Everyone's eyes brightened.

Know that this method is really feasible.


"Act tonight, we must take down Liu Xiaoxiao."

"That's right, our target is only Liu Xiaoxiao. After taking him down, return to the Bronze Gate base immediately."

"I don't care about ordinary people, let alone hundreds of people, even tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands."

"Its value is not as valuable as a weak, mutated high-ranking ghost king."

"We're moving now, attacking the moment the sun goes down."

"We have to get rid of that Liu Zheng too. If someone like him stays by our side, it will only be a hidden danger."

"That `s a deal."

After the ghost masters of the Bronze Gate said this, they all started running towards the survivor base.


Abandoned building.

"He sent the message out again."

"It seems that the ghost masters of the Bronze Gate will definitely be back tonight."

"I will take action to kill all the ghost masters."

"But after that, it's up to me to decide where to go."

"This survivor base must be leaving. I will consider arranging a place for them to survive before leaving."

Yang (Qian Qian's) Xuan's voice appeared in Liu Xiaoxiao's heart.

"I see."

"As long as I can avenge my brother-in-law and sister, I can do anything."

Liu Xiaoxiao also responded.

Her decision in this regard made Yang Xuan very satisfied.

Time passed so quickly.


The moment the sun sets, the moment the moon rises.

Inside the abandoned building where Yang Xuan was.

Suddenly, it was enveloped by a black mist.

In the black mist.

A cold breath quickly emerged.

People in the entire abandoned building found that their bodies were also frozen for the first time.

Those ordinary people even had their thoughts frozen.

"This is Ghost Mist, the ghost master of the Bronze Gate."

"A ghost king level ability!"

"Damn, how did they show up in our survivor base?"

"Our position is exposed."

"Where is Liu Zheng, isn't he on guard? Why did the enemy launch an attack, and we didn't receive any warnings?"

The other ghost masters who paid five and so on were also attacked by the ghost mist at first.

As a result, your body and mind have been affected to a certain extent.

But both are ghost masters,

Even if they are just ghost masters at the level of ghost generals, they can use their own ghosts.

To resist the invasion of this supernatural power.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

That's when.


There was another knock on the door.

Appeared in the ears of everyone.

"Not good! It's the door knocker!"

"A knocker at the level of the ghost king, if there are more than 10 knocks on the door, we will be attacked by ghost soldiers."

"If it exceeds 20, it's a ghost general!"

"More than 30 sounds, you are the ghost king!"

"After 30 rings, every time it rings, you have to bear the attack of the ghost king."

Pay five and give a shout.

The ability of this knocker.

He knows it.

Because they have fought against this ghost king.

At that time, if it wasn't for Yang Lin.

Just this ghost master of the ghost king level.

Just kill them all.

"Why is it soft today!"

"Why now!"

"Why did we just have a ghost master at the level of a high-ranking ghost king, who can stabilize the base as long as he survives for three days, but there is an accident at this time."

"No, it's not an accident! It's definitely not an accident!"

After paying five, I seem to understand something at this time.

Chapter 68 Death Is Not Scary, It's Me! (2/10 please subscribe! Please customize)

Isn't it an accident!

If you were attacked suddenly before, you will be besieged.

It may have been an accident.

But finally, Liu Xiaoxiao became a ghost master.

The other party was obviously seriously injured and didn't want to take any risks, but he shot suddenly.

The most important thing is that they have found their base so accurately.

How could this be an accident.

"Liu Zheng! Liu Zheng!"

After trying to understand this point.

Pay five and you will know where the key points are.

Boom! Boom!

But at this time, everything is too late.

In the ghost fog, the longer the time, the deeper the chill will be.

A ghost master of the ghost general level can resist for three minutes at most within the ghost fog.

The way to deal with it is to run.

But now, before they had time to run away, the ghost knocked on the door and came again.

Even if he just jumped off the building and ran out, away from the scope of being attacked by the supernatural rules.

also a dead end

Because although ghost masters have supernatural abilities, they are also human beings.

Jumping from the middle of the building is courting death.

It's too late to run.

Even if you run fast enough, you can make it in time.

Could it be that only two ghost kings came to the Bronze Gate?

The other party must have a whole team of people coming.

Plus Liu Zheng's betrayal.

Paying five is already hopeless.

He could not see the possibility of this escape at all.

"Brother Fu, what shall we do!"

"Liu Zheng actually betrayed, there must be a heavy blockade outside."

"Let's go out now, I'm afraid the end will be death!"

"Xiaoxiao, I can only watch Xiaoxiao's work!"

The remaining ghost riders.

At this time, all eyes were on Liu Xiaoxiao.

Such a critical time.

The only thing they can count on.

There is only Liu Xiaoxiao, the ghost master of the ghost king level.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

That's when.

The knock on the door came again.

"No, there have been ten knocks on the door, everyone be careful!"

"What about ordinary people? We can only take care of ourselves in this environment."

"Damn it! Damn it!"

When the tenth knock on the door sounded.

Everyone is desperate.

Even, they didn't wait for Liu Xiaoxiao to answer.

Because, they think.

Even Liu Xiaoxiao has no choice.

This time, it was already a doomsday situation.

"That's right! You are dead!"

"I gave you a chance before, as long as you join the Bronze Gate, you can not only live, but also enter the Bronze City, but you don't cherish it yourself."

"Forget it, I'll give you a chance!"

"Let Liu Xiaoxiao come out by himself and leave with us, and we will let you live."


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