Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 366 Black Shark!

Liu Zhongtian, who was being hunted, hated Li Xuanfeng deeply in his heart. Unexpectedly, he had already chosen to escape out of frustration. Li Xuanfeng was still chasing after him and seemed to want to kill him before he would give up!

At this time, Liu Zhongtian was already forcing himself to use the cyan flying sword to escape. The injuries in his body were already quite serious. If he delayed for a long time, he might be seriously injured!

Worried about this, Liu Zhongtian took out a large amount of healing and recovery pills and swallowed them while escaping, and instantly refined them into a large amount of spiritual power in his body, which supported him to continue suppressing the injuries in his body and activated the cyan flying sword to escape!

Liu Zhongtian obtained a large amount of elixirs in the creation cave he found, and he didn't feel any pain at all when eating them. Moreover, it was a life and death crisis at this time, so he didn't dare to be careless!

The speed of the two people was extremely fast, and they were like two arrows leaving the string, making two extremely long and astonishing marks in the ocean!

Most of the ferocious beasts in the ocean on the way trembled when they felt the aura of the two of them, and they did not dare to show their heads at all!

Although a few of the more powerful ones did not tremble due to the aura of the two of them, there was a strong sense of fear in their eyes, and they did not dare to act rashly, allowing Li Xuanfeng and the two to shuttle past them near or above them!

After Liu Zhongtian sensed the presence of the ferocious beast nearby, his eyes flashed slightly, and he quietly changed his direction while escaping, galloping towards the more powerful ferocious beast ahead!

When he passed by these ferocious beasts, he directly activated his spiritual power to attack!

Liu Zhongtian's concentrated attack was not strong and could not hurt these ferocious beasts at all, but it could instantly attract their hatred and chase him with roars!

These spiritual beasts are all in the spirit infant realm. Although they have developed spiritual intelligence, they are not yet high. After being attacked by Liu Zhongtian, they became red-eyed and pursued them desperately!

But Liu Zhongtian's speed could not be matched by them. They could only follow Liu Zhongtian, and the only one who stopped him was Li Xuanfeng who was chasing him!

Liu Zhongtian thought of this way to attract the hatred of the ferocious beasts in the ocean and use them to block Li Xuanfeng's way forward!

Whether Li Xuanfeng chooses to kill these spiritual beasts or bypass them, it will take some time for Liu Zhongtian to be further away from Li Xuanfeng!

Seeing the spiritual beast in the ocean appearing behind Liu Zhongtian, Li Xuanfeng instantly guessed Liu Zhongtian's plan, but at this time he had no choice but to gather the Star-Shattering Fist to kill the spiritual beast in front of him!

As Li Xuanfeng moved forward, he punched out, and the force of his punch was directly released into the sea water, causing an extremely violent impact to erupt in the sea. It instantly crushed the spiritual beasts in front of him and turned them into countless blood and pieces of flesh that spread in the sea water. diffusion!

When the two of them were chasing and escaping at an extremely fast speed, they also attracted the attention of many monks on the way. However, after sensing the terrifying aura on the two of them that was beyond the half-step spiritual realm, they immediately chose to stay away to avoid being harmed by Chi Yu!

After feeling the powerful aura and strong evil spirit from the two men, these monks did not even dare to carefully identify who was chasing and escaping, for fear that if they escaped too slowly, they would be involved in the whirlpool of the battle between the two!

If he was accidentally involved in the battle between the two, he would probably be crushed to pieces by the extremely violent spiritual power in an instant, turning into a pool of blood and countless pieces of meat, and becoming food for the fish in the ocean!

Just as Liu Zhongtian thought, Li Xuanfeng had to use the blood escape technique to barely match his speed. If he chose to spare these spiritual beasts, Li Xuanfeng would have to spend more time, and the distance between the two would continue to be stretched. open!

Li Xuanfeng directly killed the ferocious beast in front of him. Although it took less time, when he used the Shattering Star Fist, his body was still slightly stunned when he was galloping forward!

Liu Zhongtian kept provoking nearby ferocious beasts as he moved forward, so there were always ferocious beasts chasing him behind him. Although Li Xuanfeng

He shot and killed as quickly as possible, but the distance between the two was getting wider and wider!

Sensing that Liu Zhongtian in front was getting further and further away, Li Xuanfeng felt quite helpless, but in the end he had to stop and stop pursuing him!

In the process of chasing Liu Zhongtian, Li Xuanfeng had already killed dozens of ferocious beasts in the Spiritual Infant Realm, making the bloody aura in the sea water quite rich!

Far away in the ocean, there was an extremely large dark figure rising and falling slightly with the waves of the sea. At this time, two gaps suddenly opened, and an astonishing green light suddenly illuminated the dim sea water!

If someone is close, they will suddenly find that these two gaps are the eyes of this huge figure!

This huge figure was clearly a ferocious beast with an astonishing aura. At this moment, there was a bit of evil aura in the giant green eyes. He suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance, which was exactly the direction where Li Xuanfeng was!

If Li Xuanfeng and Liu Zhongtian were here, they would instantly feel the terrifying aura on this beast, which has already exceeded Liu Zhongtian's early stage of the Spiritual God Realm!

This beast woke up just because it felt the bloody gas permeating the sea water. At this time, its body shook slightly, suddenly rushed out, and galloped away in the direction where the bloody gas came from!

Although the body of this beast is extremely huge, it was not clumsy at all when it rushed out, and its speed was extremely terrifying, even faintly surpassing Liu Zhongtian's escape speed using the cyan flying sword!

Li Xuanfeng knew that there was no point in continuing the pursuit. Liu Zhongtian continued to provoke the ferocious beasts in the ocean, and the distance between the two would continue to widen. Moreover, using the blood escape technique was extremely expensive, and even Li Xuanfeng could not use it for a long time. !

Although he knew that Liu Zhongtian's injuries were extremely serious and he would certainly not be able to use the cyan flying sword to sustain him for too long, he still had a large amount of pills in his hand. If he continued, he would be the first to be unable to hold on, Li Xuanfeng!

If the time drags on for a long time, I am afraid that not only will I fail to catch up with Liu Zhongtian, but I will also fall into a weak state due to using the blood escape technique for a long time!

After considering this, Li Xuanfeng finally gave up the pursuit of Liu Zhongtian, stopped and watched Liu Zhongtian disappear into the boundless sea water!

Liu Zhongtian instantly sensed that Li Xuanfeng's aura was getting farther and farther away, and knowing that he was no longer pursuing him, he muttered proudly in his heart: "Of course your secret escape method cannot compare with my most precious flying sword!"

Although he was proud, Liu Zhongtian did not stop, nor did he continue to provoke the ferocious beasts in the ocean. After escaping at full speed for an extremely long distance, he even changed direction and ran away again for a while before stopping!

Feeling that Li Xuanfeng's aura had long disappeared behind him, Liu Zhongcai finally relaxed and immediately entered a mountain on the seabed, swallowed a large amount of healing pills, and mobilized the spiritual power between heaven and earth to restore the injuries in his body!

This ocean in the water space is very different from the ocean outside. It contains quite rich spiritual power, which can be absorbed and mobilized by monks!

Practicing in this ocean is not much different from absorbing spiritual power in the outside sky, so many monks do not feel much discomfort when entering this ocean, as if the air around them has been replaced by sea water!

If a mortal enters this ocean, he will soon suffocate to death, but monks above the spiritual elixir realm can already easily absorb spiritual energy from the sea water, and they will not feel uncomfortable without air!

After giving up the pursuit of Liu Zhongtian, Li Xuanfeng had a thought in his mind. His speed was still very lacking. Although he could barely reach the early stage of the Spiritual God Realm, if he encountered someone who was good at speed, he would still have a lot of trouble. The gap!

Li Xuanfeng thought to himself, it seems that he needs to absorb a large amount of thunder and lightning power to continue to cultivate the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Body, and he must also cultivate his own power as soon as possible.

Break through to the spiritual infant realm, otherwise the next time you meet Liu Zhongtian, I am afraid he will still successfully escape!

Although Li Xuanfeng is extremely eager to enter the spiritual realm, cultivation needs to be gradual and cannot be greedy for success, otherwise it will be counterproductive!

Breaking through to the Spiritual God Realm requires careful preparation. First, you must break through to the Spiritual Infant Realm. If you accumulate enough, you can break through to the Spiritual God Realm in one fell swoop!

Breaking through to the spiritual realm is extremely risky. If you choose to break through rashly, you may die directly!

Li Xuanfeng's Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Body has not been improved for a long time. Although the speed of Nine Heavens Thunder has increased a lot with the improvement of his cultivation, it still cannot satisfy him!

And in the colorful secret realm, the place with a lot of thunder and lightning power is the thunder space. It is an excellent place to absorb the power of thunder and lightning to cultivate the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Body and improve the power and speed of the physical body!

If Liu Zhongtian knew that Li Xuanfeng was lamenting that his speed was too slow, he would probably want to strangle him to death!

Liu Zhongtian will inevitably shout angrily, you are just a monk in the late stage of the Spiritual Infant Realm, but you not only have the combat power of the Spiritual God Realm, the protection of the Spiritual God Realm, but also the speed of the Spiritual God Realm, and you are still not satisfied?

How can ordinary monks like them live?

Now in Liu Zhongtian's consciousness, compared with a monster like Li Xuanfeng, he can only be regarded as an extremely ordinary monk...

After stopping the pursuit, Li Xuanfeng did not stay where he was. Instead, he galloped in the other direction for thousands of miles before stopping. He chose a hidden place to set up a concealment and protective formation, and began to absorb spiritual energy to recover!

Although Li Xuanfeng was not injured in this fight with Liu Zhongtian, most of his spiritual power has been lost and he needs to recover as soon as possible!

Shortly after Li Xuanfeng and Liu Zhongtian left, an extremely huge figure suddenly appeared where the two had parted ways!

This is a black shark with a size of several hundred feet, but its huge eyes are a strange emerald green color, and its whole body exudes an extremely terrifying aura!

If Li Xuanfeng or Liu Zhongtian were here, they would instantly feel that this beast's cultivation level is already at the peak of the early stage of the Spiritual God Realm!

The huge green eyes of this huge figure kept scanning around this place. The bloody aura he sensed disappeared here, and the power of his divine consciousness suddenly spread out with all its strength, looking for the culprit that caused this bloody aura!

But at this time, both Li Xuanfeng and Liu Zhongtian were already thousands of miles away from this place. The beast's power of divine consciousness could not detect the two of them even if it was fully dispersed. It could only detect a few Spiritual Infant Realm monks appearing nearby!

Several monks within a thousand miles of the vicinity instantly felt an extremely astonishing sense of power sweeping over them unscrupulously. They were shocked for a moment and were about to escape when they suddenly heard a roar carrying astonishing evil energy!

"How dare you massacre the beasts of our sea clan and seek death!"

Although this roar was a human voice, the monks immediately realized that it was coming from a ferocious beast after hearing it, and a strong life and death crisis emerged in their hearts. It seemed that the evil energy in this roar was coming towards them, and their minds In panic, he immediately ran away at full speed!

However, this huge black shark had already rushed out while roaring, and its speed was not comparable to that of these monks. They were caught up in the blink of an eye, and with a fierce suction, several people were instantly sucked into the shark's bloody mouth. !

As the terrifying sounds of chewing and screams echoed, several monks were crushed by the shark's extremely sharp teeth, and all the spiritual power and spiritual infants in their bodies were swallowed up!

After devouring all the monks within a thousand miles, the huge black shark seemed to have lost its breath. After flicking its giant tail, it gradually disappeared in the sea water!

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