The only way to get rid of this big flower is to get rid of it.

That's right, after trying every possible means and finding no way to effectively kill this big flower, Lin Shi thought of his talent: strengthening.

Anyway, there are blood bags everywhere now, and he plans to strengthen everything that can be strengthened within his physical strength limit to see if there is any way to break the deadlock.

But after looking through it for a long time, only two things that have been strengthened all the way from the novice world can be used.

[Throwing portable grenade] and [ionization decomposition bomb].

They are the results of strengthening the remaining high-explosive grenade and incendiary bomb.

Last time, it was only strengthened to C level. Since the physical strength required for strengthening again is 1000 points, and I was about to meet Elizabeth, I put it on hold for the time being.

[Throwing portable grenade] (can be enhanced): C-level item, this enhancement consumes 1000 points of physical strength.

[Enhancement is successful, obtain B-level item, Octojin plastic bomb]

[Octojin plastic bomb] (can be enhanced)

[Quality]: B-level

[Type]: Consumable

[Effect]: You can choose to remotely explode after placement, or you can choose to delay the explosion after activation. After the explosion, it causes explosion damage in a radius of 50 meters, and the core damage value can reach 4000 points. The explosion power is related to the distance from the explosion center.

[Rating]: 92

[Introduction]: Don't underestimate this third-generation explosive. It is the strongest below the nuclear bomb! (Continued enhancement requires 2500 points of physical strength)

[Ionization decomposition bomb] (can be enhanced): C-level item, this enhancement consumes 1000 points of physical strength.

[Strengthen successfully, obtain B-level item, plasma dissociation bomb]

[Plasma dissociation bomb] (strengthenable)

[Quality]: B-level

[Type]: Consumable

[Effect]: You can choose to remotely explode after placement, or you can choose to delay the explosion after activation. After detonation, a large amount of ionized plasma is generated, causing 500 points of burning + corrosion + high temperature + radiation damage to the attached objects per second, lasting for 1 minute. (Continued strengthening requires stamina: 2500 points)

[Introduction]: Have you ever seen the sun?

He looked at the plastic bomb, and then at the plasma bomb full of futuristic technology.

Lin Shi put the plastic bomb that looked like moving bricks into his backpack.

Although the instantaneous power of the plastic bomb is far greater than that of the plasma bomb in terms of power alone,

But who can guarantee that what is exposed on the surface is Elizabeth's entire body?

If the opponent is not killed by this blow, and another big move is used, he will be a little overwhelmed.

Looking at the remnants of the Black Watch retreating into the distance, he secretly thought that he had to speed up the process.

If he dragged on, he might be hit by a nuclear bomb.

The dragon wings behind him vibrated, and he turned into an arrow and rushed towards Elizabeth. After a few changes of direction to avoid the energy ball that attacked again, he came to the stem again,

Charge power, [Thousands of Tentacles]!!

This time, under Lin Shi's conscious control, each flesh pillar was penetrated by more than a dozen tentacles. In order to increase the power, he even added some exclusive energy of the Yinglong system to the vast amount of biological energy.

This made the tips of the tentacles turn into bone spikes, and the surroundings of the tentacles were also covered with reverse-edged bone blades.

While greatly increasing the penetration, it also greatly increased the damage caused by the tentacles when they were retracted.

Seemingly sensing the danger, this time Elizabeth began to release the big move before Lin Shi fell to the stem.

However, as soon as the suction force started, Lin Shi's tentacles were quickly retracted.

Three flesh pillars broke with a sound, leaving only a spine-shaped bone pillar that could no longer support the dozens of tons of flowers, and fell to the side powerlessly.

The big move that had just started to accumulate power was therefore interrupted.

Lin Shi walked quickly to the center of the flower, looked at Elizabeth, who barely had a human form in the center of the flower, smiled, and said,

"Last time we met, you said you would eat me next time, so I'll treat you to some appetizers first."

As he spoke, he held the plasma bomb in his hand and punched it into the center of the flower, submerging his entire arm in it, and set it to detonate after two seconds.

He pulled his arm away, retreated backwards, flapped his wings and flew high, all in one go.

And Elizabeth's body, which was originally in the depths of the flower, also sensed the horror of the thing that Lin Shi had stuffed in with her powerful mental power,

and quickly controlled the flesh and blood flower to spit out the thing,

but, in just two seconds

Time was too short for her to think so much.

A dazzling ray of light penetrated the thick flesh and expanded from the inside of the flower.

Silently, the ionized plasma, which was as hot as the surface of the sun, turned all the flesh and blood it touched into charcoal.

Then the charcoal was vaporized in an instant, and a huge cavity spread rapidly in the giant flower.

"No!!! How dare you..."

Elizabeth only let out a short scream, and then there was no sound.


After contacting the outside air, the diffusion speed of the plasma soared, not only vaporizing the flower, but also spreading along the bone pillars.

Vaporized all the way until it "flowed" into the big hole that Elizabeth had drilled.

On the ground, there was only a pool of charred unknown substance left by the flesh and blood after being roasted at high temperature.

Even though Lin Shi had escaped more than 100 meters at this time, he was still unable to open his eyes because of the high temperature air.

Seeing the plasma on the ground gradually decreasing, Lin Shi did not relax his vigilance.

The system's kill prompt did not appear, and everything was still undecided.

After a while, when the temperature in the center dropped to a level that he could barely accept, Lin Shi immediately rushed forward and searched near the charred thing.

However, after searching for a long time, he did not find anything.

But Elizabeth was indeed not dead. Could it be that the other party's body was actually underground?

Lin Shi scratched his head in confusion. If she was really hiding underground, she would not show up easily after being bombed like this. If he wanted to find the other party's trace again, his chances would be slim.

At this moment, the system's prompt sounded suddenly,

[The mission target General Randall has died, you have received the mission reward, please choose whether to return to the reincarnation space immediately]

[You have chosen to delay your return, you have 10 minutes left to stay, and return immediately after 10 minutes]

Randall is dead? Who did it? Is it Cross? Or the magician's people?

Lin Shi looked at this prompt, and countless question marks popped up in his head.

How come someone killed Randall in advance when I haven't finished dealing with Elizabeth yet?

As for the magician, Lin Shi thought about it and ruled out this option. They don't have that ability.

After being in the Black Watch for so long, they are still the lowest-level soldiers. Counting on them to kill Randall,

It's better to expect them to kill a hunter leader.

Since it's not the magician's people, it can only be done by the plot characters. In the original plot, Captain Cross became a super hunter in the final battle.

And the official setting of the game also states that Cross is the earliest adapter of dx-1120, which is the predecessor of all super soldiers.

If it's him, it's not so strange, but why would the other party choose to kill Randall at this time?

Lin Shi analyzed step by step. Killing Randall at this time is nothing more than two points, profitable, or preventing the other party from taking the next action.

If it is profitable, he would have killed him long ago. With Randall's trust in Cross, Cross has countless opportunities to take action.

Then this one can also be ruled out.

So, the only thing left is to stop Randall from doing something. That's easy. According to the plot development, what else can Randall do at this time? It's nothing more than dropping a nuclear bomb on Manhattan.

Who will be hurt the most by this move? It can only be Elizabeth who chooses to settle down in Manhattan.

That is to say!

Lin Shi narrowed his eyes and was about to make a conclusion. Several figures leading countless infected people in the distance caught his attention.

That is...

He looked intently at several figures running in front of countless ordinary infected people.

One of them is indeed Cross. The other party has not turned into a super hunter at this time.

However, the figure next to him looks very familiar to Lin Shi.

Isn't that McMullen!!!

Well, I didn't expect you with thick eyebrows and big eyes... No, you, the head of research, were actually controlled by Elizabeth early on.

He sighed a little. One super hunter is already difficult enough to deal with, not to mention that there are more than one in this group of people.

Just when he was about to choose to return immediately, a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

Wait, why? Why are they rushing here as if they want to kill me?

Elizabeth is not dead at this time. She must be seriously injured after being baptized by the plasma bomb. If the other party escaped from underground,

There is no need to make such a scene at this time. He must have summoned his men to come to guard him as soon as possible.

And at this time, these infected people are rushing towards him, which means! ! !

Thinking of this, Lin Shi suddenly lowered his head

He looked at the charred substance,

It was the only thing that survived the explosion of the plasma bomb.

He reached out and dug it out from the ground, and carefully sensed it.

Through the charred shell that was comparable to diamond, there was indeed a slight energy fluctuation inside.

He immediately held the charred substance tightly between his hands and rubbed it vigorously. Large chunks of black fragments fell off,

gradually revealing a fist-sized green crystal in the core, and a walnut-sized piece of flesh and blood was wriggling inside the crystal.

"So you are here, Elizabeth."

Looking at the crystal in his hand, Lin Shi grinned. He originally thought that the Red Light Virus skill tree was going to fail this time, but he didn't expect to find the other party in the end.

This feeling of regaining what was lost made Lin Shi feel like he had picked up another hundred pieces.

Looking at the sea of ​​infected people rushing towards here at a rapid speed in the distance, Lin Shi's hands turned into black and red flesh and blood and tightly wrapped the green crystal,

[Swallow and absorb]! !

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