Hundreds of elders had known about this in advance, and Cheng Ping's announcement of the war did not surprise them too much.

The five thousand disciples had not received any news. When they heard that the war had started, they were shocked. Some were excited, and some were worried!

The excited people felt that they could find opportunities in the war, grab more resources, and break through their own cultivation!

The worried people thought that war was extremely dangerous, and if they were not careful, they might be on the road!

But at this time, no one dared to say that they did not want to participate in the war, because they had lived in the Corpse Demon Sect for many years, and the iron law that the sect's orders could not be disobeyed was deeply rooted!

If anyone dared to say the four words "unwilling to participate in the war", he might not be able to breathe the air for the next second!

After Cheng Ping announced the start of the war, without wasting any time, three of the hundred elders with the strongest cultivation of the Lingying Realm came out, and each of them took out a small boat, only one foot big!

There were not many buildings on the boat, except for an attic in the center, and only the deck was left.

But after the three elders poured their spiritual power into the boat, they threw it into the air, and the exquisite boat began to extend and grow. In just two breaths, the one-foot-wide boat turned into a thousand-foot-wide one!

As it expanded, the attic in the center of the boat also grew larger and larger, becoming a large attic of a hundred feet!

This boat is a magic weapon, but it is not an offensive magic weapon, but a large flying magic weapon!

This large flying magic weapon is extremely expensive and is generally used for large-scale operations of the sect. Few individuals have the capital to buy it!

For this kind of flying ship, a thousand feet is still small. If it is the most expensive one, it can even be ten thousand feet large!

The Tongling Continent is just a more remote continent on this planet, and there are only some flying ships of a thousand feet in the nine major sects!

"Disciples, listen to the order, get on the flying ship!"

The three elders with perfect spiritual infants gave the order, and the five thousand disciples were divided into three groups and quickly jumped onto the flying ship of a thousand feet!

After five thousand disciples jumped onto the flying ship, hundreds of spirit infant elders also instantly turned into streams of light and landed on the attics of three flying ships respectively!

After everyone boarded the flying ship, the three elders started it directly without stopping. An elliptical light curtain appeared on the flying ship. This was a protective formation!

After Li Xuanfeng, who was standing on the flying ship, felt the flying ship shake, the giant peak of the Corpse Demon Cult behind him began to move back. This was the beginning of the acceleration of the flying ship. In just ten breaths, the flying ship reached the fastest speed and flew westward at full speed!

The speed of this flying ship is enough to compare with the strong men in the late stage of the spirit infant realm!

Li Xuanfeng stood on the flying warship, and at this time he felt a little worried. If the five sects of the righteous way did not know that the demon sect had started a war, and they took advantage of the opportunity and broke in one by one, then even with the help of the Purple Yuan Dan, the situation would become extremely unfavorable!

But at this time he had no way to send a voice reminder!

At this time, there were more than 30 elders on each flying warship. Thirty people stood separately around the attic, and their spiritual consciousness carefully scanned all the disciples without stopping. As long as there was a slight movement, they would be discovered!

To ​​transmit sound, you need to take out the jade slip, engrave the content of the sound transmission with spiritual consciousness, and then inject spiritual power to send it out. But given the tense situation at this time, this is unrealistic. I am afraid that he will be killed directly by the alert elders as soon as he takes out the sound transmission jade slip!

Li Xuanfeng was a little amused. He didn't expect that the war would break out just after he sneaked into the Corpse Demon Sect.

Just when he was about to do everything he could to search for his father's whereabouts in the Corpse Demon Sect, he was sent out to prepare for war in a few days!

At this moment, a disciple took out the sound transmission jade slip from the storage bag, and saw that the jade slip vibrated violently!


Before he opened the sound transmission jade slip to check, a powerful spiritual light shot out from the attic instantly, and landed on the disciple at an extremely fast speed and with incomparable accuracy!

The disciple instantly exploded into a blood mist, and the disciples around him who had not yet reacted were covered in blood!

The sound transmission jade slip in his hand was also sucked by the elder who made the move, and opened it to check!

"Son, your mother is seriously ill and is on her deathbed. She wants to see you for the last time! Return to the Demon City quickly!"

This was just an urgent sound transmission from the father, but he never expected that it would become the death warrant for his son!

Not only did he not let his son see his mother for the last time, but he also let the black-haired person go before the white-haired person!

Five thousand disciples were silent, not daring to express the slightest dissatisfaction, nor dare to make any more unusual movements. At this moment, they deeply felt the cruelty far beyond the ordinary!

Li Xuanfeng felt a little complicated in his heart. He didn't expect that in order to keep the war secret, the Corpse Demon Sect had reached the point of being crazy enough to rather kill the wrong person than let him go!

He originally planned to send a secret sound transmission, but he had to hold it back, otherwise the next person who turned into blood mist would be him!

Even if he had the small sword given by Shen Hua and possessed the power of the Spirit God, there were more than a hundred Spirit Infant Realm here, and two attacks were not enough!

Unless they could all gather together and stretch their heads for Li Xuanfeng to chop, but that was impossible.

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng was not sure whether there were any great elders of the Spirit God Realm hiding around and attacking the Righteous Continent together!

The cultivation of the strong men in the Spirit God Realm was much higher than his. If they wanted to hide, he would not be able to find any signs at all!

In this way, with the 5,000 disciples of the Corpse Demon Cult silent and hundreds of Spirit Infant Elders cautiously on guard, the airship rushed to the Bloodthirsty City at full speed.

After Li Xuanfeng calculated this speed and the distance to the Bloodthirsty City, he estimated that it might only take half a day!

This speed is incomparable to Li Xuanfeng's own speed. Now that his cultivation has reached the late spiritual stage, he can only fly at full speed.

The sky is close to ten thousand miles away, it is estimated that it will take five or six days to reach Bloodthirsty City!

In less than half a day, if the five righteous sects had not received the news in advance, they would not have been able to gather quickly to jointly resist the army of the four demonic sects!

What's even worse is that if the four demonic sects break into the Alchemy Sect or Danling City and successfully steal the refined Ziyuan Dan, the consequences will be irreversible!

However, Li Xuanfeng no longer had too many worries in his heart at this time. He had already thought about it. It had been more than half a year since the Ziyuan Dan incident. He believed that Tang He had already secretly informed the sect masters of the five Zhengdao sects that they must have taken precautions and would not appear. Caught off guard!

Half a day passed in the blink of an eye. At this time, five flying ships were approaching the Bloodthirsty City!

From a distance, you can see a blood-red city standing majestically in a wasteland, and it seems that you can feel the smell of blood coming towards your face!

Bloodthirsty City is a city under the jurisdiction of the Blood Spirit Cult. Because a large number of blood sacrifices have been carried out in the city, the city is tainted with a strong smell of blood.

Although the Bloodthirsty City is not as good as the Demon City, it is still a powerful city of the Demon Sect. It is far away from the Righteous Dao on the opposite side. It is like a dormant beast that may wake up at any time and devour the Righteous Dao Continent!

Just as they were approaching the Bloodthirsty City, everyone saw the six flying ships floating in the low sky, which were members of the other three religions!

The other three sects have arrived in advance, and the Corpse Demon Sect has ordered that they not dare to delay at all, and this matter is too important, and it affects the life and death of the four major demon sects!

"Welcome fellow Taoists of the Corpse Demon Sect!" An elder from the three sects who had reached the Spiritual Infant Realm flew out and bowed with cupped fists.

The three spirit infant elders leading the Corpse Demon Sect nodded in return. As the elders of the Corpse Demon Sect, who were the leaders of the four sects, they had their own arrogance and did not even bother to give fists to the elders of their subordinate sects in return!


The oldest of the three elders of the Corpse Demon Cult, a white-haired old man, stepped out of the flying ship, stood in the air and coughed loudly, attracting everyone's attention, and then began to speak!

"Now that all the members of the four religions have arrived, this urgent matter is related to the life and death of our four religions. We cannot delay. We will attack immediately to eradicate the five righteous sects and monopolize the psychic continent!"

Just when the white-haired elder was about to give the order to start attacking the Zhengdao Continent, a huge golden sword shadow instantly appeared above the white-haired elder's head, catching everyone by surprise!


The huge golden sword shadow made a trembling sound, and struck down directly from the head of the white-haired elder who spoke at lightning speed!

The white-haired elder felt the breath of the sword shadow above his head, and his scalp exploded instantly. That was the power of the spiritual god!

But he was not qualified to resist or escape at all. He was instantly struck by the shadow of the sword and turned into ashes and disappeared between heaven and earth!

Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed with surprise. From the golden sword shadow, he felt the aura of Master Shen Hua!

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