Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1319: Guidance from the reincarnated body!

Li Xuanfeng did not find anything on the planet where Yang Mu was. He left again after more than a month and went to other planets to continue searching.

Time passed quickly. It was not until fifteen years later that Li Xuanfeng, who had been searching carefully, finally found something again.

The reincarnation that appeared this time was also his childhood friend, Tiedan!

Li Xuanfeng had never thought that the third reincarnation he found was actually his childhood friend. It seemed that he was really destined to be with him.

Tiedan was also a very good friend of Li Xuanfeng in childhood, but he was shy and mostly just followed behind Li Xuanfeng and the other two, causing a lot of trouble with them.

Because of this, Tiedan's parents often said that it was Li Xuanfeng and the other two who led their Tiedan astray.

Although his appearance has changed a lot due to his age, he is still eight points similar, and with the breath in his soul, Li Xuanfeng was able to sense it.

Seeing Tiedan again, Li Xuanfeng's eyes suddenly showed a strong reminiscence, and he recalled the happy childhood again.

Tiedan at this time was already a young man of about 30 years old, and he was married and had children. He was playing with his babbling son in the yard, while his wife was picking vegetables and looking at the father and son gently, with a very strong smile on her lips.

Li Xuanfeng stood quietly in a corner of the yard, and did not let Tiedan and his family see him, so as not to disturb their lives.

Looking at the happy picture of Tiedan's family, Li Xuanfeng's eyes also showed a lot of longing. When can he live happily with his family like Tiedan at this time.

He immediately imagined a scene in the future, where he successfully resurrected his wife Shen Luoyan, had children with her, retired to Taoyuan Village together, or lived in the sect, and lived a carefree life.

Half an hour later, the sky was gradually getting dark. Tiedan's wife had prepared several side dishes. The family sat around the table, talking and laughing as they began to enjoy dinner.

Li Xuanfeng had never disturbed the family, but waited until they fell asleep, used the power of the origin to perform a dream technique, and entered Tiedan's dreamland.

Tiedan's reincarnation felt that he had a very long dream, and saw a figure that was strange but also familiar. The other party said that he was a good friend of his previous life, and even showed him the memory of his previous life.

Seeing that the whole village was massacred by the immortals in his previous life, and his parents and himself also died in the hands of the cold-blooded immortals, Tiedan was also very angry. Finally, he heard that the other party said that he had avenged the whole village, and he was relieved.

At the end of this dream, Li Xuanfeng smiled and asked: "Tiedan, can I take you into the cultivation world and become an immortal who can fly and hide in the ground?"

Tiedan was silent for a moment, smiled and shook his head and said: "Thank you, but I am very satisfied with my current life. I don't want to be an immortal, and flying and hiding in the ground is not attractive. I just want to live with my wife and children."

Li Xuanfeng smiled and continued: "If you want, you can also take your wife and children to practice together."

Tiedan still shook his head and said: "I have heard that there are many dangers in the cultivation world, and after truly possessing the ability to fly and hide in the ground, a person's temperament will change. There may be great changes, but I don't want to change! "

Originally, Li Xuanfeng wanted to continue to say that he could guarantee their safety, but Tiedan stopped him again: "I will call you as in the previous life, Xiaofeng, everyone has his own life. What you think is good may not be good for me. "

Hearing his words, Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled, "I am obsessed with appearances."

Li Xuanfeng did not continue to persuade. Now Tiedan, it seems that because of his older age, has a very clear idea in his mind. He is not the child who liked to follow them at the beginning.

When he woke up the next morning, Tiedan told his family about his dream last night, saying that he dreamed of an immortal, and the immortal wanted to take them to become immortals together.

Tiedan's wife immediately laughed and joked: "Can you believe in a dream? Besides, there is nothing good about immortals."

Tiedan's parents also shook their heads and smiled. They didn't care about the dream Tiedan said at all. They didn't expect to become immortals at all.

Seeing his wife and parents' performance, Tiedan smiled and nodded slightly, then walked to Li Xuanfeng in the corner of the yard and said with a smile: "You can see that now is the life that our family likes."

When Tiedan woke up and walked out of the house, he had already seen Li Xuanfeng in the yard, and found that other people could not see each other.

Li Xuanfeng smiled and nodded slightly. He was originally worried that Tiedan would show up because he did not believe in dreams. It turned out that Tiedan and his family were indeed very satisfied with their current life.

"This jade pendant, let's keep it as a souvenir. It can be passed down as a family heirloom. It can block the attack of the immortal!" Li Xuanfeng handed a jade pendant to Tiedan and said with a smile.

Then Li Xuanfeng stood up, turned into a bright stream of light across the sky, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Holding the exquisite jade pendant with a gentle aura in his hand, Tiedan looked at the rapidly receding light and said solemnly, "Xiaofeng, thank you!"

When Li Xuanfeng left, he felt that his state of mind had suddenly become clear, and the aura of his cultivation in his body had fluctuated greatly!

The cultivator who was only half a step away from the final step had risen again and was about to break through!

Li Xuanfeng never thought that one day, he would be mentored by his childhood friend, and he would benefit a lot.

After shaking his head and smiling, countless lights appeared in Li Xuanfeng's eyes. He no longer continued searching, but turned back and galloped away in the direction of Du Lingxing!

In the previous careful search, Li Xuanfeng moved forward in the star field at an extremely slow speed. At this time, he directly broke out at full speed, and did not enter other planets to search, approaching the Diling Star at an extremely fast speed.

In just two days, Li Xuanfeng arrived in front of Duling Star. This was because he had already reached the edge in the opposite direction, and it took him two days to return to the vicinity of Duling Star.

After entering Duling Star, Li Xuanfeng galloped directly towards Xuanling Sect. He did not hide his aura and was quickly discovered by Shen Hua and others.

Li Xuanfeng sent a message to them: "Master, brothers, I am going to retreat to practice. During this period, you should not leave Duling Star. It is best to stay in the sect. It may have a great impact on your future practice." ”

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Shen Hua and others were a little confused, but they still obeyed because they believed in him.

Shen Hua even asked Zheng Cheng to recall all the elders and disciples to the sect, preparing for all the monks of Xuanling Sect to obtain the good fortune Li Xuanfeng mentioned.

back to with

Behind the courtyard where Shen Luoyan lived, Li Xuanfeng's eyes suddenly showed a strong sense of tenderness. With a thought, the Purple Mighty Stick appeared in his hand.

Just ten breaths later, Li Xuanfeng's figure disappeared from the room and entered the Purple Extinction Space.

With his current cultivation level, the speed of entering the Purple Death Space is much faster than before.

After entering the central tower of the Zi Mie Space, Li Xuanfeng sat cross-legged next to Shen Luoyan's remnant soul, stretched out his hand to caress the crystal coffin that sealed Shen Luoyan, and said gently: "Xiaoyan, I will soon break through to the sky. Source Realm, you don’t have to wait too long, I will find a way to resurrect you. If I really can’t find any other better way, then I will use the reincarnation soul nourishing technique!”

"When I succeed, we can meet again!"

Looking at Shen Luoyan's beautiful face, Li Xuanfeng's expression became extremely gentle, completely different from the one who killed ruthlessly in the Star Territory War.

After sitting quietly beside Shen Luoyan for an hour, Li Xuanfeng's eyes showed an extremely intense light, and his expression became extremely determined.

Now there is no need to be sad here. All you need to do is break through the Tianyuan realm as soon as possible and find a way to resurrect. It will be better to meet your wife Shen Luoyan when you succeed.

After getting up, Li Xuanfeng quickly returned to the outside world from the Purple Death Space and began to practice in seclusion.

As Li Xuanfeng closed his eyes, an extremely astonishing mysterious aura emitted from his whole body, which made the monks above the second level in Xuanling Sect vaguely aware of it.

Tang Wu, who was in the Duyuan realm, was the one with the clearest perception. He had already felt that Li Xuanfeng's retreat was emitting a mysterious aura that he could not see through.

But Tang Wu was familiar with this aura. He had felt it in the black and white compass given by Li Xuanfeng before, and he had studied it for a long time.

Tang Wu suddenly looked extremely surprised and murmured: "Senior Li seems to have realized something again. Is he ready to take the remaining half step and fully enter the Tianyuan realm?"

As Li Xuanfeng's retreat emanated an extremely strong mystical aura, the monks above the second realm within the Xuanling Sect suddenly felt that it seemed easier to achieve enlightenment on their own, and they immediately entered the retreat, wanting to grasp it. Opportunity to improve your cultivation.

And Li Xuanfeng's consciousness spread rapidly, covering the entire Duling Star.

Duling Star is not a very big planet. With Li Xuanfeng's current strength, the range of his spiritual consciousness can already cover the entire planet.

After his spiritual consciousness completely enveloped the entire Duling Star, Li Xuanfeng began to carefully perceive the life, death and reincarnation that occurred within the planet.

Different from the previous times when he used his spiritual consciousness to perceive, Li Xuanfeng's main focus this time was life!

He is observing where the soul power comes from when a creature is born, and he may be able to find the reincarnation process of a familiar person.

Li Xuanfeng had also paid attention to this point before, but with his cultivation at that time, he could not notice it at all.

Now Li Xuanfeng's perception of reincarnation has become clearer. He vaguely sensed that when the fetus was only two months old, the power of the soul silently appeared in the void and entered the fetus in the mother's body, becoming The soul of the fetus!

Li Xuanfeng even vaguely noticed that most of the soul power that appeared in the void was already a complete soul when it entered the fetus, but was just sleeping.

And a small part of the soul is formed by the gradual condensation of a large amount of soul power in the fetus!

This is the soul of rebirth!

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