Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1183 Being used as a whetstone!

Li Xuanfeng rushed out again at high speed, and in a flash he was close to the purple beast. He did not use the purple stick to attack, but raised his hand and punched it directly, simple and rough!

If it was Li Xuanfeng before entering the blood pool, he would not dare to fight with the purple beast in this way, because his physical strength could not compare with the opponent.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng punching, the purple beast naturally had no fear at all, and also raised his hand and punched it suddenly.


With an amazing muffled sound between the fists of the two touching, the surrounding space collapsed instantly, and there was a rapid spread of turbulent void.

The place where Li Xuanfeng and the purple beast fought was at the edge of the blood pool of the beast. The spreading tyrannical and domineering power caused the edge of the blood pool to collapse directly.

Fortunately, Li Xuanfeng had used the protective magic weapon to protect the blood pool below in advance, otherwise a lot of dust would fall into the blood pool, and the purple liquid he cared about would be destroyed instantly.

Although the size of the man and the beast was very different, Li Xuanfeng was as small as an ant, but after the collision, they both retreated at the same time, and the distance they retreated was almost the same!

The purple beast's already huge eyes suddenly widened again. It didn't expect that this damn human cultivator could actually rely on the strength of his physical body to directly fight him!

Compared with the previous strength, this strength has increased by a lot!

When the purple beast was shocked, Li Xuanfeng rushed out quickly after taking a step, and approached again in an instant, condensing the Thunder Star Shattering Fist and slamming it again.

The purple beast also immediately raised his hand and slapped it, and the amazing muffled sound and the tyrannical violent force spread rapidly again, but the result was still retreating at the same distance.

At this time, the purple beast was completely sure that the physical strength of this damn human cultivator had broken through again, and coupled with his already strong combat power, it was almost able to compete with its physical strength!

Li Xuanfeng stabilized his body at the fastest speed, and suddenly rushed out again, laughing loudly: "It's fun, come again!"

Hearing his words, the purple beast's face became extremely gloomy. This damn human cultivator seemed to have regarded it as an opponent to verify its strength.

Before entering the blood pool, this person could only flee in a panic during its pursuit, and did not dare to take the initiative to attack.

Thinking of this, the anger in the purple beast's eyes could no longer be suppressed and burst out, roaring in a low voice: "Damn human!"

At the same time as opening his mouth, the horns on the purple beast's head were already emitting amazing black light, and the extremely violent aura instantly filled the surroundings, directly distorting the space.

Seeing the purple beast perform the strongest attack again, Li Xuanfeng's face did not change at all, and a lot of light appeared in his eyes. He rushed out quickly, approached the purple beast in an instant, and performed Thunder Star Shattering Fist.

The magic in the horns on the purple beast's head had not yet condensed, so it had to use its physical strength to fight against Li Xuanfeng again.

In an instant, Li Xuanfeng fought with the purple beast several times, and he was still not at a disadvantage, but the blood in his body was surging.

During the fight, Li Xuanfeng had completely rushed out of the blood pool and suddenly saw a huge golden round tower in the distance.

Although the golden round tower could not be seen clearly because of the distance, Li Xuanfeng also faintly sensed the Taoist aura emitted by the tower, and was immediately surprised.

Li Xuanfeng immediately remembered the shocking shock that suddenly appeared in the secret realm before, and knew that it might be caused by the appearance of this tower.

Unexpectedly, such a huge golden tower suddenly appeared in the secret realm, and it seemed to have a very good fortune.

Li Xuanfeng had decided to go to this golden tower to see if he could get more fortune.

However, this was not the time to think about it. Li Xuanfeng looked up and looked into the distance, then immediately retracted his gaze and focused all his attention on fighting the purple beast.

At this time, the purple beast's eyes were filled with extremely strong murderous intent, and the horns on its head suddenly shot out a black beam of light, which instantly approached Li Xuanfeng!

Just as the black beam of light was approaching rapidly, the purple annihilation stick in Li Xuanfeng's hand suddenly turned into a crystal purple liquid, which began to spread from Li Xuanfeng's palm, and in an instant, it covered Li Xuanfeng's right arm and turned into an arm armor.

After turning the purple annihilation stick into an arm armor to cover his right arm, Li Xuanfeng did not perform spiritual power, nor did he use the purple annihilation of the sky, nor did he use the origin technique.

He just urged the strength of his physical body and spiritual power, condensed the Thunder Star Shattering Fist, and punched the approaching black beam of light.


As a startling muffled sound echoed, Li Xuanfeng flew backwards like a cannonball, and even spit out a large mouthful of blood, as if he had been injured by the black beam.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng injured, the purple beast's eyes suddenly showed a lot of mockery, as if saying, your physical strength has been improved, but you still can't match this seat.

During the backward flight, the five elements armor on Li Xuanfeng's body was directly shattered, obviously unable to withstand the strong impact transmitted.

But the purple armor on his right arm did not show any damage, which shows the strength of the purple extermination stick.

When Li Xuanfeng was flying backwards, the purple beast suddenly rushed out again, taking advantage of the victory to pursue, wanting to seriously injure or even kill Li Xuanfeng.

In the process of rapidly approaching Li Xuanfeng, the purple beast had raised his fist and quickly condensed the strength of his physical body.

But at this moment, the purple beast suddenly sensed that the aura of Li Xuanfeng in front of him did not weaken despite his injuries.

Not only did it not weaken, it was slowly increasing at this time, as if it had increased in the fight with it!

The purple beast's eyes suddenly became extremely gloomy. This damn human cultivator seemed to be using him as a whetstone and wanted to continue to improve his strength!

After approaching, the purple beast raised its hand and punched down in anger, hoping to smash Li Xuanfeng below into a pulp.

Li Xuanfeng was fearless and instantly condensed the Thunder Star-Breaking Fist again, and punched the purple beast directly.

As the two fists with a huge difference collided, the extremely terrifying violent force spread rapidly, instantly tearing the surrounding space apart, and the nearby stones and soil were instantly crushed into powder.

In the strong impact, Li Xuanfeng retreated again at a high speed, but instantly stabilized his body and rushed out again to hit the purple beast.

In just a breath of time, Li Xuanfeng fought with the purple beast several times again, but still did not lose the upper hand.

The anger in the eyes of the purple beast was even stronger. It was unexpected that after being injured by it, the human cultivator's strength did not seem to weaken at all and he was still able to compete with it.

As expected by the purple beast, Li Xuanfeng was using it to polish his physical strength and prepare to break through to the perfection of the Source Realm in one fell swoop! In the past six months, Li Xuanfeng's physical strength has been improved to the peak of the late Source Realm, but it seems to have fallen into a bottleneck again. There is no sign of a breakthrough while constantly absorbing the purple liquid.

After reaching the current realm, the breakthrough of physical strength has become extremely difficult and requires a long time of accumulation.

During this period of time, Li Xuanfeng's physical strength increased too quickly, and naturally encountered a bottleneck that was difficult to break through.

Because of this, when fighting with the purple beast just now, Li Xuanfeng suddenly had an idea in his mind that he might be able to use the purple beast to squeeze his physical strength.

So just now, when fighting against the black beam shot by the purple beast, Li Xuanfeng only used the purple annihilation stick to protect his right arm and directly used the Thunder Star Shattering Fist to fight!

In the process of continuing to fight, the purple beast faintly felt that the aura emanating from Li Xuanfeng was still constantly strengthening, and even the injuries that had just appeared had recovered in a very short time, which made it feel extremely shocked.

The purple beast did not know that Li Xuanfeng had absorbed a large amount of purple liquid in the blood pool, and there was still a lot that had not been completely digested. At this time, the absorption was accelerated in the fierce battle with it.

It was also the amazing blood in the purple liquid that not only did Li Xuanfeng's injuries not continue to worsen, but recovered at an extremely fast speed.

Using the purple annihilation stick to transform into an arm armor to protect the right arm is also to avoid the right arm being directly shattered under the terrifying power of the black beam. It would take more time to recover and it would affect the attack.

It was because of the perception that Li Xuanfeng's aura was still strengthening that the purple beast became more and more frightened. At this time, it suddenly retreated rapidly after a punch and pulled away.

It knew very well that it could not do anything to this damned human cultivator with only its physical strength. Instead, it was like helping him to polish his physical body.

So the purple beast decided to use more black beams to attack, trying to injure the opponent thoroughly before finishing off the opponent.

As it retreated, an extremely powerful spiritual power suddenly gathered towards the purple beast nearby, forming an extremely amazing spiritual wind. Li Xuanfeng noticed it instantly.

The purple beast was madly devouring the power of the surrounding heaven and earth. The horns on its head emitted an amazing black light, and the black beams were rapidly condensing.

But Li Xuanfeng was not afraid at all. A lot of light appeared in his eyes. He rushed out again and approached the purple beast.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng's arrogant appearance, the purple beast's anger in his eyes had completely erupted, and an extremely violent aura was emitted from his body, condensing towards the black horns on his head.

As the space around the horn collapsed rapidly, a very deep black beam shot out again, causing Li Xuanfeng to feel a stinging pain on his skin.

The Five Elements Armor quickly condensed on Li Xuanfeng's body again, connecting with the purple armor on his right arm to form a rather peculiarly shaped armor.

The speed of the black beam was extremely terrifying, and it approached Li Xuanfeng in an instant. He immediately raised his hand and punched out.

The black beam instantly hit Li Xuanfeng's fist, and the surrounding space suddenly exploded directly, and even spread out a range of hundreds of feet in an instant.

"Hahaha!" Li Xuanfeng was instantly knocked back by the powerful force, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, but he laughed at this time, revealing a mouthful of blood-red teeth.

In the sound of Li Xuanfeng's laughter, a shocking muffled sound came from his body, like a suppressed thunder!

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