Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 31: hostage? Broken arm? on

"Cinica, CEO of the Inquisition; very happy to see the famous Shaker Dragon!"

The hook-nose man stretched out and pulled another chair in front of him, welcoming Ye Qi as a master; and Ye Qi did not hesitate, sitting straight in the opened chair - the whole There is no problem with the chair. The observation of the blind bucket and the observation of the naked eye are enough to make Ye Qi sure that the chair in front of him is just an ordinary high back chair with no organs or magic traps.

“I heard that you like milk tea, do you need to try my craft?”

Really like a hospitable master, the eagle-hooked man picked up the teapot and teacup on the round-table trolley--the teacup has already been ground tea, mixed with white sugar and a powdery shape; The milk, with a hint of warmth, crossed a white arc and steadily entered the cup, during which no drop of milk was spilled outside the cup.


The brewed milk tea was slowly pushed to the front of Ye Qi, and the eagle-hooked man made a gesture of asking.

"The chief executive of the Inquisition? Should it be the leader of the executioner in people's mouth?"

Looking at the milk tea in the cup in front of him, Ye Qi did not pick up the teacup, but looked at the eagle-hooked man who was sitting back in his seat. He asked himself to answer the question - the CEO, the name only On the surface, it is not known that there is a title in the stipulation that there is a corresponding position; in fact, it is also true; the name of the chief executive is like a person who temporarily holds the title of planning or leader when a task or plan is made.

However, in the Inquisition, this title has another meaning in the above-mentioned meaning. There is another meaning in the Inquisition. Apart from the leader, there is a name: the performer; It is like the nickname of the black dog deacon 'black dog' in the dark world; this name is the name of the inside of the Inquisition for the insiders of the Holy See.

The CEO is the name for a group of executives - and the singularity of the Inquisition, the Holy See scorpion. All people, even the Inquisition itself, agree; therefore, Ye Qi calls him the leader of the executioner, in a sense, very relevant.

"If. The Lord of the Shacks wants such an understanding. Then, I can't refute it!"

Facing the obvious sarcasm, the eagle-hooked man is like a well-kept gentleman, smiling and revealing the current topic - he sighed slightly after the tea in the cup . After looking at Ye Qi, his eyes turned to Ye Qi’s right arm and said slowly: “The right arm of Lord Shack’s Dragon, is it alright?”

"Take the blessing of the priest with a knife, it is not too bad!"

Raised his right arm. Ye Qi made a few moves flexibly - but this kind of action made the man with the hooked nose sitting on the opposite side laugh lightly; the chief of the Inquisition, gently put down the teacup, smiled and shaked Shaking his head: "The cover lies, it is always so easy to be exposed!"

Starting with such a discourse, the other party began a long and cumbersome narrative -

"After last night's explosion, our people have been paying close attention to your every move! Whether it is the arrival of those doctors or the arrival of the tower-header of the moonlight night. We are all in the eyes of us; of course Of course, the things that these people do are naturally clear!"

"Especially the special atmosphere of the moon tower's main ability to display, our people are more personally experienced; but because the existence of the moon-tower main tower is too much for us. It’s so powerful; so that people, including me, can only observe far away and make guesses about what’s going on!”

"And it is obvious. The result of this speculation is very beneficial to us! Lord Shack's Dragon. You were unfortunately injured in the right hand in a conflict with a knife priest last night; although after the moonlit night Tata Lord's treatment, but this kind of injury can not be completely restored in a short time; even if it looks like it is intact!"

Said, the hunter-nose man once again picked up the cup, and it seems that Ye Qilu is in the palm of his right hand outside the sleeve; while looking at Ye Qi’s slender, powerful fingers, he continues to say with a very positive tone. "However, this kind of integrity is enough for the average person, but for a knife-handed person like you, it is obviously impossible to play the corresponding strength!"

"Otherwise, after you start going out this morning, you won't do so much to cover up, and you won't go to the watch shop to get a 'fake joint' on your right arm; no doubt, you need to be as soon as possible. Restore your arm and make people think your arm is intact!"

At this time, the man with the hook nose showed a look of pity and shook his head.

"You did a very good job at the beginning. After two observations, I always thought that you were deliberately pretending to be injured, and then I was hooked; but when you go to the watch shop, you have a loophole. The reputation of Master DeCesco Colt is also well heard. Any machine in his hands will become like alive; let alone a 'fake joint', are you saying?"

"When you wear a 'fake joint', you are really like an ordinary person who is not injured. If you don't have the previous contrast, and you have a little inconvenient inconvenience, I am afraid I will be deceived; however, It’s a pity that you have already exposed your injuries at the beginning!"

"Now, if you use the right hand knife, can you still play a few strengths? 50%, or 60%?"

The man with the hooked nose looked at Ye Qi abnormally; and in the face of a calm Ye Qi, the eagle-hooked man immediately seemed to think of something, immediately added: "Of course, you The talent of multiple abilities makes the whole of Lorante know. How can we be unclear as an opponent? Therefore, in order to be on the safe side, I have invited a lady to be our VIP!"

Ding! Ding!

After pressing the button on the other side, immediately connected to the sound of the bell, it rang in the empty grove - in Ye Qi’s [blind bucket perception], the two hidden in the woods A wave of volatility, quickly moving away from the distance; apparently to bring the lady in the other side of the mouth; of course, the two fluctuations of leaving, compared to the overall hidden number is only very individual. The rest of the people are still hidden in their hidden way of thinking that they are perfect.


Still very important to me?

It is impossible to be Els and Besika!

So what is it?

The first thing that Ye Qi ruled out was that the two women who had the deepest relationship with him - the former, were completely under his 'sight line'. This morning, they returned to the Central Castle under the arrangement of the towerer of the moonlight night; Under the eyes of the six-tower and the numerous guardians. Able to tie Els. Then the headquarters of the Demon Hunter has long been stepped on by the other side.

As for the latter?

Although there are many rumors, and even if it is transmitted by the camp to which the other party belongs, the real situation does not necessarily know the other party; let alone, even if it is known. But the ability to find a witch is also a problem; the remains of the Thousand Marsh area are not the location with maps and coordinates, and when you don't know the specific direction, go to the remains of the witch. It is definitely a difficulty in finding a needle in a haystack.

After excluding the two women who have the deepest relationship with him, Ye Qi’s mind can’t really think of the woman who has a good relationship with him and is easily caught by the other party, the Nosd family. Missy, seriously speaking, it can be regarded as one, but I want to take people away from the base camp of the Northder family of Randenburg, unless it is on the top of the sun, or like the last big scene, otherwise, That is also impossible; not to mention the distance between Edinburgh and Shack. It is possible unless the other party is acting in advance.

However, if the other party moves in advance, then there should be a rumor that is rumored to be out, it is impossible to be such a peaceful one - therefore, according to the other party's approach. Absolutely temporary, then it can only be started in Shak local; but in addition to the female cavalry chief in Shaq, Ye Qi can't think of a woman who fits the other's description...

Under the gaze of the other party, time flies. However, the man with a hooked nose is not in a hurry. It is still a leisurely teapot in the cup, and from time to time, I look at Ye Qi - obviously, the other party wants to appreciate Ye Qi's anxiety or worry; however, although the bottom of my heart is doubtful, the surface is a dull appearance. Ye Qi, but the other side is disappointed.

"Hope, Lord Shack's Dragon, you can always have this kind of indifference!"

The man with a smiling eagle hook nose, suddenly speaking such a thing, apparently did not see the unexpected situation, the executive director of the Inquisition was unwilling, can only use words to exert pressure on Ye Qi - In this regard, Ye Qi is not unexpected, but it is not as expected by the other party; if it is not because of the 'important woman' in the other party's mouth, when he sees the other party, he is already slashing and beheading each other. Yu Yu magic knife is down.

Huh? !

In the "blind bucket perception", the two undulations that have just left appear again, and they also carry a fluctuating wave familiar with Ye Qi; in the moment of feeling the volatility, Ye Qi has a pulse of smile at the bottom of his heart. - In Shaq, apart from the female cavalry commander, the other party is indeed a woman who can be considered to have a relationship with him; whether it is nominal or in essence.


Meditate on this name, Ye Qi himself could not accurately tell his feelings about the other side - the other party's protection for the female cavalry chief even at the expense of himself, so that he has nothing to say; although the other party to him The hostility is clear, and the means of coping are also quite fierce, but for the female cavalry chief, the other party really pays with all his heart.

If the other party is a man, it is definitely your biggest rival!

This is an evaluation given by the little man after he learned about Lancelot. For such evaluation, Ye Qi is also in favor; after all, the other party is really gambling on life.

How could it be Lancelot?

Did they not enter the Central Castle with Els?

Or Els? !

Such an idea made Ye Qi, who had been sitting in the chair all the time, instinctively rubbing his eyes and killing the machine. If the female cavalry chief was really hurt, then he did not mind letting the director of the referee feel it. Once again, I was rushed to the mountain. Maybe he couldn’t do what his teacher did, but he never knew the knight’s Ye Qi. He definitely didn’t mind starting from the civilians in the Holy Forest, and fundamentally messing up the whole. Order of the Holy See.

Since the people I care about are no longer there, then pull all of you to the funeral. What else can't you?

This is the ally of Lehmann. When she faced the female leader of the blood honor, she repeatedly asked the woman leader why Lehman joined the Holy See, and the answer was that Ye Qi could guarantee the authenticity of such a discourse. Now he has the same feeling.

"The believer who killed the guy. Blood washed the entire Holy Forest, where we finished the blood sacrifice..."

I have been watching the strange wolf outside the heart of Ye Qi, feeling the flow of Ye Qi’s heart-to-heart, and immediately screamed unceremoniously.

be quiet!

The crisp and straightforward words interrupted the roar of the wolf. Ye Qi put his gaze on the man opposite the hooked nose, his eyes staring; and facing such a pressure-bearing gaze, the eagle-hooked man gently placed the cup on the table. After not smiling, laughing. Said: "His Lord of the Shack, please keep your calm!"

Then, aiming at the already flashing figure, he spread his hand and said: "Look, I have the gentleman etiquette for this lady!"

Lancelot is a half-armor uniform of the upper cavalry, with multiple breaks, and even the shoulder armor has been completely broken; although after a simple dressing, the blood is still red and a large piece; and the golden color of the past It looks like a long curly hair like a wheat wave. At the moment, it was also filthy and covered with dirt; the mouth was blocked by a piece of cloth that was pulled from her arm.

Of course, the most attractive of Yaki is the three bombs with red and green ray on the belly of Lancelot - just look at the appearance, you know that the three bombs and the batch that Ted seized yesterday were completely The same.

When he first saw Ye Qi, Lancelot also had a hint of excitement. However, the next moment is to restore calm, and even struggles are not struggling - although in the eyes of strong enemies, there is an acquaintance. It is pleasing; however, when this acquaintance has a hatred with her. Then such happiness will become frustration; and undoubtedly, in the eyes of Lancelot, Ye Qi is such a person.

And seeing the appearance of Lancelot, Ye Qi even guessed the other side's thoughts; but he did not have more performance - for a lady like Lancelot, whether it is usual, or At this moment, if possible, Ye Qi does not want to have any contact with the other party.

However, this is only the best idea - if Ye Qi is to leave the other side like this, Ye Qi still can't do it.

“Although I wanted to ask Ms. Els as a witness to our conversation, it was unfortunate that we passed by Ms. Els and, in the end, only Ms. Lancelot. As a substitute! However, I think this alternative will have considerable value? After all, you and the other party are..." The eagle-hooked man who said this showed a subtle smile, no more words. Just taking out a detonator in the hand, the meaning of danger is self-evident.

"You can pray for your luck to your so-called god. If, here is the words of Els, then you have already been cut off by me, and the soul will be pulled back and forth from the so-called 'Heaven'. The river that was thrown into the sulphur was suffering!" Looked at the detonator in the other hand, Ye Qi said.

"I can understand this in your own way; however, what we are going to communicate now is what we are doing at the moment!"

The hunter-nose man’s face of Ye Qi’s words was only threatened by Ye Qi’s pretense, and he did not put it in his heart; instead, he held the detonator and leaned his body in the chair, a look of stability: “We come Talk about our current situation, Lord Shack, what are you going to exchange for Ms. Lancelot? Give you a hint, I am more optimistic about your left arm, interrupt it, I will let go of Lancelot Ms. Te, how?"

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Lancelot, who had become very calm, heard this sentence and immediately struggled again - although she regarded Ye Qi as an 'enemy', but with these churches in front of them Compared with people, she still knows who the real enemy is. Although the other party is good, once Ye Qi’s left arm is interrupted, they have no chance at all.

After all, she had heard about Ye Qi’s right arm accidental injury. At that time, she heard rumors that she was quite schaden after being bombarded with a knife priest. She thought that Ye Qi was inconsistent. But at the moment, she hopes that Ye Qi is intact and will kill all the guys in front of him.

"It seems that our Ms. Lancelot is very worried about you!" The man with the hooked nose did not stop Lancelot from chokeing after blocking his mouth, but instead let Lancelot make such ambiguity The shouts, then, then turned around and looked at Ye Qi: "Hello of the Shaker, how about considering?"

PS second more ~~~ seeking protection! Desperate and roll for protection!

Thanks to the wave of the starting point of the 200-year-old wave of the sea, the reward of the starting price of the June snow IV200, the reward of the starting currency of the sn100~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~~ (to be continued). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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