Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 22: Under the negotiation of Midsummer Festival

"It shouldn't be, but it must be!" Lehman looked at Ye Qi, who was not sure, but he was very sure: "The traces left by the scene, according to the person in charge of the inspection, simply and your teacher appeared in the mountain." After the situation yàng; only, the horrible flame of the dragon, turned into acid!"

Speaking of this, Lehmann has a bitter smile on his face: "It is more terrible than the king of water. Except for the holy device, me is left méu; and even if it is residual, it is enough to corrode the five-inch steel plate. Sure enough, the people who were originally called the gods, the strongest existence, such rumors must have a corresponding basis!"

Acid breath, red copper dragon...

The chaotic character, although biased towards kindness, met the proud young people of the Holy See...

With the information of Lehman at the moment and the news from several people, Ye Qing completely determines the existence of the 'family' in the desert of death. Of course, according to the survival mode of the other party, it must be with him. The teacher is not yàng, let alone his system is synthesized by the system; according to the memory of the dragon, the red dragon is more in line with 'tradition', and his teacher is full of 'rebellious'!

Unlike the purebred dragons, the mixed dragons, although most of them will treat one thing in a 'traditional' way, more u are dominated by the side of the human blood and follow The style of his teacher's acting, even in the mixed dragon, is quite different, saying that his teacher was expelled, and Ye Qi is not surprised."".

but. This red copper dragon is not yàng. Judging from his ‘traditional’ model. The other party is completely kěnéng is a purebred dragon that can transform human form, but its essence is a dragon; not like a dragon of mixed blood, the essence is the form of human beings, only in special state, only néu Become a dragon's form; perhaps seemingly similar, but it is fundamentally different.

The former can always be maintained in a fairly powerful state. The latter wants to maintain that considerable state, it needs to pay some inevitable price, whether it is physical strength or energy, it is limited; while the former is the basic méu consumption, completely instinctive thirst, drinking water Simple; therefore, from a certain situation, the mixed dragon and the purebred dragon have a certain gap, and in fact, the same.

As the dragon of the time dragon, Ye Qi is néu clear gǎào. The dragon interest he used is not only difficult to control. And in the face of different opponents, the degree of consumption will be different. In the memory of the dragon's inheritance, when the dragons in the dragons have a considerable awareness of the rape, they can borrow a future rape. Up until now, the dragon of his time dragon has only slightly mastered the control of the dragon's interest. As for the instinct, it is possible to borrow the ability to rape, but it is even touched by méu.

Therefore, Ye Qi does not deny the gap between the dragon and the dragon, but has a fairly clear understanding. Therefore, in the face of the red copper dragon with kěnéng pure blood, he only went to the death desert. Although in the memory of the inheritance of the dragon, the other party is considered to be kind, and he also has the same dragon blood, but the blood of different species of the same family does not néu make Ye Qi feel at ease; ng, red copper dragon in a certain These u can also be known for their confusion.

He didn't want to just see each other, he was thrown into the mud of a pool, turned into a rock or taught the acid that was more terrifying than the king's water. In Ye Qi's plan, he finished all the current stages. Things, and really step into the legend, will find the trace of this 'family'; whether it is to ask some questions about the Lorraine dragons, or want to form a league, the necessary strength can be Unavoidable.

However, from now on, the unintentional move of the Holy See has undoubtedly changed his plan again.

"The director of the referee, what are you going to do?"

After Ye Qi’s voice fell into Lehmann, he directly asked before the plan of change that Ye Qi’s plan for the existence of the Holy See would be dào; ng, sufficient news, for habitual advance planning to prevent For Ye Qi, everything is really necessary; let alone knowing oneself and knowing each other, the words of his hometown are familiar to Ye Qi.

"For the time being, there are any obvious signs of méu; however, according to the news from my dark man, the director of the referee is planning to blame!" Lehman shook his head first, then he said a message unsure. : "Prepare to use other forces to deal with your family, this red copper dragon!"

"Where is the source of your news, is it in Dude or brown?" Ye Qi asked, and this kind of questioning surprised Lehman. He looked at Ye Qi with amazement: "How do you dào?"

"The Broken Mind, the Abyss of the Hand, the Terror of the Nest, the three dark mercenary groups in the top ten mercenary organizations recently held a secret meeting in Dude nháng; although I still don't have the news, However, as far as I know, there are many well-known dark mercenaries or organizations that are heading to the Dulu and Duo in the Xialin area!"

"Under this premise, is there a more suitable me than Bidu and more brown?" Ye Qi sneered after Lehman asked a question: "ng, the mercenary's creed is Kimpton first, Whether it is an ordinary mercenary or a dark mercenary, the golden light is pursued! What's more, at this moment, not only Kimpton, but also a more chasing hero of the famous Dragon Slayer!"

"Thuss such as Dragon Slayer has been written into stories and biographies. It has been sung by poetry poets. Every hero of the Néu Dragon Slayer has been regarded as a legend, and their deeds have become legends!"

"The dragon that fell under the Dragon Sword, the huge body became the capital of the Dragon Slayer. The teeth and scales became the new weapon in the hands of the Dragon Slayer, and the more precious blood and bone marrow became a crazy fight. The pharmacy! Plus every rumor in the rumor has an unimaginable wealth, as long as it is properly transmitted under the guardianship of the Red Copper Dragon. There is a big treasure. nàme these dark mercenaries and those organizations will be like The flies are swarming away!"

"I think the person sent by the director of the referee. I don't mind promoting it in this direction!"

In the face of Ye Qi’s statement, Lehmann nodded in favor, and then, looking at Ye Qi, who was a little bit stunned, asked: “You hǎàng are bored with the dragonsmen, are you having a dragon’s blood? reason?"

"kěnéng! Can you tell me about Hailin?"

Ye Qi smiled casually, and méu explained too much ng, such an interpretation will inevitably involve his hometown. There, his hometown, and his yàng people have a name [the dragon's descendant]; perhaps the meaning is different, but whenever you hear the word of the dragon, the heart of Ye Qi always carries a trace of it. Not bad.

Looking at Ye Qi's casual expression, Dào Ye Qi did not want to explain Lehman, immediately stopped the two people who asked the alliance, although guā is not ordinary, but also hu respect each other; ng, everyone has a secret. No?

"The sea forest area, the kind of turán that is mixed with the undead faction spells. And the existence of the characteristics of the constructed creatures, it is hard to say hu; ng, such existence, is the first time I have seen in my memory!" Lehman explained to Ye Qi as much as possible: "The kind of wound is very small, just like a needle, but the force is absolutely powerful; it is like turning the bullet's warhead into a needle, then Shooted by the m500, a large pistol!"

"Almost every wound is such a penetrating wound, even if it is a modified priest suit worn by a knife priest, it also acts as a barrier to méu, just like a paper paste, inserted from the front chest, and then from the back. The spurt comes out, and the heart in it is completely broken!"

"Is there a phenomenon in which the blood or internal organs of the méu body are sucked?"

When I heard Lehman’s description, Ye Qi’s bad feelings before dào were immediately confirmed. After a pause, Ye Qi asked again, according to what he knew, dào, néu caused such a wound, only His friend and companion; and, more precisely, his friend and companion happened to be in the 'homeland' of Hailin District, where he let the nine nights that caused it all solve his presentity. Trouble in the body.

"Only the first bodies that were attacked first had similar traces of blood being sucked up and the internal organs were swallowed, and then everything was normal!" Lehman truthfully described his dào situation, and then looked again. Ye Qi: "nàme, so what happened in Hailin, and you have a certain guā?"

Méu once again asked the reason for it. Looking at the default Ye Qi, Lehman gave a brilliant smile and gently shook his shoulder. This said: "The marsh area, the dead desert, and the Shanghai forest. District, the trial site of the Holy See’s pro-generational army, all of which have guā with you; néu is too lucky to form an alliance with you!"

"Néu has an ally like you, and I feel lucky!"

Ye Qibao will be incomparable if he breaks from the inside with any smile.

“Are you sure you are promoted to the core of the Holy See within five years?”

Slightly convergence the smile, Ye Qi asked very seriously.

"Five years? A little difficult!"

Lehman replied after thinking for a moment.

", you néu promoted to the core of the Holy See within five years, I will give you a surprise!"

Can not directly say Ye Qi as me, only néu is expressed in such a metaphor to Lehman; the latter is definitely not a fool, Ye Qi's voice has just fallen, this is known as a model of disciplinary The knight, his eyes brightened, his beautiful, fascinating and screaming appearance of countless women, at this moment exudes joy from the inside out, even if méu smiles, it also reveals the dazzling light of the sun.

"nàme, I will work hard for this surprise! I hope u will not let me down!"

"This surprise will definitely make you feel value for money!"

This kind of answer became the end of the conversation after the two people met again. Lehman returned to the room with his strong hand and returned to the wall again. After seeing Lehman leave, Ye Qi once again blended into the shadow waiting. The appearance of 'prey'.

However, it is obvious. The one who was mixed in the black suit of the accompanying person. And méu intends to act on the first day of the arrival of Shak; therefore. Until the sun rose, all the movements of Méu and the arrival of Ted in the middle of the night, watching the rising sun, this huge man could not help but sit on the knees of Ye Qidao: "Ye, dawn The mouse, it seems to be more patient than we think!"

"The more patience the other party has, the more worthy of this opponent is worth our attention!"

Reopened his eyes, and the slightest méu did not sleep. Ye Qijing, who is still a gods, stood up straight and looked at the rising sun in the distance. He said, "Let's go, after breakfast, we still need to start work; the daytime tasks are given to the Rangers, as long as In the Central Castle, he could not escape the sight of our surveillance!"

"There was a need for work on midsummer night. It was really a bad summer night when I came to Shaq for a few years!" Walked beside Ye Qi. Ted issued a complaint: "On midsummer night, you should start drinking in the morning, one drink until midnight. Then, go to the parade! This is the real midsummer night, not for the people of the Holy See. You need to sit at the negotiating table during the day and watch the night for them!"

"Especially, when I think about the next few days, or even the entire Midsummer Festival, I have to spend u like this, I will be gǎào to the body weak..."

"and many more!"

Ye Qi, who walked side by side with Ted, listened to Ted’s words and immediately moved his heart; then, immediately shouted.

"What's wrong, Ye?"

Ted, who was moving forward, could not help but stopped, and looked at Ye Qi with doubt.

"The sentence you said before!"

Facing the doubts of Ted, Ye Qi urged.

"The body is weak?" Ted Dao.

"On the front ǎn!" Ye Qi shook his head.

"Negotiation during the day, night vigil?"

I thought about Ted and asked.

"Well, there are more fronts!"

Ye Qi nodded and urged again.

“Come and drink until midnight, then go to the parade?”

This time Ted thought for a long while and replied.

“Yes!” Ye Qi said after a slight smile, “We must do the work of the night watchman; however, it is more skillful to do it!”


Eggs plus a few toasts and a plate of bacon make up a simple breakfast, and when the cold noodle man joins, Monroe's specially prepared vegetable salad is just served on the table with a piece of bacon and two pieces of fresh vegetables, a little bit touched. After the salad dressing was placed on the toast, it was swallowed in one bite; for the eating method of Ted, the early ng used Ye Qi and the cold noodle men all expressed méu, and this way of eating also made the two people gǎào to appetite Increased; full breakfast for six people, after a few minutes, was swept away.

Therefore, when I came to a conference room in the Central Castle to serve as the conference room for this negotiation, the delegation of the Holy See and méu arrived, although it was said to be the conference room for this negotiation, but in general, this room is just one The living room of Datun n is only; méu takes care of the area of ​​one hundred flats, divided into two inside and outside, one big and one small, showing a 'L' shape; and in the larger room, there are some in the middle The billiards used to make a fuss when you are leisurely, and the āng that is slightly closer to the side are two tables.

Of course, there are a lot of books circulating in the market, and the two bookshelves in front of the wall are relatively large. The sofas that are comfortable are placed there, after greeting with Ted and the cold noodles. Ye Qi went straight to the sofa and sat down, buried his body deeply, and closed his eyes.

Although, the rest of the night méu is not me for Ye Qi, but there is a chance to rest, Ye Qi does not mind not complaining about mé rape, but you méu seize the rape; this sentence, for the recent **** Ye Qi said that it can be regarded as a famous saying; moreover, Ye Qi is also learning how to use it rationally and grasp it.

Ted and the cold-faced man stayed in the smaller room outside, whispering something about the negotiations. Last night, the cold-faced man who appeared in méu didn’t go back to rest directly; The information, as well as the development of the corresponding negotiation plan, are all from the hands of the cold-faced man; and the information of more than a dozen pages naturally shows the result of the efforts of the cold-faced man overnight.

In the sun, another rise hour hand pointed to the eight o, the door was knocked

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After the high and low, and very rhythmic knocking on the door, Ted opened the door straight.

"His President Tekavic, Mr. Lehman, early!"

"His Lord Ted, Lord Noah and Lord Ye Qi, early!"

After Ted’s greetings, Tekovich, the archbishop of Red, went straight to the courtesy. For Zola, who was deliberately ignored, although Zola himself instinctively wanted to be angry, he saw ng open his eyes and stood up. Ye Qi, but after his face changed, he became silent. Obviously, yesterday’s lesson was impressive for the newly-arrived Red Archbishop.

On the premise that Zola himself had a méu opening, Tkavic would not naturally say me. After the smile moved to Ye Qi again, he went to the negotiation table of páān and rose in the morning of the rising sun. Between the demon hunter and the Holy See, the negotiations that were not able to show the world for the first time were started.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~ is not finished.

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