Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 191 Palace Mural

This Five Elements Killing Immortal Sword directly killed the man in black, making Li Xuanfeng a little dumbfounded. He originally thought that this sword would only seriously injure the man in black.

But he didn't expect that he completely overestimated this person's protective power.

Li Xuanfeng originally wanted to search the person's soul after seriously injuring him, to see where he entered the secret realm, and to verify his guess.

Before the man in black was about to die, he never thought that Li Xuanfeng, who seemed to have only perfect spiritual elixir cultivation, could collapse all his magic and protection with just one blow, and kill him directly!

This gap is so huge that there is no comparison at all!

If the man in black were to know that Li Xuanfeng's true monk was only in the late stage of the spiritual elixir, his eyes would probably pop out of his head!

It was originally a mantis hunting cicada that made the man in black happy, but he didn't expect that it was all for Li Xuanfeng's wedding dress.

If these five people hadn't taken action, Bai Yu and others would all have died. In order not to reveal his identity, Li Xuanfeng would have been hard-pressed to kill Bai Yu and others.

Unless he finds an opportunity to kill the entire team instantly, they will definitely send the message out!

After beheading the man in black, Li Xuanfeng immediately put away everyone's storage rings, and then condensed extremely hot flames, covering all the corpses here, causing these corpses to be burned to ashes in the blink of an eye!

Destroy the corpses and eliminate traces!

Then Li Xuanfeng quickly entered a cave, stopped deep in the cave, and took out the Bai clan's sound transmission jade slip!

At this time, in the Bai tribe's space, the Bai tribe's great elder and others saw that ten life soul jade slips were broken again, and Bai Yu's jade slips were not broken, but directly exploded into flying ash!

"Bai Yu actually died, and he died by self-destruction!" Seeing this scene, the Bai clan leader was extremely surprised.

The Jade Slip of Life Soul shattered into flying ash on its own, which was the scene that resulted from the self-destruction of the clan members!

In their gloomy expressions, they suddenly discovered that Bai Hui's Life Soul Jade Slip still existed!

"Everyone else in Bai Yu's team has died. Why is Bai Hui, who has perfected the spiritual elixir realm, still there?"

They spoke doubtfully in the Bai space, but did not directly send a message to inquire.

Just when they were extremely confused, Bai Hui's message just arrived.

"Brother Yu, how are you? Did you successfully escape?" Bai Hui was transmitting a message to Bai Yu.

"Bai Hui, what happened to your team just now?" The chief elder of the Bai clan flashed his eyes and asked in a gentle tone of confusion.

He did not directly say that Bai Yu and others had died, but asked Bai Hui what happened just now.

"Great Elder, after our team was seriously injured, we were chased by another group of monks. In the end, only the three of us were left and fled. How are Brother Yu and the others now?"

Li Xuanfeng was using Bai Hui's sound transmission jade slip. In order to make them believe it, his tone was weak and worried about Bai Yu and others.

"They all died, and Bai Yu finally blew himself up and died!" Seeing that Li Xuanfeng had no flaws, the great elder had no choice but to reply truthfully.

"Impossible, Brother Yu is so strong, how could he not escape the pursuit of these five people, and even self-destruct!" Bai Hui said with disbelief in his tone, and the message came again.

"That's the fact." Seeing that Li Xuanfeng didn't believe it, the Bai clan leader replied helplessly.

The great elder of the Bai clan was deep in thought at this time. It was extremely doubtful that Bai Hui could survive, but according to what he said, it was not unexplainable.

Bai Hui was only a monk who had reached the spiritual elixir realm and did not have many resources. After escaping, the chasing monks were attracted by Bai Yu who owned the jade box, so it was possible for Bai Hui to escape successfully.

But he still felt something was wrong in his heart, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

After thinking for a moment, he didn't figure it out, so he sent a message to the tribesmen in the secret realm.

However, this time he was able to isolate one person during the transmission, and it was Bai Hui transformed by Li Xuanfeng!

"If you meet Bai Hui in the future, you need to be more vigilant and report anything abnormal to me immediately."

The other Bai people in the secret realm also knew that only Bai Hui of Bai Yu's team survived. At this time, following the reminder of the great elder, they were somewhat suspicious of Bai Hui, so they naturally took the great elder's words to heart.

"Bai Hui, you should be careful when you are alone in the secret realm, and find your clan members as soon as possible." Later, the great elder sent a message to Li Xuanfeng, his tone was gentle, as if he did not doubt him at all.

Li Xuanfeng was completely unaware of their secret transmission. Although his identity had not been discovered, the great elder of the Bai clan had lived for thousands of years, and his mind could not be easily fooled by Li Xuanfeng!

But Li Xuanfeng had already anticipated this. Although he didn't know that the Bai people had doubts about him, they would be more cautious in the future.

Li Xuanfeng then consumed the spiritual power seal on the jade box and opened the lid of the jade box.

There is a very small blue flying sword in this jade box. It may be more appropriate to say it is a flying sword or a dart.

Although this magic weapon looks like a flying sword, it is the size of a small dart, less than half an inch.

When Li Xuanfeng saw this flying sword, he felt a lot of interest in his heart. He felt the powerful and sharp aura on this flying sword!

Li Xuanfeng refined this flying sword in this cave, completely turning it into his own magic weapon, and then activated it directly!

I saw the flying sword instantly turning into a blurry shadow, flying out at extremely fast speeds, shuttling through the air!

This speed was so fast that even Li Xuanfeng's gaze could hardly catch it. If it hadn't been for the refining process and this flying sword already contained his spiritual consciousness, I'm afraid he wouldn't have noticed the trace of this flying sword at all!

The speed of this flying sword has reached the middle stage of spiritual infant!

After feeling the powerful speed of this flying sword, Li Xuanfeng was delighted. Although this flying sword was not as good as the items in the previous jade boxes, it was the most practical for him now.

Now he could only exert the combat power of the peak of the early stage of the spirit infant, lacking the power to fight against the middle stage of the spirit infant, and this flying sword just made up for this gap.

This flying sword is extremely fast. If it is unexpected, it can instantly hurt the middle stage of the spirit infant cultivator!

After refining the flying sword, Li Xuanfeng took out all the storage rings of the Bai Yu team and the five men in black, sorted them out, and put them into his own storage ring.

This time Li Xuanfeng's harvest was not small, with countless elixirs and magic weapons. Although most of these people's powerful magic weapons had been destroyed in the war, there were still many good magic weapons left.

Although these magic weapons were no longer of great use to Li Xuanfeng, he still simply refined them.

This simple refining was not the real refining of magic weapons, but leaving a trace of spiritual consciousness in the magic weapons for detonation!

Such a self-explosion will not have an impact on oneself, but only lose this trace of spiritual consciousness!

There are many magic weapons, and the power of self-explosion cannot be underestimated. If it is in a critical moment, it will have a life-saving effect!

After grabbing

four jade boxes, plus the dozens of storage rings he collected, Li Xuanfeng can be said to be the person with the most resources in this secret realm!

Not counting the amazing things in the jade box, he also has hundreds of elixirs and dozens of magic weapons, which are not comparable to any other cultivator.

Then Li Xuanfeng moved forward again, passing through caves, wandering in this cave land, looking for a palace.

At this time, there were less than ten days left before the fog came again.

But the next nine days made Li Xuanfeng feel very strange in his heart. He seemed to have entered a blank land. He did not meet other cultivators, nor did he see even a palace!

This situation was impossible to happen in the previous twenty days, making Li Xuanfeng more vigilant.

Before, he could meet a palace every few days on average, and the number of cultivators he met was more than the palace.

From the memories searched from Bai Hui's mind, Li Xuanfeng had already learned about the Bai people's understanding of this cave.

At that time, Li Xuanfeng knew that the Bai people's spiritual pill cultivator who searched the soul before had no answer, and he should have lost this part of the memory during the soul search.

This is now Li Xuanfeng's soul search technique. It is inevitable because his cultivation is insufficient.

If his cultivation is strong enough, the soul power will become more powerful, and he can search the soul without omission, and even search for memories of ten, a hundred, or even a thousand years!

But now Li Xuanfeng can only search for about three years of memory, and it is easy to lose memory.

From the memory of Bai Hui, Li Xuanfeng already knew that in this cave, the danger is not just the statues in the palace!

In this cave, there are real creatures and palaces without statues!

However, Li Xuanfeng did not encounter these during this period of time, and it seemed that he had entered a blank land at this time. He suspected that there were several areas in this cave, and he was in the middle of two areas at this time.

You need to pass through this blank land to enter another area.

After walking for nine days, Li Xuanfeng finally saw a palace when he entered the 30th cave!

The appearance of this palace is the same as the previous palaces, but the layout inside the palace is completely different!

There are no statues in the first four secondary halls in the palace. The center of the secondary hall is empty and there is no decoration at all.

However, there is a mural on each of the two walls of the secondary hall!

One is a golden dragon with dazzling dragon scales, majestic dragon claws, and even a pair of crystal dragon horns shining with purple light, but it lacks eyes, only dark eye holes, as if it has not been painted!

The other mural is a strange-looking beast, like a cow but not a cow, like a tiger but not a tiger, with sharp teeth and claws shining with cold light, and double horns on its head!

Li Xuanfeng recognized it after looking at it for a while. It was an ancient beast that seemed to be extinct now.

The record of this beast was still seen by Li Xuanfeng in the jade slips collected by the Five Elements Venerable.

According to the records of the Five Elements Venerable, even he had never seen this kind of beast, but only knew about it from ancient books.

The other three secondary halls each had two murals, all of which were ancient beasts, and some of them were not even recorded in the Five Elements Venerable's collection of jade slips!

Only the last two secondary halls were the same as the previous palaces, with a stone platform in the center, and a jade box on the stone platform!

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