Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1143 The Abyss of the Dead!

After leaving the Blade Wind Desert, Li Xuanfeng appeared in a mountain range. At this time, night had fallen, and the stars and the moon began to appear on the sky. In addition, there was no sound of fighting here, which seemed extremely quiet.

Although he sensed the presence of several fierce beasts nearby, Li Xuanfeng did not attack. The fierce beasts felt the dangerous aura emanating from Li Xuanfeng and did not dare to make any movement in fear.

Li Xuanfeng used a moment to recover the cultivation consumed by the fight with the red horse just now. Then he identified the direction and rushed out suddenly and quickly, galloping towards the dangerous place in the Tianchen Secret Realm - the Abyss of the Dead.

When recovering from his injuries just now, Li Xuanfeng was also thinking carefully, and felt that it was extremely difficult to find a good fortune in other places to make his cultivation break through.

In addition, after obtaining the origin of earth and the pyramid, his strength and protective power have also increased a lot again, so he decided to enter the Abyss of the Dead.

When Li Xuanfeng decided to take the risk, someone else also decided to take the risk to enter the Abyss of the Dead, and at this time, he had reached the cliff above the Far Undead.

This person was a middle-aged man, his eyes were full of hatred at this time, his expression became extremely determined, and he jumped directly into the cliff.

After walking for a day, Li Xuanfeng came to the front of the Abyss of the Dead again and stopped in front of the cliff.

With a wave of his hand, Tang Wu and Cheng Hai suddenly appeared in front of him, and the two immediately looked around.

Although Li Xuanfeng had not closed their perception just now, because Li Xuanfeng's speed was too fast, they did not completely identify where Li Xuanfeng was rushing.

At this time, seeing the abyss in front of him emitting a strong and cold atmosphere, Cheng Hai's expression changed completely. He didn't expect that the Lord of the Bai Clan actually wanted to enter the Abyss of the Dead!

This is a dangerous place in the Tianchen Secret Realm.

Other areas of the Tianchen Secret Realm are already extremely dangerous, and the Abyss of the Dead can become the most dangerous place in the Tianchen Secret Realm. The degree of danger can be imagined.

Cheng Hai immediately said nervously: "Senior Bai, I can't help you even if I enter this place, why don't I keep watch for you here?"

Although he had seen Li Xuanfeng's terrifying strength, Cheng Hai thought that he could not protect himself in such a dangerous place.

Moreover, Cheng Hai knew that the Lord of the Bai Clan might use him as a tool again to test the dangerous places, and he might die miserably.

Li Xuanfeng sneered and shook his head and said: "In the secret realm, it is impossible to transmit sound beyond a certain distance, so what's the point of keeping watch?"

Cheng Hai was speechless. He finally thought about it and found a reason, but it was rejected by Li Xuanfeng's words. He really couldn't think of any other better reason.

When Tang Wu saw that he had arrived in front of the Abyss of the Undead, his expression became extremely solemn, but he was not as frightened as Cheng Hai.

Li Xuanfeng turned to look at Tang Wu, and said solemnly: "You should stay in the outside world, this place is too dangerous."

At this time, Tang Wu's eyes were shining, and he said in a deep voice: "Senior, Tang wants to enter this place!"

Tang Wu also knew that it was extremely difficult to find good fortune in other areas of Tianchen Secret Realm, let alone the great fortune that allowed him to break through the Source Realm. Perhaps entering the Abyss of the Undead would make it easier to find such an opportunity.

Seeing the firmness in Tang Wu's eyes, Li Xuanfeng instantly understood his thoughts and nodded slightly in agreement.

Hearing the words of the two, Cheng Hai was full of depression. He did not dare to enter the Abyss of the Undead and wanted to stay in the outside world, but the Lord of the Bai Clan refused to let him go. The Lord of the Bai Clan wanted this junior to stay in the outside world, but this person was not afraid of death and wanted to enter the Abyss of the Undead.

After waiting for a while on the cliff and finding no abnormal movement, Li Xuanfeng raised his hand and put Tang Wu and Cheng Hai into his sleeves again, and then began to enter the Abyss of the Dead with caution.

When Li Xuanfeng jumped into the cliff, he could feel the thick and cold breath coming from below more clearly, and he dared not relax at all.

According to the records of the ancestors of Tianchen Star Domain, this cliff is a thousand feet high.

As he fell down, Li Xuanfeng suddenly felt an extremely strong gravity acting on him, making his body extremely heavy and his flying speed suddenly slowed down.

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng instantly realized that as he fell, this amazing gravity was still increasing, and the growth rate was extremely fast.

At this speed, Li Xuanfeng estimated that he might not be able to fly before he fell to the bottom of the abyss!

Although he had a little understanding of the Abyss of the Dead before entering the Tianchen Secret Realm and was mentally prepared, Li Xuanfeng had never thought that the gravity here would be so strong.

Moreover, he could not see the scene at the bottom of the abyss. The entire abyss was shrouded in a faint mist and was in a hazy state.

Feeling the strong gravity on his body, Li Xuanfeng immediately understood why the Abyss of the Dead Souls became a dangerous place in the Tianchen Secret Realm.

Judging from the current rate of gravity increase, it is likely that by the time the cultivators reach the bottom of the abyss, they will no longer be able to fly, and their speed will be reduced by more than half, making it exponentially more difficult to avoid danger!

After Li Xuanfeng fell five hundred feet, he instantly felt that his body had become extremely heavy and could not continue to fly in the air. Even with such a strong cultivation, he could only slow down his falling speed and float downward more steadily.

Even if he only reached this gravity and fell to the bottom of the cliff, even with Li Xuanfeng's current cultivation, he could not fly at all and could only barely jump.

Li Xuanfeng's expression changed slightly. He couldn't fly in the Abyss of the Dead. If he encountered danger, he would not be able to fly out directly from the bottom of the cliff.

Moreover, he was still 500 feet away from the bottom of the cliff. If the gravity continued to increase at this speed, Li Xuanfeng suspected that when he reached the bottom of the cliff, his speed would become as slow as that of a mortal walking.

Even though he had fallen 500 feet, Li Xuanfeng still couldn't see the scene below. He didn't dare to float directly down, so he took advantage of the cliff wall and gradually jumped down.

Every time he jumped, Li Xuanfeng grabbed the rocks on the cliff wall, or stuck to the cliff wall and waited for a while. When he saw that there was no danger, he jumped down again.

What made Li Xuanfeng feel a little relieved was that from the position of 500 feet, the gravity on his body did not continue to increase, so his speed did not decrease.

This made Li Xuanfeng's tense mind relax a little. If the gravity continued to increase like this, even he might be afraid and need to carefully consider whether to continue to go down.

If gravity continues to increase rapidly, when he reaches the bottom of the cliff, his speed will become extremely slow and he will not be able to avoid danger in time.

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng knew in his heart that if there was no other way to leave the Abyss of the Undead, he would have to climb the cliff and rise to a position of 500 feet before he could fly out.

As he continued to jump down with the help of the cliff, when there was only 200 feet left to the bottom of the cliff, Li Xuanfeng gradually saw the scene below.

The bottom of the cliff below was extremely calm and seemed to be very ordinary, but it made Li Xuanfeng feel the danger faintly, making his mind more tense.

At the same time, Li Xuanfeng suddenly discovered that there were a few human footprints on the ground below, and it seemed that they had not appeared for a long time.

Li Xuanfeng was immediately shocked. Were these footprints left by the humanoid creatures in the Abyss of the Undead, or had there been cultivators who entered this place before him?

Although he was quite surprised, Li Xuanfeng still did not stop and continued to jump down, and soon fell to the bottom of the cliff.

The light at the bottom of the cliff was extremely dim. If a mortal entered, it would be difficult to see the objects on the ground.

However, for Li Xuanfeng, who was at the level of the Source Realm, this dimness would not cause much impact. He could see the surroundings clearly, and his spiritual sense could sense farther away.

After falling to the bottom of the cliff, Li Xuanfeng looked up, but could only see a fog and a faint light coming through the fog above. He could no longer see the bright moon and the starry sky.

This fog enveloped the sky above the Abyss of the Dead, which had a great impact on the cultivators' vision. Coupled with the stronger suppression of the spiritual sense, Li Xuanfeng, who was comparable to the late stage of the Source Realm cultivator, could not see the scene three hundred feet away.

Although the perception range was only three hundred feet, Li Xuanfeng still tried his best to spread his spiritual sense to be alert to the surroundings and began to walk forward.

Because of the strong gravity in the Abyss of the Dead, Li Xuanfeng could no longer fly at this time. Even if he ran, his speed would not be as fast as 10% of that in the outside world.

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng was extremely cautious at this time, and chose to walk slowly in the Abyss of the Dead to avoid being unable to react in time to the sudden danger.

Originally, the perception range here was only three hundred feet. If he was running forward quickly, he would suddenly face a very strong danger, and his own speed would be reduced too much, and he might not be able to avoid it at all.

Tang Wu and Cheng Hai, who were taken into Li Xuanfeng's sleeve, also clearly felt the difference here. Not only was the visible range extremely low, the spiritual consciousness was suppressed more strongly, and there was an extremely strong combat power, and it was impossible to fly.

More golden light appeared in Tang Wu's eyes, and he was not too afraid. Instead, he had a lot of expectations in his heart.

In his opinion, this place was so amazing, there must be an extremely amazing inheritance or fortune. If he could obtain it, it would be enough for him to break through to the Source Realm.

Cheng Hai's heart was more terrified. Although he had long known that the Abyss of the Dead was extremely dangerous, he did not expect it to reach such a terrifying level.

The visibility in the abyss is so low, and it is impossible to fly. If attacked by extremely terrifying creatures, it is probably impossible to escape!

Thinking of this, Cheng Hai's face suddenly turned pale, and he suspected that he might not have a chance to get out of the abyss of the dead this time, and would be buried in this secret place.

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