Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 223 Li Siyan!

The next day, when the bright sunshine illuminated the entire Shen Mansion, Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan still hadn't woken up.

Seeing that the door to their room was closed, Han Yue couldn't help but chuckled and shook her head, then turned back to prepare lunch for them.

It was not until noon that Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan freshened up and walked out of the room with their fingers clasped tightly. At this time, they happened to meet Han Yue who came over to call them to eat.

When Shen Luoyan saw her mother, Han Yue, and thought of what happened last night, countless red clouds appeared on her face. She hurriedly let go of Li Xuanfeng's hand and lowered her head, not daring to look at her.

Han Yue smiled and said nothing when she saw Shen Luoyan's appearance. She just said softly: "It's time to eat. Let's go to the hall quickly."

Li Xuanfeng and the two followed Han Yue to the hall for dinner. Shen Hua was not there at this time and went to attend to business in the city. In the past few days, Li Xuanfeng and his wife had been delayed a lot because of their marriage, and he needed to finish it as soon as possible.

"Eat more and replenish your body." Han Yue kept feeding Shen Luoyan vegetables, making her head lower.

"Thank you, mother." Shen Luoyan could only thank her from time to time.

Li Xuanfeng heard Han Yue's words and knew the meaning behind her words. He didn't dare to change at all on the surface, but secretly chuckled in his heart.

During the lunch, Shen Luoyan's face remained extremely rosy, like a ripe apple, and she did not dare to take the initiative to speak, which was very different from her usual quirky personality.

After getting married, Li Xuanfeng began to live in Shen's mansion as his son-in-law.

The lives of Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan have not changed much. They are still inseparable in their spare time, but Shen Hua starts to give him some things to deal with.

Although it was his first time to come into contact with these matters, with Li Xuanfeng's intelligence, he became completely familiar with them within a short period of time and completed them beautifully. Even Shen Hua praised him in his heart.

Six months later, Shen Luoyan suddenly suffered from strong retching during a meal, and then lost all appetite.

Li Xuanfeng felt her pulse in worry, but his eyes became brighter and brighter, and there was even a surprise smile on his face.

"I feel so uncomfortable and you still laugh." Shen Luoyan couldn't help complaining when she saw his appearance.

"As long as I tell you the reason, I guarantee that you won't feel uncomfortable." Li Xuanfeng didn't care at all, but said to her mysteriously.

"What's the reason?" Shen Luoyan asked doubtfully.

"You have our child in your belly, that's why you feel so uncomfortable." Li Xuanfeng replied happily.

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Shen Luoyan was stunned for a moment, and then he was extremely surprised. The uncomfortable feeling was instantly swept away, and he asked with a hint of disbelief:

"Really? Are we going to be parents?"

"Of course it's true, and you're about two months pregnant. Now you have to eat more even if you have no appetite, because you are two people now." Li Xuanfeng persuaded softly after answering.

Shen Luoyan nodded in agreement, picked up the food that he hadn't eaten just now, and started to eat it regardless of his lack of appetite.

Li Xuanfeng quickly told Shen Hua and Han Yue the news. While they were happy, they immediately prepared a lot of things for Shen Luoyan, including supplements to nourish the fetus, and even added a few maids to serve them. She took care of it.

The two also warned Shen Luoyan that she was not allowed to leave the house from now on and should stay at home to raise the baby in peace.

After Shen Luoyan became pregnant, Shen Hua no longer even arranged affairs for Li Xuanfeng, but asked him to stay at home.

Accompany Shen Luoyan.

In the days that followed, Han Yue often stayed with Shen Luoyan, telling her things to pay attention to during pregnancy to prevent her from being careless, and Shen Luoyan also patiently wrote down everything.

Under the careful care of everyone, Shen Luoyan survived seven or eight months without any accidents.

At this time, Shen Luoyan's tenth month of pregnancy was approaching, and her figure had not changed much. The only thing that stood out was her protruding belly.

At this time, everyone was quietly waiting for the child to be born. They had even found the best midwife in Xuanling City to live in the house and be ready to deliver the baby at any time.

After everyone waited anxiously, ten days passed before Shen Luoyan suddenly felt abdominal pain. After hearing the news, the midwife immediately ran into her room and ordered the maids of the Shen Mansion to bring the prepared things. .

Li Xuanfeng knew that it was time for Shen Luoyan to give birth, but there was nothing he could do about it. He could only stand outside the room and wait anxiously.

Standing outside the door with him were Shen Hua and Han Yue. Shen Hua was silent, while Han Yue was full of worry. She had experienced this personally and knew the pain involved.

At this time, Shen Luoyan had begun to groan in pain, which made Li Xuanfeng's heart clench into a ball.

"Luoyan, I'll be guarding you outside the room. If you need anything, just tell me directly. I can hear you."

After a while, Li Xuanfeng finally couldn't hold back the worry in his heart and shouted loudly, hoping to make her feel at ease.

After hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Shen Luoyan's pained groan instantly weakened a lot, and she seemed to be infected by his emotions.

"Li Xuanfeng, I am willing to endure this hardship for you. I will become your wife in the next life." Then Shen Luoyan suddenly endured the pain and shouted.

When Li Xuanfeng heard this, he was so moved that he couldn't help but burst into tears, making his vision blurry.

Shen Hua shook his head and looked at his wife Han Yue with a wry smile. Unexpectedly, at such a time, his daughter would not forget to express her feelings to the brat Li Xuanfeng.

"Okay, in the next life, the next life, and eternity, we will be husband and wife!" Li Xuanfeng also shouted in response to Shen Luoyan.

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Shen Luoyan immediately stopped groaning in pain, and even chuckled happily.

But her laughter was soon replaced by a groan of pain again, and the pain obviously intensified again. Time passed slowly, and Li Xuanfeng had never felt that time passed so slowly.

This long wait lasted for more than two hours, and finally ended with a loud baby cry.

At this time, Shen Luoyan had entered a state of collapse and even passed out.

After the midwife cleaned the baby, she immediately opened the door and took it out, announcing the good news to Li Xuanfeng and others: "Congratulations to Mr. Li and Mr. Shen. Mother and child are safe. Miss Shen has given birth to a pearl."

However, Li Xuanfeng did not pick up his daughter, but rushed directly into the room, came to the bedside, and guarded Shen Luoyan, who was now sleeping.

He saw the mottled blood stains on the sheets, as well as Shen Luoyan's extremely pale face and the large beads of sweat on her forehead. He felt extremely distressed and took a towel to clean her.

"Come here, hurry up and get the supplements." Li Xuanfeng even ordered the maid.

Han Yue took over her granddaughter and saw that Li Xuanfeng only had Shen Luoyan in his eyes. She looked at each other and both of them saw praise in each other's eyes. They sighed at the same time in their hearts that their daughter was really the right one to marry. people.

If it is an ordinary man, this

When a child is born, he must first take over his own child and check it out. It is rare for him to take care of his wife immediately.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Shen Luoyan woke up. The first thing he saw was Li Xuanfeng sitting in front of the bed. He showed a weak smile and asked Li Xuanfeng, "Is our child a boy or a girl?"

"Girl, she looks a lot like you." Li Xuanfeng replied softly. Although he didn't look at the child much, Shen Hua and Han Yue had already told him about it just now.

"It would be great if I had a boy like you." Shen Luoyan said softly, seeming a little disappointed about this matter.

"I think girls are better, just like you." Li Xuanfeng said softly, then changed the subject and said: "Don't think about this now. I just asked the maid to prepare some nourishing soup, and I'll feed it to you."

While talking, Li Xuanfeng brought the nourishing soup, took a spoonful and gently blew it to cool down before feeding it to Shen Luoyan's mouth.

Shen Luoyan drank the nourishing soup fed by Li Xuanfeng with great satisfaction. It seemed that all the fatigue in her body had been wiped away. Her eyes were always staring at him, as if they were the only two in the whole world.

Shen Hua and Han Yue looked at each other again, with wry smiles on their faces. Why did they feel that the child they gave birth to was superfluous? They didn't want to look at it at all.

The child was very well-behaved and did not cry at all at this time, as if he did not want to disturb the sweetness of his parents.

Finally, after Shen Luoyan drank enough, she remembered the child, took the child from Han Yue, and shook it gently, her eyes full of motherly love.

It was only at this time that Li Xuanfeng got a good look at his daughter. Although her hair was not long, it was black and shiny, her skin was fair and smooth, her smooth forehead had long eyelashes that were slightly upturned, and a pair of lips that seemed to be talking. Big eyes, beautiful nose and cherry lips.

The nose, eyes and mouth are very similar to Shen Luoyan, almost carved from the same mold. No wonder Shen Hua and Han Yue said that the child is very similar to Shen Luoyan.

At this time, the girl also looked at Li Xuanfeng and Li Xuanfeng curiously, raising her little hand slightly, as if she wanted to touch them.

"So cute." Shen Luoyan smiled and praised, and when Li Xuanfeng saw that his daughter couldn't lift her arms, he bent down and put his face close to her little hand, letting her touch her.

Seeing the warm appearance of this family of three, Shen Hua and Han Yue smiled even more on their faces.

"Xuanfeng, have you decided on our daughter's name?" Shen Luoyan suddenly looked at Li Xuanfeng and asked.

"Already thought about it." Li Xuanfeng replied immediately after hearing this. He had been thinking about this name for a long time.

But he did not directly say the name he had thought of. Instead, he glanced at Shen Hua and Han Yue with some embarrassment, which seemed a little difficult to say.

"Tell me, what's the name?" Seeing Li Xuanfeng hesitate to speak, Shen Luoyan became even more curious and asked directly.

"Come on, tell me, why are you embarrassed in front of us?" Shen Hua and Han Yue urged Li Xuanfeng directly when they saw that there was still some hesitation on Li Xuanfeng's face.

Seeing the joint urging from Shen Luoyan and Shen Hua, Li Xuanfeng had no choice but to name the name he had thought of and said softly:

"Let's call him Li Siyan!"

Hearing this name, Shen Luoyan's eyes shone with incomparable brightness, and the gaze he stared at Li Xuanfeng was filled with love that seemed to be turning into reality.

When Shen Hua and Han Yue heard the name Li Xuanfeng had given to their granddaughter, they couldn't help but be stunned for a while, and then they looked at each other helplessly. No wonder Li Xuanfeng couldn't express the name he had thought of just now, it turned out to be so disgusting.

Li is Xuanfeng and misses Luoyan. He is Li Siyan!

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