Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 331 Undersea Palace!

At this time, the white giant tiger could only watch the purple sphere where Li Xuanfeng and Zhang Feiyu were entering the colorful vortex, and let out a roar with extreme unwillingness, slapping the ground fiercely to vent the anger in his heart that he could not suppress!

The white giant tiger never thought that the two little humans who offended him could escape safely. This was simply the biggest insult to it!

The ground was dented in many places by the white giant tiger, but it could only vent its anger in this way. There was no other way. Not to mention that it could not leave this place and chase into the colorful vortex, even if it chased in, it would be useless!

Because after entering the colorful vortex, it is randomly teleported!

Not to mention that it is difficult to teleport to the same space, even if it is teleported into the same space, it will be teleported to different places!

When Li Xuanfeng dragged Zhang Feiyu into the colorful vortex, he immediately disbanded the protective ball transformed by the purple extinction stick, leaving the two completely exposed to the breath of the colorful vortex!

Because Li Xuanfeng was worried that the teleportation power of the seven-color vortex would be blocked by the purple extermination stick, he would only teleport the entire purple protective ball directly, and he and Zhang Feiyu would not be separated!

If this scene appeared, Zhang Feiyu would be shocked!

In the countless years of exploration by the ancestors of Cangyu Continent, it has long been known that each seven-color vortex is randomly teleported. No matter what method is used, it will still be dispersed by the teleportation power in the vortex!

Even if you use a powerful magic weapon to completely wrap yourself and your companions, this teleportation power will still invade and teleport the cultivators in the magic weapon away.

When Li Xuanfeng unlocked the protective ball transformed by the purple extermination stick, the teleportation power suddenly enveloped him and Zhang Feiyu, and the two of them instantly appeared with teleportation light, and disappeared directly in the seven-color vortex in the blink of an eye!

When Li Xuanfeng felt the disappearance of the teleportation power, he suddenly felt a considerable pressure coming from all around. When he saw the surroundings of his body clearly, his expression was slightly weird. He was already in the water at this time.

At this time, he suddenly appeared in the ocean, and the considerable pressure from all around came from the majestic sea water!

If Li Xuanfeng had not been operating his cultivation to form a spiritual power protection, the sea water could not penetrate his spiritual power protection, and his robe would be soaked instantly.

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng found that the sea water here was different from the outside world, and the pressure was several times stronger. Even the cultivators in the early stage of the Spiritual Pill Realm would be seriously affected by this pressure here, and the speed and spiritual power would be much slower!

Because of the huge pressure of the sea water, the speed and spiritual power of the cultivators entering this ocean would be affected. The weaker the cultivation, the greater the impact!

Li Xuanfeng looked up, and his eyes could not see the sea surface at all. He could only use the power of spiritual consciousness to perceive that the place where he appeared was a thousand feet deep from the sea surface!

Then Li Xuanfeng used his spiritual consciousness to explore the bottom and found that it was also a thousand feet away from the seabed. At this time, he was in the middle of the sea surface and the seabed!

Just as Li Xuanfeng's spiritual consciousness was spreading, he suddenly noticed that there was an extremely strong breath a hundred feet away!

Just when Li Xuanfeng sensed this breath, two tentacles suddenly rushed out from where the breath was, and quickly approached Li Xuanfeng!

Feeling the rapid approach of the tentacle, Li Xuanfeng's body suddenly flashed, and he appeared next to the two tentacles. The long sword transformed by the Purple Destruction Stick instantly appeared in his hand, and he slashed the two tentacles fiercely!

This slash did not use any spiritual power, it was just an ordinary slash!

But the two tentacles could not withstand the sharpness of the Purple Destruction Long Sword at all. They were cut off in an instant while blood was gushing out. A painful roar came from the existence a hundred feet away, and the broken tentacles were also quickly retracted in pain!

When the tentacles were retracted, Li Xuanfeng instantly felt a strong sense of ripples in the sea water!

This was a being a hundred feet away that was suddenly swimming towards him at a high speed!

The size of this existence was quite large, as large as thirty feet, with eight tentacles on its body, and a large number of suction cups on the tentacles. It was a huge octopus!

After Li Xuanfeng cut off two tentacles of this octopus, it rushed towards Li Xuanfeng in great anger, and the two broken tentacles also grew again in the process of rushing!

Li Xuanfeng had already sensed the cultivation aura of this octopus, which was the perfection of the Lingying realm!

When the octopus rushed over, Li Xuanfeng's body flashed, and he did not retreat but advanced, and instantly appeared in front of the octopus, holding the sword and slashing fiercely in the air. A huge purple sword shadow suddenly condensed and slashed fiercely at the octopus that was rushing over!

After the octopus felt the powerful aura emanating from this purple sword shadow, fear instantly appeared in its eyes, and its body immediately stopped forcibly, turning around and fleeing in another direction!

This octopus never thought that the human boy who was originally perceived as a middle-level Lingying realm cultivation could actually show a power that made it extremely terrified!

Originally, it thought it was a delicious meal delivered to its door, but it seemed that it was wrong, and the result was exactly the opposite!

But the octopus's escape speed was simply not comparable to the speed of the purple sword shadow's pursuit. After the purple sword shadow turned, it caught up in an instant and slashed fiercely!

The octopus's body trembled violently as it fled, and suddenly stopped. The spirit in its eyes disappeared instantly, and its body was directly split into two halves. A large amount of blood spurted out and dyed the sea water red!

Li Xuanfeng, who was not far away, gently raised his hand and grabbed it, and the spirit core of the octopus flew out directly and was stored in his storage ring!

Then Li Xuanfeng did not stop, and his cultivation was running, rushing to the bottom of the sea below!

Just a few breaths after Li Xuanfeng left, a huge dark blue shark suddenly appeared here, opened its extremely ferocious mouth, and suddenly swallowed the octopus carcass that was split in two into its mouth, making a crunching chewing sound. The sound is creepy!

The aura of cultivation on this shark far exceeds that of the octopus just now, and its gaze is even more ferocious, as if it is an emotionless killing machine!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng had already reached the bottom of the sea. He had no idea where he had just killed the octopus. He did not know that a huge shark appeared and swallowed the octopus's body!

Judging from the records of Cangyu Continent’s ancestors, the space he teleported into this time was the water space!

More than 90% of this water space is ocean, the land area is extremely small, and almost all water-attributed spiritual treasures are under the sea!

When Li Xuanfeng reached the bottom of the sea, two ferocious beasts with powerful cultivation appeared again and attacked him, but they were no match for him at all and were easily killed by him!

With Li Xuanfeng's terrifying combat power, a ferocious beast that was not even half a step above the Spiritual God Realm would not be able to withstand an attack from him!

When Li Xuanfeng came to the bottom of the sea, he suddenly felt a pressure coming from all around that was stronger than that in the middle of the ocean!

Li Xuanfeng roughly estimated that if he did not have the cultivation level of the Spiritual Infant Realm, his body would probably be crushed by the terrifying pressure when he came to the bottom of the sea!

Moreover, the place where Li Xuanfeng is located may not be the deepest point in the ocean. If he reaches the deepest point, he will need stronger cultivation to withstand the oppressive force coming from the ocean!

After arriving at the bottom of the sea, Li Xuanfeng started his search journey again. He needed to find an extremely rare water attribute treasure in this space to condense the water clone!

When Li Xuanfeng was searching the bottom of the sea, thousands of miles in front of him, there was a huge dark blue palace. Astonishing icy power was constantly emitted, causing the temperature of the nearby seawater to drop extremely low, and there was even a lot of ice. Blocks formed around the palace!

The seawater near the palace contains extremely strong icy power, making it impossible for a large number of marine life to survive here, but it also attracts many oceans that absorb the icy power.

The creature is here!

This palace is hundreds of feet high and covers a majestic area of ​​ten thousand feet!

At this time, there were no monks around the palace, but there were a large number of monks at the palace gate!

The seawater did not invade the palace gate, as if there was an invisible light curtain blocking the palace gate, completely isolating the surrounding seawater!

These monks are not competing for resources at this time, but are staring at a group of special beings in front of them!

In front of these monks, there were thirty figures wearing blue armor!

These thirty armored figures are the guards of this palace. Their whole bodies and heads are wrapped in armor, with only a pair of eyes exposed!

What frightened many monks at the palace gate was that the exposed eyes of these armored figures had no look at all, as if they were the eyes of a dead person!

But every armor exudes a powerful aura, all of which are perfect in the Spiritual Infant Realm!

Feeling the powerful aura of these thirty armors, the monks here did not dare to take another step forward. Just now, someone's body was directly torn to pieces by these armors because they took a few extra steps!

Not even his spirit baby could escape. It was frozen by the astonishing cold power emitted by the armor and turned into an ice sculpture. Then it was smashed into powder by the statue and perished completely!

"There are such powerful armors guarding this palace, and there are thirty of them. There must be extremely amazing creations in it!" Among the many monks, someone suddenly shouted loudly at this time.

After hearing this man's words, many people turned around and glanced at him with disdain. These words were no different from nonsense. Everyone knew that there must be amazing creations in this palace.

However, no one dared to break into the range of these thirty armored figures!

Just when everyone was afraid to move forward, a figure of a young man in black rushed out of the sea, rushed into the palace gate in an instant, and landed in front of these monks!

The strong cultivation aura of this young man in black suddenly spread, causing the expressions of the monks here to suddenly change!

This person's cultivation level is already half-step to the spiritual realm!

Moreover, someone who knew the geniuses of the three major sects very well discovered that this person was not Liu Zhongtian of Chen Cang Sect and Zhang Feiyu of Yu Xian Sect!

"Who is this person? Did he achieve a breakthrough to the half-step spiritual realm in the secret realm?" Someone was extremely curious and asked the person next to him in a low voice.

But no one answered his question because no one recognized this person!

This young man in black, as everyone had guessed, gained such strength after entering the Seven-Color Secret Realm and gaining destiny. Before the Seven-Color Secret Realm opened, he was just a rather ordinary Spirit Infant disciple in the sect, and was not even in the Three Colors Secret Realm. Among the geniuses that Zong attaches great importance to!

"Everyone, now that we have found this palace, I believe that no one wants to go back empty-handed!" At this time, the young man in front shouted lowly, and the voice was extremely clear and reached everyone's ears, making them feel unwilling to accept it!

They finally managed to survive the attack of the ferocious beasts at the bottom of the sea, and when they found this place, they were blocked by the armored guards in the palace. At this time, they felt as if they were looking at a treasure mountain that they could not approach!

The young man's words just hit the unwillingness in their hearts and aroused everyone's emotions!

"Wang alone blocked ten statues, and I'll leave the rest to you. Let's work together to break into the palace, okay?!" Seeing everyone's emotions being invisibly aroused, the young man in black shouted again and asked!

"Okay!" After hearing the words of the young man in black, many people immediately shouted and agreed!

Many monks here have been here for quite some time. If they were not afraid of the strength of these armored guards, they would have already broken into the palace!

PS: I wish all fathers in the world peace, happiness, health and longevity.

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