Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1065: Pushing to the edge!

(Yesterday, because I just finished typing at the last minute and sent it out directly, Chapter 1064 was not modified and it was a little messy. It has been modified and is under review. You can go and have a look after the modification. The following plot will be quite exciting.)

As the transmission light shone, the body of the Bai clan ancestor disappeared from this space in an instant, and all the cultivators of the Bai clan were eliminated.

The Tianxuan realm man who was galloping over had to stop with a gloomy look, knowing that he had no time to attack the Bai clan ancestor again.

As the embarrassed figure of the Bai clan ancestor appeared on the high platform of the Tianhai Conference, it meant that the Bai clan was completely eliminated from this experience.

At this time, even the second day had not yet passed, which made many Bai clan cultivators feel extremely aggrieved.

Originally, many Bai clan cultivators thought that although they were not as strong as the various forces, they believed that their unity could surpass other forces by a lot, and they could still compete with the various forces together.

But they never expected that from the beginning of the training, a large number of Tianxuan Realm Perfected cultivators were carrying out sneak attacks and constantly snatching the storage rings of other cultivators.

Tianxuan Realm Perfected cultivators are not only extremely powerful, but also extremely fast. The Bai people can't resist their sneak attacks at all, just like fish on a chopping board, and there is almost no difference between them and being slaughtered.

Although the twenty-one people who had followed Li Xuanfeng into the Wuji Thunder Domain were strong in combat, their strength was not enough and they had no chance to play at all.

Only the final burst of the Bai clan ancestor made the Bai clan cultivators proud, and in the end they were able to hurt two Tianxuan Realm Perfected cultivators by themselves.

Through this training, the Bai clan cultivators have clearly recognized the huge gap between the Bai clan cultivators and other forces.

At this time, the Bai clan cultivators have already developed a strong desire for strength in their hearts, which has become the motivation for them to practice desperately, hoping to make the Bai clan the top force in this star field.

When the Bai clan ancestor was teleported out, Tang Wu instantly appeared beside him, gave him healing pills to heal his wounds, and helped him stop the bleeding on his arm wound.

Then Tang Wu asked the Bai clan leader to take the ancestor into the palace on the lower level to heal his wounds, and he would handle the next matter.

From the picture seen in the bronze mirror, Tang Wu already knew that the Bai clan ancestor had extremely serious injuries in his body at this time, and he had to retreat to heal his wounds, and it would take a long time to recover.

However, Tang Wu also looked at the Bai clan ancestor with new eyes because of his final performance. He did not expect that in such a dangerous situation, he would burst out with far more cruelty and decisiveness than ordinary people, and he could also injure the other two Tianxuan realm perfections.

Moreover, Tang Wu had already seen that the Bai clan ancestor had very little combat experience. He probably rarely fought life and death with cultivators before, but he was able to grow so much in a short period of time, and he might be able to become a strong man who could stand on his own in the future.

Although the Bai clan ancestor's last resort was to injure the enemy by 800 and himself by 1,000, he was already prepared for elimination, and he did not care about the focus of the injury.

However, the two Tianxuan realm masters still had to compete with other cultivators in the training space. The injuries they suffered were likely to put them at a disadvantage and eventually be eliminated by other cultivators.

Knowing this, the two Tianxuan realm masters became extremely gloomy after being injured by the Bai clan ancestor, and they hated him to the core.

When the Bai clan ancestor

teleported away, the two Tianxuan realm masters immediately opened his storage ring in anger, but found that there were only a few common elixirs and resources in it, which were not of much value, and their expressions suddenly became even uglier.

The Bai clan ancestor had already known that the Bai clan would inevitably lose miserably in this space training, so before entering, he had already put away the rare resources in his storage ring and did not bring them into the training space.

At the same time, the Bai clan ancestor also instructed other Bai clan cultivators, so although the Bai clan seemed to lose miserably this time, they did not lose too many resources.

After all the Bai clan cultivators were eliminated, the overall strength of the cultivators in the training space was greatly improved again, making the competition among many cultivators more intense.

The overall strength of the Bai clan monks was not high. If many monks had not taken action against them because they were afraid that the Bai clan leader would protect them, I am afraid that the time for the Bai clan monks to be eliminated would have been much earlier.

As time passed, the second day passed quickly, and there was only one day left for this training.

At this time, more than half of the monks who entered the training space had been eliminated, leaving only about a hundred people, which reduced the fighting in the training space, but made it more intense.

After the Bai clan was eliminated, the remaining forces were almost the same in strength. The monks of all parties became more cautious when they took action, so as not to be besieged by the other party by accident and lose more than they gained.

At this time, most of the remaining monks in the training space were Tianxuan realm monks, and the other monks had also reached the perfect cultivation of Dixuan realm.

Because there was only one day left, as time passed, the fighting in the training space suddenly became more intense.

Many monks knew very well that if they wanted to get the rewards of this training, they had to eliminate other monks, and at most only three people could be left.

Although the Bai tribe did not say what would happen if there were more than three monks left, based on the experience of previous trials, they would not give out more rewards. At most, they would only increase the training time, allowing the remaining monks to continue fighting and being eliminated.

If they encounter an extremely strong force, they will even cancel all rewards directly because of the existence of extra cultivators.

They dare not gamble, so they want to eliminate all other cultivators on the last day.

Because most of the remaining cultivators are already very powerful, most of the Tianxuan realm masters dare not continue to act alone, but attack together with their fellow disciples.

The sneak attack of individual actions has gradually transformed into a fight between multiple cultivators from various forces.

It is precisely because of this fight that the speed at which the Dixuan realm masters are eliminated has accelerated again.

Often, in the fight in the Tianxuan realm, they simply cannot withstand the spreading tyrannical and violent power, and immediately crush the transmission jade slip in their hands in fear when they feel the crisis of life and death.

If they react slowly, the Dixuan realm masters may even be directly torn apart by this terrifying violent power and stay in this space forever.

In the outside world, cultivators who have reached the perfection of the Earthly Profound Realm are quite rare. They are powerful people respected by countless cultivators, but in the training space at this time, they are weak people who can die if they are not careful.

The fight between many powerful cultivators has indeed increased the probability of death several times, and many extremely miserable scenes have appeared.

After seeing their fellow disciples die in the aftermath of the powerful magic,

many cultivators who have reached the perfection of the Earthly Profound Realm directly crushed the transmission jade slips in fear.

Originally, they still had a lot of luck in their hearts, but as the number of powerful people in the Heavenly Profound Realm in the training space has exceeded that of the Earthly Profound Realm cultivators, they have to face the reality.

Today's training space is a fight between gods, and it is not something that those who have reached the perfection of the Earthly Profound Realm can participate in.

If they continue to stay here, I am afraid that if they are not careful, they will be left in this space forever.

This was a consequence they could not bear at all, and they knew that they could not compete with the Tianxuan Realm masters at all, and even if they wanted to help their fellow disciples in the Tianxuan Realm, they were not qualified.

Even if they did not die, under the attack of the ruthless Tianxuan Realm masters, these Dixuan Realm Perfection cultivators almost lost a palm before they were teleported out of this space.

For this reason, within one or two hours, all the Dixuan Realm Perfection cultivators chose to crush the teleportation jade slips and leave in fear, not daring to stay in this space any longer.

With only the Tianxuan Realm cultivators left, the violent aura emitted from this space suddenly became more powerful, and the cultivators in the early and middle stages of the Tianxuan Realm began to be eliminated quickly.

However, due to the power of divine consciousness suppression and the existence of white mist, many cultivators can still hide themselves as much as possible. As long as the strong do not appear within a few hundred feet of them, they will not be discovered.

Precisely because of the influence of divine consciousness suppression and white mist, when there were less than a hundred cultivators in the training space, the elimination speed gradually slowed down.

At this time, many Tianxuan Realm early and middle stage cultivators knew that they could not compete with Tianxuan Realm late and perfect masters, but they did not choose to leave.

They held a glimmer of hope in their hearts. If they had not been discovered by other masters, they might be able to stay until the end and become one of the three remaining in the space by chance, and get a considerable reward.

At this time, they could not help but be grateful for the power of suppressing the divine consciousness and the white mist in the space, which greatly reduced the perception range of many masters and greatly improved their safety factor.

However, their gratitude did not last long.

When there was only half a day left in this training, the power of suppressing the divine consciousness and the white mist in the space suddenly began to dissipate rapidly!

Sensing that the surrounding fog suddenly dissipated, the strange power suppressing the divine consciousness also began to weaken rapidly, and the faces of many Tianxuan Realm early and middle stage cultivators suddenly changed.

This is to force them to a dead end...

Originally, this strange power suppressing the divine consciousness and the white mist were like a protective shell for those with weaker cultivation.

But if the power of suppressing spiritual consciousness and the white mist disappeared completely, it would be like directly removing their protective shell, putting them directly in danger!

They never thought that the Bai people would play this trick at the last minute, and when there was only half a day left in the training, they would increase the fighting of this training to the most intense level!

Just as their expressions changed drastically, the speed of the power of suppressing spiritual consciousness and the white mist seemed to have accelerated again. In just a moment, they completely disappeared!

With the disappearance of the power of suppressing spiritual consciousness and the white mist, the range of spiritual consciousness perception of many cultivators suddenly extended rapidly, covering the entire space in an instant!

At this time, the cultivators in the training space were all above the Tianxuan realm, so they could naturally cover this area, which was not a vast space, with great ease.

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