Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1329 Eight Star Fields!

Just when Li Xuanfeng was about to rush out of the bamboo forest, the young man in black in the bamboo house smiled lightly and said: "Li Xuanfeng, the leader of the Bai tribe, you are now a man of the hour in the two star regions!"

After hearing this, Li Xuanfeng was immediately sure of his suspicions. He cupped his fists and bowed respectfully: "Junior pays homage to senior. I have no intention of disturbing your spiritual cultivation. I hope to forgive you."

He was very sure in his heart that at such a close distance, he could not sense the opponent's cultivation. This young man in black was most likely stronger than him!

Seeing Li Xuanfeng's slightly solemn look, the young man in black smiled lightly and said, "Don't be nervous, but you should be glad that you didn't take action against the Tianxing Sect, otherwise you might have fought with me!"

Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed slightly after hearing this. He didn't expect that his previous guess was completely accurate. As expected, the Tianxing Sect still has extremely powerful ancestors alive in the world!

Seeing that this person did not show up in the Star Territory War, he should have stayed out of the matter, but if the Tianxing Sect was in great danger, I am afraid he would still take action directly!

Seeing that the other party did not take action at this time, Li Xuanfeng knew that the other party did not mean to embarrass him, so his expression relaxed a lot, but the vigilance in his heart did not diminish at all.

After roughly guessing the details of the young man in black, Li Xuanfeng was silent for a while and then solemnly said: "I wonder if the senior has the secret method of resurrection?"

The young man in black shook his head slightly, with a lot of light in his eyes, and said with a smile: "After knowing that you are looking for a way to resurrect, I am becoming more and more interested in you."

"People have life and death, and so do monks. This is in compliance with the way of heaven. If you want to resurrect an old friend, you are going against heaven!"

Li Xuanfeng smiled and said: "Even if it means going against the will of heaven, Li will not hesitate!"

Seeing the determination in Li Xuanfeng's expression, the young man in black smiled and nodded: "Then I look forward to the day when I can see you succeed against the odds!"

After finishing this topic, Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed with light, he cupped his fists and bowed to the young man in black and said, "I wonder if I, the junior, can ask the senior for advice?"

Sensing a strong sense of danger in the young man in black, Li Xuanfeng already had a lot of fighting spirit. He wanted to see this man's strength and also wanted to know his current fighting power.

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, the young man in black suddenly showed a lot of surprise in his expression. He did not expect that Li Xuanfeng would actually bring up the idea of ​​fighting with him.

The young man in black suddenly smiled and said: "I haven't fought with anyone for countless years. I'm afraid my hands and feet are rusty and I'm not as good as you."

Although he spoke like this, the young man in black still chose to accept the challenge without hesitation. He was also extremely interested in Li Xuanfeng.

The two of them left the planet in an instant, came to a deserted starry sky, and suddenly started a brazen fight!

At the beginning, the young man in black proposed to compete with Li Xuanfeng in the same realm, suppressing his cultivation level to the middle stage of Tianyuan realm, but he was soon shocked by Li Xuanfeng's tyrannical fighting power.

The young man in black had already known that Li Xuanfeng's fighting power was extremely powerful, but he still dared to act like this because he was extremely confident in his own fighting power.

But he soon discovered that the combat power he was proud of was actually suppressed by Li Xuanfeng, and the power of the opponent's original technique even exceeded his own by a lot!

Although the young man in black unleashed all his fighting power, he was still suppressed by Li Xuanfeng's whirlpool of reincarnation and was unable to reverse the situation!

Just when Li Xuanfeng used the whirlpool of reincarnation to collapse the original art of the young man in black and was about to hurt him,

The young man in black suddenly unleashed his cultivation power with all his strength, instantly breaking Li Xuanfeng's reincarnation vortex!

Not only that, the young man in black made Li Xuanfeng realize that there are mountains outside the mountains and there are people outside the people!

This young man in black has reached the late stage of Tianyuan realm, and he possesses extremely powerful starry sky source, making even Li Xuanfeng completely invincible!

The whirlpool of reincarnation that was able to suppress the young man in black just now was directly crushed by the bright starry sky drawn by his wave of hands, and even impacted Li Xuanfeng and flew thousands of feet away!

Feeling the violent surge of energy and blood in his body, Li Xuanfeng steadied his body and clasped his fists in the air, bowed respectfully and said: "Senior's cultivation is earth-shattering, this junior has been defeated!"

Li Xuanfeng already knew his own strength very well. If the fight continued, although he was confident that he could defeat the young man in black, it would only cause him injuries and there was no need to continue fighting.

After hearing this, the young man in black began to restrain his cultivation aura. He shook his head and smiled and said with emotion: "Your talent is indeed amazing. Even I am inferior to you at the same level. You will definitely be able to reach even greater heights in the future."

Li Xuanfeng shook his head and said with a smile: "Senior, you are so complimentary."

After cultivating‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏After breaking through to the middle stage of Tianyuan Realm, Li Xuanfeng originally thought that he had no rivals in Tianchen Star Territory and Jiuling Star Territory, but now he feels that he is still a little too much. Arrogant.

Judging from Yang Mu of the Nine Spirits Star Territory and this ancestor of the Tianxing Sect, I am afraid that there are crouching tigers and hidden dragons in every star territory. There are some peak powers that cannot be seen in the world, and there may even be perfection in the Tianyuan realm!

The vigilance in Li Xuanfeng's heart suddenly increased several times, and he had already considered the need to keep a low profile to avoid causing the peak power to take action against him!

In the Tianchen Star Territory and the Nine Spirit Star Territory, he was able to stay safe and sound only because he had some friendships with him, but if he went to other star territories, I am afraid no one would be polite to him!

After discussing with this ancestor of the Tianxing Sect for a while, Li Xuanfeng said goodbye and left, continuing to search for reincarnations and ancient classics in the Tianchen Star Territory.

In the remaining area of ​​Tianchen Star Region, no more hidden peak powers appeared, and the forces encountered were far inferior to the three peak forces, and there were no more deep-rooted ones. No cultivators found Li Xuanfeng's traces.

In Tianchen Star Region, Li Xuanfeng also searched for more than 30 years. Although he did not find any useful secret methods, he still found several reincarnations.

This incident confirmed Li Xuanfeng's guess that the reincarnations of the major star regions belong to the same path. The people of Jiuling Star Region have been reincarnated in Tianchen Star Region, and they may also appear in other star regions.

Li Xuanfeng continued to treat it in a similar way as before, arranging the reincarnations of people he once knew, and did not interfere with the reincarnations of his previous enemies.

But Li Xuanfeng still did not find the reincarnations of his parents, and his worries in his heart increased again.

More than 30 years later, Li Xuanfeng appeared in the edge area of ​​Tianchen Star Region, looking deeply at the space barrier, as if his eyes had been condensed in the void.

After a brief thought, he decided to go to other star fields, which were star fields he had never been to before!

Although other star fields may be full of hidden talents, and there may be peak powers like the ancestors of Tianxing Sect, or even stronger, Li Xuanfeng still wants to find the reincarnation of his parents and the secret method of resurrection, and at the same time try his best to improve his cultivation.

Li Xuanfeng took a step forward, instantly smashed the void in front of him, and directly passed through the star field barrier in the void and entered

the void in front of him!

From then on, Li Xuanfeng lost his trace in Tianchen Star Field and Jiuling Star Field. The cultivators in the two star fields thought that he had gone to the opposite star field, and did not expect that he had left the two star fields.

In the peaceful development of Tianchen Star Field and Jiuling Star Field, time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, a sixty years, two sixty years, three sixty years...

Time is unforgiving, and many cultivators have grown old because they cannot break through their cultivation. Li Xuanfeng's reputation has gradually been forgotten by a large number of cultivators.

After all, for most cultivators, the peak of the Source Realm is already an unattainable realm, let alone the Heavenly Source Realm.

However, many cultivators are worried about him. Although they know that Li Xuanfeng's current strength is one of the best in the star field, Shen Hua and others still feel worried. They have tried to send voice messages many times, but found that there is no response like a stone sinking into the sea.

Shen Hua and others know that this is because Li Xuanfeng has left a very long distance, which makes their voice transmission unable to reach him at all.

Just after three decades, Li Xuanfeng, who is already in a very far star field, turned his head at the edge, his eyes deep, but with a hint of fatigue, he said lightly: "It's time to go back. I'm afraid that we won't find a better way if we continue to search!"

Including the Tianchen Star Field and the Jiuling Star Field, Li Xuanfeng has searched a total of eight star fields. Although he has found many reincarnations, he has not found a better way to revive.

The method of resurrection is too heaven-defying. Although there are a handful of cultivators in several star regions who have had such thoughts, only a few have actually put them into action, and none have succeeded!

Li Xuanfeng got the inferences or ideas of these cultivators, but after deduction, they all have great flaws and are not feasible.

Even the method of using the power of heaven to complete the residual soul that was found before, Li Xuanfeng has already ruled it out.

After Li Xuanfeng's deductions over the years, he has found the biggest flaw of this technique. This technique may be feasible, but the residual soul will be greatly affected by the will of heaven. Even if it is really resurrected, it is likely that the temperament will change drastically and it will no longer be the same person as before!

As he found many strange methods of resurrection, Li Xuanfeng found that the reincarnation soul-raising technique of the Lord of Reincarnation is the most exquisite, although the caster needs to take great risks!

Even Li Xuanfeng could not help but feel extremely admiring. The Lord of Samsara's attainments in this area have even completely surpassed him, and even surpassed countless Tianjiao in the eight star fields.

However, Li Xuanfeng has not gained nothing in this regard over the years. He has made some improvements to the Samsara Soul Cultivation Technique, which can be regarded as a more perfect extension of this technique, which can avoid many accidents that may occur when performing the technique.

Fortunately, in the following six star fields, Li Xuanfeng did not encounter too strong cultivators again. Although he also encountered two late Tianyuan Realm cultivators, after he showed respect and explained his intentions, these two strong men did not embarrass him.

In a star field, Li Xuanfeng also met a very special domain master. This person was already studying the power of the Heavenly Dao, and had made some achievements. He wanted to use this to jump out of the Heavenly Dao Realm!

After knowing the origin of Li Xuanfeng's reincarnation, this domain master thought that it would pose a threat to the Heavenly Dao power he was studying, and he directly attacked Li Xuanfeng!

However, this person also had the cultivation level of the middle stage of the Tianyuan Realm. After fighting with Li Xuanfeng, even with the help of the power of Heavenly Dao, he was still suppressed by Li Xuanfeng. In the end, he had to be thankful that Li Xuanfeng did not kill him!

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