A middle-aged strong man who looked to be in his thirties.

Slowly walked to the opposite side of Yang Xuan.

"No sect, no sect, Wang Tong, a martial artist, please enlighten me."

Immediately afterwards.

Wang Tong revealed his name.

Chapter 34 The real kung fu of an actor, an expert is by his side! (5 more!)

Wang Tong stood opposite Yang Xuan.

He stared at Yang Xuan.

In the eyes.

Full of fighting spirit.

He is **'s third Gang Jin Dzogchen master.

It is also the only one who is not from a sect.

But relying on a chance, as well as their own efforts.

Bit by bit, step by step. people who have come to the present.

"The Living Immortal Yang Xuan!"

"I knew you would come, but I didn't expect it to come so soon."

"One battle with the eminent monks of Shaolin Temple, and another battle with the Taoists of Wudang Mountain!"

"However, this doesn't seem to have any effect on you."

"That is to say, you seriously injured two martial artists who were strong and powerful."

"But he didn't suffer any damage."

"This power."

"I'm ashamed."


"Even if I no longer have the will to be competitive."

"But in the face of strong strength, a warrior who is not bad at seeing the gods."

"I still want to take a look. Where is the gap between me and your lord!"

Middle-aged strong man Wang Tong, when he said this.

The upper body is black and strong.

Suddenly it exploded with a bang.

It turned into countless rags and fell on the ground.

Wang Tong's copper skin and iron bones were revealed.

"Practice to the extreme."

"Although there is no sect inheritance."

"The boxing techniques I have learned are also messy."

"But I have to admit it."

"In terms of pure combat power."

"**Three powerful warriors!"

"You are the strongest."

Yang Xuan commented on Wang Tong.

He actually said that Wang Tong is the strongest among the three.

The sweeping monk of Shaolin.

Song Qing of Wudang.

In terms of combat power, it is not as good as this Wang Tong.

Facing Yang Xuan's evaluation.

Wang Tong's attitude is also very calm.

"No, I'm not the strongest among the Gang Jin!"

"My flaws are very obvious."

"That is, in order to create the strongest physical body!"

"My potential has been completely drained."

"My life is also very few."

"Although he achieved the Great Perfection of Gang Jin, he sacrificed decades of life."

"I can only linger on, waiting for death!"

"So in my opinion, I am the weakest of the three."

After Wang Tong finished speaking.

He took a fighting pose.

And his sudden appearance.

and what was said.

Everyone in the crew was stunned.

"What? Wang Tong turned out to be the strongest martial artist in the world?"

"It's fake. Isn't he our martial arts stand-in?"

"Wait a minute. Think carefully, every time Wang Tong is used as a stand-in."

"He seems to be able to do it with ease."

"It seems to be like this."

"That is to say, the expert is by our side, but we never know it."

"Oh my god! I'm done. I've been telling Wang Tong all the time."

"That... I seem to have bullied Wang Tong too."

"I secretly deducted several hundred yuan from Wang Tong."

"The lunch boxes I gave to Wang Tong are of the worst quality."

The people in the crew.

Discussed endlessly on this matter.

Wang Tong suddenly became a powerful warrior.

This is for them.

It was even more shocking than seeing Yang Xuan.

Because Wang Tong is in their crew.

Very low status.

Many others have bullied him.

But he never resisted.

This situation.

This reversal.

It made everyone in the crew feel extremely uncomfortable.

Yang Xuan and Wang Tong.

Naturally, they will not pay attention to their thoughts.

Things that matter to those people.

For those who have reached the Gang Jin level in Chinese martial arts.

It's all child's play.

Which grown-up?

Will be serious with children.

"Who would have imagined that what an actor is performing is not acting. It's real kung fu."

"Wang Tong, let's do it!"

Yang Xuan whispered.

Appeared in the film and television city.

next second.


Wang Tong yelled instantly.

powerful voice.

The surrounding glass was shattered.

This is the lion's roar.

It is also the martial arts of Buddhism.

But it is relatively popular, and it has long been circulated among many small sects.

Some low-level martial arts gyms.

This kind of martial arts will be taught.

But some martial arts.

The stronger the person who uses it, the stronger the martial arts.

Which crew members.

Under Wang Tong's drink.

His body was weak and he was stunned.

slightly stronger.

He also sat down on the ground.

He looked at Wang Tong and Yang Xuan in horror.

After a big drink.

Wang Tong's whole body also instantly moved close to Yang Xuan's body.

Boxing is unknown.

The punch is fierce!

A punch is like a tiger hunting a beast, you must do your best.

"The purest boxing technique!"

"very good."

"I like this kind of battle."

For Wang Tong, this kind of punch is to the flesh.

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