Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 164 Tragic!

The dazzling red light emitted by this Spirit Infant Realm lava insect contains extremely rich fire-attribute spiritual power. Even Li Xuanfeng, who has reached the peak physical strength of the late Spiritual Pill Realm, dare not touch it directly!

If he were hit directly, his body would probably be turned into charcoal!

Li Xuanfeng's whole body was rolling with evil energy, and he directly used Thunder Crash. He rushed out at the fastest speed, and instantly approached a lava bug in the Spiritual Infant Realm. He condensed his spiritual power and physical power and struck directly at the lava bug with a punch!

This lava insect was condensing blazing red light in its huge mouth, but Li Xuanfeng was so fast that it reached him in the blink of an eye. With a punch, it had no chance to fight back!

A star-shattering fist was fired from a small fist. Compared with the huge lava bug, it seemed like an ant challenging an elephant.

But this punch contained extremely powerful power, which spread directly throughout the lava insect's body, causing the insect's body to tremble violently!

In a violent spasm, the insect's body collapsed instantly. Instead of turning into countless pieces of flesh, it exploded directly into a bloody mist. That was the scene of flesh and blood being crushed into tiny pieces like dust!

At this moment, the red light ejected by another lava bug instantly hit Li Xuanfeng's back. Although Li Xuanfeng used the Purple Destroyer Stick to transform into a hemisphere in advance to block it, he was still hit by the huge power contained in the red light. Far away!

Li Xuanfeng's face turned rosy instantly after he was knocked out. Qi and blood surged violently in his body. Although he did not vomit blood, he was slightly injured. The skin on his back was burned to a fiery red color by the blazing high temperature!

If Li Xuanfeng had condensed a complete protective sphere, he would not be injured this time as he had a peak physical body in the late stage of the spiritual elixir. However, if that were the case, he would not be able to use the Star-Shattering Fist attack and it would take more time.

The reason why he took action was to trade injuries for kills and strive to kill the lava bugs as quickly as possible!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng completely ignored the minor injuries in his body, stabilized his body and rushed out again, galloping towards another lava bug in the Spiritual Infant Realm!

Just when Li Xuanfeng killed a lava bug, other lava bugs had already reached the giant sword, and Zheng Cheng could only hold back the lava bug that was half a step into the spiritual infant realm, and could no longer protect the giant sword. of people!

At this time, everyone on the giant sword instantly felt the extremely intense life and death crisis, and activated the combined attack formation with all their strength, continuously sending out spiritual light beams to attack the lava worms!

Although this combined attack formation is extremely delicate, under the full operation of dozens of people on the giant sword, the power of the spiritual light beam emitted can reach the perfection of the spiritual elixir realm!

But at this time, there are ten lava bugs that are besieging the giant sword, and there are as many as ten in the Light Spiritual Pill Realm, and there are countless others. The one with the lowest cultivation level is also in the early stage of the Spiritual Pill Realm!

Although everyone used the combined attack formation to launch several attacks quickly and killed two lava bugs, the red light ejected from the mouths of the other lava bugs also instantly fell on the giant sword!

Hit by the powerful red light, several cracks filled the giant sword in the blink of an eye. Everyone in the Xuanling Sect flew up from the giant sword in fear, maintaining the combined attack formation and flying in the air!

As soon as everyone took off, the giant sword was completely shattered and turned into countless fragments and fell into the magma sea!

This giant sword is only a magic weapon in the later stage of the spiritual elixir. Only by refining it can it reach the perfect speed of the spiritual elixir realm. It was attacked by dozens of spiritual elixir realm lava bugs and could not withstand it!

The smashing of the giant sword was like adding insult to injury to everyone in the Xuanling Sect!

The giant sword can increase everyone's speed a lot. Without the giant sword at this time, the speed of everyone in Xuanling Sect will be greatly reduced.

It’s hard to avoid lava bug attacks!

Li Xuanfeng felt even more anxious when he saw the giant sword collapse, but he had just used his most powerful technique, the Star-Shattering Fist, and could not use it again immediately!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng was close to the remaining lava worm. Li Xuanfeng waved his hands, and five attribute objects began to arise from each other. In the blink of an eye, he condensed the Five Elements Killing Immortal Sword and slashed the lava worm with one sword!

In this critical situation, the lava bug's bloated body surged and instantly spurted out an extremely powerful red light, hitting the Five Elements Immortal Killing Sword that had been slashed at it!

Although the power of this red light is that of a powerful spiritual infant in the early stage, the Five Elements Immortal Killing Sword is even better. With one strike, the red light instantly collapses and dissipates. Although the Five Elements Immortal Killing Sword is mostly consumed, it still kills with a strong momentum. On the lava bug!

The lava bug let out a painful roar, and a half-foot-wide wound instantly appeared on its body, and a large amount of magma gushes out from the wound!

Although this wound is half a foot wide, it is not fatal to this giant lava bug that is a hundred feet in size!

The lava worm roared in pain, opened its bloody mouth full of sharp teeth, and bit Li Xuanfeng directly beside him!

Li Xuanfeng turned around and narrowly avoided the giant mouth of the lava bug, and then directly used Thunder Crash to hit the lava bug's wound, tearing it apart again and becoming several feet large!

When the lava worm let out an even more painful roar, Li Xuanfeng waved his hand with one hand, and the water tide dragon instantly condensed and penetrated directly into the lava worm's wound!


After the Water Tide Dragon penetrated, it directly self-destructed and exploded inside the lava insect's body!

The lava bug's body was filled with hot magma, and it was restrained by the water tide dragon. Then in the powerful explosion, its body was directly torn to pieces!

Although Li Xuanfeng had adopted a fighting method of exchanging injuries for kills and quickly killed two lava bugs in the Spirit Infant realm, it still took him nearly ten breaths!

During these ten breathing periods, it was simply a nightmare for everyone in the Xuanling Sect!

Although the combined attack formation of the crowd was mysterious and could exert the power of the perfect spiritual pill realm at the highest level, the speed of condensation was completely unable to keep up with the attack speed of this group of lava worms!

When this group of lava worms attacked, in an emergency, everyone used all their strength to operate the combined attack formation to condense three attacks, instantly hitting three lava worms in the perfect spiritual pill realm!

Although it achieved good results, one was killed, and two had shocking wounds on their bodies, and they were already seriously injured!

However, there were still seven lava worms in the perfect spiritual pill realm and dozens of lava worms with other cultivation levels that were not attacked. The red light they sprayed successfully fell on the spherical light curtain formed by the combined attack formation!

At this time, the number of lava worms was too large, and most of the cultivation auras exceeded those of the Xuanling Sect. The combined attack formation they formed was simply unable to stop it!

The formation instantly collapsed and dissipated in the attack of dozens of red lights, and the terrified people were exposed to the ferocious eyes of many lava worms!

The people of Xuanling Sect also spit out blood because of the collapse of the formation, and they were already injured!

Then dozens of lava worms rushed up in an instant, breaking up the people of Xuanling Sect who had gathered together!

The people of Xuanling Sect were no match for this group of lava worms, and being broken up at this time would make the situation even more dangerous!

In the blink of an eye, several people were sucked into the ferocious mouth of the lava worm. With a shrill scream, they were torn into pieces by sharp teeth and swallowed into a belly full of magma!

And this is just the beginning!

Among the crowd, there was a couple who were chased by a lava worm in the perfect spirit pill realm at the same time. The cultivation of the two was only in the early stage of spirit pill. In the blink of an eye, the lava worm was about to catch up. They even felt the apricot wind from the lava worm's mouth!

In the crisis, the man slapped the woman on the back, causing her speed to soar instantly and rush out hundreds of feet away.


After the woman was slapped away, she instantly guessed his plan and shouted anxiously, and even used her cultivation to stabilize her body immediately!

The man suddenly turned around, condensed the strongest spell, took out all the magic weapons in the storage ring, and threw them all into the giant mouth of the lava worm that was swallowing it!

When the lava worm swallowed all his spells and magic weapons, the man did not hesitate at all and whispered.


The muffled explosion sounded from the belly of the lava worm. Although the power was not enough and the lava worm was not seriously injured, it still slowed down its galloping body for a moment!

The man looked back at the woman with deep reluctance and whispered, his tone full of love and decisiveness!

"Junior sister, promise me that you will live well!"

The man's eyes were full of reluctance, but the lava worm didn't care about their love and reluctance at all, and there would be no mercy. It opened its big mouth and swallowed the man in front of it!

When his body was bitten off by the lava worm, the man let out a last low cry with his last consciousness!


The man's cultivation was directly detonated, and the elixir in his dantian emitted violent power in the blink of an eye, exploding in the lava worm's mouth, splashing blood and flesh, slowing down the lava worm again!

But even so, the man detonated the magic weapon and the self-detonation of his cultivation, which only slowed down the lava worm for two or three breaths, but the price was his own death!

As soon as the woman stabilized her body, she saw the man's self-detonation, with a lot of blood and tears in her eyes, and she shouted in grief!


At this time, the woman was already grief-stricken, and she did not listen to the man's last words at all. Instead, she turned around and rushed out, rushing towards the lava worm that continued to devour her!

"Brother, how can you be so cruel and let me live well? How can I live without you?"

The collapse of the combined attack formation also exposed Shen Luoyan and others to the attack of the lava worm, but they were not dispersed, but insisted on standing together.

Zhu Lie and Chen Gen protected Shen Luoyan and Wen Xiaowan behind them. The four of them formed a small combined attack formation, and at this time they were also fighting against a lava worm in the perfect spiritual pill realm!

In order to complete the task assigned to him by Li Xuanfeng, Zhu Lie had completely disregarded his own safety. Together with Chen Gen, he tried hard to block the attack of the lava worm. Relying on the exquisiteness of the formation, although they were temporarily deadlocked with this lava worm, their injuries were getting worse!

I'm afraid they can't continue to hold on for a few breaths!

In just a few breaths, among the people of Xuanling Sect, 20 to 30 people were swallowed and killed by lava worms, either to protect their companions or unable to escape!

The place was filled with shrill screams and the grief-stricken shouts of companions, as if it had turned into hell on earth!

The people of Xuanling Sect finally experienced the ruthlessness and danger of the Moon Sea Secret Realm, and all the hope in their hearts was wiped out!

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