Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1018 Huge Thunder Ball!

As for other cultivators who were far away, they could not sense where Li Xuanfeng was because their spiritual sense was suppressed by the power of thunder and lightning.

The suppression of sound transmission in the Wuji Thunder Realm was also very strong. After entering the Thunder Realm, it was almost impossible to use the sound transmission jade slip to contact the outside world.

The sound transmission jade slip was completely useless in the Wuji Thunder Realm. The range of sound transmission was extremely small, even worse than the cultivators directly using spiritual sense to transmit sound in the Thunder Realm.

Of course, in the Wuji Thunder Realm, the range of spiritual sense sound transmission had also shrunk a lot. Even the third realm masters could only transmit sound within a few hundred feet.

Seeing the two palm source realm cultivators leave, Li Xuanfeng did not stop them, but sat cross-legged in the Thunder Realm.

Then Li Xuanfeng raised his hand and waved, instantly removing all the spiritual power protection outside his body, leaving himself in the Wuji Thunder Realm without any protection.

As Li Xuanfeng's spiritual power protection dissipated, the thunder and lightning power around him quickly covered him, as if to merge him into a part of the Thunder Realm.

Although Li Xuanfeng flew quite a distance when he was chasing Cheng Hai, the power of thunder and lightning here was still extremely strong, enough to reach the terrifying level of the middle and late stages of the Palm Source Realm.

If it weren't for the thunder cultivator, even the great masters of the early stages of the Source Realm would find it difficult to directly withstand the thunder and lightning here. If the cultivators below the Source Realm directly dispersed their spiritual power protection here, it would be tantamount to suicide.

Even for thunder cultivators, the thunder and lightning power here needs to reach the perfection of the Palm Source Realm before it can be directly endured, and it requires good physical strength.

Even if it is a thunder cultivator in the early stages of the Palm Source Realm, if the spiritual power protection is removed here, the terrifying thunder and lightning power is enough to seriously injure him instantly.

If he escapes a little slower, the terrifying thunder and lightning power can make his injuries rapidly worse. In the end, if he cannot escape because of his serious injuries, he will be buried in the Wuji Thunder Domain.

As the endless thunder and lightning gathered rapidly around him, Li Xuanfeng's body was completely covered in an instant.

Li Xuanfeng's figure became an existence that was incompatible with the lightning around him.

Because he was an alien in the Wuji Thunder Domain, the lightning power around Li Xuanfeng suddenly gathered at a very fast speed, forming a huge thunder ball composed of lightning here.

As the power of lightning outside the Wuji Thunder Domain continued to decline, more and more palm source realm cultivators entered the Thunder Domain, and even the lowest palm source realm early stage cultivators had entered one after another.

Seeing all the third realm masters entering the Wuji Thunder Domain, many second realm cultivators outside the Thunder Domain suddenly showed a strong sense of expectation.

Since all the third realm cultivators have entered the Wuji Thunder Domain, then these second realm cultivators will be able to enter soon.

Because the power of lightning in the Wuji Thunder Domain has declined, the lightning power outside the Thunder Domain has now been completely absorbed by these second realm cultivators.

Because of this, these second realm cultivators can't wait to enter the Wuji Thunder Domain to absorb the lightning power, but because of their lack of strength, they can only continue to wait bitterly.

As a large number of third-level cultivators entered the Wuji Thunder Domain, three of them quickly noticed the huge thunder ball where Li Xuanfeng was.

Because the thunder ball formed by the gathering of thunder and lightning power was extremely thick, the consciousness of the palm source realm cultivators could not penetrate it, so they did not find a cultivator inside.

At this time, the three palm source realm cultivators approached the thunder ball with great curiosity, wanting to find out.

They had already seen that this thunder ball was formed by the gathering of countless thunder and lightning forces, and immediately wanted to know why the thunder and lightning forces gathered here in large quantities, and whether they could absorb them to improve their cultivation.

As they approached the thunder ball formed by the condensation of thunder and lightning forces, the three people immediately felt the strong sense of danger emanating from this thunder ball.

This thunder ball has already gathered extremely powerful thunder and lightning forces, making the thunder and lightning power on the thunder ball far exceed the surrounding areas.

Moreover, they could feel that the thunder and lightning forces around were still gathering towards this thunder ball, as if there was something attracting thunder and lightning inside.

Feeling the strong power of thunder and lightning on this thunder ball, the three palm source realms looked at each other, and all saw surprise in each other's eyes.

From the records of the Wuji Thunder Domain, there must be a reason for the formation of such thunder balls, and there may even be treasures inside.

In the past, when the Wuji Thunder Domain entered the weakening period, a few cultivators found powerful thunder attribute magic weapons, or crystals that could greatly increase the power of thunder and lightning.

The three of them immediately approached the thunder ball carefully, came to a position they could bear, and began to absorb the thunder and lightning power in the thunder ball at a rapid speed.

They could clearly sense that the thunder and lightning power in this thunder ball was extremely powerful at this time, which was not something they could bear at all, so they planned to absorb part of the thunder and lightning power of this thunder ball and then check what was inside.

Moreover, they were all thunder cultivators, and absorbing these thunder and lightning powers could also improve their own strength.

In order to reduce the power of the thunder ball more quickly, the three of them worked together to set up a space barrier around the thunder ball to isolate the lightning power from the outside world to prevent it from gathering towards the thunder ball.

In this way, they can open the thunder ball as quickly as possible, and each of them has even looked at the other two people with great vigilance.

When the treasure in the thunder ball appears later, the three of them will probably immediately fight fiercely, or even fight to the death, and it is hard to say who will win in the end.

But just as the three of them set up the space barrier, an extremely powerful aura suddenly emitted from the thunder ball, as if an ancient ferocious beast had awakened, making them instantly feel terrified!

The three of them suddenly felt an uncontrollable life-and-death crisis and wanted to retreat immediately, but it was too late.


A thunder-like shout instantly reached the ears of the three monks, and an extremely powerful storm hit them at the same time!

In the impact of the terrifying storm, these three palm origin realms suddenly flew out like kites with broken strings. The space barrier they set up was shattered in an instant, and they could not withstand it at all!

The energy and blood in the three people's bodies surged violently, and they couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood, their expressions full of horror.

When this aura erupted, they clearly felt that it was the aura of a monk, and his cultivation level was far higher than the three of them!

They never expected that inside this thunder mass was not a treasure, but a powerful man with terrifying cultivation!

The three people immediately stabilized their bodies, bowed deeply with clasped fists and said in unison: "I don't know that my senior is practicing here, so I have no intention of disturbing you. I hope that my senior can forgive me!"


People didn't even dare to turn around and run away. In the aura that just broke out, they clearly felt an extremely strong life and death crisis.

The storm formed by a low shout could instantly injure the three of them, but they didn't dare to imagine the real power of this senior's attack.

If they escape rashly, they are worried that this terrifying senior will hunt them down, and they may even die alive!

At this time, a cold word suddenly came from the thunder ball again: "Leave all the resources on your body and get out!"

Hearing these words, the three palm source realms looked at each other with a hint of pain in their expressions, but they did not dare to resist. They immediately took off their storage rings, offered them with both hands, and said respectfully. : "Senior, please accept it."

Then they felt an astonishing wind blowing by, and the storage rings in the hands of the three of them suddenly floated up, and instantly rushed towards the thunder ball and disappeared into the thunder ball.

Seeing that the other party put away their storage ring, they did not make a move or continue to speak. The three palm source realms immediately bowed to Lei Tuan again with fists clasped, and wisely turned around and left the place.

Since this senior has no longer pursued the case and left immediately, is he still waiting for a slap in the face?

After escaping a very far distance, the three monks were completely relieved. They couldn't help but feel the feeling of surviving the disaster. When they saw this thunder ball formed by the power of thunder and lightning, they originally thought they had found a good fortune, but they didn't. Thinking about it, it almost became a disaster for his life and death.

They knew very well in their hearts that if this senior was not a murderous person, they might not have a chance or leave the Wuji Thunder Territory in the future.

Although they had lost all the resources in the storage ring at this time, the three of them still felt quite lucky to have at least survived this disaster.

After experiencing this incident, the relationship between the three of them immediately improved a lot, and they became more aware of the dangers of traveling in the Wuji Thunder Territory, so they decided to go together.

The senior in this huge thunder group is naturally Li Xuanfeng.

Originally, he didn't care about these three Palm Origin Realm monks, but he didn't expect that the three of them would actually set up space barriers to block the power of thunder and lightning coming towards him, so he took action immediately.

Just as the outside monks judged, Li Xuanfeng and the Bai tribe now lacked resources, so he conveniently snatched the storage rings of these three palm source realms.

Within this thunder mass formed by the power of thunder and lightning, Li Xuanfeng has been continuously absorbing the power of thunder and lightning to practice.

His absorption method was extremely rough. He did not use spiritual protection to weaken the power of thunder and lightning at all. Instead, he allowed the tyrannical power of thunder and lightning to roam around his body while absorbing part of the power of thunder and lightning into his dantian.

Ordinary third-level monks would not dare to use such a rough absorption method. If they are not careful, they will suffer serious injuries.

Being in the Infinite Thunder Territory is inherently extremely dangerous, and there are a large number of strong people. Killings and looting of treasures often happen, so there is no room for carelessness.

Moreover, there are a variety of extremely powerful thunder-attribute beasts in the thunder sea. Although the number is not large, their cultivation can also reach the third level, which is another danger in the infinite thunder field.

The reason for practicing in this way is not only that Li Xuanfeng has great confidence in his own strength and body.

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng wanted to use this method to strengthen his physical body with the power of thunder and lightning while improving his lightning attribute spiritual power.

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