Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 95: Unexpected invitation

Even for an ordinary person, suddenly turning his status down one level overnight becomes a vassal of others, and he will be unwilling, especially if he is a dark mercenary. If you can, These dark mercenaries don't mind using their fists and knives to teach each other and let the other party understand what is the right 'master servant' relationship.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

However, when such a situation is based on absolute strength, the situation will change accordingly, especially when encountering a smart person, they will naturally understand what they should do. Rhodes. Sha Fox is smart. People, shadows are also smart people; therefore, after knowing the true identity of Ye Qi, the two very simply put their position; for a presence that can decide their life and death, unless they really want to die, otherwise Anyone will know what to do.

Whether it is Rhodes, Sha Fox or Shadow, the former who absolutely do not want to die, according to me, the other two who killed his parents and those elders, except for Powell who impersonated Shahu, there are two other people. These two people are killed, he is absolutely not dead. ..

As for the latter?

The shadow of the killer's birth, there is no such thing as the 'killer tradition'. In the words of the shadow itself, the 'killer tradition' of the death of the killer is the brainwashing of the bottom layer, and he will not become the product of such brainwashing education; It is a killer, but definitely wants to be a long-lived killer; and in fact, it proves that the performance of the match from the shadow encounter Ye Qi is enough to prove that the other party really sits like this.

It was light and light, but it was very daring to move a chair behind Ye Qi. The shadow is once again integrated into the shadow of the yīn. Belongs to the fluctuation of the shadow. Quickly approached the door of the room; although within the envelope of Ye Qi, there is no need to make such a move, but this does not mean that Ye Qi will stop the shadow.

Now that you have become a servant, you must have a servant's awareness of what to do and how to do it. Naturally, it is a concrete manifestation. Whether it is Rhodes, Sha Fox or Shadow, as a smart person, they will naturally Things are done to the fullest.

"The Devalo family is more rotten than Powell's expectations, not just the decay of the internal high-level. This degree of decay has spread to the next generation of successors!" Rhodes Sand Fox carefully considered After the Fan, I began to think about Ye Qi: "Adult, I think our plan can speed up the progress, if it is two years, it should be almost!"

"Since it has been handed over to you, then everything is arranged by you as well!" Nodded, Ye Qi handed the note with an address to the other party and said: "This is the address of my other servant. If you have insufficient staff or insufficient strength, you can contact it!"

it? !

Is it not human? !

Rhodes Sand Fox clearly noticed the title, though. The next moment he returned to normal, the sè respectfully took this note and carefully looked at the address above several times, confirming that it was completely in the mind, this squirted from the finger The flames of the flames ignited the entire piece of paper. Although the talent of Rhodes Sand Fox is not a flame, and even has nothing to do with the flame, but the study of the parents' witches from a young age is enough to make him quite equivalent to the wizard's spells. Understand; at the very least, after having a good alchemy and potions, some small tricks are hard to beat the young man.

While watching Rodriguez's move, Ye Qi secretly nodded. This kind of caution and care is that he believes that the other party will be a servant. In the future, he may get a considerable Kimpton, the most important one. Point a cautious and careful servant, even if the strength is weak; always better than a powerful, but reckless 'friend'; especially in the former is built on a considerable loyalty.

"Adult, someone is coming!"

The sound of the shadow came from the shadow of yīn.


By inspecting everything, Ye Qi nodded, and finally said: "If you encounter any accidental conflict with our plan, remember to notify me through the contract!"

"Yes, adults!"

Rhodes Shafox and the shadows immediately responded reverently to the contract, even if the vulgar Rode Shahu did not figure out which foundation or principle it was based on, but that The magic of the contract is clearly expressed in front of both of them; especially when it comes to facing the contract, the breath that can’t be offended, can’t be looked directly, and wholeheartedly wants to worship The two were even more afraid of Ye Qi who took out the contract.

At the very least, at this moment, from the perspective of the two, the Ye Qi, who can come up with such a contract, is a powerful and inexplainable existence, and a pair of wizards as parents, Rod Shake is Guessed the existence of a trace of clues; however, Rod Shake, who is a wise man, would not be able to clarify it at all; after all, some things are much better than being said to be directly in the stomach.

When the two raised their heads again, Ye Qi, who was sitting in the chair, had disappeared. The Rhodes and the Shadows had no accidents. The Powell’s existence was in the day. The situation in the other hand is like a childless situation. It has already made the two understand how big the gap between them and Ye Qi is. It is normal to be undetectable, and vice versa.


"Master Varan, are you there?"

When the door knocked out the door, the whole room was restored to the scene before Ye Qi appeared; with the nod of Rhodes Sand Fox, the shadow opened the door calmly and powerfully. At the door, with a humble smile, the businessman who once fought for the 'heart of the brain' in the city, said with apologetic: "I'm sorry, disturb you to eat!"

"Mr. Kefu, please come in; if you have breakfast with friends. It is very enjoyable; just hope that you have not eaten yet?" Rhodes. Courteous and intimate, said to the businessman who was fat in front of him.

"Of course not. I am very happy to have breakfast with you!"

The fat businessman immediately went to the table and made it under the direction of Rod Shake, and thanked the shadow for another Bacon roast. This was originally Rhodes. Prepared by the representatives of the same family, I thought it was a waste; but now it is just the best use.

"I don't know what you mentioned yesterday..."

Although I knew that eating and talking, it seemed very rude to someone from a family like this, but I never slept after getting the news. The tangled up to the current fat businessman is really unbearable.

"Of course it is true, but after we have finished breakfast, how about?"

"No problem, no problem! Everything listens to Master Varan!"

Looking at the slightly frowning Rod Sands, the fat businessman immediately nodded and replied.

The first step of the plan, success!

When the fat businessman was looking down at the Bacon roast, Rhodes Sand Fox and the shadows were blinded to each other and revealed a smile that only the other party could understand.


After returning to the Northside family's partial hall, the remaining week after the plan is to go back to the bottom of the sea temple to continue cultivation, or to Yede in advance to Dud. Without a final decision, a message brought by Jacob interrupted the original idea; Ye Qi turned his head. I was surprised to see Jacob.

"Master Steindon is looking for me?"

"Well, Father Fletcher said this after the transfer!"

Jacob nodded and replied truthfully; then, looking at Ye Qi’s frowning thoughts, he couldn’t help but slap Ye Qi’s shoulder: “Don’t worry, Master Standen is the real master, there will be no What is sneaky; most, it is because of the problem of potent healing potions!"

"I am worried about those powerful therapeutic potions! After all, I am not much!"

Ye Qi looked at Jacob with a smile, a pair of hands, a helpless look.

"This is what you say to others, the absolute letter of others; and I said, I mean nothing!"

After seeing Ye Qi’s helpless appearance, Jacob immediately licked his mouth.

"Although a little more than the outside world knows, it is not too much; moreover, the value of these potent healing potions, Uncle Jacob, you won't know?"

"Of course I know! However, for our hunters, it is difficult to have a position corresponding to their value! After all, the one who is the best at us is pulled out, but it is also a disciple of a master. Almost like this!” Speaking of this, Jacob deliberately paused and looked at Ye Qi again: “Unless you can find me a potion master!”

"The potion master? Where can I find it for you?"

Ye Qi once again smiled and looked at his elder

"Others are definitely not, you are not necessarily!"

Jacob said very simply, obviously confident.

"I really don't know where your confidence in me came from!"

Ye Qi, who was bitter and laughter, shifted the topic in the next moment. He said: "Uncle Jacob, I will probably choose to disappear after a week or so, then go to Dude!"

"Dode? Are you ready to participate in the secret gatherings of the dark mercenaries organized by the sorrowful minds and the hands of the abyss?"

Jacob, who heard this sensitive word, immediately responded. Although the secret gathering of this dark mercenary organization was very hidden at first, as time went by, more and more people participated in it to hunt. The channel of the devil is naturally not ignorant, especially after the highest zhèngfǔ wants to encircle the dark mercenary who participated in the wizarding city, the news has become more and more noticed.

After all, in the eyes of many people, the highest level of humming in the dark world should not be such a thing, but now it happens, no doubt because of what happened to the highest zhèngfǔ can not be tolerated The secret gathering of the dark mercenary organization was held in Dude, the capital of the highest zhèngfǔ, which does not give rise to a trace of association.


For Jacob, Ye Qi naturally did not have any concealment and nodded straight.

"It just happened to end with the wizarding city. Many people's eyes are placed there; after all. With the wizards of the "Final Armistice Agreement", it is an unfettered paradise!" The sides of each cloth frowned. Although it was a demon hunter, not the highest zhèngfǔ dignitary, but for the hunter, it is also not expected to have a large-scale sāo chaos; after all, who There is no guarantee that such a singularity will break the balance of the entire Lorante.

"Is the age of peace not good? Why are there always people who want to come out and find things!"

In the end, the treasure hunt sighed.

"Because. They are always so greedy, plus self-righteous! I think I can control everything and become the ultimate winner!" Ye Qi smiled and stood up, said as he walked out and said goodbye to Jacob. "I am going to Master Steinden and I need to change my attire. Then, Uncle Jacob, Herman and Tony will explain it to you, and there will be a period!"

"Bon Voyage!"

Jacob sat in the chair and waved.


When Ye Qi returned to the estate of the Northder family again. It’s already after lunch. Even though he’s going to the next week, he’s just going to the bottom of the sea temple on the outskirts of Langerburg. But for his own whereabouts, he naturally went to tell his friends; and the accompanying lunch was obviously not able to evade under the watchful eye of his female disciple.

Therefore, when I come back, it is already after lunch.

After the lunch and the short break, the entire wizarding city was once again in the midst of the excitement. After the culprit of the previous robbery was arrested, there was no pressure from the heart, and some businessmen who had been preparing for a long time began to join. In this case, it is natural that the level of the sorcerer’s excitement has once again reached a new level; moreover, some magical props that have reached the level of jīng have begun to appear in this ordinary secret market, and this has become more and more exciting. People look for the right things in the wizarding city.

In this regard, Ye Qi naturally understands what happened. After the Fletcher father reached a private agreement with Master Steinden, he opened up the treasure house of the Northder family and brought out some things. 'Put' into the wizarding city.

Of course, with Ye Qi’s understanding of the father of Fletcher, this old man will definitely not suffer. It must be the benefit of obtaining greater benefits. Just think about what kind of interests he had before. The magic materials that are sold to each other, everything goes without saying!


When Ye Qi had not yet reached the hall, the voice of Father Fletcher came from the side; then, he followed Ye Qi to the back of the Northstead family estate and was connected behind the entire manor. The huge architectural complex of the suburban forests, as long as the tall and heavy ones are like the existence of the city walls, the intention is naturally very clear: to resist foreign enemies.

Before entering the age of zìyóu, there were quite a lot of bandits in any age, and most of the time, when the number of these bandits reached a certain level, it would burst out of 'failure' even if it was in the Holy See. In the age of En, the large-scale 'cracking' also broke out three times, the largest of which was to bring about half of the land of the whole Lott into war and chaos; and in such a 'burst,' The Northder family can survive the death, naturally it has its own means.

In addition to its own strength, the solidity of the home is also essential.

At the location of this conversation, Father Fletcher chose to be in a place where the barracks should have been. However, compared with the chilling atmosphere of the former swords and knives, this barracks has become a place to be fascinated. The flowers are open to them, and the sun shining through the shè is more and more charming.

Just beside these colorful flowers, a small round tea table is placed there, and a cup of boiled fruit tea is exuding a unique fragrance. It is involuntarily produced in these flowers. Longing for


Master Steinden kindly greeted Ye Qi.

“It’s more comfortable than the eccentric hall!”

Ye Qi glanced around and sat in the chair prepared for himself, laughing.

"This is where our old guys like, how busy are you with a young man? Or are you ready to retire early?" Father Fletcher teased at Ye Qi and said: "However, it doesn't matter if you want to retire." After helping my old friend, retirement is not too late!"

"Master What is it?"

For the fun of Father Fletcher, Ye Qia did not care. He turned his head straight and asked the wizard master in front of him.

"We are planning to launch an expedition to the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area again, I hope you join!"

The old wizard did not have any concealment, and sent an invitation directly to Ye Qi. Although he only saw one side, but for the kind of Ye Qi, it is natural to see through the rich experience of the old wizard; he knows well. People like Ye Qi, don't take a circle, or you will lose yourself.


Ye Qi gave a slight glimpse, then immediately asked.

PS second more ~~~

I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the reward of the x200 starting currency, the reward of the turbo0920200 starting point, the reward of the starting currency of the sn100~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~~(unfinished To be continued. Mobile users please read.)

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