Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1335 Nine reincarnations! (IV)

In the fourth life, he was a poor scholar and she was the daughter of a butcher.

The two have known each other since they were teenagers. Although their identities are quite different, they get along very well and become close friends.

However, her father did not like him as a poor scholar at all. If he saw his daughter getting close to her, he would definitely scold him.

But the two were not stopped by her father, and they would still get along behind her father's back. He would tell her wonderful stories in books, and she would occasionally secretly bring grain and pork to cook for him.

After many years of getting along, the two of them had secretly developed feelings for each other. In the past 20 years, after understanding their feelings, the two of them had made a private lifelong commitment.

In order to impress her father, he studied harder and consulted several famous teachers many times. After that, he and she went to Beijing separately to take the exam.

He had read the books of saints and sages, and this time he was the top scorer in high school. When the emperor asked him where he wanted to become an official, he asked to be the county magistrate of his hometown.

That day, the gongs and drums were beating loudly, and it was very lively. He was dressed in the uniform of the number one scholar and brought a pair of people to the butcher's house to propose marriage.

On the way, a large number of villagers followed, attracting the attention of countless people and making the butcher's house an unprecedented lively scene.

Seeing him in the No. 1 Scholar uniform, her father felt quite surprised and complicated. Seeing his daughter's eyes full of expectation again, he had no choice but to nod and agree to the marriage.

The reason why I looked down on him before was just because I was worried that he, a nerd, would accomplish nothing and his daughter would suffer along with him.

Now that I see that he is the top scorer in high school and has even been named a county magistrate, I am naturally relieved.

Amidst the congratulations from many villagers, her father felt an unprecedented honor, and the eyes he looked at him were full of appreciation.

A month later, after he had taken office and initially settled the county government, he married her in a sedan chair and made her the county magistrate's wife.

After they got married, she took care of her daily life, and he handled affairs fairly and honestly, becoming an honest county magistrate loved by the people.

The two of them respected each other like guests and were extremely affectionate, making countless villagers extremely envious.

The imperial court also saw his strong governance ability and wanted to promote him, but he politely refused on the grounds that he needed to take care of his elderly parents.

He didn't want to get involved in the disputes among the high-level officials of the imperial court. He just wanted to stay with her peacefully for the rest of his life in this small county.

In the fifth life, he was the son of a civil servant, and she was a noble princess.

He was deeply attracted to her when he first met her at a banquet.

He immediately came to her, pretending to be unintentional, and explained in detail to her when she was curious about the things at the banquet. He also added some humorous words, making her cover her mouth and chuckle from time to time.

She had also discovered that he was extremely attentive to her, explained to her very patiently, and her eyes were focused on him from time to time.

After this banquet, he was completely fascinated by her gentleness, kindness, knowledge of books and etiquette, and vowed to marry her in this life.

After hearing his thoughts, his father expressed his strong support, but also told him that if he wanted to marry the princess, he would have to make great achievements.

He knew very well that being born in an emperor's family, the princess had no control over her. He had to speed up, otherwise he might be beaten by others!

From then on, he, who was already the best among his peers, became even more determined to improve himself, forgetting to sleep and eat, only to

In order to improve yourself faster.

Not only that, he also learned martial arts that he had never been involved in before, in order to be able to protect the princess he admired in the future.

Five years later, a neighboring country suddenly launched an army of 500,000 troops to suppress the border. It was overwhelming. In just ten days, two huge cities were captured.

The emperor was immediately worried. Unexpectedly, the neighboring country suddenly attacked, leaving them no time to prepare and becoming extremely passive. It was impossible to quickly organize a similar number of troops to resist.

Moreover, the enemy country is already stronger than them. The total number of their armies is only about 600,000. This has already caused a lot of losses under the enemy's surprise attack. Even if all the armies are organized later, I am afraid that He is no longer an opponent of the enemy country!

If this continues, it will not only be as simple as losing the city, but even the danger of national subjugation!

Faced with such a situation, no military attache in the court even dared to go to battle, because they knew that there was a huge disparity in strength at this time, and going to battle was almost equivalent to risking death!

Seeing that many officials were silent, a minister suddenly admonished: "Your Majesty, it is better for us to make peace with the enemy country in order to solve today's urgent needs!"

As soon as this person spoke, several ministers immediately reconsidered and felt that this was the best way now.

The most suitable candidate for marriage now is the princess who is nearly 20 years old. The emperor does not want to sacrifice his daughter's happiness like this, and the enemy country may also be willing to subvert the marriage. This method may not be able to solve the current crisis, so he decided to make a decision tomorrow morning.

After knowing that the princess was willing to go and make peace, he immediately panicked and immediately told his father that he would follow him to court tomorrow and was willing to lead troops to defend against the enemy.

His father already knew about his abilities and his admiration for the princess. He nodded in agreement and said solemnly: "It seems that this time you need to show your strength in front of many civil and military ministers."

In the court hall the next day, several ministers proposed marriage again, because it involved her, and the princess was already listening to the court at the emperor's side.

The emperor suddenly frowned and said, "My dear lords, does anyone have a better way?"

His father immediately stood up: "Quinzi is waiting outside the hall and is willing to lead the army to resist the enemy!"

Because he was not a court official and could not enter the court without permission, he waited outside the main hall.

The emperor's eyes suddenly lit up and he was announced to enter the palace. Seeing her such a young appearance, many civil and military ministers immediately expressed doubts about his ability.

He did not explain much, but directly asked several military attachés to teach him. The result was that many ministers were stunned. They did not expect that he was already a literary and military officer. Compared with the two most outstanding military attaches, he was even worse. Nothing less.

Seeing his ability and convincing many ministers, the emperor sent him to lead the assembled army of 200,000 to the front line to resist the enemy army.

Afterwards, he used the arrogant strategy to set up an ambush, luring the enemy army deep into the country without their care, causing the enemy army to suffer heavy losses in a steep valley, directly reversing the situation, and finally killed the enemy army and abandoned its armor!

In the pursuit of victory, he not only regained the lost city, but also occupied three cities of the enemy country, making the country one point stronger than the enemy country!

When the master returned to the court, the emperor Longyan was very happy and made him a first-class general. He asked him what reward he wanted. He said that he wanted to use this victory as a betrothal gift to the princess.

Propose marriage.

The emperor immediately asked his daughter. To his surprise, her daughter agreed to the marriage without hesitation. The emperor then learned that the two had already loved each other.

Soon after, under the arrangement of the emperor, a grand wedding was held in the capital that was announced to the whole country. The general who defeated the enemy's army of 500,000 people married the princess and became his consort. There was a favorite story:

The prince-consort originally did not show off his abilities in front of others, but after hearing several ministers suggesting that the princess go and get married, he came forward to show off his talents for his beloved.

In the sixth life, he was a refugee who had lost his country and his family. When he fled to another country, he met her, the daughter of a nomad.

Seeing his hungry appearance, she felt inexplicably distressed and asked her father to take him in.

After that, he began to help her family with farm work, rode horses and herded cattle with her family, and also joined the nomadic life.

He was extremely grateful to her family for taking him in and worked extremely hard. Even her father admired him more and more.

Because they get along every day, and because he takes care of her, the two have been in love for a long time, and even their father can see the implicit love in their eyes.

Her father was also extremely satisfied with him. Seeing that both of them were hiding their love, he smiled and joked during a casual chat: "Seeing that you two are so close, why not let you get married on a different day to avoid separation in the future."

Hearing her father's words, both of them had a lot of blush on their faces, but they did not say any words of rejection. They looked at each other and immediately lowered their heads and remained silent.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, her father shook his head and smiled and said: "You two are silent. It seems that you don't agree with this matter. Let's forget it. You are just messing up the rules for your father."

After hearing this, she immediately became anxious and said immediately, regardless of her shyness, "I can't forget it!"

After hearing this, her father suddenly said with a half-smile, "My daughter seems to want to get married, but Xuan Feng doesn't seem to want to get married."

Hearing her father's words, he was worried that she would misunderstand, and immediately said: "Of course I want to marry him, I have been thinking about it for several years!"

In this way, under her father's teasing, both of them expressed their love.

Then her father found someone to choose an auspicious day, and two months later a simple wedding ceremony was held outside the tent.

Only her parents were the witnesses, no relatives or friends were present, and there were a large number of cattle and sheep in the background, but both of them had extremely happy smiles on their faces, and they did not mind the deserted scene at all.

In their view, as long as the person getting married is the other party, it is enough. It doesn't matter whether there is a grand banquet or a large number of relatives and friends to witness it.

After getting married, the two fell in love with each other and took care of each other. Although the nomadic life was hard, the two were still very happy together, helping their parents raise cattle and horses.

Because no children were born, the two adopted two orphans they met while nomadic. While caring for them as they grew up, they also slowly taught them nomadic skills.

More than ten years later, their father was already old. The two of them asked their father to return to their hometown to take care of themselves. The two of them took their two children to nomadic life on the grassland.

Although nomadic life is extremely hard, the two have always supported each other without any complaints. They have been in a good relationship for decades.

It was precisely under the influence of the two people's extremely loving way of getting along that their children also developed excellent characters. After many years, they got married and were in great harmony with their partners.

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