The fifth form: welcome the Buddha to the west!

This is a defensive palm.

The power of the palm turns itself into the Western Paradise of Paradise!

The sixth form: the light of Buddha shines everywhere!

This is the domain-type auxiliary palm technique.

Create a life position of Buddha light.

By itself, you can grow lotuses step by step.

Improve movement speed, attack power, recovery ability.

And the enemy will suffer from the fire of the Buddha!

The seventh form: Heavenly Buddha comes to the world!

Physical strength instantly increased three times.

Turn into a Buddha with a mortal body!

This is no longer a transformation on the spiritual level.

It's the terrifying improvement of the physical body.

A flesh that breaks the void and sees God indestructible.

What a terrifying improvement it would be to increase three times in an instant.

So, get the palm of the Tathagata.

Yang Xuan thought it was worth it for him to come this time!

The eighth form: Buddha Dharma is boundless!

This is the palm method of group attack.

Immediately hit a lot of palm wind.

Zhang Feng didn't hit at random.

But there are rules to be found.


Palm winds will overlap, alternate, and combine.

Then one transforms into two, two transforms into three, and three transforms ten thousand Buddhas.

Then detonate together.

When Yang Xuan evolved this palm.

You know, this is related to the one-qi transforming the three cleans.

It is Buddhism that borrows ideas from Taoism.

Ninth Form: Wanfo Dynasty.

Group spirit shock.

The hand-knotted Sanskrit seal deifies the Buddha.

I am both a Buddha.

Buddha is me.

Anyone who sees me is also a Buddha.

If Yang Xuan released this move in the crowd.

Then it will be within a radius of 100 meters.

All unbelievers become their own believers.


This is the second-to-last move of Tathagata God's Palm.

Because it's scary!

The tenth form: Tathagata destroys the Buddha!

This is a move similar to the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa.

Free yourself from limitations.

Use the flesh as fuel to inject your essence, energy, and spirit.

Raised to the limit.

The combat power has increased tenfold!

But what happens next!

only one.

Then die!

This ordinary urban world.

Tathagata palm is the ten huge moves.

Although there are only ten strokes.

But these ten strokes contain all the exercises in Shaolin Temple in this world.

Even the Great Mercy and Great Compassion Fist used by the sweeping monk just now.

All of them are the fifth form of Tathagata palm.

Simplified version of Welcoming Buddha to Western Heaven.

It can be said.

Tathagata God's Palm is the general outline of Shaolin Temple's exercises in this world.

Learned Tathagata palm.

It is equivalent to learning all Shaolin exercises in this world.

"No! There's still something wrong!"

"The palm of the Tathagata in this world!"

"One trick is missing!"

After Yang Xuan finished a round of Tathagata Palm.

Back to the top of Mount Tai.


He found out by accident.

Among the Buddhas I know.

Not just the Buddhas of this world.

There are also Buddhas in the main world.

And before crossing the main world, the Buddhas in the movies and TV shows on Blue Star.

Chapter 27 Seeing the Gods, Spiritual Manifestation (3 more!)

PS: slightly modified.

Text below.

The Buddha who straddles the three worlds.

Information of the three worlds.

This moment begins to alternate and merge.


Yang Xuan unexpectedly gained a new understanding.

I see.

He turned his head to look at the little monk again.

And the little novice.

Immediately pale.

He witnessed what Yang Xuan did the whole time.

Therefore, I know that Yang Xuan intends to use him to practice moves.

After witnessing Yang Xuan's terror.


He was very excited and excited that he could see the palm of the Tathagata.

But he didn't want to be a guinea pig for the experiment.

But he didn't dare to run either.

Only with despair.

Seeing Yang Xuan sitting cross-legged on the ground.

It shows a pinched Buddha seal on the hand.

Then make a fist with your right hand.

As if holding something, he slowly handed it over to him.

in the process of passing.

His hands are still unfolding a little bit.

It stands to reason.

on his palm.



In the eyes of the little monk.

In Yang Xuan's hand, there was an extremely heavy presence.

The reason why is extremely heavy.

Because in the eyes of the little monk.

In the palm of Yang Xuan's hand.

What you hold is a world.

In that world.

There is Xitian Paradise and Daleiyin Temple!

There are Buddhas who chant sutras.

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