Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 93: Unexpected invitation

After the car that was taken by Doug and Korsor disappeared into the horizon of the morning light, Ye Qi and Wen Wei’s demon hunter and enthusiastic dark mercenary turned and walked toward the Northed family, both of whom were ready to marry the wizard. Before the end of the city, once again, the entire sorcerer's secret city will be 'combined' again, and this is obviously necessary for the two people who have good intentions; after all, whether it is the weak hunter or the like The anecdote, the books of the strange things, or the magical props of the enthusiastic dark mercenaries like flames all require considerable patience to look for, especially the former needs a considerable economic foundation as a support.

Although, Ye Qi is very happy to help the other party at a time when he is richer; however, the weak hunter is quite simply refusing, as he said to the two young people, he still has some Small things, in exchange for the corresponding Kimpton and magic crystal is enough.

"I think we can get a good booth there. Before, Master Weston promised us and gave me some special care!" The enthusiastic dark mercenary was undoubtedly confident in this stall. In addition to the confidence of his own collection, it is the trust of the Weston Wizard Master.

"hope so!"

The weak demon hunters have to calm down a lot. Naturally, the value of their collections is no clearer than that of his master; therefore, the weak hunter does not expect a situation of 'collecting big luck' for the weak. The idea of ​​hunting the devil's heart, Ye Qi is naturally very clear; he believes that with the other person's character, even if there is a thing in the sky. Will be completely rejected by the other party.

After several times, the hunger of the weak hunter was rejected. Ye Qi is completely aware of it.

"We will be able to... Hey. Where is this team coming from? Good horse!"

When the enthusiastic dark mercenary was about to cheer for the people around him, the sound coming from behind him interrupted his words; the enthusiastic dark mercenary turned around couldn’t help but be surprised to see behind him. The far and near team consisted of five specially modified cars, one of the first two and three, and a coach in the middle of the team slowly coming in; if it was just an ordinary car, he would not be surprised, but naturally The carriage made Tony surprised, especially the two horses that pulled the cart. It is even more so that the enthusiastic dark mercenary shines.

He can guarantee that the two horses he saw are the most pure-blooded highland horses he has ever seen, and the most famous place in the Qiulin area, even in the whole of Lorante, especially into freedom. Today, two hundred years later, after most of the horse farms disappeared, the highlands of the Qiulin District have been regarded as the holy places of war horses; it is the place where countless loved ones admire.

"It's exactly the same! It's not just the color of the coat, it's the same size, ears, eyes..."

Another exclamation came from the enthusiasm of the dark mercenary, his boss's eyes, staring at the two horses that had reached the front. If it is not the mind that is sensible, I am afraid that the enthusiastic dark mercenary has jumped up and hugged two horses.

And for the movements of friends around me. The weak-hunted demon hunter who knows the name of the highland warhorse shows that the grandfather who understood him once rode such a horse to travel through the whole of Lorante and went deep into the place outside of Lorante; therefore, from The weak demon hunter in the bottom of my heart once wanted to have such a horse. Unfortunately, starting from his father, this is just a wish. He has already lost his family and can’t afford a pure highland horse. The cost, whether it is to buy or raise, is the same.

Compared with the surprised look of the two people around him, Ye Qi, who has a special horse like Groning, is not surprised. In his opinion, the two highland horses in front of him are good, but with Groninger’s words. It's still too far away; whether it's explosiveness, endurance, speed, or attack power, it's not as good as Ye Qi's eyes with a nightmare of Groning, enough to call it a legendary creature, perhaps a little thin blood. But as time goes by, this title will be deserved.

"Bud buns!"

A sneer of sneer was heard from the carriage, and the horrible demon hunter and the enthusiastic dark mercenary who were watching the **** highland horses in front of them immediately looked stiff; the carriage did not stop too much, So as the team goes straight, if it is not because the ridiculous words are still echoing in the ears of the weak hunter and the enthusiastic dark mercenary, I am afraid that the two will think it is an illusion.

"Hey, Lao Tzu..."

A series of snoring spurted out of the ardent dark mercenary's mouth. Although Tony's heart is not, or even quite good, it does not mean that Tony has no anger; on the contrary, the dark mercenary's Tony temper Not too good, although it is a bit far from violent, it is also an easy impulse.

Therefore, in the snoring, the enthusiastic dark mercenary has already pulled out his own flame sword, ready to teach the people in the carriage. Although the other team is enough to show the identity of the other party. The extraordinary, but for Tony, obviously will not take care of this.

However, the weak hunter will not let his friends be so impulsive.

"Wait, Tony!"

The weak demon hunter grabbed his good friend. He pointed to the family emblem on the other horse's carriage and said, "It is the Devalo family!"

"Dvoro family? The family where Varan is?"

After hearing the name of the family, even the impulsive dark mercenary couldn’t help but see the name of Varan Dvarro in the entire wizarding city. Loud it up; apart from the other side, in conjunction with the Demon Hunter Headquarters, who took the prisoner who robbed the wizard, the more important thing was that the other party actually killed the sand fox with the strength of the Japanese glory.

To fight against the Japanese glory, it must be a day of glory. Such a rule has basically become an iron law, branded in the hearts of all people; therefore, when a is not a Japanese glory. Confronted and even killed a Japanese glory. Then it is enough to shock everyone. Although there is Varan in life and death. The strength gained a breakthrough, and the reason for the joint counterattack with others, but the final fact is that Sha Fox died.

Therefore, for Varan who can do such things, all people have expressed admiration, especially after the other party has shown appropriate modesty, more praises are of course, and envious nature will have 嫉妒. The big limelight like Varan made a lot of people feel uncomfortable; therefore, the actions of Varan at the headquarters of the demon hunter were directly dug out; the singer’s dragon, who is also a hunter, is not inferior. And also hit the same age of the demon hunters.

After the news was dug up, everyone was surprised by Varan. After all, from the current performance, Varan is not like that arrogant person.

"I was ignorant before, even I would be disdainful. Because, at that time, I didn't know the height of the sky; I thought that the so-called strongman was just like this. But after the battle of life and death, I realized what the strong man contains. What an admirable power!"

"If there is no such thing as luck, I am afraid I have already died for a long time; therefore, before I showed the arrogance of the Lord of the Shack, I sincerely expressed my apologies to the lord; and my peers Oddly, I also apologize; in fact, I was just released until I encountered the attack of Sha Fox. My heart still hates you and wants to retaliate against you; however, it is past, and now I am only grateful; If you can, I hope we can be friends!"

The above two paragraphs were on the next day when the news was excavated. When the Wu Shi Mi City had the most people, Varan stood on the lawn in front of the Nosted family hall, and the words spoken loudly were like this. Discourse, some people think that this is trying to cover up, while others think that the young people in front of you are really good; and the weak hunters and enthusiastic dark mercenaries are undoubtedly biased towards the latter.

However, at this moment, after seeing the attitudes of other people in the Devaro family, their views clearly have a sway.

"People, is a strange creature that grows up in the same environment, but grows into two very different existences!" Ye Qi stood next to the two men and smiled and said that after signing the contract, Ye Qi still has a bit of a mind for his servant. If he can, he does not want his servant's good reputation to be established to be destroyed; after all, this is related to some of his plans.

"Yes, Varan said before that he was ignorant, because after experiencing the shackles of life and death, he became what he is now; other Dwaro family people are not strange, most of them are family hunting. The devils are not all this look?" The weak demon hunter reacted first; looked at the indignant friend, could not help but beat the shoulders of a friend, said.

"But that guy is so mad! I..."

Enthusiastic dark mercenaries couldn't help but want to say something, but they were interrupted by Ye Qi.

"Do not worry, don't worry, such a guy comes to the wizarding city, naturally someone will come out to teach him well; and if Varan really is as you said, then you said that Varan will let such a guy regardless? ?"


After the enthusiastic dark mercenaries heard Ye Qi’s words, they immediately became bright.

"So, we are still going to find Masters of Weston! Yesterday, we promised the master, and it was past breakfast!" Ye Qi smiled and reminded the two.

"Yes, let's go! If you let Weston Master wait a long time, it's not good!"

The enthusiastic dark mercenary nodded immediately, then quickly walked toward the Northed family's manor, and behind him, the weak demon hunter followed quickly; Ye Qi walked Finally, looking at the two people in a hurry, could not help but smile because of the existence of mutual help, the two people want to blow down in a few days, has become a very good friend, plus similar interests, more It is getting closer to the relationship between the two sides, and even has made a decision to travel together after the end of the wizarding city.

In this regard, Ye Qi naturally will not oppose, although the identity of another dark mercenary has caused him to worry, but when Jacob handed the other party's information to him, Ye Qi's worries disappeared. It is written in great detail. Tony's mission record after becoming a dark mercenary; although there is also killing. But the person who killed was completely **** in Ye Qi’s opinion. In addition, most of the time, the other party is a fairly bottom-line person. It is not polite to take it, and you should never take it.

It’s a character that is completely weak with the demon hunter; and if the two people of this character are all accompanied by each other, it is naturally appropriate.

"Finger, hurry!"


When they walked to the front of the Northstead family estate, two people in front of the manor hall shouted loudly toward Ye Qi, and Ye Qi responded immediately. Speeding up the pace; while passing by the Devaro family's team that was parked before them, Ye Qi was a disdainful smile, and the meaning of the smile was naturally clear to others. People, but the door to other people's homes can not get in, obviously the level will not be high!

Undoubtedly, compared to the Northder family, the Devaro family is a little worse, especially after Father Fletcher took a group of elite returns belonging to the Northder family. This gap is even more pronounced. Although the former patriarch of the Northder family had its own mistakes, it could not deny that it was his ‘error’. It has brought about more than a decade of the development of the Northder family, so that it has enough wealth to be able to transform its combat power in a short period of time.

Coupled with the preparation of the father of Fletcher, it can be said that in addition to the top-level combat power, the fighting strength of the Northder family backbone is quite powerful even. Sometimes Ye Qi also suspected that the past year was It is not that Father Fletcher intends to plan and promote it; otherwise, the Northder family will not be able to control the entire Saskatchewan in the hands of the present.

Of course, such an unsubstantiated speculation will not be recognized by the father of Fletcher. Just as the smuggling terminal he saw with his own eyes is generally a slightly unpredictable smile, Ye Qi is dumb. After all, this is the 'family affairs' of others, even if it is an ally, but what position does he have to participate in?

Varan, will definitely give you a big surprise!

After the team that docked with the Dwaro family, Ye Qi silently asked the young special envoy of the Devalo to bless the Rhodes Sand Fox. Let a young man face Rhodes. The fox is obviously losing money this time, and it is a big loss.

As for the age of the other party?

That is still a young voice, Ye Qi thinks that it will not be wrong.


"The patriarch thinks that you have done a good job this time, so your identity as an heir can be retained; however, it is still outside the tenth, and inherits the right!" The posture of the high is reflected in the whole body of the young man, he is standing there. He believes that he has completely finished the egg, but at the moment he has added a bit of waste to the front of the machine, slowly speaking; in the tone with alms and corruption.

Alms, naturally, is the instinctive reaction caused by the high posture; and the blame is the most real reaction in his heart. After all, for him, he is 'save' from the tower of thorns, and one After the conversation, he has already been incompatible with the other party; for this, the young man does not regret it, because at that time, it is already a big luck for the other party to keep a life!

As for the resurgence of the mountain again?

That is simply impossible. Although the other side’s luck is very good, there is a fool at the crucial moment to save the game; but according to what he learned from the family, the idiot is not a real idiot, at most it needs a 'relief' The bridge that can communicate; then, when the time is ripe, it will naturally cross the bridge and come in personal touch.

Therefore, as a bridge for communication between the two sides, Varan is only a temporary substitute in his view. Once the time is ripe, it is time to 'cross the river to break the bridge'; therefore, at that time, he will be so unscrupulous. He did not think that this Valan's luck was so good that it was so embarrassing.

Actually killed a Japanese-level existence, and this Japanese-level existence still organized the murder of the wizarding secret city. The latter he could not forget the important figures in the family when he heard the news here and returned to the family. Their look of surprise and joy Dvarro, the last surname, is enough to make the entire Devaro family glorious, especially in this almost universal moment, its The impact was almost beyond the inspiring degree of the Devaro family. On the night of the news, there was a banquet. At that banquet, someone even **** proposed to restore this first. The identity of the successor, although it was eventually stranded in the consideration of the patriarch, but this scene has been remembered in the heart of the heart, which has him.

He has already had an indelible hatred with the other party. He is very clear that once the other party becomes the first heir, then it is his disaster moment; therefore, he absolutely does not allow such things to happen even if they do nothing. .

"Thank you for the magnanimity of the patriarch, waste!"

The young man, provocatively looking at the Varan in front of him.

Ps second more ~~~

Thanks for the reward of the x400 starting currency, the wave of the starting point of the 200-year-old wave, the reward of the starting currency of the sn100, and the reward of the starting currency of the sn100~~~ I am sorry to thank all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~~(To be continued. Mobile users please To read.)

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