Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 214 The Woman in Pink!

Amidst Xiaofeng's worries and the waiting of Li Tang and everyone in Taoyuan Village, the day passed slowly.

Until evening, the place where everyone was hiding was still calm, except for a wild boar that sprang out of the forest and was killed by the villagers.

At this time, the sky was getting dark. After Li Tang raised his head and looked around, he bowed deeply to the whole village and said: "This matter originated from a child's dream. I don't know whether it is true or not. Li would like to apologize to everyone. We Go back to the village."

This incident was caused by Xiaofeng's nightmare, and he arranged for the whole village to hide, not knowing whether it would be useful. This delayed everyone for a day, and Li Tang felt full of apologies.

"It's okay, just treat it as a day off, and we still have a lot of gains today. We can have wild boar as an extra meal in the evening." Many villagers smiled and waved their hands, indicating that they didn't mind the matter.

Then the whole village picked up the dead wild boar and returned the same way, divided the wild boar equally among the village, and each family took the wild boar meat back home for cooking.

At this time, Xiaofeng finally felt relieved. In the dream, the six men in black robes fell into the village at noon. It was almost dark at this time and they had not appeared yet. They should have escaped the disaster.

As for letting the whole village leave this place forever and go to the outside world, that is impossible.

Just a dream cannot convince the whole village to leave this hometown where they have lived for countless years. Moreover, there will be other dangers when going to the outside world, and there is no guarantee that they will be safe and sound.

For dinner that day, each family made fragrant stir-fried wild boar meat, which was considered a reward for today.

That night, Xiaofeng slept extremely peacefully, no longer worried about his dream coming true, and he returned to his old life again.

Every day I went up mountains and down rivers with three friends to catch game, which was a great joy.

As time passed and Xiaofeng grew up, Li Tang planned to let him inherit his mantle and start teaching him medical skills.

Xiaofeng no longer plays with his friends every day, but often follows his father to the mountains to collect herbs, or works in the fields with his father.

In the blink of an eye, six years have passed, and Xiaofeng is already eighteen years old.

In the past six years, Xiaofeng has grown rapidly and has become a tall young man. He has become his father's right-hand man and is even able to handle most injuries in the village on his own.

Although that dream did not come true and Xiaofeng was no longer worried about it, he still had not forgotten the dream in his mind, as if it was engraved in his mind and could not be erased.

Xiaofeng has always been unforgettable in his heart. Every time he thinks of it, he will sit quietly and meditate for a long time.

There has always been a question in his mind that he has not told anyone else. Is today's ordinary life real? Or is that dream the real world? !

Xiaofeng thought for a long time, and finally decided to go see the outside world.

He wants to go outside and see the wonders of this world, and also wants to understand the doubts that have always existed in his heart, otherwise his heart will not be calm.

"Dad, Mom, I want to leave Taoyuan Village and go see the outside world."

One night, Xiaofeng told his parents this idea.

"No, it's too dangerous outside. Staying in the village is the safest." After hearing this, Xiaofeng's mother immediately became anxious and objected directly.

But Li Tang stared closely at Xiaofeng, and he saw the determined light in Xiaofeng's eyes!

In the past few years, Li Tang found his son sitting in a daze many times, seeming to be thinking about something, and asked him but avoided talking. But Li Tang knew that in his son's heart, there was always a secret that belonged to him!

After some speculation, he guessed that it was the dream his son had talked about before, and it seemed to have become his obsession.

"Have you decided?" Li Tang did not directly oppose his son's decision, but asked him seriously.

"I have decided that I must go out and have a look. Don't worry, I will be back soon." Xiaofeng said firmly, with a bright light shining in his eyes.

"Okay, then you can leave the day after tomorrow and prepare well tomorrow." Li Tang, who was staring at Xiaofeng closely, suddenly agreed.

"The child's father, how can you agree to let him leave?" Upon hearing Li Tang's agreement, Xiaofeng's mother's eyes widened in disbelief.

"When the child grows up and has his own ideas, let him go." Li Tang understood his wife's concerns about her son.

He persuaded softly.

"But..." Xiaofeng's mother wanted to say something else, but she was still worried.

"Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Don't worry, it's okay for Xiaofeng to go out alone now." Li Tang took his wife's hand and patted her gently to persuade her.

"Okay, you two, father and son, are singing and singing together, and you treat me like an old fogy. If my son has trouble outside, I want you to look good!"

Seeing how insistent both father and son were, Xiaofeng's mother had to relent, but she still did not forget to threaten her husband severely.

This also reminds Xiaofeng to be careful outside and come back intact.

The next day, Li Tang prepared a medicine box for his son, as well as many protective items. Xiaofeng's mother also carefully prepared a lot of dry food for him.

Li Tang also gave Xiaofeng the little silver and a map he had at home, which he left behind when he went to the outside world when he was young.

In Taoyuan Village, the silver used for these transactions is not used at all.

The villagers are self-sufficient. Each family grows crops and raises poultry. Even if they don't have any at home, they can exchange other things with their neighbors.

The map was also drawn when Li Tang left, so as not to forget the route back to the village.

After everything was ready, Xiaofeng had a good night's rest and walked out of Taoyuan Village early the next morning.

After Xiaofeng and his father Li Tang discussed the matter, they did not tell other villagers, not even the three friends who grew up with him knew about it.

Xiaofeng knew that if he told Ergou and the three of them, they would definitely follow him and leave Taoyuan Village. He didn't know what kind of dangers there would be on this trip, and he couldn't take them with him.

After passing through the long and narrow cave, Xiaofeng and his parents appeared outside Taoyuan Village.

"Xiao Feng, you must be careful along the way and come back early." Li Tang and his wife confessed to their son again.

It was the first time for his son to leave his hometown and go to the outside world. He was not worried without his parents, and Xiaofeng's mother had tears in her eyes.

"Mom and Dad, the child is unfilial, I will come back as soon as possible." Xiaofeng knelt directly on the ground, kowtowed to his parents three times with tears in his eyes, and promised firmly.

He deeply experienced the feeling of losing his parents in the dream, and it was precisely because of this that he wanted to find out whether this dream was true or false!

Li Tang helped Xiaofeng up, patted his shoulder lightly, and said with a hint of disappointment in his voice: "Go."

Xiaofeng stood up, turned around and walked towards the edge of the forest ahead. After walking a few steps, he looked back at his parents, his eyes full of reluctance.

Although he was reluctant to give up, he did not go back. He still walked forward firmly. He had to go to the outside world.

At this time, he was carrying a rather heavy package, which included a medicine box, dry food, a large kettle, and an ax, which Li Tang prepared for him to use for self-defense.

Xiaofeng did not go directly through the forest, but went around the edge of the forest because he heard from his father that there were extremely ferocious beasts in this forest and were extremely dangerous.

It took Xiaofeng two months to get around this forest because this forest was so vast.

Fortunately, small villages would appear from time to time on the edge of the forest. It was easy for Xiaofeng to use his medical skills to earn some silver to supplement his dry food.

After bypassing the forest, Xiaofeng continued to move forward, heading to a place that was very deep in his dream memory.

As he continued to move forward, the strangeness in his eyes became more and more intense, because he found that the terrain he walked through had many familiar features, which had appeared in his dreams!

Until one month later, Xiaofeng came to a rather strange terrain!

There are three towering peaks here, the tops of which can't be seen at all, and each one is thousands of feet tall, as if they are three pillars supporting the sky!

Not only that, the walls of these three peaks are also relatively smooth. Climbing to the top is as difficult as climbing to the sky!

This terrain is very familiar to Xiaofeng. In his dream, he lived on the top of these three giant peaks for a year or two.

Xiaofeng looked up and stared for a long time, and finally had to give up the idea of ​​climbing up these three peaks to have a look.

I don’t know how long it will take to climb these three peaks by human power, and the peaks are

Full of unknown dangers, extremely difficult to survive!

Xiaofeng then started to circumvent the three giant peaks according to the route in his memory, preparing to go to an ancient city in front of these three peaks.

Just after Xiaofeng bypassed these three giant peaks and headed towards the ancient city ahead, he saw several figures running in the distance.

I saw three big men in black chasing a woman in pink. The woman in pink was running ahead. Although there was a distance, the three big men in black were chasing after her, and the distance was getting closer!

You could still vaguely hear that three big men in black seemed to be shouting something, but they were not heard clearly because of the distance.

The woman in pink clothes also saw Xiaofeng in front of her, and accelerated her running speed again, approaching him quickly, as if she wanted to ask him for help!

Just when she was not far away from Xiaofeng, the woman in pink suddenly slipped while running in a hurry and fell to the ground accidentally!

After the woman in pink fell down, the three men in black accelerated their pace, and the distance between them quickly narrowed!

Seeing that the woman in pink clothes was about to be overtaken by the big man, Xiaofeng's eyes showed a hint of worry and determination, and he immediately ran towards the woman in pink clothes!

With his temperament, he couldn't do it, watch the woman in pink fall into the hands of evil people and remain indifferent!

Xiaofeng was very fast and came to the woman in pink before the three men in black. He even stood directly in front of her to block the approaching man in black.

"As long as I'm here, you can't even think of succeeding!" Xiaofeng quickly put down his heavy backpack and stared at the three men in black with an ax in his hand. His eyes were full of determination and he warned.

"Boy, stop meddling in other people's business and get out of here!" After hearing this, one of the big men in black threatened fiercely.

Just when Xiaofeng stopped three big men in black, the woman in pink who fell to the ground saw his nervous look, a cunning light flashed in her big eyes, and she said pitifully:

"Brother, they want to capture me and sell me, you must save me!"

When Xiaofeng heard the pitiful voice of the woman in pink, his heart softened. He did not look back, but continued to guard against the three men in black, and said with great determination:

"Girl, don't worry, if they want to do anything wrong to you, they have to step over my body!"

This is the integrity in Xiaofeng's heart. His father Li Tang is extremely kind, and he has gradually developed his character under his influence.

"Miss, stop playing around and come back with us." The leader of the three men in black noticed the cunning look in the eyes of the woman in pink and said, somewhat dumbfounded.

"Miss?" Xiaofeng noticed a hint of respect in the words of the big man in black, and doubted his previous knowledge.

"Brother, don't believe them. They want to use this trick to deceive you and make you think you are with me, so you won't stop them. This is their usual trick!"

The pink-dressed woman hurriedly explained, with a hint of nervousness in her voice, as if she was really worried that Xiaofeng would not stop the three men.

"Too shameless!" Xiaofeng was furious after hearing this. He did not expect that the three black-dressed men were so cunning. He raised his axe and chopped at the three men, intending to drive them away!

The three black-dressed men saw Xiaofeng chopping with an axe and hurriedly dodged. One of the men took the opportunity to grab Xiaofeng's arm and pinched it hard, making him grimace in pain, and the axe in his hand fell to the ground!

However, Xiaofeng did not scream. For evil forces like the black-dressed men, he could not succumb to them, otherwise it would only make them more arrogant.

Seeing Xiaofeng's painful but still insisting appearance, the pink-dressed woman hurriedly stood up and scolded: "Stop!"

The man immediately let go of Xiaofeng after hearing this and stood respectfully beside the pink-dressed woman.

Xiaofeng saw this scene and understood everything. He was fooled by her.

At this time, Xiao Feng looked at the culprit who embarrassed him with some dissatisfaction in his heart, but his pupils suddenly shrank slightly!

The pink-dressed woman had a beautiful nose and black eyebrows, big eyes as bright as gems, skin as white as snow, and a quirky smile at this time!

Xiao Feng was very familiar with the appearance of the pink-dressed woman, who had seen it in his dream!

"Are you okay? What's your name? My name is Shen Luoyan." The pink-dressed woman asked with a smile, and introduced herself to Xiao Feng first.

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