Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 171 The search was fruitless!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng looked at the man and woman with a smile, which made them extremely nervous. At this time, both of them were seriously injured and had no confidence to fight with Li Xuanfeng!

They saw with their own eyes that Li Xuanfeng's punch caused a Lingying realm to collapse into blood mist. This terrifying fighting power was far beyond any of them. Even if they were not injured, they did not dare to provoke easily!

The two even tried their best to suppress the injuries in their bodies and pretended to look good so as not to be seen by Li Xuanfeng!

The idea of ​​robbing Li Xuanfeng's resources had long been thrown out of the sky, and they did not dare to think about it at all. Even when Li Xuanfeng took two more Lingdan realm perfect storage rings, they did not dare to show any dissatisfaction!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng was actually considering whether to kill these two people to seize resources. In the end, he thought that there were too many people in the Lingying realm of the Bai people, and keeping these two people could also delay some of the Bai people.

The man and woman would never have thought that they had already been at the gate of hell. If Li Xuanfeng wanted to attack, they would not be able to fight him at all as they had already suffered a lot of injuries!

If the man was not wearing a blue robe, which could attract the Bai people to attack, Li Xuanfeng might not have considered keeping the two men.

Li Xuanfeng did not take back the storage ring of the Bai spirit infant that they had robbed, so as to prevent the two men from finding ways to attack because of dissatisfaction with him.

Although there was a Bai sound transmission jade slip in the storage ring, it required the secret method of the Bai people to open it. Li Xuanfeng also obtained the memory of the Bai people. The man and woman did not know the soul-searching technique, so they did not know that this golden jade slip was used for sound transmission!

Li Xuanfeng clasped his fists and bowed with a smile, but did not say anything, but it also made the man and woman feel relieved. It seemed that the black-robed man did not intend to attack again.

"Daoyou, we have something important to do, so we'll say goodbye here and see you later!" The man immediately clasped his fists and bowed to say goodbye, then the two of them immediately turned around and entered a cave and left!

Even after entering the cave for a distance, when they estimated that Li Xuanfeng could no longer sense them, the two of them immediately fled at full speed, like a frightened bird!

They didn't dare to delay for a moment and continue to stay with Li Xuanfeng. If he suddenly changed his mind or discovered the injuries on the two of them, he would probably turn into a terrifying demon that would devour them in an instant!

What the man and woman didn't know was that Li Xuanfeng had already noticed their injuries. If he hadn't let them go, they wouldn't have had a chance to escape at all!

While Li Xuanfeng was talking to the two men, in the space where the Bai people were, in an open space in front of everyone, hundreds of jade slips were floating.

At this moment, six of the jade slips broke one after another, and the total interval was less than an incense stick!

"The soul is shattered, six tribesmen have been killed, including three in the Spirit Infant Realm!" The Bai tribe leader saw this scene, his face was a little gloomy and he murmured in a low voice.

These hundreds of jade slips are the soul jade slips of the hundreds of Bai people who entered the secret realm, and each one represents a life!

This is before the tribesmen entered the secret realm, the Bai tribe leader and others cast a spell to let them leave a trace of soul, and made soul jade slips, so that they can know life and death.

The palace-dressed woman deputy tribe leader took out the golden jade slip and sent a message to the tribesmen in the secret realm to inform them of this matter, because the black-robed man searched the soul of a tribe member and had obtained the secret method of using the sound transmission jade slip.

When sending the sound, the jade slips of these six people need to be isolated to prevent this person from hearing the sound transmission!

"This time the secret realm is opened, it seems that two unexpected strong enemies have entered. It is probably more difficult for the tribesmen to control the secret realm as in the past." The tribe leader whispered to himself.

The first person is a blue-robed man, who has an extremely strange and powerful magic weapon, and the second person is the black-robed man, who not only has the combat power to kill the Lingying realm, but also can use the soul-searching technique!

At this time, they did not expect that these two people were transformed by the same person, otherwise they would be more worried about their tribesmen, and even have to think of a countermeasure for them.

After the man and woman left, Li Xuanfeng also left immediately, returned to the cave they came out of, and rushed to the Xuanling Sect.

What surprised Li Xuanfeng was that from the memory searched in the mind of the Bai people who had reached the perfect level of the Lingdan realm, he learned that this light green mist would blow out from the depths of this cave and sweep all the caves!

Although this light green mist did not harm, it would only teleport people randomly, but there was no way to deal with the teleportation power of this light green mist.

It was not because he was not good enough and had not been told, but because all the Bai people in the secret realm did not know!

This is because the Bai people have never found a way to deal with the mist!

Li Xuanfeng did not expect that the Bai people had been in this secret space for tens of thousands of years and had entered the secret space more than ten times, but they had never found a way to deal with the fog and could only be teleported away passively.

Is there really no way to deal with this light green fog with the power of teleportation? Can it only hide at the cave entrance near the magma sea?

But in that case, it is impossible to pass through this cave. There are many caves here, and the deeper you go, the more complicated it is. It is extremely difficult to identify the direction. I don’t know where the entrance to the fourth floor is. It is also very difficult to go deep and come back.

Moreover, there are various forces in this cave. It is simply a foolish dream to want to return to the cave entrance without any obstacles.

If it were only Li Xuanfeng, he could not care about the teleportation power of the fog with his combat power, but if the people of Xuanling Sect were teleported and scattered, they would be in danger of death!

This gave Li Xuanfeng a huge headache, and he couldn't find a solution after thinking for a long time.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng returned to the Xuanling Sect just to give them the jade slips they had snatched to communicate with each other so that they could communicate with each other more easily.

After a while, Li Xuanfeng returned to the entrance of the cave near the magma sea. Everyone was still waiting here and no one was attacked.

At this time, the Spiritual Infant Realm is deep in the cave. Even if there are monks at the entrance of the cave, at most they will only be in the Spiritual Pill Realm and will not provoke the people led by Zheng Cheng.

When everyone saw Li Xuanfeng's return, there was a look of anticipation on their faces. Although they had not asked directly, everyone had questions written on their faces, waiting for Li Xuanfeng's answer.

They have been waiting here for a long time. This powerless waiting is the most painful. They must always be alert to the arrival of other strong men to avoid being attacked.

"Everyone, I need to tell you some bad news. This place is more dangerous than we imagined, and we have not yet found a way to deal with the power of this mist."

Li Xuanfeng told everyone in a low voice that his words were extremely reserved and he did not inform them of the existence of the Bai clan. Otherwise, if they knew that the Bai clan had hundreds of spiritual infants and hundreds of perfect spiritual elixirs in the secret realm, they would not be able to ascend at all. No confidence to fight against it!

Everyone's heart sank,

Although Li Xuanfeng did not elaborate, but for him to say so, this cave land must not be simple.

"Xuanfeng, have you discovered anything?" Zheng Cheng has the most stable temperament among the people. Although he felt heavy in his heart, he immediately asked the important point.

"I found five jade slips in a cave, and unexpectedly found that they can transmit messages in this secret realm. I will give you four, and I will keep one for myself to facilitate everyone's communication."

Li Xuanfeng took out the five golden sound transmission jade slips he had snatched, gave one to each of Zheng Cheng, Zhu Lie, Chen Gen and Shen Luoyan, and wrote down their respective sound transmission numbers.

Zheng Cheng and others were shocked when they heard Li Xuanfeng's words. They immediately took the golden jade slips and checked them. When they confirmed that this kind of jade slips had the effect of transmitting sound, they were even more shocked.

Since entering the secret realm of the Moon Sea, everyone has discovered that the sound transmission jade slips have failed. After arriving at the cave, even spiritual consciousness has been suppressed, making communication very difficult for everyone if they are scattered.

Li Xuanfeng did not decide to let everyone follow him immediately. At this time, he had not found a way to deal with the light green mist, so he could only explore it himself.

Soon after, at Li Xuanfeng's suggestion, everyone from the Xuanling Sect continued to stay here, but Li Xuanfeng left again and rushed deep into the cave.

Before leaving, Li Xuanfeng also warned everyone not to wear blue robes in the secret realm. When everyone asked him why, he just said that he seemed to have discovered that there was a force chasing the people wearing blue.

Some of the people in blue clothes also quickly changed out. This secret realm was already extremely dangerous. If they were chased by another force, it would really make things worse.

No one had any objections to Li Xuanfeng's arrangements. They completely believed in Li Xuanfeng and were only worried about him.

Li Xuanfeng soon came to the cave where he had killed six Bai people. No one else arrived at this time. He immediately passed through the cave and entered the cave on the other side.

He also secretly left a little herb juice as a mark in the cave he passed through, so as not to find the original cave when he came back.

The caves in this cave land are all exactly the same, without any difference, and the walls of the caves are extremely hard. Even Li Xuanfeng's magic can't leave any trace or mark.

Although Zi Mie Guang has extremely strong defensive power, with Li Xuanfeng's current level of cultivation, he cannot show the sharpness that can cut through the cave wall when transformed into a long sword.

Li Xuanfeng had no choice but to take out an imperceptible herbal juice and smear it on the cave wall.

Li Xuanfeng moved forward cautiously, and soon passed through a cave again and entered the second cave. At this time, more than ten people were fighting. Although the forces of each party could not be identified, Li Xuanfeng was sure that there must be someone from the Bai tribe. people.

The battle between the dozen or so people was one-sided. There were a few extra spirit infants from the Bai tribe, and they killed several of the opponents in an instant, leaving only three people who took advantage of the chaos and fled into the cave.

The Bai people immediately chased into the cave, and Li Xuanfeng took the opportunity to walk out of the cave, marked it again, and entered the other cave.

Time continued to pass as Li Xuanfeng shuttled back and forth, and in the blink of an eye, there was not much time left in the foggy month.

Although the cautious Li Xuanfeng was not in danger, he had not found a way to deal with the power of mist teleportation, which made him a little anxious.

At this moment, a divine voice suddenly came from Li Xuanfeng's mind, with a hint of incredulity!

"Is this place the Haiyue Secret Realm?"

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