Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 153 The last leader of the Corpse Demon Cult!

Li Xuanfeng was so upset when he heard the charming woman's words. What does it mean that any request can be met?

"Sorry, I have to go to the formation and I don't have time." Li Xuanfeng refused without hesitation.

He didn't want to waste time on them at all.

"How can this be? She has time to teach Junior Sister Shen, but she doesn't have time to teach us." The three female disciples were very dissatisfied and complained immediately.

What Li Xuanfeng didn't realize at this time was that when Shen Luoyan heard that the charming woman said that she could agree to any request, a dangerous light flashed in her eyes.

"Junior brother, how can you be so heartless? Why don't you teach them?" Shen Luoyan beside him suddenly said with a smile, meaning unclear.

Li Xuanfeng turned his head and looked at her in surprise. Seeing the smile on her face, he instantly saw through her thoughts. His heart moved, and he suddenly smiled and said with a wicked smile.

"Since Senior Sister has said so, then okay, but I can't teach her in vain, so let her meet the requirements I want by the way." He even took a look at the woman's figure and appearance while speaking.

Shen Luoyan's eyes widened instantly after hearing this. The dangerous light in her beautiful eyes instantly turned into a strong rage. She quickly raised her jade hand, grabbed one of Li Xuanfeng's ears, and dragged him to fly towards the formation angrily!

"Senior sister, it hurts so much, I won't dare to do it again, please spare me!" Li Xuanfeng immediately shouted exaggeratedly for mercy. In fact, with his flesh, he didn't feel any pain at all.

Li Xuanfeng was very happy in his heart. He didn't expect that the senior sister who wanted to test him would be fooled so easily.

"Hey, Junior Sister Shen, how can you take Junior Brother Li away? He wants to make a request for me to satisfy, and then teach me to improve my combat power."

The charming female disciple was just happy to hear Li Xuanfeng's words, but found that Li Xuanfeng was dragged away by Shen Luoyan angrily. She hurriedly spoke out to stop him, and even flew out to stop Shen Luoyan directly.

Shen Luoyan was already angry, but she didn't expect this person to be so blind. She was so angry that she instantly lost her mind and said, "I can satisfy any request he makes. I don't need you."

"Can you really satisfy any request?" the female disciple asked with a strange smile.

Shen Luoyan realized that she had said the wrong thing by mistake, and her face turned red. But she didn't want to lose to this charming female disciple at this time, so she said again, "Of course."

After that, she bypassed the female disciple, pulled Li Xuanfeng's ear with more force, and rushed to the formation again.

At this time, she was extremely angry. If Li Xuanfeng's body was not extremely strong, I'm afraid his ears would be pulled off by her!

Li Xuanfeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The anxious senior sister didn't even hear such a simple joke and got so angry.

He still had to be careful when speaking in the future, otherwise he would not only anger the senior sister, but also his life might be in danger...

What Li Xuanfeng didn't understand was that Shen Luoyan was not unable to see through this joke. At this moment, she was muttering fiercely in her heart.

"You are so good, Li Xuanfeng. You dare to flirt with other women when I am around. If I am not around, then you will be so arrogant?"

"Hmph, if I don't teach you a lesson, you will think that I am jealous!"

Just like that, in the stunned eyes of everyone nearby, the Xuanling Sect where Zheng Cheng was, and others were all laughing and crying.

Li Xuanfeng was pulled by Shen Luoyan's ears and dragged into the formation!

The Moon Sea Secret Realm has appeared for countless years. This formation has witnessed the arrival of countless people. Some were kicked into the formation by the enemy in the battle, some escaped into the formation with seriously injured bodies, and some Taoist couples entered the formation hand in hand. There are all kinds of ways to enter the formation.

But like Li Xuanfeng, who was pulled into the formation by the ears, there is no one before and no one after him. He is the only one.

At this time, others also understood that Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan seemed to be a pair of young lovers. Because Li Xuanfeng angered Shen Luoyan, he was dragged into the formation by her.

Chen Gen saw this scene, a smile appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but touch his nose, while Wen Xiaowan waved her little fist at him, as if to say, if you dare to let me down, I will be more ruthless than Junior Sister Shen.

Just like that, under the gaze of everyone, the two instantly disappeared in the light of the formation.

After entering the formation, Li Xuanfeng did not feel any power, nor did he feel the twisting power of transmission, but suddenly, the jade hand that Senior Sister pulled his ear disappeared, and the person was nowhere to be found.

Li Xuanfeng nervously scanned the circle, but found that he was alone in a high tower at this time. Whether it was spiritual power or spiritual consciousness, he could not pass through the tower wall, and could not sense the situation outside the tower.

He could only vaguely see some figures outside the tower, but because the distance was too far, he could not see the appearance clearly, and could not identify whether they were the people who entered the Moon Sea Secret Realm together.

Although he could vaguely know that he was in the first floor of a high tower, he could not sense how many floors the tower had in total, and could only vaguely sense the next floor!

A hint of surprise flashed in Li Xuanfeng's eyes. No wonder the ancestors of Xuanling Sect didn't know how many layers this formation had. Unless you can break through to the last layer, you can feel that there is a tower top and no lower layer!

What Li Xuanfeng didn't know at this time was that Shen Luoyan appeared in the same place as him, also on the first floor of a high tower!

In fact, they were in the same high tower, but because of the strangeness of this golden formation, they seemed to be not in the same space and could not sense each other.

No matter

No matter how many people enter the formation together, they will all appear alone on the first floor of the tower and will not be able to meet other people in the tower!

At this time, he could not think too much. A gray-robed figure suddenly appeared in the tower. It was a middle-aged man with an expressionless face and a strange aura all over his body!

Li Xuanfeng observed carefully and found that this gray-robed man was not a real human. His body was composed of spiritual power, which seemed to be condensed by the strange power in the tower.

The moment the gray-robed figure appeared, Li Xuanfeng was immediately alert, and his spiritual power and physical power surged, ready to attack at any time!

The calm eyes of the gray-robed middle-aged man suddenly flashed, and a spiritual power beam shot out from his hand in an instant, approaching Li Xuanfeng in the blink of an eye. Li Xuanfeng saw this and a hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth. He just waved his right hand and directly collapsed the spiritual power beam.

Seeing that the spell was broken by Li Xuanfeng, the gray-robed man's face remained unchanged. The spiritual power in his hands condensed again, and his hands quickly pinched the seal. A golden bell instantly condensed outside Li Xuanfeng's body, covering him.


As a huge bell sounded in the tower, Li Xuanfeng felt an extremely strong sound wave impacting him, as if it could penetrate his soul. It rebounded countless times as it hit the inner wall of the bell, causing the sound wave power to hit him repeatedly countless times!

However, this bell sound was only the power of the early stage of the elixir, and it did not have much effect on Li Xuanfeng.

A strange color flashed in Li Xuanfeng's eyes. This was the first time he felt a sound wave attack. He did not expect that sound waves could produce such a powerful force.

Moreover, the gray-robed man's sound wave attack carried a strange power. If his cultivation was not only in the middle stage of the elixir, but in the late stage of the elixir, Li Xuanfeng estimated that he would not be better!

After feeling the sound wave attack of the bell, Li Xuanfeng stepped in the air and suddenly performed a thunder strike directly, hitting the inner wall of the golden bell!

The big bell simply couldn't withstand the powerful physical strength of Li Xuanfeng. It didn't even have time to crack before it completely collapsed and turned into countless spiritual lights and dissipated!

Li Xuanfeng rushed out, but he didn't attack the black-robed man. He wanted to take a closer look at what strangeness there was in the figure condensed in the tower, which would be more conducive to passing the next level.

The gray-robed man still had no expression on his face, as if he was a puppet controlled by someone, and could only attack numbly.

Just as Li Xuanfeng was about to see what the gray-robed man would do next, the gray-robed man's body suddenly turned into countless spiritual lights and dissipated, as if he had never appeared, and Li Xuanfeng was the only one left on the first floor again.

Then, at the end of the first floor, ten stone steps appeared. When he went up, he felt that it was another floor.

Li Xuanfeng was helpless and couldn't help but complain in his heart. Is the tower in this formation so sloppy? Finding that the gray-robed man's magic couldn't hurt him, he directly let the gray-robed man guarding the formation dissipate, and a stone staircase leading to the second floor appeared, allowing him to go to the second floor.

He wanted to take a closer look at what was so strange about this formation, but it seemed that he could only find out by going up.

Then Li Xuanfeng stepped onto the stone stairs and came to the second floor. The space on this floor was exactly the same as the first floor, with no difference, except for the person guarding the formation.

The moment Li Xuanfeng stepped into the second floor, the spiritual power in the space gathered towards the center and condensed into a figure in the blink of an eye, but it was no longer the middle-aged man in gray robes on the first floor, but a woman in red!

This time, Li Xuanfeng had been paying attention to the movement of spiritual power in this floor, so he did not miss a single thing throughout the whole process.

The scene condensed by the woman in red surprised Li Xuanfeng very much. What kind of power could condense spiritual power into a figure?

The woman in red took out a colorful long whip, and when she pinched her hands, the colorful long whip turned into a poisonous snake, and a mouth appeared at the end of the whip, with extremely sharp teeth in the mouth, and it instantly rushed in front of Li Xuanfeng and bit him directly!

A strange flash of light flashed in Li Xuanfeng's eyes, and an extremely hot flame appeared on his right hand. With a casual flick of his hand, the flame instantly covered the long whip that turned into a poisonous snake!

With the crackling sound of burning firewood, the long whip was instantly ignited, and in just a breath of time, it turned into spiritual power and dissipated!

Seeing the long whip burning and dissipating into spiritual power, Li Xuanfeng was even more surprised. This long whip was not a real magic weapon, but was condensed by spiritual power, but it could exert the power of a magic weapon.

The red-clothed woman pinched her jade hand again, and a huge python condensed out. The body of the python was ten feet long and half a foot thick. It exuded a ferocious breath and spit out its tongue to devour Li Xuanfeng!

Li Xuanfeng still did not move his position, but just stood there calmly. Another flame flew out and drilled directly into the big python's mouth at lightning speed!

Before approaching Li Xuanfeng, countless flames appeared in the body of the python, and many of them even penetrated the body and burst out, making the python's body instantly become extremely broken!

In the blink of an eye, the huge python collapsed and exploded, turning into countless spiritual powers and dissipating in this second layer.

Then, the red-clothed woman also dissipated into countless spiritual powers like the gray-robed man on the first layer, and the stone stairs leading to the third layer also appeared at the end.

Li Xuanfeng's eyes flickered, and his mind was thinking about the information obtained from the signs of the first two layers.

The defenders who appeared were just condensed spiritual power, and their combat power was getting stronger and stronger, improving by half a realm!

The gray-robed man on the first layer, the power of the magic is only the initial stage of the spiritual pill, while the power of the red-clothed woman on the second layer has reached the peak of the initial stage of the spiritual pill.

Then, the cultivation level of the people guarding the formation on the third level should be in the middle stage of spiritual elixir.

The defenders gathered here have no thoughts and can only attack with powerful spiritual power. This means that they can only pass through with their combat power. If their combat power is insufficient, there are no other tricks.

Then Li Xuanfeng walked up to the third floor again, and a young man in green appeared on the third floor!

What surprised Li Xuanfeng was that this young man no longer used spiritual power like the previous two levels, but physical power!

When the young man in green appeared, he rushed out at an extremely fast speed and appeared in front of Li Xuanfeng in an instant. He gathered a large amount of physical power and punched out directly.

"It's interesting." Li Xuanfeng murmured, and at the same time mobilized his physical strength to punch out!

Li Xuanfeng was surprised that the physical power could also be condensed from spiritual power. There must be an extremely strange power in this tower, which aroused Li Xuanfeng's infinite curiosity.

Since he had a powerful physical body, he has never fought against a monk who actually used the power of the physical body, although at this time he was just a young man who condensed the formation.

The fists of Li Xuanfeng and the young man in green collided instantly. Li Xuanfeng's expression changed slightly. The young man's physical strength had reached the middle stage of spiritual elixir, which was better than him!

However, even after sensing this, Li Xuanfeng still did not use his spiritual power. Instead, he continued to use his physical power to fight against the young man in green. The two even often punched each other in the chest, took two steps back and then rushed out to get close again, punching out again. , in the blink of an eye, the two of them fired dozens of punches at each other!

Although Li Xuanfeng's physical strength is not as strong as that of the young man in green, it is only at a higher level. It will only cause him some minor injuries for the time being, and then it will gradually worsen!

The reason why Li Xuanfeng still relied on his physical strength to fight against him even though his physical strength was not as strong as that of the young man in green, was because he knew that although his physical body had improved a lot after entering the Moon Sea Secret Realm, it was never stable enough!

He needs to polish his body, and this young man in green is the best choice at this time.

Polishing the physical body is a wonderful saying in the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Body. The power of the physical body is just like the cultivation of spiritual power. It also needs to be stable after a breakthrough. This is where polishing the physical body comes from.

To polish one's body, you need to fight against someone whose physical strength is similar to yours. The best one is someone whose body is slightly better than yours. If the other person's body is too strong, then it is not polishing, but seeking death!

Li Xuanfeng laughed loudly and intertwined countless fist shadows with the young man in green. He punched hundreds of times in ten breaths. Even a small amount of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but it did not affect his continued use of physical power to fight. determination.

With the constant confrontation, Li Xuanfeng found that the physical power in his body had a tendency to continue to rise. This surprised him, but after careful perception, he quickly understood the reason.

This was the power of thunder and lightning that had not been completely absorbed in the thunder pool of the cave last time. There was still a small amount left in Li Xuanfeng's flesh and blood. At this time, following the confrontation with the young man in green, this power of thunder and lightning was squeezed out. out!

As the strength of his physical body slowly increased, Li Xuanfeng's injuries were slowly recovering, no longer worsening as before.

After half a stick of incense, a subtle clicking sound suddenly came from Li Xuanfeng's body. The power of thunder and lightning in his physical body was completely absorbed, and his physical body unexpectedly broke through again and entered the middle stage of the spiritual elixir!

As his physical power entered the middle stage of the spiritual elixir, Li Xuanfeng's aura became stronger, and his confrontation with the young man in green became more fierce. He no longer had any scruples, and once again bombarded each other with hundreds of punches!

When the last punch was fired, the figure of the young man in green still maintained the posture of punching out, and his spiritual power instantly dissipated, and then the entrance to the fourth floor opened.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed with anticipation, but he did not immediately enter the fourth level. Instead, he waited in the third level, silently counting the time in his heart.

Soon, it had been a stick of incense for Li Xuanfeng to enter the third level, but he was not ejected from the formation, which confirmed a guess in his mind.

As long as you pass through this layer within one stick of incense, although the entrance to the next layer has been opened, you do not need to enter within one stick of incense. Instead, you can continue to stay on this layer to recover your spiritual power and injuries. .

After understanding this, Li Xuanfeng stepped onto the stone stairs again and walked to the fourth floor.

When he stepped onto the fourth floor, the spiritual power in the space condensed again, and a middle-aged man wearing a black robe appeared. However, when this man appeared, he was completely different from the people on the first three floors, which made Li Xuanfeng's eyes slightly change. Shrink.

"I am Huang Chen from the Corpse Demon Sect, how dare you to fight me!"

After the man in black robe appeared, he burst out with an extremely powerful aura, and murmured in a low voice, his voice full of defiance!

Not only was he shocked that this middle-aged man in black robe could speak, but hearing the name from his mouth made Li Xuanfeng's expression change drastically!

Hearing this name, Li Xuanfeng's mind stirred up. When he sneaked into the Corpse Demon Sect, he had entered many places in the Corpse Demon Sect because he was searching for his father's whereabouts.

And this Huang Chen's name, he had actually seen it, appeared in the ranking of the leader of the Corpse Demon Sect!

This name is the name of the previous generation leader of the Corpse Demon Sect!

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng clearly sensed that the cultivation level of the man in black robe who claimed to be Huang Chen was not the peak of the middle stage of the spiritual elixir, but the peak of the early stage of the elixir!

All these things completely disrupted Li Xuanfeng's guesses about this tower, and made him feel uncontrollably confused!

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