Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 169 Searching the soul to find out the secret!

When the four of them were fighting with the man and the woman, it was the best time for Li Xuanfeng to take action. If he missed this opportunity, he didn't know how long he would have to wait!

The man and the woman were both in the Lingying realm, and they could hold back the four people who attacked them. As for the remaining two, Li Xuanfeng was confident that he could deal with them!

As this secret realm only allowed people below the Lingying realm to enter, even if one of the two people was in the Lingying realm, he was only in the early stage of the Lingying realm.

Li Xuanfeng had to verify the absurd guess that emerged in his mind. If this guess was true, he had to be careful to hide, otherwise it would be extremely dangerous.

If this guess was true, the more important thing would be why these six people were looking for him!

And they directly took the cruel way of searching the soul to find him, and they didn't intend to leave a way out!

When the four of them were fighting with the man and the woman, and the remaining two were watching leisurely, Li Xuanfeng suddenly appeared and rushed directly towards them, which surprised the two people.

However, when Li Xuanfeng approached, they sensed that the aura of Li Xuanfeng was only the late stage of Lingdan, and seeing that he was wearing a black robe, they did not care much.

Even the man in the sky did not intend to attack, but the Lingdan Yuanyuan below took out a long sword with disdain, and slashed at Li Xuanfeng directly, generating a powerful sword energy to slash at him!

Li Xuanfeng, who was running fast, did not pause at all because of this sword energy, and rushed out at the same speed. The purple long sword transformed from the purple extinction stick appeared in his hand and slashed directly with a sword!

However, the scene of Li Xuanfeng being split in half by the sword energy did not appear as he expected, but the sword energy collapsed and dissipated instantly!

Li Xuanfeng's cold and ruthless eyes appeared in front of him instantly, and his speed was completely beyond him. The purple long sword in his hand slashed directly with unparalleled momentum!

This sword with amazing speed left him no time to resist, and it had already slashed on his waist!

He instantly felt the severe pain from his waist, and the lower body that he could not feel, which made his heart completely overwhelmed by fear.

"Ah! Save me!" He could only let out a scream of fear and a cry for help!

In his extremely terrified eyes, Li Xuanfeng's big hand instantly stretched out and pressed directly on his forehead, and the powerful spiritual consciousness rushed into his sea of ​​consciousness!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng stood in the air, his right hand grasping the forehead of a person with only the upper body. The upper body was shaking constantly, and a large amount of blood was constantly spraying down from the broken waist!

This scene made the murderous aura on Li Xuanfeng soar into the sky, and the spiritual infant cultivator above felt a chill in his heart!

However, this person instantly suppressed the chill in his heart, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, and rushed out directly!

Li Xuanfeng actually dared to attack in front of him. This was completely ignoring him. He must make Li Xuanfeng regret it!

When he rushed out, Li Xuanfeng immediately grabbed the forehead of the man who was cut into two pieces and quickly retreated. His speed was comparable to that of the spiritual infant cultivator who was chasing him!

The spirit infant was more and more frightened. He thought that Li Xuanfeng could severely injure the perfect spirit pill realm in an instant, but it was just a surprise attack.

At this time, he was surprised to find that Li Xuanfeng actually had the speed of the spirit infant realm, and his combat power would not be low!

After the two of them got close, Li Xuanfeng had sensed the breath of the spirit infant realm on this person, so he had determined that the three people standing above were strong people in the spirit infant realm!

What surprised him was that how could there be so many spirit infant realms, and there were three people here!

According to estimates, there should be less than ten spirit infant realms in the secret realm at this time!

However, this question was soon completely solved with the memory obtained by soul searching!

When the spirit infant chased Li Xuanfeng, although Li Xuanfeng was escaping at a high speed, he did not stop searching the soul of the person in his hand!

The spirit infant secret realm was shocked, because he found that the person who was caught by Li Xuanfeng had a sluggish look at this time, and his body was shaking constantly!

This scene made him feel very familiar, and it looked exactly the same as the person whose soul he searched!

What shocked him was why the black-robed man in front of him would use the soul-searching technique!

He knew all the tribesmen who entered the secret realm, and he was very sure that this person was not from their tribe!

According to the records of their ancestors, no one who had entered the secret realm from the outside world would use the soul-searching secret technique collected by their tribe!

It was precisely because of this that the existence of their tribe had never been discovered by people from the outside world!

Seeing the black-robed man in front of him using the soul-searching technique, his face changed drastically!

The face of this spirit infant changed drastically, and he immediately used a large amount of spiritual power to perform magic. A powerful fire dragon instantly condensed out of thin air, with an extremely powerful breath, and opened his mouth to swallow Li Xuanfeng!

Li Xuanfeng pinched his fingers with one hand, and the water tide dragon instantly appeared in front of the fire dragon, and the two dragon shadows condensed by spiritual power instantly collided with each other!

In the midst of a large amount of steam, the water tide dragon instantly collapsed and dissipated, but the fire dragon had also become extremely broken, and most of its spiritual power had been consumed!

At this time, the extremely broken fire dragon rushed in front of Li Xuanfeng, but it did not even break Li Xuanfeng's body protection spiritual power, and it collapsed in the recoil and dissipated into countless hot spiritual powers.

This scene shocked the spirit infant man even more. He could sense that Li Xuanfeng was only in the late stage of the Spiritual Pill Realm, but the magic he displayed was almost the same as that of the Spiritual Infant Realm!

The huge gap between the Spiritual Pill Realm and the Spiritual Infant Realm cannot be easily made up. He has only seen one person in his clan who can fight against the early stage of the Spiritual Infant Realm with the cultivation of the half-step Spiritual Infant Realm!

But the man in black robes in front of him only had the cultivation level of the late Lingdan period. The word "terrible" is no longer enough to describe this kind of combat power!

The reason why this person in the spirit infant realm is so shocked is because Li Xuanfeng's water and wood attributes are hidden. The water tide dragon he perceives is not the water attribute spiritual power. With his cultivation in the later stage of the spiritual pill, he can resist his attack without using restraint attributes. The fire dragon was beyond his imagination!

However, even if he knew that Li Xuanfeng was using a water attribute spell to restrain the fire dragon, he would still be shocked. The huge gap between the late stage of the Spiritual Pill Realm and the early stage of the Spiritual Infant Realm cannot be made up by the restraint of this attribute!

During the battle between the two using spells, the man caught by Li Xuanfeng did not last long. He was already seriously injured, but his soul was searched by Li Xuanfeng's powerful spiritual sense. A half-length body!

Li Xuanfeng, who had a monster-like mind, although his face did not change at this time, the pupils in his eyes shrank slightly uncontrollably. His heart was completely shocked by the memories he had found!

Only then did he realize that there was actually a clan of people hiding in this secret realm, called the Bai clan!

This person from the Bai tribe is the guardian of the secret realm, the guardian of the seventh and eighth floors of the War Spirit Tower.

The person is a member of the Bai tribe!

And they actually have jade slips that can transmit sounds in the secret realm, and they also received an order from the clan to seize a magic weapon!

When Li Xuanfeng learned from this person's memory, the target of the order from their Bai tribe was a man in blue robe, and this magic weapon could transform into two shapes: purple short stick or purple ball!

These made Li Xuanfeng completely sure that their target was him!

From this person's memory, Li Xuanfeng obtained a large amount of information. Although with Li Xuanfeng's cultivation, he could only search the memory for two or three years, but it was completely enough!

From this information, Li Xuanfeng even speculated that people from the Bai tribe could see the scenes in the War Spirit Tower, and then he realized the strangeness of Zi Mie Guang, and came up with the idea that he was determined to win!

Li Xuanfeng took off his storage ring from the corpse in his hand, then flicked it away and discarded the useless corpse!

When Li Xuanfeng was sorting out the memories he had searched, the spirit infant he was fighting with took out a golden jade slip, and his spiritual consciousness was integrated into it and he directly transmitted the message.

"A black-robed man in the late stage of spiritual elixir appeared in the secret realm. He is extremely powerful and can fight against the early stage of spiritual infants. He can also use the soul-searching technique. A clan member has been soul-searched. I am afraid that the secret of our clan has been revealed. Be known to him!"

His message was not only transmitted to the other four people in this hollow, but also to all the Bai people in the secret realm, and even to the place where the clan leader and others were outside the secret realm.

In order to increase the survival rate of the clan members and allow them to pass through more levels of the secret realm, before entering the secret realm, the clan leader issued an order to report the situation at any time through the sound transmission jade slips. If there are special circumstances, they must be reported immediately.

Li Xuanfeng's combat prowess and mystery were enough for this Spiritual Infant Realm to take him seriously and send a message to inform other tribesmen!

Sending this message will also allow the four tribesmen above to end the battle early and come to help, lest the man in black robe take the opportunity to escape!

This person in the spiritual infant realm knew that he would not be able to kill the black-robed man in a short time, but he never thought that he was no match for the black-robed man!

At this time, the four people who were fighting with the man and the woman received the message from this person. Their expressions changed and they turned to look at Li Xuanfeng, just in time to see Li Xuanfeng casually discarding the bodies of their people!

This scene made their subsequent attacks even more fierce, as if they wanted to get rid of the man and woman as soon as possible, and then kill Li Xuanfeng!

This man and one woman were already at the same cultivation level as the two spiritual infants, plus the two were at the perfect spiritual elixir realm. Although they were not defeated immediately, they were already slightly at a disadvantage!

When Li Xuanfeng saw the spiritual infant taking out the golden jade slip, he already knew that this person was transmitting messages. He was not surprised at all, but he became more cautious.

He needs to use his spells and attacks carefully to avoid being recognized by these Bai people as their target. Otherwise, he may be hunted down by hundreds of Bai people. Even Li Xuanfeng has no confidence that he can escape!

From the memories he searched, Li Xuanfeng already knew that five hundred people from the Bai tribe had entered the secret realm, and because they were extremely well prepared, there were already hundreds of Spiritual Infant Realm experts in the secret realm at this time!

And even the others who have not broken through to the Spiritual Infant Realm have all reached the perfection of the Spiritual Pill Realm, and no one is weak!

At this time, no force in the secret realm can compare with the Bai people. Even if all other forces join forces, they cannot resist the Bai people who have hundreds of Spiritual Infants and hundreds of Spiritual Pills!

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