Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1153: Grudges from thousands of years ago!

From the memory of the Cheng family's patriarch, Li Xuanfeng has learned a lot about the Five Elements Venerable's past. In the end, the Five Elements Venerable had become a perfect source realm!

The domain master of the Tianchen Star Domain was also perfect in the source realm, but the two had a competition, and the Five Elements Venerable was slightly better.

After defeating the domain master, the Five Elements Venerable did not kill him, nor did he seize the position of the domain master, but the domain master felt a great threat and joined forces with the Cheng family and the Dawn Sect to plan to besiege and kill the Five Elements Venerable.

When the Five Elements Venerable was growing up, he killed many important members of the Cheng family and the Dawn Sect, and forged a lot of grievances.

Because of this, after seeing the domain master personally leading, the two major forces naturally agreed very much, and joined forces to plan at the fastest speed, and finally succeeded in killing the Five Elements Venerable!

It was with the death of the Five Elements Venerable that the Lin family, which was one of the three peak forces at that time, collapsed in an instant, and countless clansmen were wiped out. The Cheng family successfully rose to power with the support of the domain master and became one of the three peak forces.

Perhaps it was because he guessed the tragic consequences of the events of that year that the Five Elements Venerable taught Li Xuanfeng that he needed to be ruthless and wipe out the roots!

If the domain master had not been spared, or if the Five Elements Venerable had crippled the Cheng family after reaching the perfection of the Source Realm, perhaps they would have been able to successfully survive this death.

The current head of the Cheng family was only in the early stage of the Source Realm at that time. Although he knew about this and even went to participate in the siege, he could not threaten the Five Elements Venerable at all, and he went to watch the battle.

In the siege of that year, the Five Elements Venerable burst out with an extremely amazing fighting power, and even killed several top powers in the star field.

Among them was the Grand Elder of the Cheng family, who was beaten to death by the Five Elements Venerable Lin Xuan using the Purple Destruction Stick. The current Grand Elder was the head of the family at that time.

Another one was the leader of the Dawn Sect. Although he was already a leader in the late stage of the Source Realm, he was killed instantly by the Five Elements Venerable with one stick!

Seeing the Five Elements Venerable displaying his extreme ferocity, countless strong men were frightened and trembling, fearing that the Five Elements Venerable would hit them with a stick.

Only the top masters who have reached the perfect Source Realm can block the stick of the Five Elements Venerable, while other cultivators, even those in the late stage of the Source Realm, cannot withstand the force of a stick!

If the Domain Lord and others had not designed in advance to capture the wife and children of the Five Elements Venerable as a threat, forcing him to fight against many top masters, they would not even be able to stop the Five Elements Venerable from escaping.

The Domain Lord and others also knew very well that although they had hostages as a threat, the Five Elements Venerable would naturally not be stupid enough to be killed, so they set off this bloody battle.

Seeing such a horrible and bloody scene, the current head of the Cheng family was terrified. In fear, he and many cultivators retreated a long distance again, fearing that the terrifying power of the top masters would affect them.

In that battle, the blood of the top masters dyed the void red, and most of the central area of ​​the Tianchen Star Region collapsed, and even two planets that were originally full of vitality turned into dead stars.

Because of this, this battle left an indelible mark in the heart of the head of the Cheng family. Although he saw the fall of the Five Elements Venerable with his own eyes, he still had a deep fear of him.

Seeing that Li Xuanfeng did not look at him at all after searching his soul, the head of the Cheng family felt even more terrified, and begged for mercy again: "Senior, I am willing to be a slave forever, and I will follow your lead!"

After living for thousands of years, the head of the Cheng family not only did not see through life and death, but was also extremely afraid of death. As long as he could survive, he would be willing to become a slave. Not only that, after seeing Li Xuanfeng searching his soul, the head of the Cheng family had already had many guesses in his mind. The leader of the Bai clan might not be the evil star of the year, but a person related to him, who was investigating the events of the year, so he searched his soul.

If it was the evil star of the year, he would have known almost all the causes and consequences at that time, and there was no need to search his soul to investigate the matter.

It was also because he knew that Li Xuanfeng was most likely not the Lin Xuan of the year that the head of the Cheng family felt a stronger sense of life and death crisis in his heart.

With the other party's identity, plus the purple extermination stick in his hand, he would definitely not want the domain master and the top powers who participated in the year to know, otherwise it would inevitably lead to a fatal disaster.

In order to keep this secret, the head of the Bai clan would probably get rid of him, after all, only the dead can keep secrets completely.

It was because of this that the head of the Cheng family was willing to be a slave in order to save his life.

"Noisy!" Li Xuanfeng snorted in an extremely cold tone after hearing this, and raised his hand to slap it, which contained extremely strong and violent power.

Originally, Li Xuanfeng ignored the head of the Cheng family. He was thinking about the matter of the Five Elements Venerable in the past. What should he do after thinking about it? Unexpectedly, the head of the Cheng family suddenly interrupted his thoughts again.

Li Xuanfeng knew very well that the head of the Cheng family begged for mercy because he was afraid of death, but he never thought of letting him go.

Now that he knew that the matter of the Five Elements Venerable had involved the domain master, even if he had planted a slave mark, Li Xuanfeng did not dare to keep the head of the Cheng family. Otherwise, if he told the matter regardless of everything, he would be hunted down by the domain master and might die in the Tianchen Star Domain.

Li Xuanfeng still hoped to avenge the Five Elements Venerable and repay his kindness in the past. He also hoped to return to the Nine Spirits Star Domain and meet his master again.

Even Li Xuanfeng had not considered leaving the head of the Cheng family behind to explore the dangers of other areas ahead, because there were too many dangers in the Abyss of the Undead. He was worried that the head of the Cheng family would escape by chance, and he would not be able to chase him, and the news would most likely reach the domain lord quickly.

It was precisely because of these consequences that Li Xuanfeng's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his palms were already bursting with terrifying power.

Seeing the murderous intent in Li Xuanfeng's eyes, the head of the Cheng family was immediately shocked, knowing that the other party had completely killed him. He opened his mouth to beg for mercy, but it was too late.


With an astonishing muffled sound, an extremely powerful storm suddenly erupted from Li Xuanfeng's palm, instantly engulfing the body of the head of the Cheng family.

In just a moment, a large number of cracks appeared on the body of the head of the Cheng family, and his body directly turned into countless flesh and blood, and his soul also collapsed directly.

However, the tragic flesh and blood and soul fragments did not scatter, but were instantly crushed by this storm, turning into countless powder and dissipating!

The head of the Cheng family, who has a very high status in the Tianchen Star Domain and is one of the three peak forces, completely fell into the Abyss of the Undead in the Tianchen Secret Realm.

Although Li Xuanfeng's palm seemed simple, it used the power of the Thunder Star-Breaking Fist, instantly forming an extremely powerful strangling force, instantly killing the head of the Cheng family.

The head of the Cheng family would never have thought that his plea for mercy would become a death warrant, causing him to fall faster.

If he did not beg for mercy, Li Xuanfeng, who was thinking, would not pay attention to him, and he might be able to live for a while longer.

Li Xuanfeng raised his hand and waved, and the pile of ashes that the head of the Cheng family turned into dissipated in the wind, leaving no trace.

Then Li Xuanfeng thought for a long time on the spot, and decided that he must hide his relationship with the Five Elements Venerable first, at least until he could compete with the Tianchen Territory Lord before he could reveal it.

After knowing that the participants in the Five Elements Venerable's event that year were all top powerhouses in the star field, Li Xuanfeng dared not expose the Purple Destruction Stick again, otherwise he might be recognized instantly by the top powerhouses of that year.

Moreover, the domain master had already reached the perfection of the Source Realm thousands of years ago. After so many years, it is possible that he has broken through to the Heavenly Source Realm, which would be even more terrifying!

Li Xuanfeng has secretly decided that he must first find out the cultivation level of the Tianchen domain master, and then he needs to have enough strength. He will not expose the Purple Destruction Stick in front of outsiders unless it is absolutely necessary, otherwise he will probably die miserably.

Once the Purple Destruction Stick is exposed, whether the Tianchen domain master suspects that he is a Five Elements Venerable or robs the Purple Destruction Stick, Li Xuanfeng will probably die without a burial place!

After a long silence, Li Xuanfeng hid this matter deep in his heart and stopped thinking about it for the time being. He turned around and looked at the various natural treasures in this medicinal field again.

This place is a real place of good fortune, which is enough to greatly improve Li Xuanfeng's combat power.

Li Xuanfeng immediately set out to collect these good fortune objects. Except for some herbs that are easy to lose medicinal properties and cannot be preserved for a long time, all other herbs are his targets for sweeping.

He had learned the lesson of the Cheng family master. Otherwise, if there were other cultivators entering the Abyss of the Dead, the herbs absorbed by them would be his loss.

The amount of herbs collected this time was enough to make the three peak forces jealous, and it was a huge amount for Li Xuanfeng.

Although Li Xuanfeng already had the current cultivation, he had not been in the third realm for too long, and rarely saw a large number of the vast resources of the third realm.

Although he had refined a large number of third realm pills in exchange for resources before, the quality of those herbs was difficult to compare with those in this medicinal field.

After sweeping away all the herbs that could be preserved for a long time, Li Xuanfeng began to absorb other herbs. Such rare herbs naturally could not be wasted.

Most of the effects of these herbs were to enhance the power of the physical body and the soul, which was exactly what Li Xuanfeng lacked. As he continued to absorb them, a strong light appeared in Li Xuanfeng's eyes.

Half a day later, Li Xuanfeng's skin exuded an extremely crystal red light, and it seemed that a muffled thunder sounded in his body, and his breath suddenly surged!

It was not until a moment later that the breath on Li Xuanfeng's body gradually subsided, the red light emitted from his skin was hidden, and the sound of thunder gradually disappeared.

However, at this time, Li Xuanfeng's flesh and blood looked more resilient, containing extremely amazing explosive power, and his physical strength had already broken through to the late stage of the Source Realm!

Not only that, after absorbing a large amount of herbs that enhance the power of the soul, the Yuanshen in Li Xuanfeng's body has become more powerful, much stronger than his own cultivation.

Although Li Xuanfeng's cultivation has not yet broken through to the late stage of the Source Realm, even if it is just the surface strength, it is enough to be called the late stage of the Source Realm, and the combat power is almost unmatched by the late stage of the Source Realm cultivator!

For cultivators, the physical body and the Yuanshen are equally important. When both reach the level of the late stage of the Source Realm, their strength can also be greatly enhanced.

PS: On the last day of last month, I wrote until 11:30 pm, and only had 300 words to go. Unexpectedly, I dozed off accidentally. I didn’t sleep well the day before because I wrote too late, and then I dozed off and it was past midnight. I failed to meet the full attendance requirement again. I really slapped myself!

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