Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 26: Midsummer night

"His goal is Els?!"

Ted shouted in surprise.

"Els should be only one of the goals! Although it is definitely the most important one, but only one target, it is a waste of a good opportunity for Midsummer Night!" Ye Qi first shook his head. Then, sneer: "ng, there are a lot of people in Shak Néu and I guā; and, while néu is hitting me, and smearing the headquarters of the Demon Hunter, the director of the referee is naturally very happy. of!"

With a strong wave of arms, Ted immediately squatted

"Damn guy, I finally fascinated ngbái this time the Holy See negotiation is for me to be the lord of Tekavic;, Shaq is out of the matter, and Mr. Tkavic’s decision as the Holy See is naturally It’s hard to escape, but Lord Tkavic’s identity as a neutral person makes us unable to act at all!”

"And, even if we detained Mr. Tkavic, the influence of the director of the referee was any influence of méu; instead, it helped him, giving him the opportunity to cut off the remaining forces within the Holy See; And taking this as an opportunity, once again, we will make troubles with us, and we will increase our reputation again!"

When it comes to the back, Ted is almost gnashing his teeth. His original big eyes are getting bigger and bigger, and the anger that is contained in it is simply to ignite uwéi. It is justified to be so angry. For a traditional hunting demon, understanding of family and friends, he and most of the demon hunters are yàng, which is regarded as a precious life; although Els and his guā are just ordinary friends. "". But the guā with Ye Qi is well known; he once lost his wife and daughter. Very hu. How unpleasant that such a state is.

As a friend of Ye Qi, he definitely didn't want his friends to experience the same kind of heartbreaking life as he was, and the life of the incarcerated corpse was the gray in Ted's life. He couldn't calmly recall it; In this way, he was puzzled how difficult it was for ngbái to get out of it.

Obviously, the director of the court of the Holy See is to use this experience to strike his friends, so that his friend is not stunned, or simply become a flashing meteor as the guardian of the moonlit tower. And he has been helping the Lord of the Moon Tower to deal with the official document, ng slightly ēchu to some secrets that only the real stronger dào; although not very thorough, but he ng ngbái those who are really strong for the current hunter What the headquarters means is me.

No, you have to kill this guy!

The thoughts in the heart were rapidly changing, Ted’s anger was rapidly cooled, and the cold eyes were flashing in the eyes.

"Ye Qi, I am going to kill that guy!"

Ted stood up straight from the roof and wanted to jump down.

"First wait!"

Just as Ted also méu took off, Ye Qi grabbed the other's arm and he pointed to the following because the celebration parade was about to begin. And the crowds that are full of excitement, said: "You go on like this. It will only create greater chaos; and, if you want to finish what I said, it is definitely not done by one person!"

"He still has a helper?" Ted is a glimpse.

"Otherwise, do you think that he can go to the various targets in such a crowded celebration?" Ye Qi asked, turning back and watching the crowd below, slowly saying: "Although Shaq is in our control, but the intensity of defense is more biased towards the vicinity of the central castle in the suburbs; in the urban area, more is just routine inspection; ng, for the tourist resort of Shaq, it is easy The subject, not the general check of the interrogation!"

"Especially during the Midsummer Festival, people from all over the country are almost ten times more than usual. It is too simple to hide one or two people in these people! Do you think that our Shake can Like the Shenglin District, let the people who enter, nowhere to be seen, and exposed?"

"Then we are staring at him like this now?" Ted asked.

"Of course not. What we have to do is not only to keep an eye on him, but also to inform the captains of the various regions to prepare for all defenses!" Ye Qi’s words were just finished, and Ted came to stand. Next to the hunter, the beginning of a new command and as a hunter who has been listening to it, ng is ngbái the current situation, after getting the approval of Ted, immediately disappeared in a standing On the roof.

Although the streets are all people, the roof is still empty; especially the Shaker, which has been preserved for hundreds of years, the tallest building in the city is the only bell tower in the city center. And the rest of the buildings, most of which are two-storey, three-storey single-family buildings, although there is a corresponding interval between buildings and buildings, but for the devils of the devil, it is fundamental. not a problem.

"In the collection of some people, the number of people who contact that guy is definitely not less!"

Ye Qi stared at the figure in the crowd and said nothing.


Ted nodded, and immediately climbed the window and jumped into the room under the roof of the foot. Here is the headquarters of the Demon Hunter, a semi-openhold in the downtown area of ​​Shak; except for the temporary accommodation and the vehicles that are scheduled to travel, It also has the role of an emergency contact; for example, at this moment, Ted only enters the room, facing the owner of the room that has been waiting in front of the window, after a gesture, less than ten minutes, the number of people who have twenty It appeared in the room.

"Everyone, this kind of situation in midsummer night is very annoying!" After explaining the previous situation, Ted said to the demon hunter who appeared in the room, first, a hand, then, a face Change, a little embarrassed said: "However, they dare to do such a thing in Shaq, we must let them be ngbái, Shake not only has a grand celebration, but also a demon hunter that is consistent with its prosperity!"

"Now, let's go to a good ‘education’, those who don’t know how to do it!”


This is an opportunity!

Wen Derby is very hu. It was for me to join the power, status and accompanying respect of this negotiation. This is all he has been waiting for for many years. And I have been looking forward to it; the opportunity is always reserved for those who are prepared. This is a sentence that Wendby believes in, and he also does it according to this sentence.

Although his ability is not suitable for fighting, but in some respects it is extremely useful, and with a calm heart, Wen Debi thinks that he can succeed this moment, he recalls those who watch him take it. After this mission, I was full of surprised faces. I can't help but laugh at myself; it is true that this mission has absolute risks, but the risks associated with it must be equal.

The people who are in line with the action are getting closer and closer. Wen Debi has even built up the image of the other party in his mind. Although he is still crowded, he and his ‘target’ are only in his mind.

‘10 pm, blow up the best bidding shop! ’

This kind of discourse straightens his ability to the other's heart, and then. This kind of Wendby passed the other side; the faces of both of them are the kind of smiles that look forward to the celebration, which is different from uéu; In their hearts, it flashes like a real malice.

‘10:10 pm, kill the traitor and burn his grocery store! ’

‘10:15 in the evening, start to put bombs in nearby hotels! ’


The words of the article were introduced into the heart of the black deacons who stood by in the crowd as the Wendebi progressed. When the last discourse was completed, Wen Debi straightened out five banknotes and headed for the street. The shop at the side bought a glass of liter of ale, and drank toward his ultimate goal, and his mouth was filled with an unspeakable smile of joy, until now, even better than he expected, at least He has prepared several sets of plans and necessary for the start of méu; and once these goals have been successfully completed, nàme will undoubtedly greatly reduce his difficulty for him to complete the final goal.

Although habitually accomplishing everything as a decision-maker, the final goal at the moment has to make him not enough to send his hands, but the huge reputation he needs to accomplish after completing this incident. Compared with the behind-the-scenes manipulators, the people who implement the plan are always remembered by people.

The three trials of the wèng vacancy have been long enough...

Speaking of the most ideal wè in the heart, Wen Debi is a red hot heart. Although his strength at the moment and his natural talents are not enough to win such a wè, but as long as the task is completed beautiful enough, he is qualified to get it. Such a wè.

I must achieve that kind of wè, even if my ability is only auxiliary ability!

Those of you who are not so fascinated by ngbái, I will definitely make you look good!

Wen Debi thought that because of his auxiliary ability, he was scorned and laughed at his peers, especially when he thought of the person who started with him in the same batch, except for the death. The worst one at the moment also reached the main sacrifice. After the priest with the knife priest changed, the resentment in his heart began to tear his reason.

In the Inquisition, the black deacons trained have been rigorously screened and cultivated almost by brainwashing; among them, the best part of the talent néu has gained a higher level: the opportunity to advance with a knife priest There are some people who have special talents and talents who can directly obtain the qualification to become a priest with a knife. Undoubtedly, such qualifications are for those black deacons who have experienced many hardships to gain their current status. It is a step into the sky, and it should be filled with endless embarrassment.

However, those who are 'blessed by God' have special powers that are undisputedly strong; they should learn how to face the strong in the Inquisition and be a deacon in black, and naturally will not take the initiative; However, when these people who are "gifted by God" have a special ability, but méu has any attack power, the situation is not nàme wonderful, although it is impossible to directly use a fist or a more direct sword. I will teach each other, but some cynicism will become a common occurrence; especially with the passage of traitors, the same group of people have risen step by step, and only that one is still in place. Such cynicism. Naturally, it will become even worse.

Wendby is in such a situation. After ten years of rape, in order to reduce the chance of being ridiculed by others, in addition to the necessary monthly life needs, he stayed in the room and constantly worked hard to exercise the ability and body; from the beginning of the five yards range Néu senses the existence of the other party. At this time, the range of fifty yards can be freely dialogued with the established existence. Wen Debi thinks that he has paid a lot of hardships. Of course, the opposite is that Wen Debi has become a strange in everyone’s eyes. tire.

The existence of such a freak may be evasive in other āng. However, in the Inquisition, it is of course that everyone is curious. Such curiosity is definitely not literally nàme simple; in fact, there are always a few 'leisure gambling's around Wendby; for example; : The simplest one, who néu angered him?

In the face of such a 'game of leisure time', it is very natural that all kinds of teasing and language attacks are getting more and more; and after trying several weak resistances, Wen Debi has chosen wisely. The other party's teasing, language attack, and he just wants to turn a blind eye. After abandoning his own specific ability, his body is not outstanding. It can only be regarded as a medium level, and some of the fighting skills, after his efforts, are only better than passing the exam; such comprehensive strength is to face the ordinary black deacon, naturally it is méu any problem, but After the priests with the knife, they lost more and more.

Even when his ability has evolved, néu arbitrarily conveys the words he wants to say, such a situation also changes too much. Although the power is stronger and faster, but facing a fire wall with a pavement Such a change, and before it is almost yàng; he is very hu, unless his body gets a qualitative change, otherwise it is difficult to be the opponent of the knife priest with the offensive ability.

Such changes are obviously difficult to achieve; therefore, Wende than néu once again swallowed, buried everything in the bottom of my heart again and again, again and again, méu any venting channel of Wende than only The future 'fantasy' comfort will not be driven crazy.

I will definitely go to the top and let you pay thousands of times!

Such 'fantasy', after ten years of 'self-consolation', has almost become the pursuit of Wen Derby's life. When this life is pursued, it will be completed, the kind of resentment that has been suppressed for countless times is not resistant. Lived out!

Almost for a moment, the temper of the heart made Wen Debi want to torture all the people of uwéi to death. Let those guys who laughed and laughed at the pain he had suffered; however, the remaining reason stopped it. His mission is still completed by méu; there is something in the future, and I still need to wait again.


The big mouth is gasping, but fortunately there are countless years of patience, how to adjust the knife priest ngbá.

"Are you OK?"

Such a situation undoubtedly caught the attention of the uwéi people, and some enthusiasts immediately surrounded them.

"Just drinking and drinking is a little anxious, stuck in the throat! To dào, I have been so happy for a long time, méu has been drinking a ale! It is always a feeling of relaxation in the home!" Facing this Asked, the knife priest immediately pointed to the glass of wine, said with a smile.

"Oh, friend, I wish you a totally relaxing celebration!"

"I wish you all a good time!"

Speaking at the good-hearted people, Wendby, who sneered at the bottom of his heart, went to the Daslik Theatre again toward the destination!

For this long-standing reputation, which has resounded throughout the Grand Theatre in Lorante, Wende than nature will not be dào; however, at this moment, he is extravagant to pay attention to these, appreciate the shape of the big theater, and appreciate the The connotation of his wandering eyes is only the goal he is looking for.

Ranger captain: Els.

This is one of the mission objectives given by the adult. It can also be said that except for the killing of the Shack's dragon, the goal of giving the highest reward is as long as the other party confirms the death, and the person who completes the goal is You can get the qualification of the Archbishop of any region!

And with the goals he had completed before, there are also quite rewarding figures. According to Wen Debi's inference, it is not very difficult to get the position of presiding judge. When he accepts this task, he deliberately studies. Those who have valuable goals; the lowest one, just a good bar owner with Ye Qigu, has two hundred Kimpton bounty.

For such a simple bounty mission, Wen Debi will not be in the eye, he is pursuing something higher.

found it!

Wendby, who was mixed in the crowd, looked at the female ranger who stood in front of the Daslik Grand Theatre and maintained order. The ng was printed in his heart and made him At a glance, this is his key goal!

Now, you need to wait for rape!

The gaze with the knife and priests recovered, and after a glance at the watch, the body was thoroughly integrated into the crowd.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~ is not finished.

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