottom of my heart, Ye Qi has a plan of not yàng: after nine years and five months, everything is safe and sound, nàme, I will be good. Drunk and relax once.

For Ye Qi, who has stored the 'returning to the world behind the Holy See', at the bottom of his heart, although méu is showing up in person, in the bottom of his heart, Ye Qi has a hard pressure to cover up under such pressure. For a long time, the cautious Ye Qi has become more cautious.

After drinking, I spoke the truth. This sentence, whether in Ye Qi’s hometown or in Lorante, is quite convincing. Before méu’s certain grasp, the message of 'the return of the Holy See behind the Holy See’, Ye Qi is very wise to choose to hide; ng, not only can not explain the reliability of the source, but more is worried that the director of the Holy See Insect is being stunned.

Although, not the dào, the person behind the Holy See needs to be prepared for more raps, and needs to make me-like preparations. However, from the actions of the other party and the estimated traitors estimated by the wolves, it is obvious that the other party is Beyond his one step ahead, and with this one-step lead, any unnecessary 'stimulus' will make the other 'dog jumps on the wall'; ng, the moon-tower tower, the words, Ye Qi can be remembered in the heart, throwing In addition to the top seven strong players, the remaining strong after the legendary situation, the Holy See has an absolute advantage.

And if the teacher, the profiteer, and the tower leader who is missing the same decision are thrown away, neither the top strength nor the latter will have any advantage; this is what the Holy See is called. As a result of the 'large-scale magicalism', the multi-story 'large-scale magicalism' and the inquisition's 'unexpected' move, even if the entire demon-devil's headquarters is added, the odds are no more than 20%.

In the face of such an odds, Ye Qi is naturally the ngbáme-like approach, which is the most correct!

As for the highest government?

If the hunter-manufacturing society and the Holy See are going to war, although the highest government will not stand idly by, the higher-government’s 'peace policy' has been more of a defense jurisdiction; it has cleared an absolute 'big' for them and the Holy See. The battlefield came to ng. For the removal of the most powerful government known as the most powerful person on the land, the highest government lacking real combat power, although constantly wooing and organizing people with special talents, formed a large-scale army; More is developing a special path.

The Secret Service is the result of the former; the Chariot Army is the specific performance of the latter.

In this regard, Ye Qi naturally méu any position to express opinions, but he dào want to win the wolf and the victory of the war. just now. Still only néu rely on him; at the very least. This is the case now

"Isn't that waiting for a hundred years? I really don't understand you, and I look like a deep old John!"

The owner of the tower of the sacred object exclaimed, then he shook his head.

"I can't wait for nàme for a long time; therefore, Ye you are owing me a favor!" The self-satisfied sacred tower tower owner, méu gave Ye Qi any chance to interject, and continued: " So, the day before the Midsummer Night, the Holy See will come and you will be responsible for the reception!"

"I am responsible for the reception?!"

It has long been the opposite of the tower of the sacred object, the tower owner began to talk to himself u. Ye Qi was not good at gǎào, but when the other party really said that he wanted to let him do it, Ye Qi, who was psychologically prepared, was still surprised to accept the candidate for the Holy See negotiation. In the strange consciousness, ng and his complete méu have been guā; he instinctively believes that Ted, Nofa, or other guardians should come forward to negotiate; ng, even Ye Qi, are ngbái No matter which aspect he looks at, it is the talent of any negotiation of méu.

This is different from the slashing of the battle, the kind of arrogance at the negotiating table. The way the minutes are bound, for Ye Qi. As a bystander, it is naturally a problem of méu, but as a person in the bureau, he is definitely not the right person at the very least. In the face of those who blink and talk, he cannot Do yàng with the other party, and also smile, nod.

"Brand, I think this kind of task is too heavy for me; I think Ted, Nofa, who has been responsible for this matter, is good!" I know that the difficult Ye Qi’s shaking head refused. Road.

"Ted and Nobel will be your deputy!" The sacred tower tower slowly said: "Do not worry, you just sit there and show your identity, everything else will be from Thailand. De and Nofa completed!"

“Show your identity?”

Yickey, who still wants to refuse, heard the word and couldn’t help it.

"Yes, this time, the Yiyeta guy sent two red archbishops as representatives of the negotiations. We don't put a person who is equal to the other party. It is very bad when negotiating..."

The sacred tower tower owner once again picked up the barrel and said it while drinking, and Ye Qi said with a bitter smile: "It is still the Ted and Nofa of the guardian, obviously not enough; for two red clothes The Archbishop, who is one of the six towers, will show up for you; and as a patrol of the headquarters, I am no matter the identity or the reputation of the Shaker Dragon, just right!"

"Yes, that's it!"

The tower of the sacred object nodded and said that Ye Qi was right.

"I just have to sit there, me don't have to do it, can I give it to Ted and Nofa?"

Ye Qi, who has been bitterly laughing, confirmed again.

"of course!"

The tower of the sacred object nodded again.

"okay then!"

Ye Qi nodded helplessly.

"Although your teacher yàng likes to be deep, but in some respects, you are much stronger than your teacher!" The sacred tower tower is first praised, and then the next moment is precautionary: "At the very least, you don't use excuses like stomachache, run away that day?"

"As long as I promised, I will not retreat!"

Ye Qi does not doubt whether the teacher can do such a thing. According to his life with the other party for many years, his teacher is such a person; otherwise, he will not do anything to mortgage him in a restaurant and pay debts. .

"Haha... hahaha..."

The sacred tower tower owner looked at Ye Qi's confirmation again, and immediately smiled and took up the barrel in his arms and gestured to Ye Qi; and Ye Qi also held champagne and greeted each other.

"Ye Qi, you lied to me!"

Just as Ye Qi took a sip of the champagne in the cup, the punch of Shak finally turned back from the thoughts of God, the female hunter, as if the cat who had stepped on the tail had reached the front of Ye Qi. A look of evil looks at Ye Qi, said: "The teacher only said, let me not cause trouble on the road, méu said let me always listen to you!"

"Is it? Is it that I remember it wrong!"

Shaking the glass in his hand, Ye Qi gave a sigh.

"You, you are deliberate!"

The eyes of Shak’s fist began to grow.

"This is what you said, I didn't say it!"

Ye Qi, who is shaking the glass, is still the same.

"I must find you a duel!"

"Don't you say it, you can't beat me!"

"That's going to fight!"

"This kind of behavior is shaking m!"

"Shake, shake m? Is that me?"

“A feeling that is full of awkward feelings!”

"You don't want to explain it if I don't understand"

"You can't understand it if you understand it!"


Very simple, using the advantages of language, the punch of Shaq was wrapped in the fog in Ye Qi and the punch in Shaq was also regretted by me. The door of the hall, ng people appeared.

Ps second more ~~~ life will always have something unsatisfactory, decadent feeling must be strong...

Thanks for the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal son, the reward of the starting price of the June 4200, the reward of the 100 starting currency, the reward of the starting point of the zheng309100, and the reward of the starting point of the fast wind 100~~~鞠躬Thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~ to be continued.

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