Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1159 Gray-haired man!

Li Xuanfeng had already studied it in the outside world. Although the Purple Destroyer Stick can resist soul attacks and weaken soul perception, it can only weaken it and cannot completely isolate it.

For cultivators with lower cultivation, the Purple Destroyer Stick can completely isolate their perception, but for powerful people above the Source Realm, the effect has been greatly weakened, and it is even more impossible to block the Perfect Source Realm.

From this point of view, the Purple Destroyer Stick seems to have a more amazing effect in this grotto of resentful souls, and it can make the Perfect Source Realm resentful souls and a large number of Source Realm resentful souls unaware.

Thinking of this, Li Xuanfeng's eyes showed a stronger expectation. After entering the depths of the Abyss of the Dead, he may have a chance to make the Purple Destroyer Stick stronger or unlock the secret of the Purple Destroyer Stick.

However, this is not the time to think about this matter. The most urgent thing is to think about how to leave the belly of the green giant python, return to the ground safely, and rush out of this grotto.

Even Li Xuanfeng felt a chill in his heart for the Abyss of the Dead with countless skeletons and resentful souls, and he did not dare to stay under this strange tomb for long.

After waiting for a moment again, Li Xuanfeng gritted his teeth, instantly activated the soul power in his body with all his strength, and suddenly began to attack.

‏​​‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Li Xuanfeng raised his hand and waved it, and the purple sphere covering his whole body suddenly transformed into a three-foot long sword at a very fast speed. He suddenly rushed upwards with the long sword in his hand!

The purple long sword was like a sharp arrow, suddenly rushing upwards at a very fast speed, directly piercing the powerful soul power around.

Just when Li Xuanfeng appeared from the purple sphere, the soul power around him suddenly sensed it and activated instantly!

The powerful soul power was like a magnificent river, instantly turning from a quiet state to a rushing momentum, and suddenly rushed towards Li Xuanfeng!

Li Xuanfeng had anticipated this, and when he rushed out, he had already used his soul power to form a strong defense, and at this moment, he instantly formed a confrontation with the powerful soul power that was rushing in.

At the same time, Li Xuanfeng had already urged the purple long sword in his hand, bursting out an extremely bright and sharp light, and stabbed upwards suddenly.


With a crisp sound echoing, the purple long sword seemed to pierce through a barrier, and Li Xuanfeng instantly sensed the scene outside.

He clearly sensed that there was a transparent crystal coffin around him, and the shrunken green giant python was entrenched inside, and now it had opened its eyes full of ice!

Seeing Li Xuanfeng penetrate through his body, the green giant python's eyes were full of anger, and it bowed its head with hatred and suddenly bit him!

Li Xuanfeng immediately slashed with the sword, and instantly slashed out a sword energy, and rushed towards the green giant python.

The cyan python raised its mouth and bit hard, and an extremely strong squeezing force suddenly erupted in the space, suddenly impacting the sword energy.


As the extremely strong violent force spread rapidly, the crystal coffin where the cyan python was located suddenly exploded, and Li Xuanfeng immediately stepped hard and jumped out of the gap.

After quickly identifying the direction, Li Xuanfeng continued to run forward at the fastest speed.

Taking advantage of the fact that a large number of resentful souls have not yet awakened, he must move forward as far as possible, otherwise it will still be difficult to break out of this resentful soul cemetery.

After Li Xuanfeng rushed out, the cyan python followed closely, and suddenly chased Li Xuanfeng in a roar, and a large number of resentful souls rushed out of other graves. This graveyard, which had been quiet, instantly fell into a riot again.

Countless resentful souls rushed out of the graves, instantly forming a wave like a mountain and sea, and rushed towards Li Xuanfeng fiercely.

Li Xuanfeng, like a sharp arrow, held the Purple Destroyer Stick and quickly performed magic, instantly smashing a large number of resentful souls and tearing a hole in the wave, but the wave of resentful souls soon surged again.

When Li Xuanfeng was attacking from a large number of resentful souls, the blue giant python had already caught up, and the snake's tail swung and hit Li Xuanfeng fiercely.

Li Xuanfeng immediately used the Purple Destroyer Stick to counterattack. Although he barely repelled the snake's tail of the blue giant python, a large number of resentful souls took the opportunity to rush to his side.

A large number of resentful souls flew towards Li Xuanfeng and bit him, and some of them even devoured his soul power.

The devouring power of these resentful souls was extremely amazing. If an ordinary cultivator was attacked by such a number of resentful souls, I am afraid that his soul would be sucked dry in an instant.

However, Li Xuanfeng's soul was extremely condensed. Although his soul power was being absorbed by the resentful souls at this time, the speed was not too fast.

But Li Xuanfeng couldn't bear the swallowing of a large number of resentful souls for a long time. He immediately used the soul technique and condensed a translucent skull above his head, and suddenly let out a shocking roar.

An extremely powerful invisible ripple instantly spread rapidly with him as the center, and a large number of resentful souls surrounding Li Xuanfeng were immediately hit first, and the resentful souls below the late stage of the source of the nearby source suddenly collapsed directly.

Although the resentful souls at the late stage of the source of the source did not collapse, they were also impacted and loosened their swallowing mouths, and Li Xuanfeng immediately escaped.

Li Xuanfeng turned around and swung a stick, and a huge purple stick shadow of a hundred feet condensed in the air in an instant, and then slammed hard on the remaining few resentful souls in the late stage of the source of the source, causing them to collapse directly.

While all the resentful souls around him were killed, Li Xuanfeng rushed forward again, but he only rushed out thirty feet, and the green giant python caught up again.

Li Xuanfeng frowned deeply. Although these resentful souls had no intelligence and were easier to kill, they were also fearless and determined to keep him in this cemetery at all costs.

The cyan python attacked again, and Li Xuanfeng could only defend himself again, not daring to be careless at all.

This time, the cyan python did not attack directly with its snake body, but opened its mouth and sprayed a soul arrow, shooting towards Li Xuanfeng.

Li Xuanfeng immediately felt an extremely strong sense of danger, and immediately used the soul technique to condense a long sword to fight against it.

Although the soul arrows fired by the cyan python were extremely sharp, the long sword condensed by Li Xuanfeng could still barely fight against them.

As the violent power spread rapidly, Li Xuanfeng continued to move forward with the force and rushed out fifty feet again.

At this moment, a lot of light appeared in Li Xuanfeng's eyes, and his consciousness finally sensed the edge of this graveyard of resentful souls.

But at the same time, in front of him, a resentful soul at the perfect level of the source realm suddenly rushed out from a larger grave!

This is the figure of a man with gray hair. There is no expression on his face. His expression is extremely cold. He is also wearing a gray robe, almost blending with the ground here.

Feeling the breath of this gray-haired man, Li Xuanfeng's expression became extremely solemn. He faintly felt a stronger sense of danger from this man than other perfect resentful souls in the source realm!

After rushing out of the grave, the gray-haired man's eyes were fixed on Li Xuanfeng. He flashed and teleported directly, and instantly appeared in front of Li Xuanfeng.

A gray short knife appeared in the hand of the gray-haired man. When he was close to Li Xuanfeng, he slashed in the air. Countless knife lights appeared around him in an instant, rushing towards Li Xuanfeng like a rain of light.

Although these knife lights looked like drizzle, Li Xuanfeng's expression became extremely solemn. He felt an extremely sharp aura in the knife lights.

If he let these countless knife lights slash at his body, I am afraid that his soul would be instantly crushed and completely die!

Li Xuanfeng immediately activated the Purple Destruction Stick, and instantly condensed a huge purple stick shadow, which suddenly smashed down the countless sword lights that were rushing towards him.


Countless sword lights collided with the purple stick shadow, and the purple stick shadow burst out with an extremely powerful suppressive force, crushing a large number of sword lights.

But countless sword lights also burst out with powerful power, instantly twisting countless cracks on the purple stick shadow, causing the light of the purple stick shadow to dim rapidly.

In just a moment, the purple stick shadow collapsed directly, and the countless sword lights also collapsed mostly. The remaining sword lights suddenly slashed at Li Xuanfeng, and he could only resist with all his strength.

The impact of the purple stick shadow and countless sword lights set off an extremely powerful storm, causing a large number of resentful souls approaching the surroundings to be unable to withstand it and collapsed rapidly in an instant.

And Li Xuanfeng also suffered an extremely powerful impact, and instantly retreated ten feet away. The light above his soul was fluctuating violently, which was caused by the great shock to his soul power.

Li Xuanfeng only retreated ten feet before he stopped himself, because he knew very well that he could not retreat, otherwise he would be further away from the edge of the cemetery.

The farther he was pushed back, the more difficult it would be for him to rush out of the cemetery, and it would take more time.

After a fight, Li Xuanfeng's expression had become extremely solemn. This gray-haired man was indeed stronger than other perfect resentful souls in the source realm, and the gray short knife in his hand seemed to allow him to burst out with stronger power.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng had just stabilized his body, and the gray-haired man had already approached again, raising his hand to slash at him again!

Not only that, the green giant python also approached at this time, and opened its mouth to spray out a soul beam again.

Li Xuanfeng's expression became extremely ugly. The two perfect resentful souls in the source realm gave him great pressure, and it was impossible for him to easily withstand the simultaneous attack of the two.

In a flash, Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed with ruthlessness. He suddenly rushed forward, raised his hand and waved it, and the Purple Destruction Stick quickly melted and turned into a shield to block behind him.

With this rush, Li Xuanfeng suddenly appeared in front of the gray-haired man and the green python, and the attacks of the two resentful souls suddenly fell on the Purple Destruction Stick!


With an amazing roar, the shield transformed from the Purple Destruction Stick was greatly impacted and flew out, hitting Li Xuanfeng's back, causing him to fly backwards suddenly.

Not only that, the gray-haired man once again displayed countless knife lights, many of which were not blocked by the Purple Destruction Stick, and instantly strangled Li Xuanfeng, causing countless blood marks on his soul!

Li Xuanfeng spit out a large mouthful of blood, but his footsteps did not stop at all after landing, and continued to move forward rapidly with the help of the strong impact force.

In an instant, Li Xuanfeng crossed the remaining distance, and his footsteps finally landed on the ground in front of him that was no longer gray!

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