Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1226 The terror of the powerful Tianyuan Realm!

The cultivators outside the Dao Tower only saw the surface scene. Only Li Xuanfeng could realize the mystery of the thirty-second floor.

During these five years, this sky curtain passed through hundreds of star fields, allowing Li Xuanfeng to see tens of thousands of cultivators, most of whom were fighting, and some cultivators were comprehending the power of the origin and rules and creating their own Dao.

Only then did Li Xuanfeng know that the vastness of the universe seemed to be far beyond his imagination. He actually saw hundreds of star fields with his own eyes, and perhaps there would be many star fields he had never seen.

Before his cultivation entered the third realm, Li Xuanfeng felt that a planet was already extremely vast. After entering the Duyuan realm, he still felt that the star field was extremely vast, and it was not even possible to pass through it in a short time.

If Li Xuanfeng had not followed this extremely fast sky curtain, but flew at his own speed, even without any obstacles, it would take more than a hundred years to pass through so many star fields.

After observing the exquisite magic techniques performed by tens of thousands of cultivators, Li Xuanfeng now has a much better understanding of performing magic techniques and activating the power of rules.

Li Xuanfeng can now easily integrate the four five-element origins into the same magic technique, and can also mobilize a large amount of rule power through the origins.

In the five years, although his cultivation level has not improved and he has not obtained any Dao Yun Light Rain, it is also an extremely amazing fortune for Li Xuanfeng.

Although Li Xuanfeng's combat power has always been extremely strong, in fact, because his cultivation level broke through too quickly and did not go through a long period of precipitation, the magic techniques he performed were not extremely exquisite and his power had not yet been fully exerted.

And the mystery of the 32nd level just made up for his shortcomings, which has greatly improved Li Xuanfeng's combat power again!

In these five years, while Li Xuanfeng continued to observe the exquisite magic techniques of other cultivators, he has been constantly improving his own magic techniques based on his understanding.

If I were to fight the replica in the thirty-first floor again, I would not need to use the dangerous method of exchanging injuries for injuries. Perhaps I could quickly suppress it with just a reincarnation vortex!

In the past five years, Li Xuanfeng not only saw countless Duyuan Realm cultivators, but also saw three peak masters who were above Duyuan Realm and reached Tianyuan Realm!

Two of them were scenes of two peak masters fighting, and the other was a scene of a Tianyuan Realm master facing the siege of three Duyuan Realm masters. A total of five peak masters of Tianyuan Realm were seen.

In the battle where the three Duyuan Realm masters besieged the Tianyuan Realm cultivators, Li Xuanfeng deeply felt the terrifying gap between the Duyuan Realm master and the Tianyuan Realm master.

Li Xuanfeng could vaguely sense that although this peak master was only in the early stage of Tianyuan Realm, and the five Duyuan Realm masters were all powerful warriors with extremely good combat power, they could only be crushed!

This seemed to be a war between star fields that broke out due to invasion, and it happened in the edge area of ​​the star field.

From the beginning, the three people who had reached the perfection of the Source Realm did not dare to be careless. They had already pushed their own original power to the extreme, and even attracted countless rules of power. In the blooming of various brilliant lights, they burst out with extremely terrifying power, instantly making the world pale in comparison, and the void collapsed rapidly.

The terrifying power that the three people who had reached the perfection of the Source Realm simultaneously burst out was enough to instantly destroy a huge planet and turn countless lives into ashes.

However, the expression of this powerful person in the Heavenly Source Realm did not change at all. He just raised his hand and patted it lightly in front of him. Countless rules of power instantly condensed into a huge illusory palm, and suddenly slapped the magic of the three people!

The magic of the three people instantly touched this illusory big hand, and suddenly set off a shocking roar, but this illusory big hand was like an indestructible, and instantly suppressed the magic of the five people rapidly dimmed, and continued to collapse in the violent vibration!

In just a moment, the magic of the three Duyuan Realm masters collapsed and dissipated, but this illusory hand only dimmed half, and instantly appeared above the three Duyuan Realm masters, slapping them down!

As the muffled sound resounded, the three Duyuan Realm masters all vomited blood, and their bodies flew backwards like kites with broken strings. They had already suffered considerable injuries in their bodies, and their expressions suddenly showed a strong sense of fear.

They immediately stabilized their bodies, and then chose to disperse and escape without hesitation!

Originally, they had not realized the horror of the Tianyuan Realm masters, and thought that the three of them could barely compete with each other together, but they did not expect that the power of their magic was instantly crushed by the other party!

With one blow, the three of them suffered great injuries, causing the three Duyuan Realm masters to instantly lose all their fighting spirit, and they immediately chose to disperse and escape.

After realizing the terrifying power of the Tianyuan Realm, the three of them were very clear in their minds that if they did not flee in a scattered manner, they might not be able to escape at all!

Seeing the three Duyuan Realm Perfection quickly fleeing in a scattered manner, the Tianyuan Realm Great Power shook his head and smiled, saying: "Tian Zhen, can you escape?"

As he said that, he raised his hands and grabbed in the air. Although his arms did not extend, two huge illusory hands instantly formed in the void, which contained a large amount of rule power and quickly grabbed the two flying Duyuan Realm Perfection!

Although the two Duyuan Realm Perfection had already pushed their speed to the extreme and quickly changed direction after sensing the danger, the two illusory hands still followed them like a shadow and approached them in an instant.

In the crisis, the two Duyuan Realm Perfection immediately used magic to attack with ugly faces, but the illusory big hand suddenly clenched fiercely, and the two powerful magics could not withstand it at all, and collapsed directly in an instant. They were also covered by the two illusory big hands!

The two illusory big hands did not pause at all, but clenched fiercely directly, and the void was squeezed and exploded instantly, making a roaring sound of being overwhelmed.

The two Duyuan Realm Perfection also could not bear it at all. Under the impact of the terrifying squeezing force of a large amount of rule power, the two people's bodies exploded directly into powder, and their souls collapsed directly, and they died instantly!

Another Duyuan Realm Perfection who was escaping instantly sensed this scene, and suddenly felt like falling into an ice cellar, and instantly felt cold from head to toe. His heart was full of fear, and he immediately activated the secret method, bursting out at an even more amazing speed to escape, and even desperately escaped directly into the void.

At this time, the Tianyuan Realm master took a step forward and entered the void in an instant. Although the two were already nearly ten thousand miles apart, he was still caught up by him in an instant and took a step from behind the Duyuan Realm master!

Feeling the terrifying aura behind him, the Duyuan Realm master was instantly desperate, knowing that he was doomed today, and his eyes suddenly showed an extremely strong sense of madness!

He suddenly stopped escaping and turned around, rushing towards the Tianyuan Realm master, exuding an extremely strong violent aura.

"You forced me to do this!" Duyuan Realm master said in a gloomy voice, and suddenly exploded!

He knew that he could not escape the pursuit of the Tianyuan Realm master, but he did not want to be humiliated and crushed to death like the previous two, so he chose to explode directly, wanting the Tianyuan Realm master to pay the price.

At this time, both of them were in the void, and the strong and violent power emitted by the Duyuan Realm master instantly shattered the void, making an unbearable roar.

However, the expression of the Tianyuan Realm powerhouse did not change at all. He suddenly raised his hand and grabbed, and instantly condensed a virtual hand again, covering the Duyuan Realm Perfection that had already begun to self-destruct.


The self-destruction set off an astonishing roar in the void, but it seemed to be sealed within a certain range, making the roar extremely dull.

In the virtual hand, the extremely powerful self-destruction force caused the void to collapse rapidly, but it did not affect the outside of the hand at all.

This virtual hand seemed indestructible, with only a small vibration, and even no cracks appeared, let alone collapsed by the self-destruction force.

The terrifying power formed by the self-destruction of the Duyuan Realm Perfection was completely blocked by this virtual hand, and it did not leak out at all, and dissipated in the hand in an instant.

Now it seems that these three perfect masters of the Source Realm were indeed extremely naive. They wanted to escape from the hands of the Heavenly Source Realm masters, and then they also wanted to make the Heavenly Source Realm masters pay the price by self-destructing. It was completely wishful thinking.

This battle allowed Li Xuanfeng to fully witness the horror of the Heavenly Source Realm masters. They easily suppressed the three perfect masters of the Source Realm, and even the illusory big hand that was condensed at will could completely grasp the self-destruction power of the perfect masters of the Source Realm.

Although the other two battles between the Heavenly Source Realm masters did not have the momentum of crushing, they were more amazing. They were the powerful battles between the two Heavenly Source Realm masters.

In the battle between the Heavenly Source Realm masters, Li Xuanfeng saw more clearly their exquisite control of the power of rules. It was like the law came out of their words. Just the random magic burst out with power far beyond the perfect masters of the Source Realm.

The battle between the two Heavenly Source Realm masters set off an extremely terrifying power. The space was no longer a large-scale collapse. With one blow, it collapsed in large pieces.

If a perfect Duyuan Realm cultivator is near the battle between the Tianyuan Realm masters, he will be severely injured by the spreading horrific aftermath, and he will not even have the chance to escape in a panic.

The Tianyuan Realm masters moved very fast during the battle, and several planets that appeared during the battle were directly shattered by the horrific power they burst out.

Fortunately, they knew that the power of the battle was too horrible, so they chose the extremely desolate areas in the star field in advance. These were almost dead stars, and there were very few creatures in them, otherwise countless creatures would die tragically in an instant.

Watching the battle between the Tianyuan Realm masters gave Li Xuanfeng a clearer understanding of the Tianyuan Realm, and he also saw that their control over the power of rules was completely different from that of the Duyuan Realm.

Duyuan Realm cultivators mobilize the power of rules, while Tianyuan Realm cultivators directly control the power of rules!

Although the two words seem to have little difference, Duyuan Realm is like a request, while Tianyuan Realm masters are in the form of complete command.

The Tianyuan Realm master casually grabbed and countless rules of power gathered. Whether it was the speed of control or the number, it was far beyond the perfection of the Duyuan Realm.

Because of this, the power of the Tianyuan Realm master's seemingly casual magic was far beyond the perfection of the Duyuan Realm.

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