Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 46: Walking on the wizards of the Free Age

When Jacob and the Bishop Vallejo returned to their respective teams, Moretti, who was behind him, placed the highest government team in between and separated the two sides. It’s time to come – for such an outcome, Ye Qi, who had long been expected, would not be surprised; in fact, when the highest government personnel were present, the battle between the demon hunter and the Holy See would be controlled in a 'reasonable’ Within the scope; even, sometimes, Ye Qi also thought about whether it is because of this kind of reconciliation that the existence of the highest government will appear to have more value.

Of course, this is only Ye Qi’s unilateral illusion; in fact, since the establishment of the Free Age, the Supreme Government has long been an indispensable part of the whole of Lorante; if the Supreme Government is ruined, then it means The end of the free age - although there are very few militants, most people are still peace-loving; therefore, the status of the highest government in the future will not be shaken; however, the premise is that you must be wary Some special person; for example, the director of the Inquisition.

In the previous ranks of the Holy See, the one with the knife priest who came out, the others only found their differences from the other people’s behavior habits and the momentum expressed; while Ye Qi was directly from the [blind bucket perception] I saw the mystery of this team consisting entirely of priests with a knife--the phenomenon of double-layer fluctuations in an individual. In Ye Qi's view, there is only the so-called 'martyr'!

Although Ye Qi did not see the ‘the martyr’ with his own eyes, according to some descriptions of the lord of the sacred tower, he was able to guess an approximate – special power as a seed. The flesh and blood is used as a nourishment, and then the will is used as a fuse. The power of the seed is completely erupted in an instant; obviously, the seed with special strength. It is not born by itself, but introduced from the outside world; and the consequence of this is that one person will go out with his own fluctuations and bring an additional fluctuation.

Is this done to guard against the dark wizards that may exist?

Still to give me a surprise?

Ye Qi, who is more inclined to the latter, couldn’t help but sneer at the bottom of her heart, then. Under the pull of Little Doug and Korsor, I walked to the last row of the Demon Hunter, almost out of the position of the Demon Hunter team; there was a piece of about five feet square, buried deep into the ground, but the light was exposed There are two or three feet of rock on the surface. Obviously, two young people who have not yet fully developed their body, it is not easy to see clearly among a group of hunters; therefore, look for the outside world. The power is naturally necessary.

Did not reject the kindness of the two young people. Ye Qi and the two young men jumped straight on the rock; while the two young people looked around with curiosity, Ye Qi immediately took everything around him into the eye – at the highest After the government inserted between the demon hunter and the Holy See, it represented the team of the Northder family. It appeared before the three, about fifteen yards, facing the other side of the sea forest area. Jungle.

According to the prestige and status of the Northder family, it is not possible to put it in front of any of the highest government, the Holy See and the Demon Hunter in any case - but in the presence of the three parties. Such a choice is absolutely correct; for the location of the arrangement, perhaps the highest government can tolerate. But in such a public occasion, neither the demon hunter nor the Holy See will allow the other party to stand in front of themselves.

And if such a thing happens, I am afraid that the atmosphere of the arrogance that has just subsided will break out again; therefore, it is really appropriate to have the Northder family to come forward - the compromise of the three parties. In addition, as the Owner of the Bay Area, the opening of the "Witch Path" is considered to be deserved.

"Time should be coming soon?"

The little Doug licked his friend with his elbow.

"Well. If the news we got was not wrong, there are still about ten minutes!"

The young people in the Chima area just looked up at the sun in the sky. It is quite certain that in the humid and warm environment of the Thousand Marsh area, any machinery needs careful maintenance, especially the sophisticated instruments require special means to protect; otherwise, one After a month, you will get a bunch of rusty scrap iron; something like a watch, because of its size, is as sophisticated as those that are needed by people in the area.

However, it is very obvious that it is impossible for a person in the Kampuma area who is lacking in Kimpton to spend a large price to maintain a watch; they would rather maintain the machines that are more urgently needed in life at the same price— - But every person in the Chimuma area will not forget the time because there is no watch, especially some of the hunters, and will accurately judge the time through the sun and the moon.

"The uncle of the bar will not lie to us!"

A big man with a good appearance and the same smile is very easy to win the trust of others. At the very least, the small Doug is convinced of the big man; the small Doug standing on the rock, this time, even has tiptoed, straight eyes I looked at the front of the Northstead family and became the jungle. Obviously, for the wizard, this is just a legendary figure. The young man from the rich mansion of the Xia Lin District has extraordinary curiosity; after all, The wizard is different from those dark creatures. When everyone is young, there will always be one or two story books about the wizard on the bed. Although there are good and good, but the magic of the wizard is affirmative. .

Although I don’t know how many children, when I was a child, I longed to become a wizard, but Ye Qi can be sure that one of them is one of them; compared with Xiao Doug, the other’s good friend, the young man in the Chima area. Put more attention on the side of the Holy See - obviously, for the young people in the Qiangqu area, it is the most urgent for him to avenge the dead people and friends.

Maybe it should...

Looking at the eyes of the young people in the Qianmuma area, Ye Qi’s heart could not help but ‘help’ ‘persuade’ the other side; however, in the next moment, Ye Qi shook his head in secret. I want to throw this out of my mind - unlike the little Daoge who was saved by his life, the young man in the Qiangqu District, if he seriously said, is not very close to him; The communication bridge that exists between them is the young man of the small Doug.

And if you leave the small Doug. Basically, he is an 'outsider', and as an 'outsider' he obviously has no position to say this -

Stofei will definitely have a proper arrangement!

Thinking of the branch president of the Thousand Marsh area, Ye Qi’s last worry was also missing. The man who was willing to be the head of the Demon Hunter in the area like the Thousand Marsh Area, whether it was morality or ability, was able to It is worthy of his belief.


A muffled sound interrupted Ye Qi’s thinking. He looked up at the sound of the mid-air, and a purple full round of fireworks appeared there; even during the day, such a fireworks were dazzling and impossible to ignore - and after seeing this fireworks The apostle leader of the Northder family immediately told the people around him; in a short while, twenty of the Northers entered the jungle.

咔, 咔, 咔...

Hey, rumbling...

Although the sound of the movement of the spring is small, it cannot overcome the perception of Ye Qi. After the movement of the machine spring, the huge humming sounds brought the sight of some people in the place to the front of the jungle, especially the small Doug next to them. The eyes were even looked at, and I was afraid to miss it. The opportunity of this time - in the jungle, countless large trees began an orderly displacement, and the trembling of the branches and leaves brought up a bird and its scattered branches; especially one or two ordinary rocks, even slower. Slowly began to sink; about ten seconds. A width of about 15 yards, the length extends to a certain road in the Hailin District. This is how it appears in front of everyone.

"Good, amazing!"

The little Doug did not have the excitement of the rock himself, and the young man in the Thousand Marsh area beside him was also deeply shocked - obviously, such a scene, for the two just became a demon hunter, even For young people whose corresponding training is not completed, it is still too special; however. Even if you know the principles, most people will still be surprised by such a big handwriting.

Should this be hollowed out below? !

I know a little about Ye Qi, the practice of some teachers. Looking down at the conscious look, the road suddenly appeared in front of him; however. I haven't waited until Ye Qi delved into the structure inside; the breath that appeared at the end of the road made him instinctively lift his head and look at it there - although it did not enter the scope of [blind bucket perception], but simply The breath is enough to attract Ye Qi's gaze; after all, this seems to be self-centered, and any existence around it is free from the main body, and it rotates around the main body, which is like a satellite atmosphere. It is too special.

Obviously, while Ye Qi perceives that breath, the master of the breath also perceives Ye Qi, a complete spiritual fluctuation, sweeping straight toward Ye Qi; however, in contact with Ye Qi In an instant, [Long Wei] burst out from Ye Qi’s body, and the slamming hit on this spiritual wave, so that the other party will take it back in the next moment; it is like a tentacle that has been boiled by boiling water.

Is this the chief wizard? !

Ye Qi secretly guessed, and his eyes were staring at the end of the road. Unfortunately, there was no existence and confirmation of Ye Qi’s guess – and everything that happened just happened in an instant, but In Ye Qi's body; therefore, the people around him are not aware of it; even the two young people standing closest to Ye Qi have no idea; their gaze is just the same as the sight of someone at the place, first look at the sudden The 'Sorcerer's Road' appeared; then, this is the end of the road to the wizard.

And at the end of the Wizarding Way, when there were some small black spots, the vision was excellent, like Jacob, Moretti and the Bishop Vallejo, and the Regus of the Northder family. The heads of the heads quietly gestured at the people behind them; immediately, all the people stood up and stood up straight - even if they were slightly cynical Ferribe, or those who were young, In such an atmosphere, I converge myself.

A few black spots, as time goes by, the distance is getting closer, and it has already become the existence of three waves of people before and after, gradually entering the line of sight of everyone - walking in the forefront is an old wearing gray robe The wizard is behind him. It is also a few wizards who are slightly younger, but whose hair is already white and is also a gray robe; and behind this group of old wizards, the age gap is instantly revealed, and the group is about forty. The youngest wizards, who are no older than 30, walked eagerly.

Unlike the gray wizard's robes of the old wizards, the robes of these young wizards are mostly dark brown, but they have their own unique designs in the robes and sleeves. The patterns of simple magical texts are flashing out of the magical light of the magic from time to time; obviously some designs are not just simple decorations. When their owners need it, they will play their due role.

Of course, the biggest difference from those old wizards is the kindness and pride of these young wizards. They are full of wisdom, shining in the depths of their eyes, echoing with magic, making them confident. And the unique qualities of young people make them look unassuming; not the kind of arrogance that is endless. It is a kind of pride after precipitation, built on countless vicissitudes and temperament.

These forty young wizards should be the elites of the various families of the Wizarding Fort?

Ye Qi’s eyes swept through these young wizards, and he thought of it in his heart. With Merlin as an introduction, Ye Qi was very clear. Not every young wizard has the opportunity to 'go out'; only in three If you become a formal wizard before the age of ten, and you have to pass several tests, you will get this qualification; therefore. Those who can get such qualifications will naturally not be a nameless person; follow. According to Merlin, each of them will be an elite or leading figure in the next generation of wizards.

At that time, Merlin said that when this happened, it seemed a bit stunned; Ye Qi understood that if something did not happen, Merlin would be younger than the young wizards in front of him. It must be one of the most embarrassing stars - as she said, these people can become elites or leaders in the next generation of wizards. Most people are the former, and a few people are the latter. Merlin is undoubtedly the latter.

Ye Qi is very sure.

The line of sight moves further, and Ye Qi looks at the group of wizards who walked to the end. This group of wizards is obviously different from the previous two sets of wizards, not only the ages are not the same, but each one is carrying a big bag. Small bag; even Ye Qi also saw a modified cart, a large green squirrel is emerging in a large green smudge.

The last ones are undoubtedly the wizards who participated in the ‘Witches’ Secret Market’.

Looking at the appearance of the various items carried by these wizards, Ye Qi suddenly realized that even inside the wizard, special items like the [Dimensional Bag] are very rare; after all, in his sight, these come to participate. The number of wizards in the 'Wu Shi Mi City' is the largest, far exceeding the sum of the first two sets of wizards, almost reaching nearly one hundred people; but among the nearly one hundred people, only two or three can be empty-handed.

Moreover, among the two or three empty-handed people, only their hands are empty, and they carry their own packages on their backs or waists.

"These are the wizards? Their staff?"

The voice of Xiao Daoge was obviously disappointing, and Ye Qi, who had turned his head, looked at the young man who was obviously smashed with his childhood dreams. He shook his head in a chuckle: "The witch’s battle is not entirely based on Staff; although the staff is an important medium, in the battle, some wizards are better at using drugs; and only when making potions, they will use the staff!"

As he said, Ye Qi just saw that the wizard who was walking on the squat stopped and took out a foot that was about a foot long and began to match the cockroaches; immediately, he gave it to the little scribe to see it - though When the eyes of Little Doug just stayed there, an explosion came from the scorpion.


It’s not just the green-purple soup that splatters, the cockroaches are also cracked up – but it’s obvious that the wizards who are together are smart people, and when they find it wrong, they are scattered, only the owner of the cockroach To get the magic material around, it is affected.

"I think it's great to be a hunter now!"

Looking at the miserables of the wizard who was refining his own Xiaodaoge closed his eyes subconsciously, then turned to his friend and whispered; The young man in the Chima area looked at the potion that began to corrode his owner's clothes, hair, and even the skin. He also nodded his heart.

"Nothing can avoid accidents!"

Ye Qi, who summed up such a sentence, made a squeaking gesture toward the two young people. Before the jungle, the apostle leader of the Northed family had already reached the edge of the jungle, facing the coming. The wizards were greeted by the sorcerers; the highest government, the Holy See, and the demon hunters, who had been standing still, began to act at this time. They formed a semi-circle with the exit of the jungle road and began to seriously investigate.

"With the "Final Armistice Agreement" as the supervision, I will exercise power and fulfill my obligations!"

The representative of the highest government, the chief of staff of the combat drill room, Moretti, stood next to Regus of the Northder family and said with aloud.

PS first ~~~Timed~~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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