Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 321 Thirty people break the formation!

"How did he get through this sealing formation?" Many people asked in great confusion at this time!

After arriving in this hollow, they had already noticed the sealing formation on the gold crystal veins. It was precisely because of the sealing of this formation that even if they could see the gold crystal veins with their own eyes, they could only detect it weakly with their spiritual senses. The breath!

After realizing it, everyone instantly knew how powerful this sealing formation was, and they were even more curious about how Li Xuanfeng passed through it, but no one could answer this question.

At this time, everyone thought of the strong shaking force that had just been transmitted to the ground, and they were shocked and unbelievable. Could it be that this shaking force was sent by Li Xuanfeng to break the sealing formation?

At this time, Li Xuanfeng's body was already in the sealing formation, and the strong shock just now was not heard again, which seemed to be confirming everyone's guess!

And because of the sealed formation, everyone could not sense Li Xuanfeng's cultivation aura within the formation, which made everyone even more confused!

After everyone rushed here, Li Xuanfeng's eyes had not even opened a crack. He was still quietly crossing his legs on the gold crystal veins, constantly absorbing the metallic spiritual power!

Only Li Xuanfeng's fire clone kept staring at the people above, but there was no panic in his expression, only calm!

"We arrived here, and this guy didn't stop absorbing it. Does he want to swallow up the entire vein?"

Seeing that Li Xuanfeng was still immobile with his eyes closed to absorb, a burly man shouted in an extremely angry tone!

"Since this person is so ungrateful, let's send him on his way first and then consider how to distribute the mineral veins!" A fat man immediately echoed loudly, with a strong sense of cruelty in his eyes!

In fact, these two big men were from the same clan. At this time, they all sang together and made Li Xuanfeng the target of public criticism!

The value of this gold crystal vein is extremely high, and everyone is jealous. The two of them know that they cannot take it all for themselves!

Then he thought of an insidious method to cause conflict among people and fight, reduce the number of people in this place, so that he could be allocated more gold crystal veins, and even fish in troubled waters to get the biggest harvest and maximize his own interests!

And Li Xuanfeng was just a cannon fodder they used to cause conflicts, and they didn't care at all about his cultivation and combat prowess!

In their opinion, Li Xuanfeng will be the first person to die here!

They didn't believe that Li Xuanfeng could survive the joint attack by everyone!

Hearing the words of these two big men, everyone's doubts instantly dissipated. If they saw Li Xuanfeng swallowing up this gold crystal vein with their own eyes, what a coward it would be!

Even if the shock just now was caused by Li Xuanfeng, no one believed that Li Xuanfeng could single-handedly block the joint attack of thirty of them!

Thinking of this, the trace of fear in everyone's eyes instantly dissipated, completely covered up by greed and ruthlessness!

At this moment, Li Xuanfeng's true form suddenly raised his hand and pinched out a seal. An extremely powerful suction force burst out from his body, sucking in the metallic spiritual power from the gold crystal veins crazily!

This was Li Xuanfeng using the Five Element Devouring Technique passed down by the Master of Five Elements. He opened all the pores on his body and began to absorb the rich spiritual power in the gold crystal veins with all his strength. The aura on his body suddenly strengthened rapidly!

The thirty monks above instantly noticed that the spiritual power in the gold crystal veins was rapidly gathering towards Li Xuanfeng. The gold crystal veins beside him were rapidly losing their luster. This was because the spiritual power in the veins was dissipating at an extremely fast speed. The resulting sight!

When the thirty monks above saw this scene, their expressions changed instantly. They didn't expect that Li Xuanfeng had such a powerful devouring method!

Originally, with Li Xuanfeng's absorption speed, everyone was not too anxious, but with his

With the speed of absorption just now, even if he was given half a month, it would be difficult to completely absorb this gold crystal vein!

But at this moment, Li Xuanfeng suddenly burst out with such powerful devouring power, and the speed of absorbing the spiritual power in the gold crystal veins instantly increased several times!

Seeing such a powerful absorption speed, many people in the crowd instantly felt extremely heartbroken, as if Li Xuanfeng was absorbing resources they had already obtained!

"We can't let this person continue to absorb it, otherwise the mineral vein will lose a lot, take action immediately!" The two big men who had just spoken shouted again at this time!

Everyone knows that there is a sealing formation above the gold crystal veins. It is precisely because of this formation that everyone did not rush to fight for the gold crystal veins immediately after arriving here.

If it weren't for this formation, this hollow would have been plunged into a crazy fight, and many people would have died!

After seeing Li Xuanfeng absorbing the gold crystal veins even more crazily, everyone instantly became anxious. Encouraged by the words of these two big men, they were already eager to take action and were ready to take action at any time!

Seeing that everyone was encouraged, the two big men looked at each other from a distance, with a trace of undetectable pride flashing in their eyes, and shouted together: "Let's take action together to break this formation!"

As they spoke, the two of them took the lead in activating the spiritual power in their bodies. They made secrets with their hands and instantly condensed their spells to attack the blocking formation above the gold crystal veins!

As these two big men took action, all the thirty people here, except the three from the Taoist Sect, concentrated their magic and took action at the same time!

This empty space was instantly filled with colorful magical light, even covering up the dazzling golden light of the gold crystal veins!

As the sound of bang bang echoed, countless violent ripples appeared on the transparent formation light screen, as if it were a pool of disturbed spring water, and even Li Xuanfeng's figure inside became blurred!

But everyone was soon extremely surprised to discover that although numerous ripples appeared on the formation light screen during the attacks of many spells, the aura on the light screen was only weakened a lot and had not been broken!

At this time, everyone knew that the protective power of this sealing formation could easily withstand attacks from the Spiritual Infant Realm!

"This blocking formation is extremely powerful and requires everyone's full strength to break it. Don't reserve your strength. Otherwise, if Li Xuanfeng's cultivation is improved again, it will not only consume a large amount of our gold crystal mines, but it may also become more difficult to deal with!"

After seeing this result, one of the big men spoke to everyone in a deep voice.

In the attack just now, he had noticed that almost no one was using their full strength, probably to preserve their strength and use it to rob the gold crystal mine later!

"Since you three members of the Taoist sect have chosen not to take action, don't even think about getting a share of the pie later. And if you dare to help Li Xuanfeng of your sect, then don't blame us for being ruthless and send you to report to hell with him!"

Then the big man turned to look at the three Taoist monks standing aside, his eyes full of threats, and he shouted in a deep voice!

The three Taoist sects just looked on and did not take any action!

The three Taoist sect members were shocked after hearing this, and looked a little embarrassed. Although they also wanted to get the gold crystal veins, Li Xuanfeng was in the formation at this time. Although they were not very familiar with Li Xuanfeng, they were from the same sect anyway. They couldn't Attack him!

After thinking for a moment, the three Taoist sect members gritted their teeth, flew out and chose to leave this place!

The three of them have already seen that Li Xuanfeng has become the target of public criticism, and they are worried that after everyone here has dealt with Li Xuanfeng, they will turn against the three of them!

Seeing the three people from Taoist Sect leaving, the others looked disdainful, but they didn't pay much attention and immediately looked at Li Xuanfeng on the gold crystal vein again!

"Attack with all your strength!" One of the big men shouted in a low voice. At the same time, he used his cultivation with all his strength and displayed his

The most powerful magic!

Although everyone had their own thoughts, they also knew that if they didn't try their best, they might not be able to open the sealing formation, so they all attacked at the same time and attacked the sealing formation above the gold crystal veins!

At the same time, Li Xuanfeng's eyes suddenly opened. He had absorbed enough metallic spiritual power!

At this time, there was no hesitation in Li Xuanfeng's eyes, and he used the distraction technique extremely decisively!

Unable to be noticed by many monks above, an invisible knife appeared silently above Li Xuanfeng's head!

This knife was completely transparent, and there was no breath coming out. None of the thirty monks above could notice it. Only Li Xuanfeng could clearly see it. At this time, he raised his head and looked solemnly at this invisible knife!

Although Li Xuanfeng's eyes were full of solemnity, there was no panic or hesitation at all. Instead, there was a sense of expectation!

At this time, thirty monks were concentrating their spells and attacking the sealing formation above with all their strength, but Li Xuanfeng didn't even look at it, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.


Li Xuanfeng's eyes suddenly flashed with a dazzling light, he shouted in a deep voice, and the invisible knife above his head suddenly slashed at him!

No sound was heard, but Li Xuanfeng's expression instantly became extremely ferocious!

It's not that Li Xuanfeng wanted to show such a look, but this kind of pain is too terrifying!

This sword strike passed directly through Li Xuanfeng's body without causing any harm to his body, but the soul and spirit infant in his body had been split into two!

The pain felt by this kind of soul is indescribable, and it is several times more terrifying than actually cutting the physical body in half, as if the whole person was forcibly divided into two people by a knife!

But in just a moment, Li Xuanfeng suppressed the pain in his soul, and his expression returned to calm. He pressed the secret key suddenly, and a devouring force that was even more terrifying than before suddenly erupted from his body. The spiritual power in the gold crystal veins suddenly rushed towards him. He came and entered Li Xuanfeng's dantian!

Li Xuanfeng even separated the original metallic spiritual power in his body and injected it into the spiritual infant clone that he had just separated using the distraction technique!

Although Li Xuanfeng's spirit infant was divided into two, it was not divided equally, but was divided into a small part. The aura of this separated spirit infant has not even reached the spirit infant state!

At this time, with the continuous injection of the metallic spiritual power in Li Xuanfeng's body and the spiritual power in the gold crystal veins, the spiritual power in this spiritual infant's body is increasing rapidly, the cultivation aura is growing rapidly, and it has broken through to the spiritual infant realm in an instant!

At this moment, all the spells gathered by the thirty people above flew out. The space was instantly filled with sword light, sword light and shadows of the spells, and they suddenly bombarded the sealing formation, causing the formation's light curtain to instantly ripple violently. !

In everyone's expectant eyes, after the light curtain fluctuated violently, a harsh shattering sound suddenly came out!


A crack suddenly appeared on the light curtain, and then spread rapidly to the entire formation. In the blink of an eye, the formation light curtain was completely covered by dense cracks, and suddenly collapsed!

Although these thirty people are only Spiritual Infant Realm monks, and none of them have reached the half-step Spiritual God Realm, they are all disciples of the three major sects in Cangyu Continent, and their combat prowess is quite good. Thirty The combined combat power of the people has completely reached the half-step spiritual realm!

This sealing array originally reached the strength of the Spirit God Realm, but after experiencing too many years of baptism, its power has been reduced to the half-step Spirit God Realm. At this time, with the full force of these thirty people, it completely collapsed because it could not withstand it!

As the sealing array collapsed, these thirty people instantly showed joy on their faces, rushed in, and instantly flew to where Li Xuanfeng and his fire clone were!

At this time, the eyes of these thirty people were full of greed and cruelty, and the look they gave Li Xuanfeng was like looking at a dead person!

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