Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 28: Lead the snake out of the hole

For ordinary people, the high-altitude fireball is an ugly fireworks, but for those who really know what it is, it is discolored in the next moment; and among them, there is guarding at the Daslik Grand Theatre. The nearby female cavalry chief, the female cavalry chief, simply left half of the man’s hand, carrying the remaining general hand, pointing to a three-story building with a chimney in the vertical direction of the explosion. Surrounded the past.

At the next moment, the female cavalry chief saw Ted, whose face was dignified. At Ted’s request, the remaining Rangers guarded around, and only the female cavalry chief entered the small building alone – for half an hour. These Rangers saw their captains coming out of the small building, and during this period there were several medical aid teams entering the small building; and watching their captains look like water, all the Rangers understood. Absolutely something big happened.

However, no one dares to ask, even those female Rangers who have been yelling at the female cavalry elder sister, are only looking at each other with a worried look; after all, this is in the task, public and private It is clear that the female cavalry chief has been asking her to leave all the rangers to do.


The female cavalry officer who had just stepped out of the small building suddenly yelled at an old man who was rushing in, and in the voice of his captain, the surrounding cavalry discovered that I didn’t know when the moon tower’s main tower appeared in them. By the side; the old man raised his hand to stop their salute, and asked straight to the female cavalry chief -

"how is he?"

The moonlight night tower is very fast, and the rangers are also the first to find anxious from the face of this respectable old man.

"Most of it is some skin trauma, the most serious is the right arm, although..." When the female cavalry chief suddenly thought of something, the sound suddenly became lower, avoiding the name that was about to blurt out, and turned Became the other: "He is strong, but such a direct explosion still makes his right hand not want to use any force in the next few weeks!"

"There will be no sequelae in my life. At most, I only need to use the left hand to take the knife and fork separately!" After hearing the words of the female cavalry chief, the old man on the face of the moon tower showed a relieved smile on the face. Gently take a shot on the shoulder of the female cavalry and comfort the other.

"You should go on duty first! Don't worry, leave the rest to me!"

"Thank you for your assistance. Heather is an adult!"

The female cavalry commander once again bowed to the old man. He left the small building with his own squadron and returned to the front of the Daslik Grand Theatre; however, whether it was the Rangers under the command of the female cavalry, or the hunters who were mixed in the crowd to participate in the celebration Can see the look of the female cavalry chief; even. Some ordinary tourists can also feel the mentality of this female guard.

"I didn't expect that Els had such a side, it was a professional-level actor!" Ted stood behind the window on the third floor of the small building, watching the female cavalry chief appear downstairs and met the tower of the moonlit night. Tower owner. As soon as I left the figure, I couldn’t help but sigh and sigh: "Sure enough, a woman is a natural actor!"

"I am not a natural actor, I am not sure, but what I can confirm is that if your plan fails, then you will be ridiculed! After all, this is the first time in nearly 50 years. After the moonlight level hits the daylight level, the latter will be injured!"


With the voice of the towerer of the moonlight night, the old man’s figure appeared on the stairs – unlike the current room layout, this small building that maintained the architectural style hundreds of years ago, the three floors are not divided into several The room is a large overall room; while in this room. The two- to three-story staircase is directly opposite to a circular coffee table. Three chairs are placed around the coffee table. A lotus leaf-shaped lamp and a kettle are placed on the coffee table. Several tea cups are placed in an orderly manner. Above.

Walked over the coffee table. It is a group of books, though. The book above is very few, only basic pictorials and magazines; next to the bookshelf is a double bed where Ye Qi is lying, and there are many bottles of bandages and medicines scattered around. The taste of medical alcohol is coming.

"Let's lie down, since you have decided to install a wound, then you must be thorough!"

When I walked to the bed of the moon-night tower, the hands of the towering tower shimmered a faint white light. Although it was bright, it was never glaring, and it was still a touch of warmth. This white light lasted for about five minutes. Just dispersed.

"With my 'treatment', these bandages don't have to be tied. However, if you have a 'right arm injury', remember what you should do?"

"of course!"

Ye Qi smiled and nodded.

"Come on, let me talk about the things in detail!"

The old man looked at Ted standing on the side and recruited the beckoner - the moon towerer’s master of everything happened today, although he knows about it because of Ted’s report, but the detailed process is unclear. Especially after the sudden emergence of 'Yeqi injured', he did not know at all; therefore, after receiving the ambiguous news from Ted, the old man hurriedly rushed from the tower of the moon night. In the urban area of ​​Shaq.

"Yes, Master Hesel! This is the case..."

Ted immediately went to the side of the tower tower of the moonlight night, very detailed for the elderly, telling the whole thing - and in the process of telling, even knowing that the other party's behavior has been stopped, but listen When the bomb had nearly 30 bombs, the old man’s face could not help but change; but he did not interrupt Ted’s story, until Ted’s all finished, the old man shook his head. Sighed.

"The completely distorted soul is no longer a human being! It is almost like the mad grievances that are afflicted by emptiness. The only thing left in the soul is hatred and tyranny!" The sigh of the towerer of the moon night, with Heartfelt sorrow - this is not the tears of the crocodile, but the true heart of the heart; as the old man who has been persecuted by the Inquisition, the place that has painful memories for him is naturally hateful. However, there is an instinct of mercy with this hate; just like, at the moment.

However, as the Lord of the Tower of the Moon, the old man naturally knows what he should do; after his face is cleared, he tells Ted: "I will immediately search. Anything with gunpowder marks or bomb-related items; According to the decree, when you enter Shack, these things will be considered contraband; contact the highest government personnel in Shaq, let them begin to issue decrees, and those who carry contraband will not only be detained, but also bear the corresponding legal responsibilities! ”

"And. Please Moderad speed up the trial of those guys. I need a clear interrogation record after dawn!"

"Understood, Heather is an adult!"

When Ted was in the back, he quickly disappeared on the stairs—as the guardian of the tower of the moonlit night. And it is also the assistant of the tower master, Hesel is the command to issue, and the command and communication is undoubtedly Ted.

Looking at the departing Ted, the back disappeared behind the stairs. The moon tower master took a deep breath and turned to look at Ye Qidao: "Ye, thank you very much this time! If, let the guy succeed, then Shake will suffer an incalculable loss." !"

"As a demon hunter, these books are what I should do!" Ye Qi faced the old man's thanks and immediately shrugged: "Not to mention the director of the referee itself is for me; otherwise, how is he? May use such extreme means?"

"It seems that my old opponent is really anomalous about whether you enter the sun or not! Even at such an extreme way to detect... there is no such thing in the Inquisition; The 'general attack method. It has completely annihilated the respect for life!" After the moon tower night towering for a moment, this only looked directly at Ye Qi and asked: "You have already seen this attack method. So how confident are you in the next move?"

"Hatherel, I don't want to ask me how confident I am. But I want to stay in Shak?" I asked Ye Qi, the Lord of the Tower of the Moon, and said with a smile: "For Shak, I am very I am willing to pay for it here; but it is not the time. There are too many things that I need to complete; and after these things are completed, I want you to guarantee. I will definitely stay in Shake!"

"As for this plan? After we put the news out, we don't care about our business; we just need to see how the ‘backhand’ is decided!” Ye Qi pretends to be a helpless hand.

"Ieta will not let you down!"

Looking at Ye Qi's pretentious appearance, the tower of the moon night could not help but smile.

"Then we will wait and see!"

Ye Qi also smiled and nodded.


The holy forest area, the mountain of God, still emits light even at night; and in this bright cover, the place deep in the bottom of the earth is dark - not only dark, but also very quiet, except for occasional shaking There is no sound here except for the torture instrument. Anyone who stays here will have a feeling of being suppressed and suffocated.

However, these people will definitely not include Iyeta, sitting in the only chair in the Inquisition, the director of the referee of a linen robes, like a king, patrolling his kingdom with that sharp eye. Under this sharp gaze, the knife priest who came to report was a one-legged knee that was afraid of the atmosphere and fell down in the same place, quietly waiting for the question of the adult in front of him -

"Is the Shak Dragon injured?"

After a long time, when the reported priest with a knife was almost sweaty, the director of the referee opened the door - although it was a questionable statement, but the tone was very dull; even the most familiar with the director of the referee People can't guess what the other person is thinking at the moment.

"Yes, adults!"

The priest with the knife who had been waiting for, after hearing the question from the adult in front of him, the news that was about to be already printed in his mind, all said: "Wen Debi used himself as a bomb, and surrounded by hundreds. As a threat, the civilians were stopped by the Shaker’s dragon when they suddenly detonated the bomb; although the ordinary civilians were out of the scope of the explosion, the Shak’s dragon was affected by the explosion, especially the right arm; In the middle of the night, the tower master has already taken the treatment of the Shak Dragon!"

"Now, Master Cinica asked if he took the opportunity to proceed to the next step?"

嗒, 嗒, 嗒...

Upon hearing the report of the subordinate, Iyeta did not answer immediately, but a slight meditation, the hand on the back of the chair, gently tapping it - this is the head of the Inquisition, Habitual movements; and watching this adult who made such an action, the knife-priest who is still kneeling on the knees clearly understands how much the Shak’s dragon that emerged in the younger generation is in the heart of this adult. importance.

"Implement it according to the original plan! Tell Cinica. If you find that the situation is wrong, you can choose to retreat!"

Waiting, the knife priest got a positive answer.

"Yes, adults!"

"And, add Wendby as the identity of the main sacrifice. Enter the Holy Spirit Hall!"

The head of the Inquisition added.

"Your kindness will be my glory!"

In the face of such a supplement, the knife priest immediately gave a respectful and sublime response, and then slowly withdrew from the small hall. Moreover, the door of the small hall was gently closed, and no sound was made during the period. Although the mind understood that such a task needs a quick response, the details that should be left when leaving the small hall are still The knives with the knife are remembered; after all. Those who can't remember these things will no longer exist; and this knife priest may be unreserved and unrequited for others, but he definitely does not want to face this dilemma.

When the door was completely closed, the head of the Inquisition did not leave the only chair in the room. He still sat in it, even the angle of sight had not changed; only the index finger and chair handle that had just stopped The knocking sound appeared again -

嗒, 嗒, 嗒...

Compared with the previous percussion sounds, this time is undoubtedly more powerful, and the rhythm is getting more and more urgent; it is like a drum kit, and it is like a storm. Suddenly stopped.

The head of the Inquisition, standing up from the chair, walked slowly toward the door, outside a long corridor full of torture instruments; the only magical crystal on the ceiling was the only light source on the ceiling. - These magic crystals are almost timid with only one tenth of the normal size, and are installed at intervals of ten yards; therefore. The darkness is still the theme of the entire corridor, and it has not been added to anything else. At most, there is only a different kind of ambiguity and ambiguity.

The figure of the head of the Inquisition is looming in this direction, walking in one direction, passing through a ramp. He has almost no need to identify his own choices, but the original light. After repeated choices, there was only a deeper darkness; and when the head of the Inquisition chose a fork in the seventh time, the entire corridor had no light source, and the darkness completely enveloped the entire corridor. And it is filled with **** smell and corpse smell that is thicker than before.

"Iyeta adults!"

When the director of the referee went to the end of this dark corridor, a red shimmering door appeared in front of him; and in the darkness of the surroundings, the two guards came out of it, respectfully respecting the religion in front of him. The head of the referee - but the kind of stiff movements, pale face, so that this respectful salute completely without the respect of the deserved taste, leaving nothing strange; just like the resurrected body is doing Praying in general.

"Is Moran coming back?"

I didn’t look at the two guards. The head of the Inquisition’s gaze stared straight at the front door—the black and red intertwined door, without any pattern, but the red shimmer was more than any pattern. Attracting attention, the slight gleam of the mountains and rivers is like a pool of blood splashing on the wall, down the gravity along the trend; although thick, but not solidified.

"The warden is grown up, not yet back!"

The dull, hoarse voice echoed in front of the gate; the director of the Inquisition frowned unconsciously, and then he stepped forward and pushed the door in front of him; however, the two had been The unusually respectful guards of performance, but at this time, blocked in front of the warden.

"Without the command of the warden, no one is allowed to enter or leave the holy prison!"

"Can't I even do it?!"

The tone of the head of the Inquisition is still dull, but his eyes are more and more sharp, and almost people will be pierced; however, even under the gaze of such eyes these two guards There is still no change - the face is pale, the body is stiff, and the voice is still a stiff answer.

"Anyone, including you!"


With this answer, two fire columns suddenly appeared behind the two guards. It was like a living chain, which tied the two straight up. Then, in the next moment, the flames rose to the sky and the two guards Made two huge humanoid torches.

However, under the burning of such flames, it has become the guard of two huge humanoid torches, but did not make any screams, until after a few breaths, it turned into a pool of fly ash - and then, The red shimmer on the gate suddenly lit up. The next moment, the two guards who had turned into fly ash appeared again in front of the gate.

"Iyeta, please come back!"

The voice of the two guards is still rigid.

PS first ~~~Timed~~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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