The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.


After taking a long puff of smoke, he exhaled a thick cloud of smoke. Even though Lin Shi looked like he had a lot of flaws, Xiao didn't dare to move forward easily.

Even if Lin Shi turned his back to him, he could clearly sense that the other party had completely locked onto every direction of his body.

As long as he dared to move, he would be met with a fierce attack from the other party.

Gaba, gaba.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Lin Shi pinched his fingers again, stretched his waist, and then picked up Hu Che and walked slowly towards Xiao.

As he moved forward, his speed became faster and faster. In a short distance of less than ten meters, his figure had disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Xiao only felt that after Lin Shi suddenly disappeared, his whole body was simultaneously alerted to the attack.

Clang clang clang clang...

The dense hammering sound came like rain hitting banana leaves, and a vague figure could be seen moving around Xiao at high speed.

At this time, the giant thorns on Xiao's arms also danced into two white lights and madly chopped against Lin Shi. The sparks from the collision between Kotetsu and his kagune connected into one, as if they were going to ignite the two.

The people in the distance, such as Hei Panyan and Yamen, were stunned.

Originally, I thought that this strange-looking investigator was completely out of tune, but I didn't expect that this person's strength was so terrifying. In the direct battle with Xiao, he even had the intention of suppressing the opponent.

No, it was not suppression.

After only ten seconds of slashing, a strange sound suddenly came from the dense hammering sound, and the next second, a huge giant thorn kagune flew high.

But Xiao couldn't resist Lin Shi's huge slashing force and he found a flaw and cut off a kagune.

The eyes of the onlookers, which were already wide open, widened a little more. Hei Panyan even rubbed his eyes and muttered,

"No, no? Am I dazzled?"

Yamen was also dazed.

"Even if there were Matt and others, they couldn't do this, right?"

You have to know that this is the Unkillable Owl with full strength, not the old man in the original plot whose strength declined because he had not eaten people for a long time and who also released a sea.

The Unkillable Owl, which could not be defeated even by several special forces, was easily cut off a kagune in a head-on battle at its peak.

Although the store manager, whose strength had recovered, quickly controlled the kagune to grow another giant thorn kagune,

but anyone with a discerning eye could see that the owl in front of him was no match for the young man.

The violent slashing continued. Although Lin Shi had many other more powerful fighting methods, he didn't even talk about whether he could use them.

No matter what means, there is no upright frontal battle to suppress Xiao. Defeating Xiao can bring greater shock... and reputation.


Another flaw, the tiger tortoise in Lin Shi's hand plowed a gully on Xiao's body, penetrated the kagune attached to the surface of the body, and cut the flesh inside.

Waving his hand to cut out a piece of knife light to block the incoming feather kagune, Lin Shi's attack rhythm did not slow down for a moment.

The light and shadow of the two people's slashing almost completely obscured their figures, and only a few pieces of kagune fragments that occasionally flew out could let people know that the young investigator still had the upper hand.

"It's just like when Matt and others came down from the sky and saved us."

Kuroiwa, Yamon and others were lying on the emergency bed with the help of the surrounding soldiers.

Fortunately, because the new armor resisted most of the damage, Shinohara did not die and barely saved his life.

Looking at the young man whose figure was almost invisible, Kuroiwa thought of Matt and others who were in the same situation ten years ago.

When everyone was helpless against Xiao, he rushed out resolutely, blocked Xiao's attack alone, and even cut off his two arms.

Looking at his chest, although he had taken off the new armor at this time, he thought of the other party tearing open the hardest part like a piece of paper.

Kuroiwa couldn't help but smile bitterly and murmured,

"I'm old. Now it's really the world of young people."

"Kuroiwa, do you know who that investigator is?"

Yamon asked curiously. The face was unfamiliar and he had never seen it before.

Hei Panyan shook his head and said,

"I haven't seen him either, but I heard that there are new members of the team such as Matt."

Hearing this, Mado Akira suddenly seemed to remember something and said,

"Oh, it turned out to be him. I remember that two days ago, Fa Si Junte led the team

Went to eliminate a group of ghouls that went crazy because of kokai, and this person seems to be a survivor rescued at that time. "

Because she has always been a semi-office staff in CCG, she knows a little about these internal transfers.

"Really? It seems that he is also a poor person who turns hatred into strength. "

Kuroiwa sighed. He had long been accustomed to the hatred between humans and ghouls.

Sometimes he would doubt whether those ghouls had their own emotions. Several times, the ghouls he expelled also looked like wives and children, which made him pause when waving Quinque.

But when he saw a large number of soldiers lying in a pool of blood in front of him, the doubt in his eyes was replaced by anger and hatred.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Shi secretly poured the energy in his body into the Kotetsu in his hand.

Suddenly, the originally dazzling black and red lightsaber instantly shone brightly, and its volume expanded into a sphere.

Raising the light ball in his hand, he slashed towards Xiao with all his strength.

This is not a slash, it is better to say that he is holding the ball and smashing it.

Although the blade turned into a sphere, Xiao did not dare to underestimate its power at all. A large number of Yuhe shot out from his chest instantly.

As soon as these Yuhe missiles were fired, they exploded between the two of them. The driving force generated allowed Xiao to successfully avoid the attack and also shocked Lin Shi back a few steps.

"Oh? Not bad, then, what about this move? "

Lin Shi smiled slightly, narrowed his eyes, the blade in his hand disappeared, and both hands tightly grasped the handle of the knife and put it at his waist, with the handle facing Xiao.

Xiao's bright eyes suddenly shrank into a small dot, and a sense of threat that made him feel creepy emanated from the handle of the knife.

The whole person was completely locked by Lin Shi,

He couldn't hide, this move, he could only block it.

"Shoot him! God gun! "

In an instant, Lin Shi pulled the energy power in his body to the limit and transferred it into the handle of Hu Che's knife.

The next second, a bucket-thick, red and black blade like a laser burst out from Hu Che's knife handle.

He went straight to Xiao, who had blocked all the kagune in front of him.


The deafening explosion sounded throughout the venue, and everyone covered their ears in pain and looked at the battlefield covered with thick smoke.


The blade that was stretched out for an unknown length was instantly retracted. Lin Shi slowly stood up and took a long breath.

This move was his idea on a whim. As for whether the squinting eyes would sue him for infringement, who would know.

There was no sound in the whole venue. Everyone held their breath and stared at Xiao's position, waiting for the result of this battle.

The smoke and dust dissipated. Even if everyone had already prepared themselves mentally, they were shocked by the horrifying scene and could not speak.

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