Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 34: Under the indication

After Ye Qi completely let go of the convergence, the ancient Longwei, which is rising from the sky, immediately showed the side of the earthquake. The bursts of humming sounds converge into one piece, which sounds in the sky of Shaker.


It’s like a thunderstorm that rises on the ground, so that the Shakers who have just been awake and hangover are feeling a guilty heart. They are all shrinking their necks. Then they look at the cloudless sky and secretly wonder. Self-deprecating smile, once again doing things for these ordinary people, such things are just a temporary talk, and then will soon be forgotten; even those who are unusually curious The person of the heart will only once again associate with the boring thunder of today; after all, the heart and action are two conceptual things.

Compared with ordinary people, ordinary animals and people or creatures in the dark world are completely different feelings; more acute perception than ordinary people is enough to make them feel more guilty, just superficial; The hidden pressure is the beginning of the surprise of these beings; it is like the waves of the waves, the wave of waves rushing toward them, let them surrender!

With Ye Qi as the center, within a short period of time in the surrounding woods, there was a scene of animals that were quiet in the forest. All of them were lying on the ground and did not dare to move; some even went straight to the ground. And such a scene, like radiation, is performed one hundred kilometers around.

Strong and full of pressure to surrender!

Unlike the Moonlight class that broke through to the momentum of the Japanese glory; the momentum is more because it touched the mortal mortal. Through the latter, an induction of the same level or higher is produced; and above the sun. But it completely broke through the road. After having his own path, he released his own momentum from the legendary world of mortal human beings. When it broke through to the Japanese glory, the momentum that erupted seemed to be broad, but it was very thin, and even could not get rid of it. Binding; the latter is to get rid of that layer of restraint, is completely own, and based on his own mind; not to mention the aspect of 'quality', there is a difference between heaven and earth.

Shaker, Central Castle. Negotiation room.

The early arrival of the Holy See and the Zola, who faced Ted and the cold-faced men in the negotiations yesterday, did not fall into the wind. At this moment, they complained about the lateness of the demon hunter; but soon, he stopped. Mouth; he turned and looked out into the distance from the window. The eyes of the whole person seemed to be coming out, and the face was unbelievable.

"This this……"

The new archbishop of Red turned around and looked at Tkavic, and then, in the direction outside the window, shivered and pointed. The whole person seemed to be cramped and ridiculous; however, Tekovic and his other deputy, Lehman, did not have any smiles; the former nodded solemnly. The latter, after seeing the former nod, immediately appeared a touch of surprise on his face, and even asked involuntarily: "Tekovic, what are you talking about?"

"Yes, it is as you think!"

Tekawiqi also stood up and walked to the window yesterday. He stayed in the red dress of the 'decoration' state all day long. At this time, it was serious, and the whole body's momentum changed slightly. Then, it was transparent. Out; the entire negotiating room is enveloped in its own momentum, not affected by the surge of momentum.

As the same level of existence, the Red Archbishop is very clear; if you let this momentum continue to surge, but it will have a small impact on the people behind him. If it is only Zola, then forget it. However, there is a very promising young man behind him, and his character and knightly behavioral norms are worthy of helping him.

"The Dragon of Shaker, the Dragon of Shaker..."

The newly-arrived red archbishop, at the negotiating table, whispered in a low voice. Although he had already known his own distance from the other party, he did not expect that the distance would be so large; It was so big that he could hardly raise his rebellious heart.

While Lehman on the side maintains a model that should be a model for the disciplinary knight, but in the bottom of his heart, it is no better than the new red archbishop next to him; there is also a bit of discouragement. After all, the two act as Allies, but the age difference is small, but before the existence of a trace of competition, Ye Qi’s breakthrough to the Japanese glory, gave him a certain stimulus, so that he made up his mind to catch up; but when he thinks When the distance to the other party was shortened, it was once again opened, and the distance was even larger this time.

Such a fact is naturally imaginable for Lehman’s attack; however, unlike the frustration of the new red archbishop, after a short period of incompatibility, Lehman once again cheered up as An absolutely qualified Avengers and Subversive, Lehman definitely has the tenacity and determination far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

It’s just that it’s a step faster than me!

Since I can catch up with the last time, then there will be a second time!

Lehman, who thought of this, raised his head and asked the Archbishop of Red in front of him: "Can you let me personally feel this difference?"

"Are you sure?"

The archbishop of Red, standing by the window, looked at the veteran of the disciplinary knight in front of him. The young main sacrifice, in the other side's firm eyes, nodded slightly: "Okay! But you must be careful, one If there is something wrong, please let me know immediately; I will put you into my momentum again!"

"Thank you, Master Tekawi!"

After respecting the red archbishop in front of him, Lehman held the knight's sword at the waist, and the whole person stood in the same place as a javelin.


"Hey? A familiar atmosphere! When is that guy... wrong, not that guy!"

In the tower of the thorns, Modred, who had always had a teenager's face, suddenly stood up in surprise; he walked away from the room and walked out of the tower to the original place. Look at the place where the momentum is spreading; then. A glance at the flash of fire and white light from the top of the tower at the moonlit night. The corner of the mouth couldn’t help but the sun-like smile emerged.

"A good little guy! Although your teacher is a rogue, it is absolutely powerful to teach his disciples!"

This kind of discourse almost rang in the various places in the Central Castle at the same time, perhaps the sound is different, but the content is exactly the same, and the tone is also a bit of surprise; but, soon after the surprise. These sounds are sent out and the general comments of the thorny tower tower

"However, this chaos is the same as your rogue teacher!"

With such a saying, the air around the main body of the thorny tower is suddenly like a wave of water, and even the six towers, including the entire central castle, are all shrouded in; The demon-hunting demon and the Rangers returned to normal.

“What happened?”

“Why do I feel that there is a huge boulder in my body?”

"Yeah, it seems that I am seeing the same beast!"


"It’s a mess!"

The thorn tower tower master clearly heard the surrounding ‘heart’, and then shook his head again; raised his hand and waved several times in the camp of eight Rangers. The kind of fluctuations like the lake water once again crossed the sky and appeared in the space above the Ranger Camp, which was firmly wrapped in it. The chaotic camp of the cavalry quickly calmed down.

"The guy with a cold heart knows that you can't help it!"

The tall figure of the tower of the athletic tower appeared beside the main tower of the thorny tower, and laughed with the bold voice.

"Ye Qi, this little guy, what the **** is it? Is Hessell forgot to remind him?"

The thorny tower tower owner did not look back. In the moment when the tower of the athletic tower appeared, the smile of the sun plate on his face was collected; instead, the eyes squinted at the distant place and wrinkled. I asked a brow.

"This kind of reminder, Hether naturally will not forget; however, there will be accidents at any time!"

The tower of the athletic tower that once fought side by side with Ye Qi, naturally stood on the side of Ye Qi, although the thorn tower tower in front of him is one of his old friends, but the other party’s harsh character, It is definitely a smile that appears on the surface, and it has a skyrocketing difference; anyone who thinks that the other person with a sunny smile is a very good talker will definitely suffer a big loss.

The other party can become the tower owner of the thorny tower of the punishment. Apart from the assignment of the previous tower owner and its own powerful strength, the harsh and meticulous character is the reason why everyone really chooses to vote. It is Ye Qi, even if any of them made a mistake, the other party will act impartially; it will not take into account the identity and status of the other party; Blanc who was once drunk when he was young and was shut down several times is The best example.

"The process of the facts, I will adjust the difference myself; if Ye Qi turned over, there is a special cell in the tower of the thorns, ready for him! Of course, if you want to accompany him, I will also Very welcome!" After that, the thorn tower tower owner turned and walked toward the tower of thorns; only left the tower of the athletic tower standing in the same place, after a helpless smile, he shook his head and went to his own Tower of Athletics.


In the mid-air, the tower of the sacred object that has been transformed into a flame is pulling the tower of the moon tower wrapped in a white mang, flying across the entire city of Shak, just a few minutes. To the position where Ye Qi is sitting

"Stop, stop, Ye Qi quickly stop!"

The tower lord of the sacred object, whose feet have not yet landed, shouted loudly.

"Hatherel, Master Blanc!"

Ye Qi looked at the two tower owners who had fallen from the air, and immediately convened Longwei, saying with the etiquette.

"I just want this guy to use such a big move?"

The sacred tower tower owner walked over to the chief executive of the Inquisition, which had long since had no breath. After carefully examining the other’s body, he did not look at Ye Qi, although he was only a corpse, but through some special The method, to explore the strength of the other side of the body, is not a matter of suffering; especially within an hour of the time of death; therefore, the strength of the other side, there is no way to survive the investigation of the tower of the sacred object .

"Blank. Don't worry; listen to Ye Qi how to say!" The moon tower tower is dominated by the elders. Look at Ye Qi. Asked: "Ye Qi, what happened here?"

"Cinica, the disciple of Iyeta!"

Ye Qi said his answer very simply.

"Iyeta's disciple?!"

The two masters of the six towers glimpsed, and then, incredulously looked at the corpses on the ground, the disciples received by the director of the Inquisition of Iyeta, of course, the two would not know; but for the one who has been religious Cinica, who is active in the referee, has not seen it; in fact. The two tower owners also thought that under the training of their old rivals, the other party will definitely grow into a new generation of hunter-hunters!

However, what happened to the two people is that this ‘big enemy’ in the two people’s expectations, at this moment, has already been the corpse.

"Even if you are a disciple of Iyeta, you don't need to..."

The words of the towerer of the moon night have not been finished yet, and they were interrupted by another tower owner.

"In the character of Iyeta, it is absolutely irritating to kill his disciples; in this state. That old guy, what is going on in the ordinary. It is definitely not a guess; Ye Qi directly puts his own strength. When exposed, I was able to shock the old guy so that he wouldn’t dare to make too big a move!"

I have already guessed why Ye Qi did the sacred tower of the sacred object. I couldn’t help but walk to Ye Qi’s side and slammed Ye Qi’s shoulder. “You do this, the person associated with you, the danger is greatly reduced. However, you are attracting all the attention of the old guy!"

"Can't beat, I will run away!"

Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders, a look of carelessness; however, this made the towerer of the moonlit night standing on the side, surprised; he looked at Ye Qi and asked anxiously: "You I am going to leave Shaker? After such a thing happened, Shaq is the safest!"

"Shack's safety is also relative, not to mention, I am not just a person!"

Ye Qi looked at the anxious old man in front of him and felt the way the other side was considering his own point of view. The heart could not help but touch the other person as the host of the demon hunter headquarters. Naturally, it would not be unclear. What; almost can be regarded as the fuse of war; and the other party knows the result, but is still willing to say such a statement, enough to prove the other party's love for him.

"And, Heather, even though the guys in the Holy See are not ready; but we are not ready yet!" Ye Qi smiled and looked at the old man in front of him. The statement was clear and said: "If I Staying in Shaq will only attract the attention of the director of the referee and keep an eye on Shaker, making our situation even more difficult!"

"It's better, let me attract the attention of that, and make Shake more prepared!" Once again shrugged his shoulders, Ye Qi reiterated: "After all, I can't beat, but I will really run!"

"It’s not worth it for such a guy!"

Think about what situation Ye Qi will face next, and the tower-tower of the moon night will not be embarrassed.

"How could it be worth it?!"

Ye Qi smiled and pulled out the key of the ‘God’s Gate’ that had been prepared for a long time. Suddenly, he attracted the attention of the two tower owners. The two asked at the same time: “This is...”

"The key to the door of God!"

Ye Qi passed the ‘key’ and then pointed at the bushes where there was a ‘God’s Gate’.

"There is, the complete threshold of God!"

"The complete threshold of God?!"

The two six-tower owners, almost with exclamation, ran toward the bushes pointed by Ye Qi; when they saw the existence of the alchemy-like array on the ground, they were all unstoppable.

"Really, the threshold of God!"

The sacred tower tower master is the custodian of all utensils. Naturally, it has a very extraordinary vision. It only takes a glance to get an accurate answer. After drawing this certain answer, the sacred object Tata’s main man couldn’t help but turned and yelled at Ye Qi: “It’s worth Don’t say it’s a disciple of Iyeta, even if Ieta died here; as long as I get the threshold of God, It’s worth it!”

"Well, in the war with the Holy See, the threshold of God has always been something we have scruples! Now, with this complete model, we may be able to study the existence of a similarity to our own creation!" The elders, looking at the 'God's Gate' on the ground, have a tremor in their voices: "When the war is over, there is no need to draw the main battle force to deal with the Holy See's raid!"

"Ye, you have done a great job this time! Countless demon hunters will definitely get more chances to survive on the battlefield, I..." The towerer of the moon night said sincerely, then, it is going to Ye Qi He said that he was grateful. However, before the old man bent down, Ye Qi had already flashed aside. He looked at the old man in front of him with a smile: "As an elder, you really can't accept it; after all, I am also a hunter!"

"And, how can the demon hunter be represented by other people? Even if you are not doing it! When they really survive, let them express their gratitude!" After that, Ye Qi was quick. Shifted the topic, he pointed to the underground 'God's Gate': "We still have not finished the business, isn't it?"

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~

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