The first to yell.

Naturally, the grades are good.

"Damn! How can I cultivate! I was reincarnated into an ordinary ancient world, and I was beaten to death by a big bear just after I awakened my true spirit."

"It's over! I failed, my achievement is only 12 points of true spirit!"

Immediately afterwards.

It is those who have poor grades and lost the opportunity to become professionals.

These people are all sad.

Because people who have experienced reincarnation once.

We all understand that this is a great opportunity.

Their world is superior to others, reincarnated in other worlds, no matter how bad they are, they are still superior.


After reaching a certain level of achievement.

They will lose the chance of reincarnation in the future.

few people.

If there is a special opportunity, there is a second chance to reincarnate.

But for most people, there is no second chance.

"Ah! My soul point is 70, but the lowest career path requires 100 soul points. I can only be an ordinary person."

"It's over, I'm over!"

"I'm done too! The initial world is too difficult. I'm an ordinary urban world. Although I remember a lot of high technology, the matching degree is not good. It's too difficult to develop business. 40 soul points."

Some people are happy and some are sad!

"I'm back!"

"True Reincarnation Tower evaluation: SSS level!"

Yang Xuan also walked out of the reincarnation cabin.

As soon as he comes out.

The imprint on his hand is automatically in his mind.

A set of data emerged.

Real name: Yang Xuan

Number of Reincarnations: 1

1. Ordinary urban world

Reincarnation achievements:

Invincible in the world, the kingdoms unite, create idealism, break the shackles, and upgrade the world.

True spirit points: 100,000 (already reached the upper limit of ordinary cities)

One hundred thousand true spirit points.

This is Yang Xuan's harvest.



At the request of the majority of book lovers, this one will be updated! !

Actually, in the first world, there are still many cool things.

But since the comments are spraying me.

I just turned on the accelerator and jumped over!

Come back, **** him! .

Chapter 46 Transformation of Supernatural Ability · Spiritual Manifestation (1 update!)

When others were still cheering at the 200 soul points.

Yang Xuan has obtained 100,000 true spirit points.


A note on the truth point is.

The world cap has been reached.

That is.

Ordinary urban worlds say that they can get true spirit points.

So much for the highest.


Yang Xuan can get more.


"Because the reincarnated person is guarded by the power of the world, they can integrate their innate supernatural powers and spiritual manifestation!"

"Is it fusion?"

"Note, after the reincarnation returns, only the world within 1 hour can make a choice."

"If you don't make a choice, it becomes a waiver."

The ethereal voice of the Reincarnation Tower.

It directly appeared in Yang Xuan's mind.

The True Spirit Reincarnation Pagoda actually turned Yang Xuan's cultivation into a magical seed.

This supernatural power seed can be fused by Yang Xuan himself.

It can also be sold to others.

If it was Yang Xuan who fused himself.

It doesn't need to consume a single soul point.

This is also because Yang Xuan activated the will of the world in the ordinary urban world.

And not outright death returns.

That's why we got the result.


After the return of the true spirit, I want to directly take back the realm of spiritual manifestation.

Yang Xuan had to use his natural skills to consume his own lifespan to upgrade.

Or it is to consume a large amount of true spirit points to choose to exchange.

Also, if you don't integrate the realm of spiritual manifestation.

Instead, choose to solidify it into a skill seed.

This is a fee, and the price will not be too low. .

for this.

Yang Xuan naturally didn't need to think about it.


Just for a moment.

His spiritual power increased rapidly.

The Tower of Rebirth is very powerful.

With his protection, when Yang Xuan fuses, there will be no accidents at all.


An ordinary person suddenly gained so much mental power.

Even this mental power was gathered by him in other worlds.

There will also be excessive mental shock.

Lead to brain death, or schizophrenia.

Become a cognitively confused person.

But under the protection of the True Reincarnation Tower.

Yang Xuan didn't suffer the slightest injury.

And in just a few minutes.

It took back the realm of spiritual manifestation.

In the blink of an eye.

The spirit becomes strong.

At the same time, he gained the ability of the mind to interfere with external objects.

"The me now, if I match up with Wang Changhe."

"It's really just one thought that can completely end his life."

"But now, there are 38 people in the class, but only 34 people have come out. The four of them can't wake up at all."

After Yang Xuan had the realm of spiritual manifestation.

With huge mental power, he glanced at the situation here in an instant.


He sensed Wang Changhe and Liu Qing before they left the reincarnation cabin.

As for using the power of the mind to invade the reincarnation cabin.

Yang Xuan will not try now.

Every reincarnation pod.

They are all guarded by the True Reincarnation Tower.


among the Commonwealth states.

Once there was a demigod who wanted to murder an enemy's offspring.

As a result, when he invaded the real reincarnation cabin, he was directly backlashed to the point of becoming obsessed and blew himself up to death.

Based on his memory, Yang Xuan converted his cultivation base.

he knows.

I am almost the second-level top-rank.

Therefore, I will not seek death at all, and try the power of the reincarnation capsule.

After sensing that Wang Changhe and the others did not appear.

Yang Xuan also withdrew his spiritual power.

That is at this time.

Suddenly, the voice of a classmate sounded.

"Huh? Where's Wang Changhe?"

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