Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1243 Happy Cooperation

"You need to hand over all the treasures you have robbed from my Cheng family, as well as my golden dagger!"

Hearing his words, many cultivators watching the battle suddenly showed a lot of strange expressions. They didn't expect that after the domain master appeared, the Cheng family's supreme elder would be so confident and directly asked the Bai clan leader to hand over all the stolen treasures.

Hearing the Cheng family's supreme elder asking him to hand over the stolen treasures, Li Xuanfeng smiled faintly and said, "That was stolen by Bai with his own ability, why should I return it to you?"

The Cheng family's supreme elder suddenly surged with extremely strong anger. He didn't expect that the Bai clan leader would dare to speak like this in front of the domain master. It was simply arrogant!

Thinking of this, the Cheng family's Grand Elder immediately looked at the Tianchen Territory Lord, and said with an extremely angry look: "Territory Lord, please forgive me. The Lord of the Bai Clan is so arrogant that he broke into my Cheng family and robbed the treasure. I really can't live in peace with him!"

The strange meanings in the faces of many cultivators suddenly became more and more. They didn't expect that the Cheng family's Grand Elder was so shameless. Knowing that he was not the opponent of the Bai Clan Lord, he saw the Territory Lord appearing at this time and wanted to use the Territory Lord to take back the stolen treasure.

However, there were also many cultivators who thought that the Cheng family's Grand Elder was extremely smart. He knew very well in his heart that the Lord of the Bai Clan had grown to an extremely terrifying level. With his own and the Cheng family, he might never be able to take back the stolen treasure. Now it was the best opportunity to borrow the power of the Territory Lord.

After hearing this, the Tianchen Domain Lord frowned slightly, but still spoke gently: "Master of the Bai Clan, your behavior of breaking into the Cheng family and robbing treasures is indeed inappropriate."

Li Xuanfeng immediately looked at the Cheng family's Grand Elder and sneered: "How do you explain that your Cheng family took advantage of Bai's absence to suppress my people and used them as free labor to refine pills?"

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, the Cheng family's Grand Elder said indifferently: "You, the Bai Clan cultivator, can only refine some second-level pills, which can't be compared with the precious treasures of my Cheng family!"

Compared with the Cheng family's third-level treasures, the pills refined by the Bai Clan cultivators in the past two years are indeed not good enough.

Li Xuanfeng sneered: "Bai said that your Cheng family abused my people. If you don't accept it, you can use your own strength to snatch back your Cheng family's treasures!"

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, the expression of the Cheng family's great elder suddenly became extremely ugly. He didn't expect that after the domain master appeared to persuade them to stop the war, the Bai clan leader was still so arrogant and refused to return the stolen treasures in front of the domain master.

The Cheng family's great elder immediately said in a cold voice without showing any weakness: "Fight, then fight, am I still afraid of you?"

At this time, Tianchen domain master was not far away. After knowing that he would stop this war, the Cheng family's great elder seemed to have forgotten that he was suppressed by the Bai clan leader just now, and there were many fearful scenes in his heart...

When the cold voice was opened, the Cheng family's great elder had once again fully activated the cultivation in his body, and Li Xuanfeng also activated the power of his flesh. The two of them suddenly exuded an extremely powerful aura, which made many nearby cultivators feel extremely strong pressure.

Seeing that the atmosphere became tense again, the Tianchen Territory Lord remained calm, looked at Li Xuanfeng and said lightly: "Lord of the Bai Clan, how do you want the Cheng family to compensate?"

He saw at a glance that this was just the Lord of the Bai Clan wanting to gain more benefits, and the Cheng family's Grand Elder wanted to take back the treasures that were robbed by the Lord of the Bai Clan while he was in charge.

Although the two seemed to be ready to fight again, if they could find a condition that both sides could accept, the war could be settled.

After hearing this, Li Xuanfeng pondered for a moment and said: "I will take half of the treasures robbed from the Cheng family as compensation for my people. The Flame Sect and the Shura Sect will belong to my Bai Clan in the future!"

After hearing this, the Cheng family's Grand Elder immediately said in a deep voice: "You are dreaming! Those are the treasures you broke into my Cheng family and robbed. At most, you can only take 20%!"

He knew very well in his heart that the Flame Sect and the Shura Sect had already betrayed, and even if he wanted to forcibly keep the Territory Lord, he would not support it, so he did not talk much about it.

Hearing his words, Li Xuanfeng immediately smiled and said, "In that case, the golden dagger was not obtained by me breaking into your Cheng family, so there is no need to return it."

The Cheng family's great elder's face suddenly turned pale. He did not expect that the Bai clan leader would catch the loophole in his words and refute him instantly.

This golden dagger is more precious than the treasures on the sixth floor of the treasure hall. Not only is its power and speed extremely powerful, but it was also passed down by the ancestors. It is his primary goal to take it back.

The Cheng family's great elder immediately turned his head to look at the domain master, but the other party just spread his hands slightly to indicate that you decide for yourself, and did not care about the distribution issue.

The Cheng family's Grand Elder had no choice but to grit his teeth and say, "I'll give you 50% of the treasures I got from the treasure hall, and you must return the golden dagger to me!"

After hearing this, Li Xuanfeng smiled and said, "Deal, happy cooperation!"

Hearing his words, the Cheng family's Grand Elder's eyes almost burst into fire. He felt extremely aggrieved. He didn't expect that the Lord of the Bai Clan would use the four words "happy cooperation" to mock him.

Since he became the Cheng family's Grand Elder, his Cheng family has never suffered such a huge loss. It was fine to be robbed of the treasure hall, but he didn't get any benefit from the battle, and finally he could only choose to cut off the treasure as compensation.

At this time, the Cheng family's Grand Elder wanted to cut the Lord of the Bai Clan into pieces, but he knew that his strength was no match for the other party, so he could only grit his teeth and swallow it.

Seeing the two men come to an agreement, the Tianchen Territory Lord smiled and said, "That's right. You will live in peace and develop together to create a more glorious star field."

Seeing the Bai clan leader and the Cheng family's great elder successfully negotiate, many monks watching the battle felt a little unsatisfied. This was an extremely rare battle between the top masters of the Duyuan realm. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, enough for them to have a lot of insights.

Many people even felt that the battle ended a little too early, and the Cheng family's great elder was almost completely at a disadvantage, and it was not as exciting as the battle between equal forces.

If the Cheng family's great elder knew what they were thinking, he would probably want to beat them to death directly.

Not only did he suffer a lot of injuries, but he also used treasures to compensate. Do you still think this battle is not exciting enough?

Next, Li Xuanfeng returned the golden dagger to the Cheng family's great elder, and then took out all the treasures obtained in the treasure hall, and gave half of them back to him.

He naturally kept the golden tree in his own hands.

The reason why he tried to collect 50% of the treasures was to occupy more treasures, so as to prevent the golden tree from being taken back by the Cheng family's supreme elder.

In the sixth floor of the Cheng family's treasure hall, the golden tree is not a particularly outstanding treasure, but it is the most important to Li Xuanfeng.

The golden dagger was lost and found again in his hands, and the extremely gloomy face of the Cheng family's supreme elder suddenly brightened up a lot, and he was extremely happy in his heart.

He knew very well in his heart that if the domain master had not come forward today. He would have a very difficult end, and he might even fall into the hands of the Lord of the Bai Clan. Now he is not only safe and sound, but also takes back the treasure that was lost and found, which is naturally worth being happy about.

Later, when distributing the treasures on the sixth floor of the treasure hall, seeing that the Lord of the Bai Clan gave him a lot of more precious treasures, the mood of the Cheng family's supreme elder suddenly became better, thinking that the Lord of the Bai Clan himself had no vision.

In fact, Li Xuanfeng deliberately distributed it in this way, just to make the Cheng family's supreme elder not pay attention to the golden tree, so that he could make everyone ignore the real goal of his move this time.

As for other treasures, Li Xuanfeng didn't value them very much. There were very few things that could help him improve his cultivation. As for other magic weapons, they were not as good as his own.

The attack magic weapon was not as powerful as his punch, and the flying treasure was also difficult to reach the speed of his thunder source explosion.

Because of this, the final ending of this war was quite pleasant. Although he felt very painful when he saw the Lord of the Bai Clan accepting a large number of magic weapons, the Cheng family's supreme elder was still very fortunate.

Seeing that Li Xuanfeng and the Cheng family's Grand Elder had made arrangements, the Tianchen Domain Lord looked at Li Xuanfeng and said with a smile: "I wonder if the Lord of the Bai Clan is interested in talking to me about the fortune he obtained in the secret realm?"

Li Xuanfeng's mind was shocked, and his mood suddenly changed a lot. He soon smiled and said: "There is nothing to hide about the fortune that Bai obtained in the secret realm. I believe that the leaders of the peak forces and the Grand Elders are also very interested. Why don't I tell you about it together."

Hearing his words, several Duyuan Realm Perfection eyes suddenly flashed with a lot of light. They were indeed very interested in the fortune that Li Xuanfeng obtained. After more than ten years of not seeing each other, he actually had such a terrifying physical strength and reached a position that could sit on equal footing with them.

After hearing this, the Lord of the Tianxing Territory's eyes flickered slightly, but he still had a smile on his face. He smiled and said, "Okay, I just need to explain the issue of resource allocation to you. Come with me."

The Lord of the Territory flew forward and soon flew to a mountain in the distance. Li Xuanfeng and several people who had reached the perfect state of the Source Realm immediately followed.

In a blink of an eye, a total of six people stood on a large rock at the top of the mountain. They were the Lord of the Tianxing Sect, the Supreme Elder of the Tianxing Sect, the Supreme Elder of the Chenxi Sect, the Lord of the Chenxi Sect, the Supreme Elder of the Cheng Family, and the Lord of the Territory and Li Xuanfeng.

Looking at these seven figures from a distance, the emotions of many cultivators watching the battle fluctuated violently. These were the strongest people in the entire star field. The strong pressure emitted by them made them feel that they were out of reach.

At such a close distance, Li Xuanfeng could clearly sense that except for the Lord of the Chenxi Sect, the others were all perfect in the Source Realm!

And the Lord of the Territory was even more of an outlier, already in the Tianyuan Realm!

Li Xuanfeng was not surprised. When the great elders of the three top forces came to watch the battle, Li Xuanfeng had already known that they were all perfect masters of the Source Realm.

The rumor he heard when he first came to the Tianchen Star Region was that the strongest person in the star region was in the late Source Realm, and there were very few perfect masters of the Source Realm. It was just that the three top forces did not publicize it, so other forces rarely knew about it.

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