Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1164: Completed the Source Realm!

"Master, I'll take you flying!"

As he spoke, the Purple Destroyer Stick radiated a deep purple light, and instantly took Li Xuanfeng flying out, with an extremely amazing speed, far exceeding the speed of Li Xuanfeng running on the ground.

Feeling the whistling airflow around him, Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Xiao Zi, can you fly directly out of the Abyss of the Dead?"

If the Purple Destroyer Stick can take him directly out of the Abyss of the Dead, it will be easier to get out if he encounters danger later.

The Purple Destroyer Stick suddenly said with some hesitation: "There is a very strong restriction above the Abyss of the Dead, and I can't fly out either."

Because of the strong restriction above the Abyss of the Dead, the Purple Destroyer Stick can only take Li Xuanfeng to fly at a low altitude, and it is even more impossible to take him directly out of the Abyss of the Dead from above.

Even if the Purple Destroyer Stick flies alone without Li Xuanfeng, it can't break out of the high altitude of the Abyss of the Dead, and can't leave directly from above.

Although the restriction above the Abyss of the Dead cannot break the Purple Destroyer Stick, it can completely stop it.

The restriction above the Abyss of the Dead Souls is already infinitely close to the level of the Heavenly Source Realm. Even if it is an ordinary Duyuan Realm Perfection, coupled with the power of the Purple Destruction Stick, it is extremely difficult to break the restriction.

Unless there is a peak power in the Heavenly Source Realm to urge it, the Purple Destruction Stick can burst out with extremely powerful power and directly shatter the restriction above.

But if it is a peak power at the Heavenly Source Realm level, even without the help of the power of the Purple Destruction Stick, it can already face the powerful restriction above the Abyss of the Dead Souls.

This is also a huge gap between the perfect Duyuan Realm and the peak power of the Heavenly Source Realm. Even with the Purple Destruction Stick, it is extremely difficult to make up for it.

Hearing the words of the Purple Destruction Stick, Li Xuanfeng nodded slightly. Although he was a little disappointed, he also knew that the Purple Destruction Stick was able to fly in the Abyss of the Dead Souls, which was already very good, and he should not covet too much.

Before he rushed out of three hundred feet with the Purple Destruction Stick, Li Xuanfeng suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of danger in his heart, and immediately looked down with a very solemn face!

He could faintly sense that there was an extremely powerful breath reviving below, like an extremely vast abyss, passing through countless sand and stone obstacles, staring at him!

The Purple Destruction Stick also felt the dangerous breath below, and immediately increased its speed again, and said in a deep voice: "Master, there is really a beast in the Duyuan Realm!"

Li Xuanfeng nodded slightly with a solemn expression. Judging from the breath he sensed, it was far higher than the Duyuan Realm late stage that they had killed before, and it must be the Duyuan Realm Perfection!

And now this beast seems to be emitting the breath just after waking up, and it is very likely to be even stronger!

Although the Purple Destruction Stick burst out at a faster speed, Li Xuanfeng and it can still sense that the eyes of the powerful existence underground seem to be still locked on them, no matter how far they escape, it is useless!

Li Xuanfeng immediately knew that today he might have to fight with the powerful existence underground.

Thinking of this, Li Xuanfeng has already fully operated his cultivation in his body, and has also condensed the best preparations for the magic to prevent sudden sneak attacks by the existence underground.

At this moment, a very hoarse roar came from underground, which suddenly caused the ground to vibrate extremely strongly, and even several cracks appeared as if it could not bear it.

Li Xuanfeng and Zimie Stick suddenly sensed that the powerful aura underground suddenly began to move, and the speed was extremely amazing.

Although the speed of Zimie Stick was already very good, it could not compare with the powerful aura underground, and it was approaching Li Xuanfeng at a rapid speed in an instant!

With this speed, it might be able to catch up with Li Xuanfeng and Zimie Stick in a few breaths, and they would not be able to escape at all.

After sensing the amazing speed of this powerful existence and knowing that he could not escape, Zimie Stick said with great pride: "Master, there is no need to be afraid, let's fight it!"

Li Xuanfeng nodded slightly, but Zimie Stick did not stop directly, but continued to rush forward at a rapid speed.

While moving forward, Li Xuanfeng sensed that the powerful aura underground was approaching rapidly, and at this time it was less than three hundred feet away.

Although he could sense it before, because his consciousness was suppressed, Li Xuanfeng could only sense the strong aura spreading from the ground, and could not perceive its appearance.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng had clearly sensed that this strong existence was very similar to the purple-red beast they had killed before, and it seemed to be the same beast.

After Li Xuanfeng clearly sensed it, in just a moment, the beast had appeared below Li Xuanfeng, less than a hundred feet away!

From the time Li Xuanfeng was carried by the Purple Destruction Stick to this moment, he had just rushed out a distance of more than a thousand feet, which shows the amazing speed of this beast.

However, no other beasts appeared within this thousand-foot range. Li Xuanfeng suspected that the roar of this beast of perfection in the Duyuan realm had already shocked or issued an order to other beasts, so that other beasts did not need to take action.

At this time, the beast was already rushing towards Li Xuanfeng at a high speed, exuding an extremely strong and violent aura all over its body, and it was obviously ready to attack him!

Li Xuanfeng raised his hand and punched downwards. The strong and violent force immediately created an amazing storm, which hit the ground below fiercely.


As an amazing roar echoed, a hole a hundred feet in size suddenly appeared on the ground, and the bottom was still rushing down at a very fast speed.

The storm formed by the Thunder Star Shattering Fist instantly collided with the approaching beast. Although it did not cause any injuries to it, it still slowed down its speed.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng turned his fist into a palm and suddenly pressed down hard. An extremely broken black tombstone and a bright white ball of light suddenly appeared on the ground, spinning at an extremely fast speed in an instant.

Li Xuanfeng did not dare to look down upon him at all, and directly used the original technique as soon as he made a move. He knew that other techniques might not be enough to scratch this ferocious beast!

The black tombstone and the white light ball rotated rapidly and suddenly turned into a Tai Chi Yin and Yang diagram. At this time, the ferocious beast just rushed out and was suddenly enveloped by the roulette of life and death.

The power of the roulette of life and death exploded with all its strength, making this ferocious beast also feel quite threatened, and raised his hand to strike hard!

At this time, a small half of the body of this ferocious beast was exposed above the ground. Although its appearance was very similar to the four ferocious beasts that were killed before, its color was completely lavender and no longer contained red.

As the beast struck out with a palm, the space in front instantly collapsed, and an extremely powerful and violent force suddenly impacted the wheel of life and death.

The high-speed rotating wheel of life and death suddenly shook violently, and suddenly it was like a gear stuck in a thick iron rod, and the rotation became extremely difficult. In the blink of an eye, there was a harsh clicking sound on the wheel of life and death. The rotation had completely stopped and was heading towards the edge of collapse.

Li Xuanfeng knew that the roulette of life and death would soon be unable to bear it any longer, so he immediately said in a deep voice: "Xiao Zi, attack with all your strength!"

As he spoke, Li Xuanfeng poured the power of cultivation into the Purple Mighty Stick. The Purple Mighty Stick suddenly emitted an extremely deep purple light and rushed out quickly to approach the ferocious beast!

In the process of rushing out, the purple destroyer's stick rose up in the wind and instantly became the size of a hundred feet, and then slammed the stick at the approaching purple beast.

This purple ferocious beast also showed no intention of retreating. Its rushing speed did not slow down at all, and it slammed into the purple destroyer stick that was coming towards it.

Just when this purple beast rushed out of the ground, the wheel of life and death could not bear it at all, and suddenly collapsed at an extremely fast speed, without stopping the purple beast in the slightest.


In an instant, the purple destroyer and the huge head of the purple beast collided violently, causing a muffled sound that stung Li Xuanfeng's eardrums. The extremely powerful and violent force instantly collapsed the surrounding space.

The Purple Mighty Stick received a huge impact and suddenly flew backwards, and the speed of flying upside down was faster than the speed at which it was galloping!

Li Xuanfeng immediately stepped on the ground and jumped up, supporting the flying purple destroyer, and immediately flew out with the purple destroyer at the same time, flying hundreds of feet away in an instant!

It was not until he had retreated hundreds of feet that Li Xuanfeng forcibly stabilized his body and completely relieved the impact, which was enough to show how terrifying the impact of this purple beast was.

Li Xuanfeng, combined with Zi Mie Guang, could easily kill the Duyuan Realm late stage, but in the fight with this Duyuan Realm Perfect beast, he was completely at a disadvantage.

Li Xuanfeng naturally knew that catching Zi Mie Gun would receive a huge impact, but he still rushed out without hesitation because he understood that if he didn't catch it, Zi Mie Gun would be hit farther away. .

And if this purple beast suddenly attacks him when he is separated from Zi Mie Guan, the consequences will be disastrous.

With his own strength alone, it is impossible to stop this purple beast whose cultivation has reached the perfection of Duyuan Realm. I am afraid that he will be seriously injured or even killed by the opponent in an instant!

Although his strength is now able to suppress the ordinary Duyuan Realm late stage, in Duyuan Realm, the difference between a small realm is not even a little bit.

Li Xuanfeng looked at this purple ferocious beast with an extremely solemn expression. After the fight just now, he felt a great threat. This beast was very likely to be stronger than the ordinary Duyuan realm. I am afraid that he could use the purple beast with the weapon spirit. It's hard to resist even the destroyer!

Now this ferocious beast has completely rushed out of the ground. It is covered with crystal purple scales. It is three hundred feet in size. It exudes an extremely powerful aura. It looks at Li Xuanfeng with extremely strong murderous intent. At this time He said coldly:

"I didn't expect that no monks had entered for a long time, and when they came, they killed four of my juniors!"

Li Xuanfeng immediately cupped his fists and bowed in the air, saying: "I hope you will forgive me, senior. Your junior attacked suddenly, and my junior's attack was too heavy, so I killed him by mistake."

"Excuse me? You have already forgiven yourself in front of me!" This ferocious beast with perfect Duyuan Realm said in a cold voice!

Li Xuanfeng's heart suddenly sank, knowing that it was impossible to do anything good, so he could only fight with this beast head-on!

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