Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 187 The miserable team!

At this time, everyone in the team looked extremely ugly, and they couldn't figure out the reason for this strange appearance!

They can only speculate that this statue has developed intelligence and has independent thoughts!

Among the people, only Li Xuanfeng knew that all of this was the work of the Master of Five Elements.

Using the power of divine consciousness to control the statue, Bai Yu's plan to throw the jade box to attract the statue failed, causing the injuries in the team's bodies to continue to worsen!

Seeing this big man statue hacking the jade box back to where the team was three times, even Li Xuanfeng was a little bit dumbfounded. The Five Elements Master would not stop until he tricked this team to death.

However, Li Xuanfeng had no sympathy for this Bai team. After knowing that the Bai people ordered to snatch his purple destroyer, the entire Bai team had become his enemy!

And kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself!

After the statue hacked the jade box back for the third time, more than ten people in the team could no longer suppress the strength in their bodies. They suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and their auras instantly weakened!

They were already injured, and then the jade box was knocked back several times by the weird statue. Three hundred statues were still attacking them, making the injuries in their bodies still getting worse!

At this time, their injuries had turned into serious injuries. Qi and blood were surging violently. Blood rushed to their throats and spewed out uncontrollably!

It was okay to be injured, but everyone in the team felt extremely aggrieved. Originally, they formed a combined attack formation that could block the statue's attack, but they were completely broken by a strange statue!

Even if the balance is broken, they can still escape from the palace after decisively throwing the jade box to attract the statue, but this strange statue seems to have intelligence and does not want them to do so!

At this time, as more than ten people vomited blood, the auras on their bodies became sluggish, and the spiritual power integrated into the formation decreased, making the formation instantly weakened again!

Although there are only ten feet away from the palace gate at this time, there are two hundred statues in these ten feet, blocking everyone's way to escape from the palace!

Bai Yu no longer concentrated his formation attack to knock the jade box away, but tried his best to block the besieging statue!

Because he knew that even if he knocked the jade box away again, the weird statue would still hit it back again!

At this time, the jade box fell on the formation again. Bai Yu was heartbroken, grabbed the jade box from the air with his right hand, sucked the jade box in, and put it directly into the storage ring!

"Since this weird statue doesn't want us to escape from the palace safely, then we have no choice but to fight!" Bai Yu shouted with a gloomy look!

Seeing Bai Yu put away the jade box, the rest of the team did not speak, but their expressions became more fierce at this time, desperately resisting the siege of the statue!

They didn't object, knowing that this was a helpless move. If this weird statue hadn't appeared, they wouldn't have had to fight these three hundred statues!

The combined attack formation formed by everyone flashed more and more violently, and several cracks even appeared. Although the ten feet distance from the palace gate was very close, the formation was obviously unable to hold on!

Under the siege of the statue, there were more and more cracks on the light screen. After the team moved forward another five feet, the cracks had spread all over the light screen, as if it had become an egg shell on the verge of being shattered!


With a dull roar, the light curtain collapsed instantly, and all the team members in the light curtain felt uncomfortable and spurted out a mouthful of blood!

As the combined attack formation collapsed, everyone in the team was injured, and the number of seriously injured people reached 20!

Only those who have reached Ling Ying’s level of cultivation

Bai Yu, who was in the middle stage, barely suppressed the injuries in his body and did not spit out blood!

"Everyone, quickly escape from the palace, Bai comes to the rear!"

When the light curtain collapsed, Bai Yu shouted urgently. There was no other way at this time. He could only try his best to block the statue. As for whether he could escape from the palace, it could only depend on the fate of his tribe!

When everyone in the team heard Bai Yu's words, they immediately suppressed the injuries in their bodies, used all their speed, and rushed towards the palace gate!

But how could three hundred statues allow them to leave the palace safely?

When the combined attack formation collapsed, three hundred statues besieged them, instantly scattering the team. Some people were even besieged by several statues. In the blink of an eye, they could no longer bear it!

In order to let the team escape, Bai Yu also tried his best to block nearly a hundred statues by himself!

He has exerted his strength beyond the limit, causing the injuries in his body to rapidly worsen!

And because Bai Yu accepted the jade box, he was most attracted to the statues, causing more statues to surround him!

At this time, everyone knew that Bai Yu put away the jade box to attract the statues and reduce their pressure!

Seeing this scene, Li Xuanfeng didn't stop any longer and followed everyone towards the palace gate!

When the statue attacked, Li Xuanfeng barely managed to dodge it several times, but everyone was so preoccupied at this time that they didn't notice that Li Xuanfeng's speed was abnormal.

It would have been impossible for those who had perfected their cultivation with the White Spirit Pill to avoid the statue's attacks several times. If everyone had not been struggling to resist the statue, they would have suspected Li Xuanfeng's abnormal speed at this time.

Because many statues were attracted by Bai Yu, the pressure on everyone was reduced a lot. Although it was still difficult, some people started to escape from the palace with luck!

The first person to escape from the palace was a man in the early stage of a spiritual infant. After escaping from the palace, he could not control himself and spit out a large mouthful of blood. He immediately swallowed several healing pills and was able to temporarily stabilize his injuries.

He could only stand outside the palace gate and look anxiously at the clansmen in the palace, hoping that they could rush out of the palace.

As he rushed out, some people began to successfully escape from the palace one after another, but they were all seriously injured, and some even fainted immediately after rushing out!

Fortunately, there were other Bai people who escaped to save him, otherwise he would have gradually lost his breath and died here!

However, only a small number of people managed to escape, and many more were torn into pieces in the blink of an eye under the siege of the statue, and will remain in this palace forever!

After discovering that someone had escaped from the palace, Li Xuanfeng did not dare to use his own speed to avoid the statue's attack, which would arouse the suspicion of these people.

However, at this time, he was only two feet away from the palace gate, and there were only three statues attacking him, two of which were perfect statues of the spiritual elixir realm and one of which was a spiritual infant realm statue.

At this time, he took out the dagger magic weapon, with a look of reluctance and determination on his face. He blocked it directly in front of him, turned around resolutely, and turned his back to the palace gate!

The attacks of the three statues instantly fell on the dagger, causing Li Xuanfeng to be hit by the huge force and fly directly out of the palace gate!

The dagger in his hand could not withstand the attack of the statue and turned into powder and was scrapped!

In the process of flying out of the palace, blood continued to flow from Li Xuanfeng's mouth, and his breath became extremely weak. He even fell into a coma and was caught by other Bai people who escaped!

These tribesmen immediately fed him healing elixirs, and even injected spiritual power into him to heal his injuries, so that his injuries were barely stable and his life was saved.

In fact, Li Xuanfeng was only slightly injured, which did not even affect his combat effectiveness at all. The serious injuries were just disguised by the shape-shifting technique!

If these people knew that the culprit of their misery at this time was Bai Hui who was being treated by them, they would probably be so angry that they would just slap him to death!

After Li Xuanfeng flew out, several people managed to escape from the palace one after another, but they were all seriously injured and dying, and only saved their lives after being treated by several other people.

At this time, there were only nine people who escaped from the palace. Including Li Xuanfeng, only two of them had reached the spiritual elixir realm and were lucky enough to escape from the palace. The other seven were in the early stages of spiritual infants.

The injuries of the first three people to escape were relatively minor. The others were either unconscious or sitting cross-legged to stabilize their injuries.

And there are more people in the palace, most of whom have been torn to pieces by the statues!

At this time, there were only three people left in the palace who had not yet died, but only Bai Yu was standing. The other two were lying on the ground dying, and they would die if they were hit at random!

Bai Yu sensed this scene, and there was deep sadness in his eyes!

"Brother Yu, you have tried your best. Escape from the palace!" Several people outside the palace began to persuade Bai Yu to stop insisting and consider his own safety!

Although Bai Yu was only three feet away from the palace gate at this time, he was already surrounded by more than two hundred statues. It would be extremely difficult to escape from the palace!

At this moment, a tribesman lying on the ground was attacked by the statue again and fell instantly!

Bai Yu's eyes flashed with determination and ruthlessness, and he threw the golden short stick in his hand towards the group of statues, and then quickly grabbed another surviving tribesman who had fallen into a coma!

"Explode!" Bai Yu shouted gloomily!

As soon as the golden stick landed in the center of the group of statues, a violent aura instantly overflowed. In a violent explosion, countless fragments mixed with violent spiritual power impacted hard on the besieged statues!

He had self-destructed his magic weapon. Although he was extremely reluctant to part with it, this was the best way at this time!

He had been seriously injured in the siege of the statue, and his cultivation had even dropped to the early stage of the spiritual infant. If he did not force the statue back, he would have no chance of escaping from the palace!

When the magic weapon self-destructs, Bai Yu spurts out a large mouthful of blood. The self-destruction of the magic weapon will have an impact on himself. It's okay if there are no injuries. However, if there is an injury in the body, self-destruction of the magic weapon will make the injury worse!

This is still an ordinary refined magic weapon. If it is a natal magic weapon, it will have an even greater impact on you!

The besieged statue was forced back dozens of feet by the self-destruction impact, leaving a blank space in front of Bai Yu. He barely suppressed the injuries in his body and instantly seized the opportunity to rush out at full speed!

After rushing out of the palace, Bai Yu immediately threw the rescued tribesmen to several people outside the palace and explained at the same time.

"Sure him quickly and protect us!"

Bai Yu then immediately took out the healing elixir and took the time to recover from the injuries in his body.

At this time, he didn't even care to leave the palace first, because the injuries inside his body were extremely serious. If he didn't recover immediately, he might even fall into a coma!

If other monks appeared while he was in a coma, their team would probably be unable to fight back given the miserable condition of their team!

Bai Yu's team originally had forty people, but now there were only eleven left, and all of them were seriously injured!

Looking at the thirty extremely mutilated corpses of the clansmen in the palace, the floor soaked in blood, and the three hundred statues staring at them with ferocious red eyes, the few survivors were all filled with lingering fear!

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