1. One-key tracking

2. One-click full level

3. Spiritual manifestation

4. Wraith Ghost Realm (temporary, only limited to this world)

Introduction: This young man is not only a destiny-turner, but also has a big boss behind him. If he offends him, suicide may be the best choice.

The new ability is Ghost Realm, though only usable in this world.

But it is undoubtedly a powerful force.

At least.

Yang Xuan found himself covering the entire abandoned building with just one thought.

Within the ghost domain.

The space here has become extremely viscous.

By himself, he overwhelmed everyone.


In the dark, Yang Xuan felt a great terror.

Then there was a burst of enlightenment in my heart.

The laws of the world have their eyes on him.

To invade his mind and change his mind.

Let him be completely weird and supernatural.

Once it is completely weird and supernatural, Yang Xuan will not die.

But the real spirit will sleep completely.

Be one of those psychic ghosts who only know how to follow their instincts.

In that case, this reincarnation will be useless.

This time, he reincarnated with a purpose.

Yang Xuan's current state.

It's not at all the end of the spiritualization.

His thinking, or human thinking

If you have to describe his current state.

Well, on the contrary, it can be said that it is a person who has stolen supernatural power.

Now, he can use supernatural power without restraint.

Don't worry about being backlashed by supernatural power.

You can retain your own living will.

Most importantly, his physical body is gone.

Don't worry about backlashing your life.

Yang Xuan.

Once born, it is a perfect new form.

But the identity purchased by the reincarnation tower has nothing to do with half a dime.

The Reincarnation Tower almost killed him.

If not, bring the dark elves with you.

If it weren't for the universal method of spiritual manifestation, it would allow him to exist spiritually for a period of time after his physical death.

Yang Xuan should have returned to the Creation Academy by now.

And, don't think about it.

He will definitely be severely criticized by Fairy Fengyu, and maybe the two of them will criticize them all night when they return to the room.


Inexplicably, a burst of thunder exploded out of thin air.

Yang Xuan knew.

His doom is coming.

Just because his current state is perfect, he is not accepted by the laws of the world.

Judgment is coming.

"I need to hide myself."

"We need the rules of this world to recognize ourselves."

Think here.

Yang Xuan put his gaze on Liu Xiaoxiao.

"Blood resonance, signing a contract with her can solve my troubles."

Just glanced at Liu Xiaoxiao.

Yang Xuan felt the connection between the two of them in the dark.


Yang Xuan thought about it.

It directly turned into a ghostly aura and rushed into Liu Xiaoxiao's eyebrows.

I found the spiritual crystal and blended into it.

That is, this moment.

The repulsion in Yang Xuan's heart, the oppression of the world.

All completely dissipated.


recognized him.

He became a perfect supernatural being.

Liu Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, became a perfect ghost master.

When Liu Xiaoxiao became a ghost master.

The ghost domain that shrouded the entire building completely disappeared.

The supernatural power released by Yang Xuan.

All gathered into Liu Xiaoxiao's body.

The other five ghost masters.

At this time, the ability to move was also restored.



It will be on the shelves tomorrow at 12:00 noon, and it will be updated as soon as it is on the shelves.

Say less than 10 more that day.

The author of Xiaopujie is a man with manuscripts.

Chapter 66 Variation High-ranking Ghost King (Tomorrow at 12 noon!)

Five ghost masters, after regaining their ability to move.

Hurry up and look at me, I look at you, and check your own situation.

As a result, they found out by accident.

Unexpectedly, no one was attacked by supernatural power.

"The supernatural power has disappeared, but we are not dead!"

"It's incredible."

"We met a ghost king head-on, and he survived. No one would believe us when we told him."

"Wait a minute! Where did the upper ghost king go?"

"I don't know. I was just about to run, and I didn't even take a few steps before I realized that the supernatural event was over."

Five ghost masters were in Yang Xuan's ghost domain just now.

The spirit, consciousness, and body have all been affected to a certain extent.

It's not just their bodies that they slow down.

And thinking, thoughts and consciousness.

So under their sensibility.

Everything happens in an instant.

"The ghost king has entered my body!"

Just at this time.

Liu Xiaoxiao spoke.

She immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Immediately afterwards.

A terrifying coercion emanated from her body.

A powerful spiritual atmosphere.

Just let the five ghost masters take a few steps back.

They looked like Liu Xiaoxiao with terrified eyes.

"you made it?"

"How is it possible! That ghost king actually chose to seal himself and entered your body?"

The one who spoke first was still paying five.

He really didn't expect that Liu Xiaoxiao would succeed.

A ghost king, a ghost king with confusion.

He only knows the ghost king who kills the living.

Will save people? Will choose to take the initiative to become the ghost controlled by Liu Xiaoxiao.

This is too incredible.

"What happened today is beyond our imagination!"

"It's not just thinking about it, it's completely beyond our understanding of supernatural events."

"In other words, I now have a ghost master at the level of a ghost king?"

"It's not an ordinary ghost king, but a mutated high-level ghost king!"

The other five ghost masters were very excited at this time.

In this day and age.

There is a ghost master at the level of a ghost king.

Even ordinary ghost kings are very important.

In this way, it means that they will be quite safe.

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