Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 81: Under the target

"Of course, of course!"

The Mole continued to nod with a smile, then, went to the beach; and in the bottom of my heart, there was a glimpse of it - hey, it’s not here yet; after a while, I will let you know what it is called regrettable!

This scum is full of tyrannical killings, and is clearly fed back from the fluctuations to Ye Qi’s mind, but Ye Qi, who is behind the other side, is simply indifferent – ​​for Ye Qi, from this wizard At the beginning of the city’s murder, this was an accident that was not in his plan. If it wasn’t for the meeting, Ye Qi would not participate at all.

Whether it’s going to Dude or continuing to exercise his skills in the Tanah Lot at the bottom of the lake, it’s much more meaningful in Ye Qi than anything in front of him – even if the former has learned from his Alliance Chameleon The news was delayed because of the witch secret market, but for Ye Qi, the extra two weeks was wasted on such a thing that was 'not related to him'. It was really extravagant.

Therefore, in the bottom of his heart, Ye Qi hopes that this incident will end as soon as possible - of course, if you can see the behind-the-scenes manipulator who planned such a daring event, Ye Qi is still happy; as for the rest? Except for the unknown person who started his own accomplices in advance, the rest is basically a clue to Ye Qi’s quick solution to the incident.

For such a clue, Ye Qi naturally does not care too much - after all, the value of the clue itself is reflected, and once it is used up. It's about the same as those of the "discard."

Stepping smoothly behind the other side, although Ye Qi does not think that the landmines left by the civil war decades ago can threaten him. But his current status is ‘Finger’, isn’t it?

When the other side's pace, across the entire beach, and bypassed a reef, a small steamer appeared in front of the two people -

"Mr. Finger, please go on board!"

The Mole jumped on the steamer that had already been prepared, and sat in a gesture of asking for Ye Qi, and waited for Ye Qi to jump on the steamship. The Mole immediately rang the engine, and the steam turbine disappeared into the night at a very fast speed - just by virtue of the speed of the steamship, Ye Qi was sure that it was a modified steamship. Otherwise, even if the hull is reduced, it is impossible to have such a speed, which is almost the same as a speeding car.

Is their hiding place in the open sea?

Feel the direction of the steamship. Ye Qi couldn't help but doubt – for everyone, the sea at night is not a place to enjoy peace and moonlight, there are countless dangers; in some places close to the hinterland, it is not obvious, if When you arrive at the real outer sea, the night is a paradise for all kinds of sea monsters.

In the collection room of the Tower of Wisdom. Ye Qi once read a book about these sea monsters in the open sea - most of the words, his memory is blurred, but there are two points he remembers very clearly, one is about these seas Blame the huge description, the other is the 'excitement' of these sea monsters under the moon!

Even if it has a safe waterway. No experienced captain will sail in the bright moonlight because the engine carries the sound of the wind and waves. Enough to arouse the interest of those big guys, and thus the phenomenon of adding food; even the people in the dark world, silently obeying such rules, after all, even the strong players of the day are not afraid of those sea monsters, but in The opponent's home court has also been greatly restricted.

For example: fresh water.

A strong day-to-day powerhouse who can't replenish water is no more powerful than a star-sized apostle in a few weeks!

No, it should be to bypass the port of Saskatchewan and enter the smuggling terminal!

Associated with these Ye Qi, they immediately shook their heads and threw their previous thoughts out of their minds, and made another guess - any place where there is interest, there is always a fight; the workers at the dock and the so-called 'Foreman', 'foreman' and 'foreman' are the same; merchants are the same as Saskatchewan; in order to reduce the amount of tax payment and to transport certain special items into Saskatchewan, some businessmen spontaneously open up Come out 'new business road'.

For these business routes, the Northstead family will not close one eye, once it is discovered, it is basically killing innocent; however, in the face of high profits, such people are like wild grass, killing also Even if you smash a 'smuggling terminal', you will have a new 'dock' in two months, unless the Northder family completely blocks the maritime trade. Otherwise, this situation is repeated!

The Northall family, which is based on the port of Saskatchewan, naturally does not do this kind of injury. It can only damage the damage of one hundred thousand. It can only increase the intensity of management while on the other hand. There will be a 'smuggling dock' place - but, from the current situation of Ye Qi’s guess, such a force is obviously not enough; at the very least, it takes about one to two days for an 'outsider’ to spend Inquiring, and using the 'smuggling terminal', Ye Qike does not think that this place will be hidden.

With the strength of the Northder family, if it is really removed, it will never be found.

Or what is the plan of Father Fletcher?

Ye Qi’s uncontrollable heart has emerged from this idea—for the current patriarch of the Northed family, Ye Qi did not dare to have any small flaws, even if both sides now have a good foundation for cooperation; after all, A person who is actually more than a few times his age and who has experienced large and small events, they can continue to live comfortably and live very well, which is enough to prove how rich their experience of survival is. And such experience will naturally turn into a rich life experience, which is astounding.

Especially the origin of the other family, once there is something that is good for your family, it is too simple to sell something like an ally - there is no real enemy. This is the famous saying of all the ancient families; even if it is a feud, it can be for the sake of considerable benefit. Cooperate once or twice, let alone an ally.

Of course, with the cleverness of Father Fletcher, he would not be able to sell his ally casually, it must be at an absolutely critical moment, and this moment is undoubtedly the most deadly time - therefore Unlike his other allies, for this Father Fletcher. Ye Qi is always secretly guarding.

From the knife behind, Ye Qi did not want to try!

After the steamship sailed for about an hour and a half or so, Ye Qi’s shoal appeared in front of the rock. The shoal had sand, but more of it was a reef. The reef was not only covered with shoals, but also Continue to spread to the sea; obviously such a place. Any vessel with enough water can't get in. Except for his modified small gas wheel, only the kind of seesaw can enter and exit at will.

However, this does not affect the loading and unloading of goods!

With the approach of the small gas turbine, Ye Qi can clearly see the goods in the shoal on the other side of the shoal. The pieces of the seesaw are continuing to load and unload the cargo from a distant cargo ship and then transport it to the shallows.

"This is a place for a friend of mine. Others are good, but the temper is a bit violent!"

The Mole said something, then. Jumped off the steamer's straight drowning water and walked toward the shoal. Leaving the distance, he stood on the shoal and directed all the middle-aged men in front of him to wave their hands: "I wish you a happy business, Tacha boss!"

“This is the ‘friend’ you want to entertain? Need me to help?”

The middle-aged man named Tacha looked at Ye Qi, who was approaching. He was very casual and greeted the Mole. Ye Qi could see that the relationship between the Mole and the other party was only general and should be based entirely on Jinpu. The 'friendly' on the top; however, there is a little mole that does not speak, that is, this one has a bad temper; whether it is the whip in the other hand, the pistol at the waist, and the workers around. The injury can prove this.

It should be forced or deceived!

From the fact that many of those workers are embarrassed, Ye Qi secretly guesses that the missing population, such a complicated terminal in Saskatchewan is not unusual; many people who have nothing because of a storm, or People who get rich overnight because of the transportation of goods will be the most common missing person.

The only difference is that the former may choose to self-knot, while the latter is mostly closed by others; of course, there are people who have been brought here by the ‘dream of making a fortune.’

"Of course I don't need you anymore. How can the nobles like Tacha boss have time to do these things? Give it to me and my companions!" When Ye Qi looked around, the Mole had a charming smile. Against this middle-aged man, then, a quiet bag of Kimpton appeared in the empty hand of the other side.

After smashing the weight of the money bag in his hand, this unusually rigid middle-aged man who has been showing up finally showed a smile. After the money bag was smashed into his arms without a trace, the middle-aged man shot the shoulder of the mole, indicating Your own friendship: "Then it will be handed over to you! However, if you need help, I will be very happy; of course, the gadgets in my room, you can use it casually!"

"That's really a thank you! The boss of Tacha is really a good person!"

With such a complete compliment, the Mole smiled and pointed out that Ye Qi was keeping up. He himself first entered the jungle in front of him; unlike the forests of the Chima area or the Hailin area, the forests here. The trees are tall, but not thick, and they are sparsely pulled, and more are low bushes – and, obviously, for concealment, the middle-aged man named Tacha did not intend to be here. A road for people to walk is built; therefore, many bushes with thorns reveal their own edge to the people who enter it.

And it is very obvious that the squirrel leading the way is intentionally let Ye Qi ugly, specifically to choose a place with dense thorns - for a squirrel in a leather armor, the thorns here are naturally difficult to beat him; For Ye Qi, there is no problem naturally. The defensive strength of the apostle trench coat is far more reliable than it seems, and it is definitely much stronger than the leather armor of the mole.


The cold snorted, and after a long walk, the Mole apparently reacted. After remembering the defensive power of the famous apostle trench coat, the dark-eyed mercenary of both eyes knew what he had done so stupid; now. I no longer want to see each other's ugliness. I walked straight out of the jungle with Ye Qi, appearing in front of a row of houses made entirely of logs. In fact, if you just walk straight, from the shoal to this The campsite can take up to ten minutes.


The two had just stepped out of the jungle, and Ye Qi saw a tall, strong man who did not lose his good friend to come to them, though. Compared with his honest friend, this is more like a butcher's birth. Not only is the face of the meat, the extra shackles, but also the **** smell that is unmasked, it is even more faint disgusting.

However, Ye Qi did not pay attention to these. He was completely attracted to the name of the other party -

Mole? !

Which dark mercenary organization is the person?

Ye Qi immediately mobilized his own memories and began to look for similar information - the special group of dark mercenaries constitutes an indispensable part of the dark world; every dark mercenary has a similar code, and this The code name is their new name; as for the name, except for themselves, basically no one will know.

And it is precisely because of this. It has caused difficulties in the investigation of the true identity of the dark mercenaries. Even the highest government, the Holy See and the demon hunters are not sure that they have complete control over the information of the dark mercenaries. After all, apart from the number of people, there is no real name, only code. And the disguise of the moment, if you add the code, you can change it at will. Such investigations and statistics basically have no meaning.

However, some people's codenames will not change, that is, they have a considerable position in the dark mercenary community, and they have erected their own names. They are completely improving themselves by the effect of their own code name. The value of the price - and according to Ye Qi's speculation, the people who participated in the wizard's secret city will definitely not change their code name, especially when they are shouting out from the other partner's mouth.

However, there is no one in Ye Qi’s memory that corresponds to this code.

"My reputation is not that big!"

The Mole apparently saw Ye Qisi’s appearance and immediately laughed. Then, after a slight indication of his accomplices, he looked at Ye Qi and said: "Since this safe place has been reached, then we can continue. It!"

"What about Doug and Kosor?"

Looking at the two people in front of him, in the absence of the last person, Ye Qi had to continue to play his own role - the two people in front of him are obviously clear division of labor, the guy called the Mole is a planner, contributor, And the big man with a sly face is undoubtedly a good hand in the tough battle. As for the rest, it is undoubtedly good at exploring and detecting existence; and this just proves why the other party is not here, must pay attention to whether there is any The ambush, the chase, and even according to such speculation, the monitor at the shipyard should be the guy who has never appeared.

"Do you really think we kidnapped your two children?!"

The Mole and the Troll laughed at the same time, especially the latter. The laughter almost vented all the grievances of the last few days. After a long time, the face was stunned. The man only converges on his own laughter, and walks toward Ye Qi, while holding his fist and walking, the fiercely said: "Honestly hand over the gold ticket and the high magic crystal you got, otherwise... ”


When the words have not been finished, the troll's fists are coming to Ye Qi's face, and after being blocked by Ye Qi's arm, they immediately make a muffled sound - don't say that they already have the skills of [barrier] Odd, even with hard resistance, it is impossible for the opponent to exert damage to his legendary physique; however, in order to be realistic, Ye Qi has to pretend to retire.

"Hey? It’s still awesome! Eat me another punch..."

"and many more!"

Surprised by Ye Qi’s 'powerfulness', the troll raised his fist again. However, he did not wave it out and was dragged by the mole; the troll after being pulled, immediately confronted his associates. glare.

"What are you doing! Do you want to kill him? He is our hostage now, and our things are not yet available!"

The shout of the Mole caused the troll to react; but it was one thing to react to it and accept it. The man who looked at him, the fierce one took out the arm that was pulled by his accomplices. Continue to stride toward Ye Qi, walking and saying: "Do not worry, I will not kill him! The half-death hostage is also hostage, and we can still ask what we want!"

Damn it!

Looking at the fierceness of the dew ~ ~ completely a suffocating gang, the squirrels could not help but snoring - if you do not know that you can not beat each other, he will definitely smash the first dead in front of this guy who does not know how to cooperate And after that, there will be corpses!


A cold, low-slung, screaming out of the jungle, watching the figure coming out, the annoyed Mole couldn’t help but overjoyed; he never looked like a shadow, but he was delighted to see the shadow; however, another I don’t think so – the troll twisted his head and said that it’s killing: “Exactly, solve you first, then trouble after the province!”

PS second more ~~~

Thanks for the reward of 500 ml 10000 starting currency, the reward of sn10000 starting currency, the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal wandering, the x200 starting point reward, the dust-free 100-starting coin, the rain-stricken wind start 100 Thanks to all the supportive decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support, It is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m to read.)

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